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Nina (my wife) was stopped at an intersection, waiting for the light to turn green. She was heading West. It turned green. Before she had a chance to go, two vehicles collided in the intersection, one of which plowed into our truck. What happened is, a person travelling south was stopped at their green waiting to turn left. They were not out in the intersection but still at the crosswalk. The light changed and they proceeded to make the left turn. Totally illegal ... they should not have moved but rather, stayed at the crosswalk. At the same time, another driver was heading north failed to stop for the red light and plowed into the left turning vehicle. The impact caused one of the vehicles to careen into our truck... my wife... who had not even moved yet. Point being I guess is, sometimes there isn't a damned thing you can do to avoid being hit. So, y'all be careful out there at those interestions.
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Yesterday on my way home from work there is a weird intersection that I go thru. It is a T intersection. I was heading across the top of the T and had my turn signal on to make the left turn to the base of the T. The rout I was traveling was the normal traffic route the other side of the T is a dead end. So there was no stop sign for me but there was a stop sign for the oncoming traffic. Well there was a oncoming car, she did stop at the stop sign. SOMETHING just yelled at me to watch this one close, somehow I just knew she was not going to wait for me to clear the intersection. My subconscious brain was already to stop or go straight WHEN she was going to run the stop sign. Yup the plan all came together, she came up to the sign, stopped, and then just as I was getting there she took off right in front of me. But since I somehow knew this was going to happen. So as I was coming into the intersection I had already downshifted to 1st, had the clutch pulled in, the throttle released and my right hand and foot already one the brakes. So I was able to be stopped in the middle of the intersection, at about a 45° angle but not across the center line, so that she knew where I was headed, while blasting on my dueling Bad Boy horns, about 3 feet from her OPEN drivers window and my HID headlight right in her face. Man she had some real big eyeballs at that point. Then it happened, I hit the holy grail. My very first one. She was so startled by the 2 Bad Boys screaming in her ear, she launched the cell phone that she was talking on right out the car window. :big-grin-emoticon: Unfortunately it landed behind me where I could not run it over. But I did see pieces parts when it hit the pavement. Never question that little voice in the back of your head.
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A rider died today in Sioux Falls. The accident happened last night, there were 5 vehicles involved. The driver that caused the accident tried to run and was caught. He spent his 21st birthday in jail today. The driver was doing 60 mph (in town) and texting when the accident happened at an intersection, and the biker was caught up in the accident. Sad sad day in Sioux Falls. As of right now 10:00 p.m., over 100 people are holding a candlelight vigil in the intersection as I am writing this. The police are still trying to get all the evidence together before reopening the intersection. PLEASE be careful out there people.......I am tired of watching and reading about things like this. I just wish people in cars were as careful as we are.
Well, with all the cager idiot stories this past while, I suppose a biker idiot story had to show up too. As my wife and I approached a red light today on our way home, I noticed a guy on a Harley approaching from the opposite direction with his left turn signal flashing. He was approaching the light slowly, obviously hoping it would change before he had to stop and put his feet down (So tiring you know!). Sure enough, as soon as the light changed he cranked the wheel left and took off. Of course, since the road was damp (It had just rained a tiny bit for the first time in a while) he had to take it very easy, forcing me to idle slowly forward till he cleared the intersection. It occurred to me that if it had been someone in a hurry to get home and who knew little if anything about bikes, the result could have been nasty. And while bikers would have been blaming the cager for turning left in front of the bike, the fact is that it would have been the biker's fault. What he did was stupid, dangerous and, oh yeah, illegal in this province. We are required to wait for oncoming traffic to clear the intersection before turning left. Trying to beat the first car across the intersection is illegal and in this case could have led to an accident. What's worse is that this idiot probably thinks he's a hot rider now because he "beat me" across the intersection. Some day he'll do that to the wrong person and it will cost him...and I sure as hell will not have any sympathy for him. Morons like that give us all a bad name. Andy
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Leaving Milwauke today and at a large intersection I had a fall. The intersection had two left turning lanes, three straight through lanes and a right turn lane. As I approached the intersection turning left with an advanced turn the light turned yellow. I was not going fast as I was not familiar with the road and I slowed right down as the light changed. I looked back to see if Rhonda was would be okay and she stopped thank goodness. As I looked forward a car jumped the green and was right there so I hit the brakes and went down on the left side, and fell off the bike. The bike rolled/flipped to the right side and stopped. The guy who jumped the green before I could get all the way through the intersection and appearantly swerved away from me but never stopped. An older gentleman who turned right behind chased the car for a mile and then told the kid he caused an accident and he just drove away. The older fellow got his license and gave it to me. Three other people stopped to help and said they saw it and gave me there numbers. The police said nothing they can do as there was no accident as he went through a green but also stated he should have waited till I cleared the intersection. I have bruise on my knee and one on my elbow, no real road rash but a small tear in good blue jeans. The four crash bars did there job scraped but the front two bent backwards and broke the tabs in the centre of both lower fairings. That is all the damage that I can see People and the police were very nice and helpful. Two different officers showed up as they were not sure whos jurisdiction it was. The one officer was very concerned and very considerate to Rhonda feelings as she was obviously very shaken watching the whole thing. Obviously we were both very lucky as it could have been much worse, so all is good. Brad
OK I know that this has been discussed in the past. most recently that I know of, at [ame=]Turning left on a red when the light won't change. - VentureRider.Org[/ame]. Most of this info is in that thread, but that thread is a discussion on the legality of a left turn on red when the sensor does not see you so this info is kind of lost. While at the WI MD (thanks again Jeff) this subject came up for discussion. First some background. What got me started on this was a newly built intersection near my house that I need to go through often. I tried every trick that I ever saw for trying to get that light to change for me, since the pickup coils are under the nice new pavement and were put in before the final layer of pavement I have no clue to exactly where they are. I have tried; Lining up on where I think the coils are. Side stand down. Center stand down Turn off engine and restart. I wussed out on the one that says to get off the bike and lay it down on the coils. I tried all of these in many locations to see if I could find a spot and method that worked. None did. I tried calling the city to see if it could be adjusted and was told that it is adjusted per spec and that increasing the sensitivity to "see" a motorcycle will cause false triggers from large vehicles in the next lane. This intersection is so busy that it can take 10 minutes to find a hole in traffic to legally shoot through on the red. I have done some experiments with the concept of adding a magnet to the bottom of the bike. There are some commercial units available for this purpose, and some have tried mining old hard drives for the Rare Earth magnets, or use magnets from the hardware store, none of these have shown much promise or benefit, they are just not strong enough. The magnet that I used is a 2 x 1 x 1/2 inch N52 rare earth magnet. The magnet that I used is It sounds small but it is rated as capable of lifting 195 lbs. Watch your fingers while handling this and think twice about where you set it down. This magnet will pull the picture on a monitor or TV from 2 feet away VERY possibly doing permanent damage, There are warnings that people with medical implants like pace makers or defibrillators not handle these magnets. I mounted this magnet to the center stand on my 1st gen since that was the lowest point on the bottom of the bike and I wanted to keep it away from all sensors and electronics on the bike. To date I have noticed no ill effects to the bike. I rode to the intersection from hell and as Murphy would have it a cage pulled up on the other side of the intersection to trip the lights for me. I went around the block and tried this 6 more times and every time a cage pulled up at the same time from across the street. Where the heck were all of these cages when I really wanted the light to change??? Finally I arrived at the intersection alone and within 20 seconds I was looking at my very own green left turn arrow. I did this 5 more times and every time I got a green arrow. So just to be scientific and make sure that there was not some other factor involved, I removed the magnet and left it a good distance from the intersection, and spent the next 20 minutes trying every trick in the book to make that light turn green. Nothing worked, just like before. The next test was to put the magnet in my sock and walked up to the light and I still got a green arrow, at which point I beat feet before the man in blue showed up and I would have to explain why I was stopping traffic on a busy highway by messing with the lights. I put the magnet back on the bottom of the bike and have not been held up by a signal light anywhere since last April when I got the magnet. I do still have to line the magnet up with where I think the wires are. If I pull into the center of the coil I still will not be detected. This is a minor issue that I can live with. I know that there are doubters. I know that even Snopes says that this will not work. I am just relating my personal experience. As a possible side benefit to this very strong magnet, I have found nails and screws sticking to it that may have been destined for my back tire. OK that was long, I'll shut up now.
I almost got my first deer of the season this morning. I was on my way to work heading down the highway, and there was a car stopped at the stop sign waiting for me and a few cars behind me to go by. As I was approaching the intersection the car starts beeping it horn like crazy. Of course when you are approaching an intersection and someone is beeping at you you are looking at them to figure out just what the problem is. That took my attention away from my normal scan and that is when 3 deer in single file showed up. They came running out into the road right in front of me from behind a bush and out of the rising sun, that was next to the cage at the intersection. With a good strong pucker, my brakes and dual Bad Boys all got a good workout. Those deer did not want anything to do with whatever was screaming at them and it was a$$holes and elbows as they scrambled to get out of my way. Then I had to get hard on the gas cuz the cage behind me was getting way to close way to fast. Had I come to a complete stop I don't think the cage could have stopped behind me. I did use some advise that I read somewhere that if it is a moving deer, to aim for the deer, cuz it will be somewhere else by the time you get there. It worked this time. After playing this back in my mind, and getting my own underwear extricated out of my backside where the pucker factor had sucked it up, watching those deer scramble on the pavement was pretty funny. My adrenalin is still way up there. If I had been in the truck I would have gotten at least one of them and been having fresh venison tenderloins for dinner tonight. Its always GMC deer season. I hate it when I have the wrong weapon for the job at hand.....
2 PM this afternoon saw two Ventures, Black Midnight and Silver, at the shopping center at intersection of state road 442 and US-1, later saw them heading north on US-1.
ICBC (our government insurance co) is ramping up more intersection cams to catch those "red-light-runners". Note at the bottom of the article there's a link to the locations of the cams.
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Well it happened again. First of all we have a good sized fire in our 'back yard', our neighbors ginseng straw covering caught fire from our garbage fire, cost was about $1000.00 for firetrucks and then some lots more for the ginseng equipment. Next Marca drives the Saab right into the back corner of this guy that cut her off,,, taught him a lesson for sure, but the insurance has decided to write the car off, but won't give me enough to buy me another one, so more money needed. This has been in the works for the last two weeks and I think they are getting a little fed up with me,,,,,,,,, SO NOW comes #3 Coming home today from picking up some meat, I approach the intersection just down the road from us. It is normally controlled by a stop light, you know the kind, when the one side shows red the other side is supposed to show green, and then some monkey switches them just as you approach???? well that's the kind of light we have here,,,,, except that the monkey went on a break, and so left the lights in the flashing mode,,,, some people might think the lights are broke at this point,,, but I know better, I've had to deal with this monkey before, and I've had a talk to the traffic department about him,, but so far, he's still got the job. And today, he took a break,,, right at 'rush hour' I mean, the intersection was full. So as I approached and noticed that he was monkeying around, I slowed down,, I didn't trust him, nor did I trust the drivers who were all trying to get home before the husband ate up all the goodies left over from last night. I was cautious all right, I was only doing about 30 kph or about 20 mph when I entered the intersection. I had flashing amber and the cross traffic had flashing red. Now when you have a flashing red, according to the rule book you must stop and proceed only when the way is clear,,,, but not today, because off to my left is a lady who decides that now it is her turn to go, so off she goes, pedal to the medal, (remember what her husband could be up to?) and so decides that since she is first she'll make it and I'll just have to stop!!!!!! but not today, the monkey is my witness, I tried to stop alright, but I got her attention real fast by doing serious damage to the front corner of her vehicle first. In the process the front of our meat van also suffered some damage that needs to be repaired,,, almost the whole front fell off, turns out it's all plastic,,, ouch,,,, almost like my bike. Now I wonder what the insurance company is going to say,,,,, bet they won't fool with me anymore,, it keeps getting bigger and more expensive. Everybody is Ok, just need to have a little body work on the front of my van, and the lady should buy a tank.
So i was taking my wife to our local garden store this afternoon (any excuse to ride) and on our way back as i was approaching a very green light at a busy intersection, i saw roughly 30 Harley riders stoped at their red light to my right side. just as i was about to enter the intersection (running about 50 mph) the first rider just looked at me and pulled out, then the pack proceeded as well - these guys were the hardcore riders and tried to run us off the rode providing gestures and all that hooplah. about all i could do was slow down as the idiots passed me on the left & right just flying. they were headed to a club (bar) that hosts bikers events, even as we approached the event they still were dodging in front of me. is there some motorcycle etiquette that i violated by not stopping at my green light as the ran their red light? scared the dog doo outta my wife and kinda shook me up with these guys coming so close to us. anyone else had this type experience?
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A motorcyclist died Wednesday from injuries he suffered in a collision with a van at 15th and Moffat streets. The name of the 49-year-old Springfield man was not immediately released, pending notification of relatives. The crash happened about noon Wednesday. Initial information was that a woman driving a Dodge minivan southbound on 15th Street turned left onto Moffat in front of the northbound motorcycle. The motorcyclist struck the back passenger side of the van. Police said it appeared from the damage to the van that the motorcyclist might have been speeding when the woman turned in front of him. Investigators also were looking into whether alcohol was a factor on the part of either driver. A small child was in the van. Neither the child nor the woman was seriously injured. Police blocked the intersection as they investigated much of Wednesday afternoon. The motorcycle, a black Honda GM400, was lying on its side about 20 to 30 feet north of the intersection. Clothing and blood from the motorcyclist were on the pavement nearby. Glass and a rear bumper from the minivan were on the east side of the intersection, as was the damaged van.
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This evening at about 6:30, Laura and I decided to ride out in the cage and get a bite to eat. We were driving on a four lane city street that has a divided island except for an occasional turn through to the left. The speed limit is 40mph. We were going to be making a right turn at an intersection and there is a turning lane that is several hundred feet long. Before this one, there is another turning lane that goes into a small business district, but it ends and goes back to two lanes for just a hundred feet or so. The problem is when a person turns into the first turning lane, meaning to turn into the second. This area of the street is marginally lit with street lights and when I was coming up to the turn lane, I hesitated for a second to make sure I was not going into the first one. As I looked forward from checking the mirror, I realized I was about to hit a guy that was walking across the street, at least 200 feet from the intersection in dark clothes and absolutely oblivious to oncoming traffic. I barely missed him and realized that if I had not hesitated for a second or two to go into the turning lane, I may have centered him at about 25mph. It scared the crap out of me. He did not seem to get in any hurry to get out of the street. It just made me realize how quickly our lives can change, even when we think we are doing things the right way. RandyA
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I saw a White bearded guy riding a GEN1 today on ST RD 44 on the west side of Deland. He had just come thru the intersection and waved at me and the wife on our 07 Blue/Black GEN 2 while waiting for a light to turn green.
I just finished doing a tech inspection on an alleged brake failure. The driver reported that the vehicle in front of him stopped when the traffic signal turned to amber. When he tried to stop, his brakes failed and he rear ended the truck in front of him. My question has nothing to do with brake failure. Rather, with the traffic laws in your state/province. As a general rule, amber lights are intended to give the traffic already in the intersection time to clear the intersection before the cross traffic signal turns green. So, Are you allowed to proceed INTO an intersection on an amber light? If yes, and you stop on the amber, will you be ticketed for impeding the flow of traffic? Also, if you can proceed into the intersection on an amber, what is the purpose of the amber light? Just idle musings here...
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I just realized that David Idle/ BigTruck here on the forum was killed in a motorcycle accident on Wednesday morning. Not sure where he was headed but a 17 year kid on his way to school pulled out in front of him at a very bad intersection. I wasn't sure it was him until this morning. I will look up the link to the newspaper report later when I get time. Please think of his family, he was only 50 years old. Here is the link: Jerry
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Red-lite!--------saw this on the site----- fer all u NC folks-:clap2:Sep-25 12:58 pm To: ALL (1 of 9) 161121.1 So has anyone heard if the law in North Carolina passed to allow us to go through a red light if it will not change for a motorcycle. Thought I heard it passed but not sure when it will take affect. Options To: ALL Advertisement Ads by Google Exhaust Ringtone Send this complimentary ringtone to your phone right now! Vance and Hines Exhausts for Metric Cruisers available at low prices! Mustang Seats-On Sale Free Shipping on all seats Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha Ledrie USA, Inc., European made quality motorcycle accessories for your Metric cruiser From: Cappy da Pukka (billfpaxton) Sep-25 5:07 pm To: Gramps77 (2 of 9) 161121.2 in reply to 161121.1 It looks like it goes into effect the 1st of December 2007 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA SESSION 2007 SESSION LAW 2007-260 SENATE BILL 1359 AN ACT to allow the operator of a motorcycle to proceed through an intersection controlled by a traffic signal only if the traffic signal uses an inductive loop vehicle sensor that activates the traffic signal and the inductive loop fails to detect the motorcycle and activate the traffic signal. The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: SECTION 1. G.S. 20-158 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: "§ 20-158. Vehicle control signs and signals. … (e) Defense. – It shall be a defense to a violation of sub-subdivision (b)(2)a. of this section if the operator of a motorcycle, as defined in G.S. 20-4.01(27)d., shows all of the following: (1) The operator brought the motorcycle to a complete stop at the intersection or stop bar where a steady red light was being emitted in the direction of the operator. (2) The intersection is controlled by a vehicle actuated traffic signal using an inductive loop to activate the traffic signal. (3) No other vehicle that was entitled to have the right-of-way under applicable law was sitting at, traveling through, or approaching the intersection. (4) No pedestrians were attempting to cross at or near the intersection. (5) The motorcycle operator who received the citation waited a minimum of three minutes at the intersection or stop bar where the steady red light was being emitted in the direction of the operator before entering the intersection." SECTION 2. This act becomes effective December 1, 2007, and applies to offenses committed on or after that date. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 12th day of July, 2007. s/ Beverly E. Perdue President of the Senate s/ Joe Hackney Speaker of the House of Representatives s/ Michael F. Easley Governor Approved 9:00 p.m. this 23rd day of July, 2007 Cappy Options From: greenhell07
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