Plain and simple NY SUX!
Got my bike inspected today, ( know the guy so just gave him the Mileage and Reg) and found out alot about new bullcrap of NYS bike inspections. First of all the safety inspection which is nuts. Car tires are automatic fail and they are instructed to look for that. Also they are supposed to ride the bike and also remove a wheel. Now that leads to two problems. First is how can you do this and make any money or even cover your time for a fee of $6 and who wants an inspector to ride your bike. Im very protective of who rides my bike and I dont want it rode. Who knows what can happen. Also we are hearing alot of dealers quoting for things like fork seals. Guess you need to figure out ways to cover all the time you loose doing these $6 inspections. Just venting and fortunately I have an in but watch your butts if you are in NY. Maybe something the AMA should look into. Are they this stupid in other states?