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  1. Just wondering if anybody else is involved with The Goodfellows in there area. I have been very involved with them here in Waterford Township. Placing ads in there paper, selling the papers on the street. Going out and collecting from the schools and businesses that collect for us all year. Then setting up a school like a store to shop for the family's in need in our town. Its great to see how many come out to help with this. I think last year we took care of 200 plus family's. Its a great thing to be involved in. Starting Friday morning till mid day Saturday things are going to be busy for us here. I have a set of used Nasty Boy mufflers that I would like to auction off , not sure how to do it. I would donate the money to the Waterford Goodfellows in the Ventureriders name. Highest bidder by Thursday night say 9 pm.
  2. As many of you are aware, I have a 1986 Venture Royale. I use it for personal daily transport (yeah, it goes to Walmart), for pleasure rides with my wife on the back, and for Long Distance Riding. I am not alone in this, not even on this Forum where there are several contributors who do the same or similar. It occurred to me that there must also be many who think "Mad sods! Catch me doing that!", and others who actually like the idea but are not sure what is involved. LD Riding is not for everyone but there may be some wondering what it is like, and how they can dip their toes in the water. If there is any interest I would be very happy to write a series of articles describing what is involved .... the bike, the planning, the execution and other stuff folk are interested in. If that would be welcomed, please reply below and if the articles are to be useful, then some idea of the concerns that need to be addressed would be helpful. LD Riding isn't just about Certificates and Rallies, sometimes it is just that two-week vacation you are planning, and want to acheive in an enjoyable way rather that a painful one.
  3. What all is involved in disabling the yics system
  4. Sailor


    Anybody have any info on a motorcycle accident in the Portland Oregon area in the past few days? Someone thinks a rider from Saltspring may have been involved.
  5. CBC Ottawa is showing pictures of a red RSV involved in a collision with a van today in Ottawa. Male driver killed and female passenger critical according to reports. Any Ontario members aware if it might be someone from the forum? Thoughts to all involved....Doug
  6. Has anyone heard of the ISRA, been involved with or maybe be a member?
  7. I have 87 royale and was wondering about removing the stereo/tape deck. Then installing a newer radio with IPOD attachment. If I did this would the CB still work? Or is there more involved in keeping the old CB?
  8. I can't say how sick I am of some people out there that think their motorcycle parts are made of gold and that they have to make a ton of money on shipping on top of that!!! I've sold a lot of car and motorcycle parts in my day, and I know there is work involved, but come on! I refuse to be raped. I'm going to have to start fabricating some parts from scratch I guess if I refuse to play some people's games. very pissed off, DougN
  9. While searching I saw some talk of using a 15'' Vmax rear wheel but couldn't find anybody that had actually done it on a 1st Gen. So, can this be done? Has anyone done it? And if so, what's involved?
  10. For those that missed MD thought you'd be interested in who got who this year. See the boss thought he was gonna get me, but he asked Big Tom to help him. So he kinda got himself. Nope no ice water or buckets involved just T-shirts. That's this year anyway. Wait for next year. Of course I'm not gonna be involved, I'm gonna be a good girl. Now to wait and see what actually happens. Margaret
  11. belong to the Star Touring? Was just curious to see how many Venture riders are involved. :whistling: Joe
  12. I got wet comming to work this morning. Thought I would share How I dry my gloves. No shrinkage or excesive heat involved.
  13. The factory headset cable (the one that clips to the side of the "tank cover" on my '86 VR, appears to have a short in it. The right channel comes and goes and is getting worse. Has anyone replaced this cable and what is involved? I am guessing that it might be available from Yamaha, but anyone have a known good one they want to part with? Thanks
  14. I was thinking of buying a Clymer Manual, but after thinking about it do I really need one? What I mean is, can a Clymer manual do any more or have more info then what I can find here? So far I've never not been able to get a tech question answered! And sometimes there's even a little humor involved? So what do you think do I need a Clymer Manual?
  15. For our family down under!! Not sure what ya'll do for Australia day, but I'm sure drinking is involved somewhere. Margaret
  16. In this area we have a big problem with tailgaters period. But when they tailgate us when we are on the bikes we run into another problem. See my son's thread ( Friend killed on bike) The last 3 years I have been confronting the tailgaters nicely when I have the opportunity and nicely telling them the problems involved when they tailgate a bike. Don't know if it helps,but some do say they are sorry and didn't realize. Once in a while it turns into a confrontation,but oh well, they need to be told. What do some of you do? I thought about ball bearings,etc--but I'm more afraid of causing an accident and getting someone not involved hurt. I'm talking about the problem tailgaters where slowing down,waving them around,etc don't help.
  17. Somewhere there is a thread explaining / showing how to modify the stock RSV seat to reduce pressure on the tailbone. Seems I recall a gel pak involved. anyone have a link for this thread? I forgot who did it and can't seem to find it.
  18. Installing a side car and will probably have triple trees modified to assist with steering effort. What alls involved with removing the triple tree's? Is this a job to tackle myself? I obviously have no idea whats involved as suggested from my first question:doh: Thanks
  19. Hey all, I just got a call from Josh, Friend of Gamecock. It seems that gamecock was involved in an accident. He went to Myrtle beach to visit his parents on Friday and spend the weekend riding with his Dad. Today they were riding in SC and I guess a cager and them were involved in a wreck. Ben (gamecock) was in the lead and took the brunt of the damage. Two broken arms, I'm not sure what else. His dad and friend were banged up also. Right now he is in a Hospital in Charleston SC and tomorrow he will be undergoing surgery on his arms. This about all the info I have right now. I'll post more as it comes in. let put him on our prayer lists. Thanks!!!!!
  20. As some or most of you know i proudly serve our country as a ohio national guardsman. im in my 16th year of service both active and national guard before i made mention of this i've known for a few months now but wanted to be sure I got my orders for the sandbox (again) this will be my last tour of duty before i can retire. thats the good news the bad news is my new relationship with the lady of my life will be tested beyond any test that should ever be asked of anyone she has never had any involvment with the military other than me and the weekend drill. im going to get her involved on this site and i hope you guys can help look after her as you have me for the short time i have been involved with this family. i wish i could share more with you on what my mission is but since there are security issues involved i cant . thanks for your time and ears to listen to me. Ron:325:
  21. Kirby


    Here's something that might be of interest to others as well as myself. I see on this site that a lot of you have travel trailors behind your motorcycles. How many of you actually camp along your journey? If you do, where are some of the places that you've stayed? What to look for in a camp site? What are the costs involved? Facilities nearby? What do you pack? Just share some of your experiences. Good and bad. Might be interesting to see what this type of ad-venture is all about!!!
  22. Wife got me the Tri-Star XP brake light conversion. Over the years, I have done my share of wiring in radios, speakers, and accessories in vehicles. I have rewired trailers and such, so I am not "scared" to tackle this, but it looks a little involved. 1. Am I going to need addtional wiring? Does not look like there is enough included. 2. Is the load equalizer needed on an RSV?
  23. OK, finished pulling the Head off son's 92 MB , 190E , car. Head gasket blown. And hauled it to the machine shop for rebuild. I don't reccomend anybody ever get involved in working on those things. Then it has to go back together, Woe is Me !!!
  24. Anyone going to Luckenbach and Fredericksburg for Memorial Day weekend? They are having the 160th birthday for Luchenbach and a crawfish boil and cajun cooking in Fredericksburg, rumor has it there may be beer involved. Priscilla and I are staying at the Fredericksburg KOA.
  25. I have read that this is Motorcycle Awareness month in Ohio, and I believe it is across the nation. Any one here involved in any activities to help our cause? Just wondered. Yama Mama:thumbsup2:
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