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  1. i see the thread but i do not see the where are when. Would like to go
  2. Is anyone else going to the International Motorcycle Show in Seattle...tomorrow? I will be going, and am willing to stop by and pick up any invalids living in the area, that can't make it there on there own. If you want a ride, need a ride, or are simply too lazy to go on your own, post back to me, and I will be you up. They better have the new Honda F6B there, or I am going to get upset.
  3. While putting the bike away for its yearly rest....darn winter anyway! I noticed that my clutch fluid is gone again. This happened in Prince Edward Island this summer after the International. I cannot find any spots where this stuff is disappearing to! Just for tips I did change the clutch plates and spring while at the International. Can someone shine a light on in this dark room inside my head!
  4. I sell some of the wrenches a have made on Ebay, and some are international shipments. Ebay ID is Dingy101. I had a Neutral feedback left by a buyer in Great Britian, comment left was "Not all postage paid customs charge". I shipped package at Post Office counter, so I am somewhat sure it had correct postage, it was same as evry Int. shipment except Canada, which is a little cheaper. That then leaves customs fees, I have no way of knowing what a foreign country is going to charge, never paid this. The buyer that left feedback has 261 - 100% feedback, so he is somewhat experienced. Anyone experienced buyers complaint about international shipment custom fees. Buyer irritated me, if you haven't noticed. Just sent him a tersely worded thank you note. Gary
  5. It's not too early to start discussing where we should hold the 2013 International. I even thought about not having one at all as it seems that many prefer the regional meet and eats but I got a good bit of feedback in NY and everybody I talked to would like to see it continue. So, where should we have it? Now remember, there may be a lot of great ideas but the final decision has to take a lot of things into consideration. Primarily, WHO in the area wants to head it up and has people close by to lend a hand. It is a lot of work. I will start it. I have thought about going back to the Hub in Arkansas because it was a great location and Randall and Debbie did a wonderful job for us. I also thought about the Texas Hill Country. Very nice area but it can be VERY hot down there in the summer. I considered having it here in Ohio but I think it is too close to where we had it this year. Maybe I'll think about Ohio in another year of two. The floor is open. Let's hear your ideas.
  6. I don't know if it has been posted yet but the shower set up at the international rally site was fantastic. And it even had a sky light! Thanks Bob
  7. Successfully kickoff to international. 65 people showed up for pre mixer with more to come. Now sitting around campfire having Hot Sex and enjoying good company..
  8. Any Ontario riders heading to the international on Monday morning.
  9. So... I'm in a KOA in kopeke NY. It's karaoke night. Hmm. I left Winnipeg last Monday and have had my share of issues and have gained a large respect for the power of this site. Our members are awesome! Thank you Jay and Craig and families! I am on my way to Nova Scotia in 2 days to meet my better half. We are going to ride through the Canadian Maritimes and then to the international Maybe the tail of the dragon after. Depending on the weather. I left Craig this morning, became hypnotized by a winding road! And this is where it dropped me off Hey, I come from the land of right angles. It happens. I now have to push to Halifax. Now it's an Eagles duet at karaoke. Hmmm. That's it for now, I can't keep arguing with my playbook. It's winning.... Tom
  10. I am just throwing this out there. My clutch seems to be slipping just a little bit. Now it is too late for ordering and replacing at this stage before we begin our journey east. I was wondering if I somehow got a hold of one if I could get it changed out at the International and would there be anyone willing to help? Can this be done there? I do pull a camper so I expect that if its slipping a little now it may become alot worse by the time our trip is done. Feed back is greatly appreciated!
  11. Just thought I would give everyone an advance viewing of the 2012 International Rally Long Rider trophy.
  12. OK folks, maintenance day is behind me and it's time to start thinking about the International. I finally got my registration in during MD. Big Tom and Team have some great things planned for us all. Not many registered so far and it's time that we start really pushing this and getting a count on how many to expect. So...what is everybody waiting on. Let's get together for another GREAT time.
  13. Searching Autotrader I've found a car I'm interested in at International Auto Group in Milwaukee. Anyone know if they are a reputable dealer? I would like to know a bit about them before I drive 500 miles to pick up a car. Thanks, Dennis
  14. Got a pm from jayceesfolly today, ticket sales for the International trailer raffle is falling far short of our expectations.....With only 400 tickets to sell ,he has not even sold 1/4 of them...We need to cover the cost of this trailer..please see the above sticky section and get your tickets now...also get those registration forms in if you plan on attending the rally this year...they are also found in the sticky section..........:fnd_(16):Only 4 months until the rally...YA HOO ! See you there..
  15. Please....If you are planning to attend the 2012 International rally sign up on the calendar page. This is very inportant...also if you plan on attending the pre mixer on Sunday evening..I don't want to squeeze 100 people in a venue capable of holding 35....
  16. need some info,wanta go to the international rally in new york but don't know if i can swing it,here are some of my figures and please tell me if you think i'm high. F.Y.I. i use a cpap machine and wife has a bad back so i dont think camping will be a option for us.reg 45.00 50/50 tickets 10.00 trailer tickets 25.00 t-shirts 50.00 some dinner 22.00 some ride 31.00 gas for the whole trip 220.00 (1760 miles) food 280.00 motel 630.00 for a total of 1313.00 i left out some such as the niagara trip and so on.i know i could cut out the 50/50 trailer t-shirts but why go if i cant help support and win a trailer? thaks in advance for you info.
  17. OK who's going to the International Motorcycle Show in Novi next weekend? Anybody want to meet up and when? http://www.motorcycleshows.com/novi Larry
  18. I just added the area attractions http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63431
  19. Just found this video about Buffalo and I wanted to share for those that might want to spend a little time in the area...
  20. I received my drivers backrest today, Custom World International. The installation was simple and it has several adjustments. Took a ride and it was awesome. I'll try and post pictures from my phone.
  21. http://s980.photobucket.com/albums/ae282/AussieAnnie888/Cody%20Wyoming%20Rally/
  22. Is anyone kicking around the idea of hosting the 2012 International Rally?
  23. Well, have been home a week now from Cody and have finally started getting caught up. Had 397 E-mails waiting for me in addition to about 2 dozen phone calls from clients to return when I walked in the door. But it was worth it. For those who have as yet been unable to make an International Rally, put it on your Bucket List. They just keep getting better and better and I don't believe you will find a better group of folks to hang out with. Have been ready all the posts sending congrats and compliments to Condor, Lone Eagle and the others who, without questions worked their butts off to make this years event a roaring success. But in reading those posts it became readily apparent that the folks that really made the 2011 International Rally a success have been grossly neglected. So, let me take this opportunity to correct that glaring slight. Any event; be it a Maintenace Day, Local Meet and Eat, Vogel, Ork in the Pines, or any one of the impromptu get-to-gathers would be nothing if it wasn't for the folks that show up. Be it a ride across town or across the continent, if you didn't take the effort to come out, buy tickets, make donations and the countless other seeming "little" actions it would all be for naught. So, to each and every one who participates, a rousing thank you. It is you folks that make each and every event, large or small, a huge success.
  24. The VentureRider International Rally in Cody is coming up sooner than we realize. I'm so looking forward to the opportunity to ride in this great part of our country but mostly I'm excited to see so many of the friends I've been able to get to know through this site, whether we've met in person already or will soon do so. We've received a couple of emails about the t-shirts that will be available as part of the Rally and realized we haven't shared the final design....oops!! So, here it is...... If you haven't registered, now's the time to do it! See you in Cody!! Dave
  25. Finally got around to registering Eileen and I for the International Rally. Also made hotel reservations. We will be staying at the Comfort Inn. Would have liked to stay at the Skyline because I think that is where most of you are staying but I've got free rooms at the Comfort so need to save the money. Really looking forward to the trip and I hope that MANY of you will get registered soon. We really need to start ramping this up now and get all you folks excited about it. It's going to be a GREAT time.
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