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My 2018 TC audio is giving me fits. Weather before or after starting the bike with my iPhone plugged into the bike right side pocket it continues trying to access a usb flashing on and off the touch screen and not charging my phone. Every once in a while it will connect as an iPod and change from my fm channel to music on my phone. I change back to radio and a couple minutes later it changes back to iPod. Help!!!!
My Yamaha rep. has just emailed me that the iSimple iPod adaptor will be available in a few weeks. Here is some info on this. Fits: 1998-2011 Royal Star Venture *additional cable is required for fitment on 1999-2008 models unless the CD Changer has been installed* Simple plug and play device that allows an ipod/iphone to be controlled using the factory audio controls Allows the use of ipod for hours of enjoyment Compatible with ipods that use a 30-pin connector (including iphone, not compatible with ipod shuffle) ipod charges when connected to isimple system iSimple adaptor $224.95 Interface cable $86.95 If anybody is interested in ordering these, please PM or email me. Standard 15% venturerider discount will apply. Thanks! Chad Pioneer Motorsport
And some people think senior's don't catch on to technology! The video is in German, but all you need to know is the young lady is asking Grandpa how he likes the new IPod they got for him.
OK folks, we are going to kick this contest off today. It will run for two weeks. I will draw the winning numbers two weeks from today at or around 6:00 PM. There will be two prizes and two winners. First prize will be a set of custom engraved VentureRider carb covers for the Royal Star Venture or Royal Star Tour Deluxe. This prize was generously donated by AdChrome. You can visit his webiste here: The second prize will be a brand new 4GB Ipod Shuffle. This prize was generously donated by BVinson. Here is a link to one just like it. [ame=] Apple iPod shuffle 4 GB Black (3rd Generation) OLD MODEL: MP3 Players & Accessories@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame] So what is the contest? I'm going to make it very simple. In the spirit of the season, I will ask you to post to this thread about your most memorable Christmas. The one that you have the most joyous memories about. I like these kind of contests because I think they help us to get to know each other better and bring us closer as a family. Now because I realize that we are a diverse group here and I don't want to leave anybody out, I'm going to allow any of you who may not celebrate Christmas to substitute a similar holiday of your choice and if you don't celebrate any holidays at all, then just the most joyous event of your life will certainly suffice. Now I know that some folks are better writers than others so though I encourage you to take this seriously and write more than a two word post, the winner will again be chosen randomly from all the entries. Also, regardless of how many times you post to this thread, each person will receive only ONE chance. OH...and one last thing. Contest is open to supporting members only. So if you are not a supporting member, you still have time to take care of that little issue. So there you have it. On your mark, get set, GO. Good luck to all.
The story: Left the Ipod on the bike last week. Yesterday the battery was dead. I put a slow charge for 6 hours on the battery and all seems well today. The problem: How do I reset the Audio Controller (left handlebar) so that it will allow me to play my Ipod using the Aux jack on the cassette player? I know the answer is probably very simple but the last time I did this was a few years ago and my memory fails me....and the Service Manual is NO help at all !! Regards and thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this! Boomer....the not-so high tech guy.
I am GLAD that this day is over. I got up at 4:00 a.m. this morning to take the boat out on Lake Erie for a few relaxing hours of yellow perch fishing. They really were NOT biting. Temps got up to about 96 F and me and my buddy John cooked in the sun for about 6 hours and only caught about 15 fish. Got home and cleaned up because Eileen and I were going to a friends house for a little get together. She asked us to bring our Ipod because it has some good music on it. Got there and the Ipod locked up right off. Wouldn't power off or do anything. was down for the night. Headed home and around midnight, hit a good sized deer in my new to me Chevy Avalanche. Took out the grill and messed up the right front fender a bit. Will look at it closer tomorrow but I guess it could have been worse. At least we weren't on the bike. Got home around 12:30. Eileen had taken her little YAP YAP Sheltie with us. Got home and she took off across the yard barking and our larger dog running along right behind her to see what all the fuss was about. That ended up with BOTH of them getting sprayed by a skunk. So...we have been outside until 1:00 in the morning washing two mutts. I'm going to bet now. I hope the bed doesn't fall down.
Well we pulled the trigger and bought a Scala Q2 Pro Multi-Set to replace the wired intercomm/audio system on the '91 VR, and at this point I'm not so sure it was a good idea. Strike 1: Contrary to what I've read or was lead to believe, you cannot stream stereo audio from your A2DP MP3 player to BOTH headsets. Strike 1. Strike 2: Streaming audio to one headset does work, but when you talk, or make/answer a phone call (We have iPhones....), audio streaming stops and does not restart until you unpair and then pair the phone to the headset. This is WAY wrong..... Strike 3: Apparently you cannot pair an iPhone and an iPod to a headset at the same time. I've tried and it doesn't work. This just doesn't sound right because the manual says I can pair a GPS, a phone, AND an A2DP MP3 player, AT THE SAME TIME!!!! The only thing I can think of is the iPod and the iPhone "look the same" to the Scala, so if I pair the iPod first, and then pair my iPhone, the iPod gets dropped.... Our original plan was my GF would pair her iPhone to her headset and I would pair my iPod to my headset. According to what I was lead to believe, we could listen to the iPod, and when a call came in she could answer it and I could keep listening to music. Well, that ain't gonna happen. Did we just make a $250.00 mistake, is the manual inaccurate about the pairing process (I'd think there would be different procedures for different devices.....), or am I doing something wrong? TIA.. And Y'All ride safe...
I just bought my RSV. It ran fine for a couple of weeks, then the battery went dead. I charged it up, it started fine, the next morning the battery was dead again. The only thing I can think of that changed was the activation and connection of the IPOD that cam with the bike. I was told it shuts down after the bike is turned off, but since removing it from the connector, the battery hasn't died again. I'm thinking that something in the IPOD stays live, even when the timeout kicks in. Any additional experiences with this? Thanks, forbey PS: how do I attach the state map to my signature?
This is the cheapest and easiest ipod mount that I have found. It cost me about $9 for the case and I had the hose clamp in my tool box. Here is how to do it. 1. Use a razor blade to cut out the soft lining in the back of the ipod case directly behind the circle cut out of the face of the case. 2. Open the case and lay it flat on it's face. 3. Mark and cut two horizontal slots on the back of the case about 1/2" apart and about 1" long. Try to center the slots where you removed the soft lining. (I used a dremmel with a cutting wheel to cut the slots. They do not need to be wide, just completely through the metal) 4. Use a grinding attachment to smooth out the rough edges on the slots. (This step is important! It will prevent scratches on your handlebars and ipod.) 5. From the INSIDE of the case, push on the piece of metal between the two slots that you just cut. You don't have to push hard, just enough so that you can feed the hose clamp through them. 6. Feed the hose clamp end through one slot from the back and out the other slot and then feed it around the handlebars. 7. Adjust to final mounting position and clamp down tight. I have attached some pics below. I hope they help. Here is the link for the case although I found mine at Walmart so I did not have to pay the s&h. Check there before you order online. I have the 2nd gen ipod nano. 1st gen ipod Nano: 2nd gen ipod Nano: 30g-80g ipod:
This site is costing me way more than 12 dollars a year. First thing Road king mod around a 100.00 bucks. Then aux cables for Ipod an splitter at the cassette deck 240.00 (including Ipod ). Avon tires 330.00 and now Steve Wagner grill 170.00 that's a total of :headache: 840.00 not counting what the wife has spent. But that new grill sure looks purty. But all of these new friends is priceless.
I know that this question has been asked before, but it's been a while since any posts have appeared on the subject, and I was just wondering what might be the preferred iPod mount nowadays?
I tried to install the Ipod adapter that I got from Pioneer yesterday and could not get it to work. I foolowed the instructions to the "T" but no luck. I reset everything according to the instructions and it still did not recognize it. One thing that also surprised me was when I reinstalled the cd player, that too was not recognized. I did run another cable last winter to move my cd player from the saddlebag to the trunk, and it worked fine all summer. The next thing I did was to split the fairing and hook up the original cable to the saddlebag and, you guessed it....nothing. The audio control works for all the FM and AM, the CB works, the cassette works and the aux plays my Ipod through the connection next to the cassette. I did call Chad about returning it for another adapter and I am still waiting on his response.
When I got home there was a letter from Yamaha Canada saying that they had a gift for me. Because I bought a Venture they had sent my dealer an iPod shuffle, 12V charger and audio cable for me to connect it in to the on-board stereo. Nice of them. One problem - I bought an RSTD, not a Venture. I dropped by the dealer with the letter to explain the error so they could return the iPod. Dealer said "Nope. Head office said to give it to you, here you go." So I'm sitting at home that night with a beer in one hand and the TV remote in the other, and my eye falls on the iPod sitting next to my helmet. The germ of an idea begins to form. 20 minutes and some duct tape later and this the result: (best part is - no cassette player lol)
I have searched but can't find the info on wiring a USB jack to recharge my Ipod. Currently have the fairing split and would like to get it done before closing it up. Any help is appreciated THanks
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I was out browsing at my local Yamaha dealership this morning and they had a 2002 or 2003 Venture sitting there, I opened the door for the cassette player and noticed that there's a small hole on the right hand side, probably where you'd plug in your iPod? Once your iPod is plugged in, can you operate your volume up and down from the handlebar controller? How about skipping over to next song, is that something else that is possible using the handlebar controller? Also, how would you rate the sound quality that's on the Venture's stereo? And is it loud enough to keep up with wind noise at higher speeds? It must sound pretty good I would think, especially since there's even a pair of speakers located at the back of the bike too.
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- controller
- handlebar
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I have an IPOD with a number of songs on it and the wife has the Shuffle with fewer songs on this. She would like to get a few songs off my IPOD to her Shuffle but I'm not sure if or how this can be done. Can I open my i tunes and unclick all of the songs then let her choose the ones she wants then hook hers to sync?
I added a y adapter to my AUX input as suggested here so that my garmin could be plugged in. I thought I would still be able to listen to my iPod through the AUX input by the cassette deck. Unfortunately, now when I plug my iPod in (even when the gps is off). The audio is extremely weak. I discovered by accident that if I touch the back off the iPod to the fuel filler cap that the audio is normal!! I need to take it all apart again. Perhaps my plug became disconnected while I taped it. It's weird though because I certainly tested it??? The grounding thing is really strange too... The gps audio is fine...
I am thinking of the Boostaroo Amplifier for the ipod. Anyone try it? Pro and Cons. Thanks in advance Max
I just got a new ipod for my Bday and want to mount it to the bike and keep it in a case that can easily be taken off who has what and what works best out there? Thanks guys and ride safe out there please.
I finally came up with a solution to having a fully modern setup for the bike. I did not want wires and I dont need CB. I do need to be ablet ot talk to the wife, take a cellphone call, and listen to music+GPS instructions. I landed on the Scala Rider Q2 multiset. for the helmets. $250. at most retailers. This gives me headsets that will talk to my Phone and each other for intercom. bonus the wife can connect to her own phone and chat away on the back of the bike to whoever she wants to call without bugging me. I needed GPS and my ipod, wanting to stay wireless I came up with an idea. I need to mix 2 audio sources... so I need to make the following cable.... input 1 is the ipod, input 2 is the GPS. hook them to a FM transmitter for an ipod. Now set your volumes and you are almost all set. All I need to do is to set the scala Q2's to that FM channel and it's all done. Stereo sound, GPS alerts, Intercom and Cellphone. This allows me to use a cheap GPS, plus a cheap mp3 player or ipod with the wireless control on the handlebar. Far less than the cost of a used bluetooth GPS and near the price of a new set of headsets for the bike. Plus I get current technology instead of 1983 technology and best of all.... no wires for the wife to forget to disconnect and rip out a connector.
You all know I'm an idiot when it comes to technology so here's another one to throw at you..... I bought an IPOD shuffle, you know the small one that just plays music, to listen to while riding behind the hubby... Anyway....I know how to purchase and download tunes from the istore....but... is it possible to put music on my ipod (shuffle) from a dvd? Ex: I just purchased Elton John's Dream Ticket 4 DVD package. The problem is, that same music isn't available on a cd. (Now just so you know how worthless we are when it comes to son hooked up a surround system to our tv that has a built in dvd player and we still can't figure out how to play a dvd on it) (I'm so thankful I can't see you rolling your eyes when you read this, but I really appreciate your help)
Has anyone ever seen or thought about making a control box that can plug into the existing CD player wiring (located in the saddle bag), then have an Ipod plugged into it, that converts the command signals from the built-in audio system to the Ipod, and also converts the audio from the Ipod back into the built-in audio system? (Whew, that was a long question.) I have seen other threads that just plug the Ipod into the existing Aux jack and use various wireless remotes to control it. It seems the holy grail though would be to use the existing CD interface that the bike already has. No extra wiring or remote. I am sure if the control box I describe existed, people would pay for it. I know I would.
How have you connected your iPod to charge while it's playing? Is there a cheap way to do this? I don't want the wireless connection.
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- cheap
- connection
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