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  1. I've heard 30 mpg, 35, and I've heard of a Venture getting 40 mpg. Before the ignitech, I was getting 33-35 MPG. Now its 28-31 MPG with the ignitech. I haven't purified my Air Cleaner--again, its also a K&N. But what else? Is it something the Ignitech TCI is doing? I KNOW 100% I am running RICHER than I should be, as I can hear the popping and firing in the H-Pipe in the lower RPMs (2-2.5) it cleans up, but I noticed I got 32 MPG ridding her in the high RPMs, vs the lower RPMs yesterday. I rode from Hanford to Madera, and coming back I had enough gas to 2 up my sister from Hanford to Tulare, filling up on Huston and 99's Shell Station. I'd like to have my 35 back, or heck the 40 would be nice. I'm not going to take apart my carbs and chk the diaphragms, or sliders just yet... not until I've got replacements. Just in case they're the issue. Though She is running better now with the SeaFoam. Or am I hoping too much from the ol' Gal?
  2. I have a few members interested in getting an Ignitech 1st gen TCI. Main thread on this aftermarket TCI is located at link below. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=40414 There was an issue with the prior group of TCI's to be upfront on this. There were a few members that experienced brief ignition cutouts in 3k to 4k range. This seems to have been mostly resolved by using a programing option with the TCI. 90~93 single pickup coil bikes did not report this issue. These TCI's are as close to plug& play as I can get. All that is needed is to unplug 2 cables from stock TCI & plug into adapter cable. Unhook stock vacuum sensor hose from #2 carb & hook in new vacuum tube for new sensor. TCI will work on 1983 thru 1993 Ventures & 1985 thru 2007 VMaxs. I need to know what year bike that the TCI is being used on to get correct adapter & matching program in TCI. TCI cost is $255.00 USD, this includes TCI, adapter wiring harness, new vacuum sensor, instructions & units preprogrammed by me better than what they are from Ignitech. Also includes priority shipping to US address. Paypal payment is $8.00 extra. I would rather not get paid for these as a gift to avoid paypal fees. International shipments will be charged extra cost over US priority fee of $10.50. Shipments will be insured. $5.00 increase over last time to cover insurance. Ignitech warranties TCI for 1 year. I will assist anyone with a return issue. I am only assisting in members acquiring these units. 11/10/12 - Lowered price $5.00 because I can not get the smaller vacuum sensor I was going to get to work. I will use same one as last 40 units, just a little larger physical size. I will refund $5.00 to those that have paid me already. Gary
  3. I have enough commitment and 6 payments already in hand to definitely proceed with the Ignitech module group purchase. Original thread with some more details linked below. Please note this thread has reference to a used MAP sensor which is not going to be the case (will include new MAP sensor) & price adjusted to reflect new unit. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=62223 I am doing this in conjunction with the VMaxForum.net group. I will order the TCI's Sunday night, so I need commitment by then. You will get following: Pre programmed new, version 80 Ignitech module (warranty by Ignitech) A revised program that is much better than what Ignitech is supplying. Adapter harness for either a 1983-1989 Venture or a 1990-1993 Venture, plug & play & matching program in TCI. A new 1 bar GM MAP sensor and wiring connector properly connected to Ignitech harness. All documentation and original files from Ignitech along with any useful info I have collected on a CD. Marine grade velcro to attach TCI & MAP sensor. Small tube of dielectric grease. I am trying to find some 3/16" vacuum hose, but is rare apparently, at least locally. All TCI's for the 1983-1989 will be tested on my bike. I cannot start the 1990-1993 TCI's due to coil differences, but I can program module. Cost is $248 including USPS Priority shipping to US addresses. I will send anywhere, but shipping will be more. Ignitech also has a series of connectors that are a match for some on the Ventures and if any are wanted I will get them along with TCI. Ignitech main thread (extensive) is linked below. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=40414 I don't know if this group buy will be done again, due to the number of units I need to get at a time to make it feasible. Gary
  4. I have had some members express interest in getting an Ignitech TCI. I did the first one in August 2011 and 13 members participated in it here. I have not had any issues with them reported to me. If any of the guys that got them would like to post their experience with the TCI, it may help others decide if this is for them. I have ran this TCI for 2 years now and is works perfectly. This TCI is only available for the 83-93 1st gen Ventures. The RSV's have some dash indication features in it that this module is not set up to handle. I am planning on ordering TCI's the last week of January. That is to give anyone interested in doing this time to get funds together after the holiday season. Cost is $250 including USPS Priority shipping to US addresses. I will send anywhere, but shipping will be more. Due to Paypal fees of 2.9% there will be an added $7.25 for Paypal payments. Checks or money orders would be fine. Last time I took Paypal payments as 'Personal' transactions, but Paypal is shutting some peoples accounts down for this practice. Payment will be need in advance, same as last time. Attached below is a PDF of install instructions I provided & a couple of pictures of TCI. The MAP sensor will be connected to TCI with one connector on it at the MAP sensor itself. You will get following: Pre programmed new, version 80 Ignitech module (warranty by Ignitech) A revised program that is much better than what Ignitech is supplying. Adapter harness for either a 1983-1989 Venture or a 1990-1993 Venture, plug & play & matching program in TCI. Spare terminals for the TCI end connector. Also furnished are replacement ends for the Venture harness connectors & terminals. These are only needed if your harness end connectors are corroded. A new 1 bar GM MAP sensor and wiring connector properly connected to Ignitech harness. Wires will be 24" long and heat shrink covered. The stock vacuum sensor on the bike is not desirable for use on this TCI due to it being 12v based and it is prone to failure due to its age. All documentation and original files from Ignitech along with any useful info I have collected on a CD. Also on CD will be wiring schematics & service manuals for the 1st gens. Marine grade Velcro to attach TCI & MAP sensor. Alcohol wipes to clean surfaces. Small tube of dielectric grease. 24" of 3/16" vacuum hose to connect to MAP sensor. 15 wire zip ties in 3 different sizes. All TCI's for the 1983-1989 will be tested for operation on my bike. I cannot start the 1990-1993 TCI's due to coil differences, but I can program module. An optional item is a 6' long USB to COM cable to allow the TCI to be hooked up to a laptop that does not have a Com port. This is $15.00 additional. Not needed if you are not interested in tweaking the programming of TCI. Ignitech main thread (extensive) is linked below. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/sh...ad.php?t=40414 Previous group buy thread is at link below. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=62620 If interested, post here or PM me. Gary
  5. Wondering how everyones new tci's working. I havent been able to get to it yet.
  6. I am checking to see if there would be enough interest from members to make it feasible for me to buy about 10 (or more) of the Ignitech TCIP4 V80 TCI ignition modules. These units would be a 30 minute or less job to install & be riding with. I would get these units from Ignitech, pre-load a Venture program setup with mileage and performance balanced. The adapter harness would include the wiring for the pressure sensor that the TCI uses. The stock Venture boost sensor is not compatible with the Ignitech unit & can't be used. I would supply either a brand new boost sensor or one from a auto recycler, the second option being much more economical & would be fully tested by me. I will be able to supply unit in either 83-89, 4 pickup coils or 90-93, 1 pickup coil versions . Ignitech Site link: http://www.ignitech.cz/english/aindex.htm I can get these units and resell them with a gently used boost sensor, fully tested and ready to go for $225 US plus shipping. If a new boost sensor is wanted the cost would increase by about $50 (subject to change). I would need a partial prepayment in order to finance this. Balance of payment due when ready to ship by me. Turn around time would be about 2 weeks. It would take me about a week to get TCI's and some time to wire & test them. And being upfront about it, this is about $25 less than the unit can be purchased from Ignitech and the cost of a used boost sensor factored in. All that would be needed by user to utilize this unit would be to unplug the 2 cables from the existing TCI & plug them into the adapter harness. Then mount the TCI, which is slightly larger than a pack of smokes & mount the boost sensor. Connect the hose from the #2 intake boot to the boost sensor. Mounting of TCI can be on air box lid or left radio pocket. The TCI can be hooked up to a laptop that either has a com port or one with a USB port & an adapter that will be made available. It will not be necessary to have a laptop hookup if you do not desire to modify the program I would load in it. With the use of a laptop connection, the user can customize settings as desired. The Ignitech thread is located at link below, there is a lot of info in it. I will supply an electronic manual with the TCI. I will also put on the CD any useful info I have collected while using this unit. Each CD will have additional info such as bike wiring schematics and other items not supplied by Ignitech. The Ignitech manual, TCIP4 program and initial module program will also be included. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=40414 1st picture shows the TCI, wiring harness, a used pressure sensor and the software CD. Also are extra pins Ignitech supplies if user wants to add other non-utilized features of TCI, such as fuel pump relay control, shift light, inputs for shut off features. 2nd picture shows an boost sensor. 3rd picture shows end view of TCI 4th picture shows adapter harness with boost sensor leads. 5th picture shows Miscellaneous settings screen 6th picture shows Bike settings screen 7th picture shows 2D advance map example, would be different in supplied format. 8th picture shows 3D advance map example, would be different in supplied format. Last picture shows test screen. Gary
  7. After 5 months of on again off again tinkering, my 92 finally runs, not well, but it runs. Got the bike from an estate, as a basket case, last year and actually began work on the bike last July after I found a good drive shaft and differential. It had been torn apart in 2003 after the previous owner twisted off the pinion shaft. Got it all put together last summer. Cleaned the carbs - they were pretty bad, put new diaphrams in, lined the gas tank, checked all the wiring connections, scanned a lot of the threads on here regarding getting these older bikes back on the road and performed as many of the items as I could and thought I was ready to put it on the road in August. Tried to start it up, no spark. Back to the forums, rechecked all the wiring, re ohmed the coils and pickup coil, everything tested ok. Everything was pointing to the TCI, got it out from under the battery, opened it up and sprayed everything down with electrical contact cleaner and baked it in the oven for a couple of hours, still nothing, retested the ignition components again, coils and pickup tested ok - must be the TCI; so I ordered the ignitech unit in November. When it arrived it came with the wrong wiring harness for a 93 and they also informed me that it had the wrong program in it. To shorten up this long story, have yet to get the Ignitech program to work. In retesting all the ignition components, the pickup coil did not read out, out of desperation, I was able to find a pickup coil on ebay in February and changed it out. Still no spark with the Ignitech unit, what the heck, plugged the original TCI in and it fired up. It wuld only run with a lot of choke, but hey, it was running. Let it run for 20 minutes or so and shut it down. Came back to it the next day - no spark and the new pickup coil did not ohm at all. Last week found another used pickup coil, ohm'd it when it arrived, tested good. Drained all the fuel that had been in the tank for the past month and refilled with 5gl of gas and a can of Seafoam. Put it in with the original TCI, fired right up - again with a lot of choke. Ignitech still no spark. Let it run for an hour and a half, was slowly able to reduce the choke to about 1/4 to 1/3. but can't take the choke all the way off and if I give it any throttle it dies. tried it again last night, same thing, fired right up with choke, but can't take the choke all the way off and if i give it any throttle at all it dies; so I still have a carb issue to resolve. Just not sure what to look at - more carb cleaning, more Seafoam and let it work it's magic, new parts, float level,...?
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