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  1. Hi Folks...ran upon this today and wondered if anyone has figured out if/how this could work to integrate calling/receiving calls on iphone yet integrated into the stock Yamaha sound/intercom system. It seems the bluetooth option might work with the remote mic option mounted inside a full face/modular helmet. I know it would not be weatherproof but it could be protected better from the weather. Anyway it got my creative juices flowing thinking on how I might best use this device to my advantage. The mic would have to be plugged/unplugged each time you take off your helmet but I'm thinking it would allow you to use the aux port on the cassette deck while taking/making calls. iSimple also makes other items that plug into the aux port including one they call a Call Cassette (http://isimple.com/catalog/talk/ISMJ38) but the trick is being able to have the mic at the end of the cord inside your helmet. I suppose you could use an iPhone headset extension cable perhaps and even use this http://isimple.com/catalog/talk/ISMJ33. Bluetooth device:http://isimple.com/catalog/talk/ISBT52 Cheers, Mark
  2. For those of you who were looking for a solution to use the VRChat Room from your Iphones, Ipads, Androids, you can now do so at this link. The Iphone does not use flash so this is a html version of the room that then communicates with the Flash based chat room. I briefly tried it from my Iphone and it seems to work just fine. It is a streamlined version that does not have all the features available but does allow you to chat. Please give it a try. If it works OK, I will add a link to it in the menu bar. http://host718.123flashchat.com/venturerider/html-chat-login.html
  3. Is the a way to post a pic to this site from an iphone?
  4. I have a 2006 RSV with 43,133 miles. Has anyone installed any type of aftemarket radio and or radio/amp? My amp is toasted and the cost for a new one is $1,300. I found several on ebay for around $300. I dont use the CB, I have removed the cassette deck, added a port for my iphone in the faring, and I also removed my plugs for the intercom. Basically all I use are the radio and Aux for my iphone. I have found several marine grade radio's with built in amps etc....just wondering if anyone might have some suggestions on aftermarket stuff.
  5. Does anyone know if the iphone chat still works? Attempted to log on but no success.
  6. A good friend of mine just got a new waterproof case for his iphone that also has a Handlebar mount for it that locks the phone into it. It is also waterproof to 2 meters. so it is completely rain proof. What this does is make your iphone into a motorcycle GPS with Music playback and phone integration. Coupled with a BT helmet headset and you have something that is better than the Zumo. http://www.lifeproof.com/the-four-proofs/ for the case. http://www.lifeproof.com/shop/accessories/mounts/bike-mount for the mount. They also have a mount for GOPro mounts. it has a cutout for the camera, so if you were to get a gopro mount and have it where it can see out the windshield, it also can act as a sport Camera, or an accident cam using the iCar app. You will not have the GPS screen on all the time, but you do get the voice prompts in your ears for turns, I find this to be better than having a screen to distract me. But the screen does light up for incoming calls so you can glance and see if you want to answer the call.
  7. Well we pulled the trigger and bought a Scala Q2 Pro Multi-Set to replace the wired intercomm/audio system on the '91 VR, and at this point I'm not so sure it was a good idea. Strike 1: Contrary to what I've read or was lead to believe, you cannot stream stereo audio from your A2DP MP3 player to BOTH headsets. Strike 1. Strike 2: Streaming audio to one headset does work, but when you talk, or make/answer a phone call (We have iPhones....), audio streaming stops and does not restart until you unpair and then pair the phone to the headset. This is WAY wrong..... Strike 3: Apparently you cannot pair an iPhone and an iPod to a headset at the same time. I've tried and it doesn't work. This just doesn't sound right because the manual says I can pair a GPS, a phone, AND an A2DP MP3 player, AT THE SAME TIME!!!! The only thing I can think of is the iPod and the iPhone "look the same" to the Scala, so if I pair the iPod first, and then pair my iPhone, the iPod gets dropped.... Our original plan was my GF would pair her iPhone to her headset and I would pair my iPod to my headset. According to what I was lead to believe, we could listen to the iPod, and when a call came in she could answer it and I could keep listening to music. Well, that ain't gonna happen. Did we just make a $250.00 mistake, is the manual inaccurate about the pairing process (I'd think there would be different procedures for different devices.....), or am I doing something wrong? TIA.. And Y'All ride safe...
  8. I am looking for a helmet communication system. I have a GPS (Bluetooth compatible) and an Iphone. My GPS is in sync with my iphone but I would like to listen to my MP3 player on my GPS thru wireless connection. I ride single the majority of the time and really only need for my music and possibly the phone. What system do you recommend and do you have to have a specific helmet for the system? I am thinking about going to a full face modular helmet, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Ok, after much thought and deliberation, (running up/down stairs 1000 times from mancave/stable to get on computer for tech help will speed up this process) we think it is time for a IPHONE APP for VentureRider.org. No small task I'm sure, but I (my knees) would be up for increasing dues to cover cost? Sure would be nice to take the forums on a ride, maybe posting location pins to map, maybe connecting with others while in a certain area, etc. Ideas? Suggestions? I am sure Freebird will enlighten....... please..... And then again, maybe this has been discussed previous..
  10. Been looking at all the info about adding phone to to the RSV setup. What I have is an iphone 3gs and a HTC evo. I know I can get the sound from the phone to the headsets. Is there a way to get headset mic output into the phone? I was thinking about building a patch cable like this http://www.crunchgear.com/2009/05/28/diy-an-ipod-touchiphone-microphone-and-headphone-breakout-cable/ But need diagrams and info on the coms setup so I can see if this(the mic feed) is doable. I know BuddyRich makes a breakout cable for you garmin users. Anyone have any info? Basically the phone is a mp3 player and paperweight (we switched to Sprint) Thought I could use it for the GPS and music. But also my current phone uses the same style of headset. Thanks for any info Frank
  11. Anyone have an app that will let an ipod or iphone work on chat?
  12. Yea but will it 'fast forward' my cassette??? ECU to iPhone interface
  13. Has anyone mounted your iphone to the handlebars? I’ve found the ads so I know they exist, my questions is more about your experience. Have there been any long term issues with vibrations? Are you worried about when it rains? Do you have it wired to the bikes electrical system for power? I am looking at getting an iphone 4 and also a Bluetooth headset (maybe scala, not sure yet). I have a Zumo 550 and am thinking I need to link the phone separately from the Zumo since the Zumo only does Bluetooth in mono, not stereo. So I woul This would require a headset that allowed for multiple connectionsd have the Zumo for traffic and Nav, and use the iphone for music and incoming only calls. Does the iphone need to be mounted for this purpose, or would it be better to keep either in my pocket or in the saddlebag with an external power source? My commute is about an hour each way.
  14. Hey, Any iPhone users out there? (I don't know how I got along without mine!) I have been using an app called Gas Cubby to keep track of my fuel use and service efforts this season. It can do multiple vehicles and is free, sponsored by Prestone. (There's a paid for verson too with extra fancy features but I wouldn't know about them cheapskate that I am) At the pump, it would probably be quicker to write in a log book like I used to do but when it comes time to crunch the numbers, man its all done for you and you can email it to yourself to print out etc. I like it a lot. Check it out, its pretty cool. Hope this is of interest. Brian H.
  15. I preordered the new Iphone 4 early on the 15th and Fed Ex delivered it today. I like it. It's much improved over the Iphone 3G that I had. It was a snap to switch over from my old phone. The new phone is much faster. The apps are much snappier and the 3G data transfer now approaches broadband speed. It seems that the old Iphone wasn't capable of processing the data at 3G speeds. The new phone seems to correct that. There are many new features and the phone seems easier to hold. Not as slippery as the original. I just love new toys... Dennis
  16. First a warning, this video is 9:42 seconds long and not terribly exciting. It's simply me testing the video capabilities of my iPhone mounted to the bike with a Ram mount. Still, it's kinda neat. Makes you feel like you're riding. The wavy-ness of the video I've since confirmed, is due to shooting through the windscreen. Take a look/listen and if the stereo isn't too loud, is that other sound the ibasket whine or, just a chirp? This is the longer version, I think... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-maLTaqWEs]YouTube - Venturing home[/ame] If this one works, it should be shorter. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgcF4JdRZp8]YouTube - Last part of my ride home[/ame] I'm going on my annual round the lake (lake michigan) ride starting this saturday and will video some of that, to be posted along the way hopefully.
  17. Anyone have suggestion(s) for a decent handle bar mount for my iphone 3gs?
  18. Hey all! My lovely bride got me an iPhone for my b-day last month. I love this thing! If you happen to have one, I just found a great app for BikeBandit. Load you bike in and you instantly have access to part diagrams, part numbers, et.c with pricing. You can even place an order for parts from the phone. What'll they think of next?? If you have an iPhone, what are your favorite apps?
  19. Forgot my camera too so these are from my new iphone.
  20. I use my iPhone to check new posts on VentureRider.org frequently. When you put a link to the new posts page (http://www.venturerider.org/forum/search.php?do=getnew) on an iPhone home screen the icon you get is a crappy partial screenshot of the site. To remedy this, I've created a custom iPhone icon for the home screen. Once you've visited th VR site and saved your logon info, clicking on the icon takes you directly to the new posts since your last visit. The icon is pictured below. If you want to download this to use on your iPhone, go to WebClipIcons then enter your iPhone email address and the link will be emailed to you. A quick click and it's on your home screen. I hope some here find this useful.
  21. I have a Iphone 3g in an OtterBox case. I know RAM makes a mount but all that is pictured is an Iphone without the protective case. Anybody have one mounted or any solutions? Thanks in advance!
  22. Hi guys n gals: I'm thinking of getting the Zumo 550 and am also considering an iPhone. Has anyone got this combo? Does the iPhone Bluetooth sync up with the Zumo? Can you answer a call if you need to? Wayne
  23. Of course Im talking about the new iPhone. The new iPhone 3Gs. What...did you think I was talking about a new Venture? We can only hope. http://www.apple.com/ http://images.apple.com/iphone/home/images/hero-1-20090608.jpg
  24. Seriously considering getting an iPhone for Krome Rose and myself. I have been researching them along with the LG Vu, LG Shine, and LG Insite. Apple has so many more applications for the iPhone and the LG's run on a Windows platform. From the reviews I have read on LG's they don't seem very reliable. Are the iPhones a good reliable piece of equipment? Are they easy to use, or is there a steep learning curve? Another question I have is about the iPhone Maps program. Does that come standard on the iPhone and does it cost extra over the required data package? Thanks in advance.
  25. Guest

    New iPhone 3G

    http://www.apple.com/ Here it is, Gig and others. A second gen! http://images.apple.com/home/2008/images/apple_iphone3g_20080609.jpg
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