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  1. Yesterday around 1:00pm I felt a slight pain in my right elbow, by 4:00pm it hurt like hell just to move it, by 7:00pm it was swelled up three times it's normal size and could hardly move it. 10:00pm it was swelled up, won't bend and turning purple. Called a friend of my Daughters Mother to see if my Daughter could spend the night so I could go to ER. Got to Er and set and set and set until they finally got me in and took x-rays. I have an infection in the fluid sack of my right elbow, pumped me full of antibiotics (after blowing out a vein in my left arm) and gave me a script for more antibiodics and sent me home at 5:00am. Called my family doctor and he said they should of drawn some of the fluid out to see what kind of infection I have, so he's waiting for the hospital report to see if anything else needs to be done. Now I hurt like hell, can't sleep, can not hardly use my right arm and drinking wine with my left hand with the hope the wine will let me sleep. If this is a sign of old age, I vote NO.
  2. I have a niece. Taylor Paige Woods. A good kid I think. Story is about 2 months ago she gave blood at school. It caused a infection in her arm. This crud has caused blood clots, she has unexplained fevers, stomach problems and they can't clear the infection up. Been in hospital most of this time. She can't eat and they can't find reason why they can't clear it up. If you wouldn't mind a few words to the man may be what is needed. You may see her name on facebook and you can tell her those stories she hears about her uncle aren't true. Mostly. She has rode with me and a ride is waiting. Come on Taylor its time to kick this thing!!
  3. about 3 weeks ago i came down with terrible gout attack. this attack went from my right foot to both knees then both ankles. my sister came in one day to check in on me. and i was leaning slumped over my walker. she could not wake me. ambulance and emt arrived emt.s had a hard time waking me . ambulance attendent placed me on the gurney. while laying flat i came too.. so this is what they found. after 2 weeks in the hospitial. #1 gout caused an infection in my right kidney causeing it to shut down. had 3 pints of blood put into me. infection made me pee blood. #2 reduced my blood preasure meds because while sitting i would drop down to 85/60. and would pass out. standing would rush it back up to 190/120. again i would just pass out. now with adjustment in meds im at 135/90 not great but under controll and no passing out.#3 this all caused an attack to my leggs most likely MS flair up? i can no longer hold myself up. i have trouble walking. im useing a walker and takeing baby steps. pain shoots down both legs. so i will be seeing a pain management doctor. then some kind of doctor who will work on the back and do some kind of nerve block? then back injections. i cant drive my car as i cant feel the foot controlls. i have PT 2 times a day at home. and food brought in as i cant even stand up long enough to make something. i cant get into my shower. so its sit on a comode. inside a plastic tub. and do a wash down by the kitchen sink. the PT nurse will empty it when she comes. so that,s how im doing. weak a little scared. but determend to beat this attack back into admission.
  4. Recently heard from Allan. Seems our buddy Allan has been out of commission. The weekend before the Eureka Springs gathering he hurt is knee very bad and it will need surgery. However, while waiting for the surgery he developed a bone infection. He has been on the antibotics, and surgery is delayed. He seemed pretty down and depressed, which I know I would be too. So keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Jay
  5. I haven't been on the forum for a few days and I'm not super active but I'll let you know why. Tuesday before last I went in for a simple root canal. The tool was a bit sensitive but not hurting. My wife assured me that root canals were a not big deal. So OK, I like our dentist and he's gentle. So I go in and after 5 injections he couldn't get me numb. That wasn't much fun. So I left and returned on Thursday to try again with no problems. My jaw was sore the next day which should have been normal from having the procedure done. Then on Saturday morning I was riding out to our small Central KY M&E and I was a bit concerned with how I would be able to eat since I could barely open my mouth to insert food. After an abbrevieated ride I wasn't feeling too well and headed for home. As Saturday wore on I was in much more pain from my jaw and that side of my face and could only part my teeth about 1/4 inch. My dentist was calling me for updates and he offered suggestions of pain meds and muscle relaxers. Nothing worked. Sunday it was more of the same. While he kept wanting me to meet him at the office so he could have a look, I had found some pain meds that seemed to make things bearable and I still thought it was just trauma that had to wear off from the all of the injections. Sunday afternoon I felt well enough to attend my Aunt's funeral. As they day wore on it got so I could not eat at all and the pain was out of control again. No sleep or food all night. Monday morning I was back into the dental office at 7:00 where the dentist opened the temp filling to make sure there was no infection within the tooth. There wasn't. So the dentist immediately refferred us to an oral surgeon that got us in immediately. He knows my wife from here previous career in dentistry. Once there he is sure there is an infection somewhere and gives me IV antibiotics immediately. I leave there for some blood work that confirms my white count is elevated. He wants to see me the next day and another IV treatment. The pain continued and now I hadn't eaten since Saturday and drank very little because I was now having trouble swallowing. The next day at the oral surgeons we discussed options and I know little about dentistry so I relied on my wifes advice and he thought the correct thing to do woud be to remove troubled tooth. I didn't care much for that idea but I didn't have a better plan and I sure didn't feel like working one up. The remove the tooth and found no infection sent me home and I stayed in pain another day and night without nutrition and little water. Wed morning my wife and I are back in the car in panic mode now calling all the drs we know. Hell, I was ready to call her OB/GYN at this point. We stopped by the oral surgeon for him to check me again. In that visit he mentioned that he was beginning to think my problem was an infection in the jaw muscles and nerve tract caused by repeated injections into the site with bacteria picked up inside my mouth tracking into a subsequent injection. I left his office and went to an infectious desiese doc for for control of the infection. She gave me IV antibiotics then and I was to come back in on the next day for a pick-line placement and continued daily treatemest for a week or so. When I went back in on Thursday I was in less pain but I still can't drink. So the docs get together with my primary care physician who didn't want to take this on when we initially called him because I was under another drs care. Anyway, the conscenus was made that I should be hospitalized for 24/7 IV fluids, antibitotics and pain management. So I checked into the hosptial Thurday. Friday I felt much better but still cant swallow water with it asprirating to my lungs. So to recap, It's a little after midnight Saturday mornign and has been going on for nearly 11 days days, I've note eaten in 7 days, I've lost a tooth that probably was ok, I'm now facing a dental implant to replace the tooth, I'm down about 15 lbs (not a bad thing), and who knows how much expense not covered by insurance and I haven't worked all week. My wife's words, "root canal, no big deal" keep ringing in my ears. Sorry to make this so long but it's not like I've got much to do here. I'm just thankful that hospitals now have wireless access so I still have my lifeline to the world. This my first overnight hospital stay since I was 6 years old and I am a lousy patient. Floss daily! Dennis
  6. the birthday girl, had a great morning! then , at noon, the Dr. came in and told her she can't go home today, as was planned. seems she has developed a "severe", U.T.I. sooo, back on the I.V.s for a week or so, to combat the infection. the day wears on, and about 3:00 p.m., she has another mild heart attack. i am sure it was all stress related, but, an attack ,just the same. i can see the writing on the wall. this is gonna be A ROLLER COASTER RIDE. just jt
  7. ok , folks. as some of you know, i have , in the past asked for "technical "assistance. i almost always got what i asked for. i am NOT one to ask for personal favors, but i need prayers! my boss half took a fall, two weeks ago. she broke her left foot, and strained her right knee. yesterday, i had her taken to the er. they admitted her, with "very severe infection", in her lower legs?????????? we were told , that oral antibiotics would serve NO purpose, to combat this infection. so, for 48 hours, she has been given antibiotics, via I.V, every 6 hours, with no noticeable results. tonight . she was moved to S.I.C.U., due to very difficult breathing,and HIGH pulse rate. the Dr. came in and told us, she has "A heart disease", that is causing her lungs to fail. he suspects a blood clot in her lungs. a specialist is due to check her out in the a.m. so i guess , what i am asking for, if you have any to spare is PRAYERS, for by wife of 33 years. lord , what would i do in this big old empty house without her???? thank you all ,in advance. and please don't think that this is a mandatory , reply , type post. if you have a minute , - - - talk to the man , please. just jt
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