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Found 8 results

  1. I have seen a pic or 2 of an RSV with the ISO grips and the original end weights. What mod, if any, is required to put the weights back on with the ISO grips? Is there a noticable difference without andy weights?
  2. First off, I'm sorry for the novel. I'll try to stay on point so nobody has to read my rambling. I get tingly fingers in my right hand when I ride. I'll start by explaining my position when riding. I have all original equipment on my 06 RSTD as far as handlebars and grips are concerned. I have a Throttle Rocker installed. When I ride, my arms have a VERY slight bend at the elbow. I do have a driver backrest but I don't feel I use it to it's full potential because I feel like I have to stretch to reach the handlebars. Here's what I've done... I just ordered a set of Flanders bars (yes, I ordered the correct one for the RSTD) and also Kuryakyn ISO grips with Kuryakyn Bullet End Weights. My thinking is that I am experiencing problems from stretching too far to reach the bars which is why I ordered the Flanders bars. I figured the ISO grips would be a little nicer on the hands than the narrower, stock grips. The end weights I ordered mainly because I don't have the tools (or the machanical ability) to fabricate my stock ends to work with both the ISO grips and the Flanders bars (although I know there are some that have done it with no issues). I haven't installed any of this stuff yet but I'll certainly let everone know when I do. This is where I get concerned... Tonight I rode about 60 miles after work (it's a nice day in Mid-West Wisconsin so I thought a little trip around the block was called for) SORRY... STARTING TO RAMBLE!! Back on point - as I was riding a thought crossed my mind. What if it's my Throttle Rocker that is causing my problems? Has anyone else ever had problems with the Throttle Rocker? I'm interested in everyones feedback on that and also any input you may have to reassure me that changing out my handlebars and grips is worth doing and something a mildly mechanical person like myself can accomplish. **Note - I did plan to just relocate the cables with the new bars. I didn't purchase the SS upgrade.** I read A LOT of posts about the bars and I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... Please provide any feedback you think my help/reassure me. Thanks all, Les
  3. A buddy of mine has 2 different sets of Kyrukyn Iso grips he is getting rid of. He said I can have a set if I know which one to get. Anyone know what Set of Iso Grips fit the 1st gen handlebars? Kyrukyn's website is worthless as they dont admit our bikes even exist.
  4. pick

    Iso Grips?

    Changed to the Iso grips, like the larger diameter. I read some of the previous threads aboue glue. I tried the dish soap, didn't hold. Tried black gasket sealer, that didn't hold. I'm reluctant to use the Iso grip glue and they say its PERMANANT. I want to take them off here shortly and modify them to put the factory weights back on. Any suggestions as to what glue will hold them from turning and still be able to remove them from the bars without ruining them?
  5. Well I installed my 6235 ISO grips. Biggest difficulties were getting the bullet end cap weights off without scratching them & modifying the grip ends to enable use of the OEM end caps. For getting the end-caps off - wrapped the outside of the caps with 6 layers of duct tape then used a strap wrench to break them loose to unscrew found grunting & vulgarity quite helpful For opening the ISO grip end to fit the OEM end-cap - I started grinding out the hole with a Dremel tool... that was taking forever! went to Harbor Freight & bought $15 Step-Drill then drilled out the holes to 1 inch easily cut a brass pipe for the spacer on the throttle side Only remaining problem is that the throttle is a little sticky. I'll take it apart & fix that another day. The grips are great & look really nice with the OEM end-caps on. johnb
  6. I have an 07 RSTD, we measured the crash bar diameter is it appears to just a tad under 3/4". the smallest diameter that i see for Kuryakyn Iso Pegs are 1". anyone here with a rstd have these pegs and if so what is the part # and will i need to make a shim ? Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions. Another thing, i'm buying the Hoppe Quadzilla fairing for my bike and i would like to add passing lamps (or light bar which ever you prefer) and need ideas/suggestions also.
  7. I really like the Kuryakyn iso grips, and I am wondering: Is there a set of grips that will work for the first gen venture? I notice some of them come with a throttle sleeve installed, which would be nice rather than fighting one on the old sleeve. TIA.
  8. I think I have read every post on the forums about the topic(s) - but they seem to be about one or the other and not all 3 at the same time. (See title) Tonight I started the project of replacing the stock bars, adding Kury ISO grips and keeping my stock bar-end weights on my 2007 RSTD. When I took the weights off, I found that the threaded insert in the stock RSTD bar seems to be silicon'ed in. I could see no weld or anything on the bar-end to indicate that it is held in place by anything other than black silicone. Before I proceed I thought I would ask here and see if anyone has come across this and how you removed them from the stock bars. I would like to re-use them if I can, but I can always just weld in a nut. Next question is - I bought the ISO "universal" fit grips and it says that it doesn't come with a throttle tube (to use the old one). I have the grip completely off the left side - and the rubber off the throttle side - but there is a chrome plastic part up at the top. Do I have to take the throttle assembly off to get the chrome "stepped" ring off? Thank for your help - remember I am talking about an 07 RSTD if that helps. I am taking pictures as I progress and I will post a step-by-step when I am done so that it might help others in the same boat. Thanks, Shep
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