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Found 11 results

  1. How does one insert pictures in the "Insert Thumbnail" section that shows up at the bottom of the posting?
  2. Ordered the R1 calipers for my trike on Saturday, came home yesterday and they were waiting for me on the porch. I thought I was getting the ones with the blue insert (steel pistons), but surprise I got the ones with the gold insert, (alum. pistons). I immediately pulled out the tools and pulled the left caliper off the trike and the R1 slipped right into place. Now I am waiting on the new pads to arrive. The pads on them were still fair, but I decided to go new, dont want to have to work on it twice. Next upgrade will be the SS lines I looked up the price for new ones at BikeBandit and was in shock, the were over $500.00 each, and I got both of them for less than $100.00 shipping included........ :banana:
  3. How do you insert the map into your signiture?
  4. I am tried of trying to find a right side vent for the side cover of my 85 royale, so a guy here said there was a insert someone here makes. Can someone lead me the right direction ? Thanks
  5. I'm just trying to insert a photo into the bottom of my message.......so it appears as the picture it is......i.e. not a link or an attachment. (oh, and not part of my signature, as I already have!) What is the simplest/fastest way, without having to subscribe to any new third party service. Thanks, guys. Mike
  6. I was talking to a tire guy and he mentioned a foam insert that he can get to put into the front tire. Supposedly if I run over something and cut the front tire it will allow me to maintain control and safely stop. I had never heard of this before but it did make me wonder. Is it worth the $35 bucks plus the extra few bucks to have him put it in? Anyone ever hear of it before? Shaun
  7. Seems everyone at PIP was watching their floorboards REAL carefully since mine went missing on ride up to Laporte. So beings I couldnt steal... er...um... borrow one of theirs, does anybody have a spare running around they can part with? I just need the rubber insert for a 2nd gen passenger floorboard. If so let me know how much so I can get that fixed up. God Bless. Mike
  8. I am working on a project with the Louvered inserts in the side covers of my 87'VR and need a Louvered insert for the LEFT SIDE. I am looking for one that has the Louvers broken because I am going to remove them anyway. I have attached a pic of the RIGHT SIDE Louvered insert I am going to use for this project to give you an Idea of what I am looking for only I need the oppisite side from the one in the pic. I am willing to cover the shipping, and promise to post pics when I am finished in case anyone is interested in the results. Can someone please help me out on this? Thanks in advance, Earl
  9. how does one insert an mpg video into a post so that it can be played...?
  10. Installing Stock Weights on Flanders Bars First I need to give credit to the basic idea here to Kbran. He posted a while back that he had done this when he installed his Flanders bars and it sounded like the way to go. The only difference is that he welded his and I opted for a set screw approach. The main reason being that I'm not a very good welder. This is a bit time consuming but I like the stock weights so it was worth it for me. Pretty straight forward job that most anybody should be able to do. After removing the bars, you will see the factory weld that holds the threaded sleeve in place. I simply used a bench grinder to grind the bars down in that area until the plug just fell out. Drill a hole in the Flanders bars approximated 3/4" from the end. The size hole you drill will depend upon the size set screw you use. I picked up a couple of 10/28 screws 1/4" long at the hardware store so used a drill size that I could tap for 10/28 Screw the insert onto the end of the weight and push it all the way in and then using a marker, mark the insert through the hole. Now you can see the mark where you will need to drill and tap the insert to match the hole you drilled in the bars. Drill and tap. Screw the insert back onto the weight. You will also need to tap the hole that you drilled in the Flanders bars to the same size. At this point, I slid the throttle grip on. You can't see it in this next picture but the throttle grip is already slid on so that once the weight is installed, I just slide it back to where it is supposed to be. Insert the weight with insert into the bar. Line up the holes and insert your set screw. The screw needs to be flush with the outside of the bars. Especially on the throttle side to make sure the throttle can turn freely. It will be almost flush if you use a 1/4" long screw. Just a very little dressing with a smooth flat file will get it just right. That's all there is to it. Do the other side and you are done.
  11. OK, the old information has been wiped out and I need to know how to insert a picture into a message. Thanks
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