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  1. NEW GUY(to this forum) QUESTION: 2005 Royal Star Tour Deluxe owner, tired of paying dealer big bucks to change oil. Can anyone direct me to instructions on doing it myself? Is there a place on this website? HOW DO I CHANGE MY OIL?? Bruce Lamarche Glendora, CA
  2. Would like to become a become a full member but have been unable find in the website where to go. The instructions tell me to go to my UserCP could anyone tell me where to find that tab Thanks
  3. Playin' catchup on my 87 Standard....it's been going on for a couple of weeks now, (not much free time to work on it) and I'm getting ready to sync the carbs, but was hoping for some info on the procedure. I figured there'd be an old post with instructions but can't seem to find it. If anyone has a link, or can give me the quick and dirty on it, lemme know. Thanks.
  4. Where do i find a 2nd gen manual or instructions for removing the fairing on 07 venture? Thanks
  5. Since I joined this forum in 2010 I have done a bunch of repairs, just following the instructions you kindly. knowledgeable, experienced guys have posted. This afternoon, in less than two hours I just fixed the Class E4 Error by following the instructions posted by Freebird back in 2006. (And I'm not that good wrencher at all, some times I prefer no to start some repairs afraid of not finished them and compromised my weekly Saturday rides with my buddies) I'm so excited I can hardly wait to tell my friends about it. (I mentioned last Saturday and one of them suggest to forget about the compressor and replace it with progressive shock springs, that what he did on his) Well, I'm so glad I did it :) Thank you so much. Rudy:cool10:
  6. Here is the install instructions that come with the Chrome Side Cover Rails. Hope this can assist anyone trying to install these. Rick F.
  7. Hi All I converted the cassette deck to a storage area this afternoon. It worked out quite nicely which I plan to keep my Ipod and garage door opener in. I followed the the instructions from the following link to ventures.org. http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002003&id=386 I attached some photos after the project. Dwight
  8. Good Morning everyone, Here is my story, I have been chasing an electrical problem for awhile now concerning my headlight. I knew it was loose connection somewhere cause the fuse wasen't blown and the headlight would work off and on. I checked all the connectors to a point where i was about to run my own hot wire to the high and low switch. Never did i think about the factory instructions on how to install the driving lights. I'm thinking this is the factory who is telling me to tap into the hot from the headlights so they must know what their doing. (WRONG)!! Believe me, dont use their instructions! Listen to the people who have installed their driving lights with a relay. You'll save youself a huge headache. I traced the the wiring to that connector and sure enough... the connector was smoked! After cutting and resoldering, the headlights work perfect! I installed a relay for the driving lights and they work perfect also. So please.......heed this warning, and be smart from the start and use a relay for the driving lights!!!! Thanks for listening! Frank
  9. My searching skills may need some work, but I can't find it. Can someone post the instructions on how to do a carb sync on a 2nd Gen. Please keep in mind my mechanical ability is such that the instructions really need to be written in crayon. Thanks!
  10. I just recently acquired a set of rotor covers that included the install instructions and I thought I would share that with everyone here who might need to reference it. Hope this helps. Rick F.
  11. So often we post information in an effort to help someone who may come across the same problem. Well I'd like to say thanks. Been working on rewiring the passing lamps from the POs not so great job. They work great now with an on/off switch and relay. Thank You for the information on wiring the relay, where to pick up the switch-on DC tap-in. Same with mounting the Kuryakyn battery/volt led meter. I checked the voltage at the battery and at the dash cig lighter (less than .28VDC difference) and mounted it on the triple tree with the power at the cig lighter as suggested. Thank You, was easy after reading the posts. Mounted the Stebel horn using Carbon_One's bracket and wiring instructions. The forum helped with diagrams and experience from users on what worked best. So again I Thank You for your virtual guidance. I plan on checking my valves this winter. I already have printed out the 4 pages of instructions. Thank You but not because I've completed it yet. But because you collectively have given me the confidence with your past knowledge and guidence that I can do this myself with this virtual support teams help. Thank You once again.
  12. I need to remove the Reflector with the word Yamaha in it. It is located between the two side bags at the rear/bottom. Can someone provide some general steps of instructions so I do not dismantle things that are not needed. I tend to do that alot, remove things that are not needed.
  13. I know you all like pics so how do add pics simple instructions please or just tell me where to find the instructions
  14. I bought a used trailer hitch and luggage rack off ebay that was delivered today. Unfortunately, the seller did not include the mounting bolts nor instructions. So, to my point, I called the manufacturer of the hitch and spoke to the owner. He overnighted me all the necessary hardware and detailed instructions at no charge! I paid anyway of course. Superior service from a vendor I have never done business with before. 5 Stars. He does make triple trees for the Venture as well, so I thought I would put a word out for him. http://www.xf6-custom.com/
  15. I have a need. I want to post word files on our server at work and I want to secure them so people cannot print out the document/file. I want them read only and no able to print. Does anyone know if can be set-up to do this??? If yes I will need specific instructions because....lets just say I am not as computer literate as I would like. :rotf:
  16. I was not sure where to post this, but I thought I should report on my new gps. I took a couple of cross country trips with my TomTom. I could barely see it, and could never hear it. It quit working last fall, so for Christmas I got myself a Garmin Nuvi 295w. Its big advantage is a head phone jack. Which allows me to run it through the stereo system. Price about $90. I also got a mini sd cart ($12) and a handle bar mount from ebay ($14) head phone adaptor ($3). I loaded about 2000 songs. I went for a test drive and it worked as expected. Set the music playing and when it comes time for a turn it cuts out the music and blares the instructions out of the speakers. (instructions louder than the music, you will hear them). It has an orientation sensor, so you can set it vert or horz. ( hope to attach pics). It was there smart phone, and still has some of the smart phone features. It has a camera, (picture of what waits anyone foolish enough to enter my yard) web browser. after test drive: Pros. Can hear instructions. I could see it well, it mounts on a ball and socket joint, so if the sun blocks it out, just tilt it a little bit. Winter sun is not as bright a summer sun, but I could always see it well enough. Cons. Like any thing that does it all, it does not do anything as well. The biggest thing is, when it is playing music, it is VERY slow. Soon learned if you want to change address, first stop the music. It is not a great web interface, but I was able to check my email over the wi fy at my house. The music player is a little tough to get used to, but it did work. Several times it has locked up and I had to remove the battery to restart, since it does work I am assuming this is a software problem, hoping for an update. Camera see attached photo For the money spent, so far I am very satisfied. I hope this helps George
  17. This is wild Follow the instructions. Get ready to experience an hallucination. 1.- Click on the link below 2.- Then "click me to get trippy", 3.- Look at the center of the screen for 30 seconds, and then. 4.- Look at your hand holding the mouse, without moving it away from the mouse... NOT BEFORE! ( it is called "cenesthetic hallucination") http://www.neave.com/strobe/
  18. i recently purchased the BT Interphone and i am having difficulty in the pairing mode (bluetooth). directions say to hold Power/Interphone button until the LED flashed red/blue alternately. i cannot get the red/blue to flash at all. the user manual is not very clear and i found some instructions on the internet which says pairing is done with the system off, say what ??? any ideas............
  19. I forgot to put in the year model on my Sportser ad, which loaded just fine after I reduced the picture size. (Thanks again, Freebird!) Any way of modifying the ad? The bike is a 2000 model. If one of the admin folk have the computer power, they have my permission to make the change, or give me instructions on how to make it myself. Sorry for the hassle. As you can see, I am NOT an electron pusher at all.
  20. I joined this forum in late 2008, back then my interest only was reading maintenance tips, fixes and the like, then I started to read the watering hole and got hooked up. I have owned my '86 Venture Royale for 21 years; 6K miles when I got it, it has now 42K miles. My other ride is a '93 Suzuki GSX1100G (dirty fast) Ok, the reason I'm writing this posting is to express my profound appreciation to all contributing members for their write-ups, know-how, instructions, etc. I just finished installing new larger battery cables, I got them from Barend, made installation thanks to Squidley's step by step instructions, by-pass the battery light sensor from GeorgeS's write-up; new Oddysey battery from Condor's write-up; Freebird game me the link to buy some other things a few months back. and from other members I also installed new ISO Kuryakyn grips, two new speakers and starter/solenoid. Avon/Venom rear tire (installed by a bike shop) Lastly, jut to mention that March of last year I met V7Goose and his brother Tom while they were here in El Paso, TX I have seen a lot of pics of your rides, places you have been, etc, I know the rule: got to post some pics! Here they are and thank you. Rudy:thumbsup2:
  21. Well now I know. Thanks to Freebird, I was looking at the passing lamp factory installation instructions in the tech library to find out how to adjust the aiming of the lamps. Who would have guessed that the adjustment CAN NOT be made from outside the lamps? You have to go inside, make an adjustment, put it back together and check it, then if it's not right, go through it again! Darn poor design, but at least now I know. Well, while I was looking through the instructions I found that there is a switch in the wiring circuit! I'm the 2nd owner, the PO had the lamps installed by his dealer. I thought that the lamps came on with the ignition switch, no other option. That little push button switch down by the 12V outlet is so well hidden I would never have found it without having access to the information in the instruction manual. A big THANK YOU to the Freebird, you're the man!
  22. I ordered Morgan Carb Tune (Thanks to Sky Doc), I had my Yankee buddy sync my carbs back in October and they need it again. I didn't have the nerve to ask him to come to Zebulon, NC (he lives in Pa.) to sync the carbs again so I called him, found out what kind he had and ordered them. When they come in I'll read the instructions, sync the carbs and hang out my mechanics sign. I alredy have a jack and Carbon Ones adaptor for the jack; what else does someone need?
  23. I have a question on the Fork Seal replacement instructions posted by Freebird if any of you have done it this way HERE In the part below where you remove the 8 or 10mm Allen Socket on the bottom of the fork, mine just keeps spinning around and around.. I didn't see in the instruction where I was supposed to do anything to stop it on the other side, but I am turning it counter-clockwise and it does not come loose, it feels like it is spinning a nut on the other end of it... Not sure how to proceed now my seals are leaking like crazy and bike front end is apart for this step. Any ideas would be appreciate... Thank you, Brandon Freebird's picture from this step http://www.venturerider.org/forkseals/george/12c%20%28WinCE%29.jpg
  24. I ordered a Battery from RJ ATV in Spring Hill,Florida to replace the dying one in my 1989 Venture---upon opening the box I am told per the instructions that there is no ACID in the battery and no ACID in the box!-WTH???!!----What now?---do the auto parts stores carry the acid??---
  25. Thanks to Freebird for an EXCELLENT pictoral and instructions regarding moving the fairing. I am about to do this myself so I can upgrade my Zumo 660 to the Zumo 665. Again, I appreciate the detailed instructions and I only have a couple of minor questions since the original instructions were written by Freebird in 2006. My first question is the 2 allen bolts size. I think they are 5mm, but I'm not for sure until I get some "ball end" allen wrenches. So are these bolts 5mm? My second question or request is for any additional tips for splitting the fairing or things that I should look for while the fairing is off. Thanks again for the great information. Wally
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