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  1. A young kid working as a Jimmy John's driver was at the curb and really not moving as I traveled 3/4 block at 25mph. Just as I reached him he hit his left turn signal and then turned in front of me, headed to a driveway to turn around, as I was driving by. He started lying about things and if it goes to court he'll probably claim I was illegally passing him on a residential street by then. Little by little he's changed his story so far. My view, he negligently failed to check his side view to ascertain that it was safe to pull into lane much less to cross traffic to driveway on opposite side of street. I had the police come out but officer said he is supposed to write a ticket if he can but he didn't see it and didn't feel able to write a ticket. He didn't even record our respective views on the accident at the time. So much for professional witness. He might still be useful if there is a court appearance, but it would be nice if it didn't come to that I suppose. It seems that police here don't write tickets to protect motorcyclists from disregard of car drivers. The kid's dad says he wants to possibly try to save the kid's insurance by paying me on the side for damages. I may have bent forks, anti-dive busted off, bits of signal plastic and other stuff all about. I haven't had a good daylight look at it yet but it rolled all the way over onto the left side cowling so I expect bad things. I had removed side plastics but also engine guards while I'm working on some stuff. 1. Should I have this painful, firm, tuna can sized lump on my thigh checked out? 2. Should I try to deal with this guy or just go to my agent? Got Liability only. 3. Please give me a ballpark estimate of costs if you're able, sorry the description is so vague but I need orders of magnitude. 4. I have the blue color for 1993, what other years had this same color and what is it called? 5. What am I not even thinking of that I should be concerned over? The car insulated the young kid from the accident while I took it on physically with my motorcycle and myself.
  2. Hi all, I just got sticker shock from Allstate in CA. I was ok paying in the 3's but $437 WITH over $200 in "discounts"? time to shop. This is with perfect driving record and having my motorcycle license for 46 years. Who is your carrier and how much do you pay annually for full coverage as below: Coverage detail for 2007 Yamaha Xvz13tf Liability Insurance Bodily Injury $250,000 each person $500,000 each accident Property Damage $100,000 each accident Collision Insurance Actual cash value $250 Comprehensive Insurance Actual cash value $250 Uninsured Motorists Insurance for Bodily Injury $250,000 each person $500,000 each accident Total premium for 2007 Yamaha Xvz13tf $437.39 VentureFar...
  3. was doing a test ride 25 mph and the front brake locked up now i need anew knee my left clavical is broken no insurance so i cant get a new helmit to replace the one i had
  4. We is Coming!! :dancefool: Trip all booked and paid for, and insurance sorted see you at MD :bighug:
  5. Hi all, I am trying to find a part number for a vender or tank and not the whole assembly. When I look on star's site it list all the parts but it does not seem to list the actual fender or the tank. I want to just replace the fender and tank and do not need all the other parts. Ebay is not an option since this is for insurance purposes. Appreciate the help. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/mytruck1.gif
  6. I've negotiated an Actual Cash Value of $5800 for my 91 Venture Royale of 9650 miles, with my insurance co. It was tough negotiating but I feel that I did really good. So $5800 minus $250 deductable minus $300 Salvage = $5250. Inaddition I'll get $1050 for my riding gear.
  7. > > SUBJECT: LAWYER STORY OF THE YEAR > LAWYER STORY OF THE YEAR, DECADE, AND POSSIBLY THE CENTURY! > > This took place in Charlotte , North Carolina . A lawyer purchased a > box of very rare and expensive cigars, then insured them against, > among other things, fire. > Within a month, having smoked his entire stockpile of these great > cigars, the lawyer filed a claim against the insurance company. > > In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost 'in a series of > small fires.' The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious > reason, that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion. > > The lawyer sued - and WON! (Stay with me.) > > Delivering the ruling, the judge agreed with the insurance company > that the claim was frivolous. The judge stated nevertheless, that the > lawyer held a policy from the company, in which it had warranted that > the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would insure > them against fire, without defining what is considered to be > unacceptable 'fire' and was obligated to pay the claim. > > Rather than endure lengthy and costly appeal process, the insurance > company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his > loss of the cigars that perished in the 'fires'. > > NOW FOR THE BEST PART... > After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him > arrested on 24 counts of ARSON!!! > With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case > being used against him, the lawyer was convicted of intentionally > burning his insured property and was sentenced to 24 months in jail > and a $24,000 fine. > > This true story won First Place in last year's Criminal Lawyers Award > contest. > _ ONLY IN AMERICA ..... _ > _ NO WONDER THE REST OF THE WORLD _ > _ THINK WE'RE NUTS_
  8. Just recieved my insurance renewal. Hard to believe They INCREASED it $200.00 over last years to $900.00 for the year. This is for $1,000,000.00 public liability ONLY .(No collision. No personal Injury. No loss). How in the world can they justify such legalized highway ROBBERY. And this is through RIDERS PLUS who are supposed to be motorcycle friendly. I am convinced that there is a secret agenda by the Government of Canada and the Insurance Companey's to rid the world of Motorcycles. Am I ticked off .....you bet I am. I think its long past due that All Motorcyclists launch a MAJOR PROTEST.
  9. I just talked to my insurance agent (Allstate) and she told me that the bike wouldn't be covered when we tow a trail. Has anyone else had this issue?
  10. So I bought my 99 RSV a couple of years ago with a rebuilt title. Since that time we have done a frame up restoration on it. With all the time and money I have wrapped up in meticulously redoing this bike I'm almost afraid to put it on the road without good insurance. I understand agreed value seems to be the best way to go. I wanna know if a deer runs out in front of me and messes up my bike that I'm not going to have to fight an insurance company for what I think is fair (around $8000). I've called just about everyone I can think about... Progressive, Allstate, Hagertys, Chubb, American Modern, GMAC,ect... Any suggestions out there? Keep in mind I bought it with a salvage rebuilt title, but have restored the hell out of it, literally taking the whole bike apart and replacing every little nut, bolt, grommet, and washer to bring it back to as new condition. New paint, gauges mod, lowered, the whole nine yards. Any helpful suggestions will be appreciated. I don't want to bear this risk myself, I want an insurer to.....
  11. """The policy limit is $3500.00 less your $250.00 deductible.""" Does this mean that the MOST I can receive is $3250.00. Or Does it mean that after the value of the bike is determined with all its accessories then the $250.00 is applied from the total value of the bike. If after the deductable value is subtracted and the value is still greater than $3500.00, then the most I can receive is $3500.00? Any insurance Professionals out there?
  12. How would you go about getting some allowances for an insurance claim with no receipts. However I do have very recent pictures of the accessories on the Venture. These are accessories that I bought from Craigs list or was transfered from my other Venture. For examples Lighted Chrome Rotor Covers Chrome Caliper Covers Markland Heel/Toe Shifter & Floorboards Markland Highway Floorboards Chrome Air Vents Rear Cylinder Chrome Highly Polished Side Covers Thanks for you help.
  13. Have a look at these pictures... Keith
  14. I'm looking at adding collision to my Venture. Whats a good site for replacement value for insurance purposes?
  15. when I still didn't have my title after two months I contacted the dealer, which claimed they had been calling me ... on a number I never gave them, but that's a different story. Anyway, I wound up telling them that I would drop the bike of so they could fix this problem, but what would they give me to ride wile they did? That turned out to be a 02 (?) Wing. Not a bad ride, though it had a slight head shake and not something I would want as a daily rider, problem is, driving home this morning I had a situation and the the bike wound up going down the road without me. This is where the problem starts. I called the insurance and got a claim number, I called the dealer and passed on the information and made arrangements to bring the Wing over there. I would have preferred to ride it over to get my own bike back (they have the title now), but hey, I'm mostly OK, so I shouldn't complain. Anyhow, they won't give me my bike! They want me to pay them the difference between the suddenly diminished value of my Valk I/S and this Wing (2500) OR, they want a check from the insurance company. At the same time they already started pushing for me to buy the Wing using the Valk and the insurance money and then I can fix it or have them fix it. They are claiming they did not have insurance on it for me to drive it?! They are also saying that this Wing was under contract and the guy was making payments. I just want my Valk and I just don't see that they can deny me that at this point. Suggestions?? As far as what I can see on the Wing: forks/handlebar twisted/bent, fairing pushed back/cracked/scraped, mirrors, right exhaust, right crash and bag bar, possibly front rim. http://www.valkyrieforum.com/bbs/Themes/SSVR/images/icons/modify_inline.gif
  16. Luckily, both Susan & I RODE away without even a scratch. The bike... well... not so much. My pride... well... you know. VERY steep hill, very sharp hairpin turn, and I was negligent enough or arrogant enough to attempt it in 3rd gear. Right at the apex of the turn, the bike lugged, shuddered, and stalled. The roadbed was very steep to our right, so the bike pitched us off like ragdolls. we were tossed clear into some very soft loose gravel, and our full riding gear paid for itself in a nanosecond. Long story longer, the bike got skinned up pretty bad. All the plastic on the right side got deep scratches. No cracks, though. Took it to the dealership this am for an insurance estimate, and they don't actually FIX anything. they just replace it. What I really want to do is take the check from the insurance, and fix it myself, if they'll go with that. Funny thing is, I was just getting ready to spring for a new F4 tall & wide windshield. Have a good reason to toss the old one now. Nice, big greasy slab of humble pie for me. I have been riding for only 19 months, logging about 17,000 miles along the way, so I think I am fortunate to get off this easy.
  17. I did not think that insurance commercials could get any worse, but the new "Taste Test" commercial from GEICO has got to be the worst yet. I just can not imagine a group of advertisement people sitting around approving something like this. RandyA
  18. On Jan 15th, my daughter borrowed by RSTD to go for a relaxing ride. Little did either of us know that it wouldn't be very relaxing thanks to a 15 yo boy driving without a drivers license or permit. He ran a light and hit her head on at 40 mph in the middle of an intersection. She came off the bike, hit his windshield and broke it and then went over the car and ended up laying face down in the middle of a very busy intersection. She was wearing leathers, but no helmet. Thankfully, she is fine...though it took the ER $25,000 in medical bills to decide that. And thankfully there were witnesses willing to go on record to say that she had the green and the 15 yo had run the light, and the 4 boys in the car were all lying and saying it was her fault while they were putting her in the ambulance. Grrr! The cop said that with out the witnesses, they would have ticketed my daughter as there were 4 boys in the car and it would have been their word against hers, but the 3rd party witnesses confirmed my dd's story. I guess that my daughter just kept telling everyone that it wasn't her fault and that she needed to get the bike cause it was her mom's. LOL The officer felt it was important enough to tell me that there was nothing my dd could have done...she had no where to go and couldn't have avoided the accident in their opinion. The eyewitnesses also agreed. The other driver got 3 tickets for inattentive driving, failure to yield and driving without a license. I hope they cancel his parents insurance too, as not only did he lie to the officers that night, but they also refused to cooperate with the insurance companies and haven't done anything since the accident to try to get the situation settled. I'm thinking we'll end up in court. My dd was only in the ER for 3 hours, they did CTs on her body and xrays and sent her home with Tylenol and told her to go back to normal activity. The doctor didn't do a head CT, which shocked me when I found out a few days later, and we ended up having to argue with the dr.s to get one as she was having dizziness and head aches. She did injure her right hand/thumb, but that is better now, and she's seeing a chiropractor for whiplash, but all in all, she was very lucky and walked away with no permanent injuries. My bike did not fair so well. She was totalled....broke both the front forks, moved the tank back 2 inches and bent the mounting bolts, and put the tire back into the radiator. Really, she held up pretty well considering the hit she took, and the fact that my dd is OK I attribute at least partially to how well the bike was made. Oh, it totalled out the Toyota Camry that the kid was driving, which comforts me a bit anyway...well, it gives me some personal satisfaction at least. So, State Farm (the other car's insurance) has admitted fault and we're now waiting for dd's medical treatments to be finished so we can talk settlement, but my insurance has paid for the loss of my bike. So, now I'm shopping for another RSTD or perhaps a Venture. Anyone have any suggestions or bikes for sale?
  19. I just ordered a couple things from Bikebandit and noticed they are offering a 10% discount on some items if you have a Dairyland insurance policy, or get an insurance quote while logged in to BikeBandit. It seemed to work. I entered my policy which I bought thru member eddidy and got the discount on my order.
  21. One of the local kids playing with the log truck again. Looks like another hold my beer and watch this moment. This was taken about 1/2 mile from my house. Looks like Jamie almost made her out on the highway. Had her chained down good to. I live on the No License No Insurance side of the County. Anything goes here least my insurance is paid up. http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m580/ggrabose/Falls%20Mill/LocalLoggers.jpg
  22. Ok, so I am new here to this site on the trial membership right now at least until payday to pay my $12. A fee well worth the knowledge I have already gained from you. I bought my 2006 Venture last december and have loved stacking on the miles. Unfortunately I ended up going off road with her and beat us both up pretty. Lucky for me I was wearing most of my protective gear. My Venture is in the local dealership because I didnt know where else to send her for repair. The insurance adjuster called today said they would send me a check for the repairs but I needed to call the dealership and give them consent to do the repairs. When I called the service manager said they would be in touch with "their" estimate for repair. Humm am I missing something here? I feel like they are going to give me a higher estimate than the appraisor. Does this sound right to anyone? I havent had anything like this happen with my cage repairs.
  23. I have begun shopping for new MC insurance. I switched auto insurance companies last August. My MC insurance expired Sept 1'st of last year and I never renewed it. My question is shopping for coverage on my 89 gives me a No coverage option or a ACV option. The 84 lets me choose No coverage or Agreed Price for things like collision etc. The Agreed Price I like after all you know what your scoot is worth to you and the ACV value doesn't.The other option was for accessories but I don't reallly have any on the 89.So it seems to me the 84 can be insured for more then the 89? I probably won't make a move until about March 1'st just looking for now and monitoring the finances.Darn hip joint has been giving me some trouble to.
  24. Last week while my freshly restored and painted 87 XVZ1300 Venture Royale was parked innocently in front of my house, minding it's own business. A neighbor lady came down the road going to fast for conditions, failing to maintain lanes, texting on her cell phone, doing her make up, fiddling with the radio or who knows what the H*ll she was doing came to wide around the corner crossing the road and nailed my bike.:doh: Did I say my poor bike was minding it own business. Turns out she happens to be the Attorney for the insurance company she is insured with (Cincinnati Insurance). I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. She did stop and leave her information with my roommate then went home. But, that did not seem to matter to the responding police officer that came to write the police report. Because he made every indication that he was going to cruise down to her house a block away and arrest her for leaving the scene of the accident (Especially when he found out she was an attorney) but evidently settled for citing her for failure to maintain lane. She did have an adjuster get in touch with me the next day. The adjuster came by and looked at the bike. She was nice and seemed to commiserate with me while I explained, in great detail, (with tears in my eyes). That I had just finished spending the past year and hundreds, (If not Thousands ) of man hours painstaking restoring my poor baby with my own blood, sweat and tears This fine example of Classic Motorcycle technology and history. After hearing the story she insinuated, in fact even said (with tears in her eyes) just tell me what the damage is and we'll cut you a check QUICK. She even said QUICK several times, with emphasis. I'm thinking:mo money: So, I spent the next day putting an estimate together which included the following: Cost of damaged parts at Yamaha's MSRP...............around $3,600 Painting materials to match custom freshly done paint job.......480.00 Labor at prevailing shop rates......................................85.00/hr. Total estimate around .................$5,400 Next thing I heard from the adjuster, via voice mail message, (in an emotionally detached voice), "An appraiser will be getting in touch with you". So, the appraiser will be coming out in the morning. I'm just betting he will say Used 1987 motorcycle totaled at some ridiculously low number. I'm thinking I would sell my first born male child into slavery for a fraction of what this bike is worth to me in blood, sweat and tears for all of the hours I've put into this labor of love. Based on the foregoing, what would you think would be a reasonable position to take to settle this claim and put this whole unfortunate incident behind me and move on. Considering, I'm not willing to forfeit the bike and title as totaled since the damage is all cosmetic and I would do all the work myself.
  25. I turn 65 next month, and my current medical insurance policy terminates when I become medicare eligible on the first day of December (the month of my birthday). What a complicated lawyer and accountant sucking system this is. With the govt paying a significant part of my hospitalization and subsidizing out patient type care, my personal insurance costs are more than tripling from November to December. And there are plans, and parts, and copays, and deductibles and exceptions out the wazoo. I've spent a couple weeks trying to make sense of it all and have decided a lot of it will never make sense. Prices from one insurance company to the next vary a lot of $$$ I've had medical with the same HMO for 35 years, but my zipcode isn't in the table they gave to social security as being in their coverage area, never mind that they have a doctors office and major hospital only 20 minutes from my house. So after going round and round with them, the HMO will file an exception (of some kind) on my behalf so I can stay with them. I have to move into their Medicare Advantage HMO Plan at age 65 I did come real close to jumping ship and getting a medicare plan F supplement policy from an insurance company, it would be slightly more costly, but a bit more flexible than my HMO. But after 35 years with the same plan, I'd prefer to stay pat. And my HMO has their own pharmacy, so I wouldn't need a Medicare Plan D for pharmacy insurance. Dental insurance at age 65 goes up 50% even staying with the same company (nothing to do with medicare). My advice to those age 64, is start to read everything you can about the system instead of waiting until the last month like I did. and. try not to take this thread too political.
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