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  1. Went to walmart today on the bike. I go in the same way every time I go to walmart, I'm going down my side of the road & see a pickup CUTTING across the parking lot heading toward me, I'm thinking yea he is going to cut me off he keeps coming i sit down on the horn and almost have to stop I continue to blow the horn all the way down to where he parks. I stop & stare at him and move to my parking spot in front of the IDIOT. I get off the bike and sit there waiting on the idiot to get out and come by me to get in the store ( only 1 entrance in our store) ... he sits in the truck & sends his small child in the store. I wanted to go to his truck but figured I'd end up in jail...he saw me I know he did cause his small son screamed at him and then when he got in front of me he looked in his mirror... I guess i should have gone ahead & stomped his ass to keep him from running over some1 else...IDIOTS ... I swear if u ever hear of a road rage in a small town Alabama then u can say yeap ole midnight lost his cool.....
  2. Well, with all the cager idiot stories this past while, I suppose a biker idiot story had to show up too. As my wife and I approached a red light today on our way home, I noticed a guy on a Harley approaching from the opposite direction with his left turn signal flashing. He was approaching the light slowly, obviously hoping it would change before he had to stop and put his feet down (So tiring you know!). Sure enough, as soon as the light changed he cranked the wheel left and took off. Of course, since the road was damp (It had just rained a tiny bit for the first time in a while) he had to take it very easy, forcing me to idle slowly forward till he cleared the intersection. It occurred to me that if it had been someone in a hurry to get home and who knew little if anything about bikes, the result could have been nasty. And while bikers would have been blaming the cager for turning left in front of the bike, the fact is that it would have been the biker's fault. What he did was stupid, dangerous and, oh yeah, illegal in this province. We are required to wait for oncoming traffic to clear the intersection before turning left. Trying to beat the first car across the intersection is illegal and in this case could have led to an accident. What's worse is that this idiot probably thinks he's a hot rider now because he "beat me" across the intersection. Some day he'll do that to the wrong person and it will cost him...and I sure as hell will not have any sympathy for him. Morons like that give us all a bad name. Andy
  3. A follow up to the idiot who posted a you tube video of himself going 300KPH (186MPH) through traffic just outside Victoria B.C. The guy is 25 and has lost his licence 5 times so far. In my opinion he should go to jail. His motorcycle is registered in his mothers name. As the registered owner she is responsible for it. She has been ticketed $1449.00 for driving without due care ($368.00), excessive speed ($483.00), not having insurance ($598.00). Charges are pending against her son.
  4. This was posted on you tube a few days ago and I hear the RCMP In the Victoria BC are looking for clues so they can hang this sportsbike rider out to dry for a while. This guy is a complete idiot and makes all of us riders look bad. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIUTXIsJz3o]victoria highway run 299km - YouTube[/ame] Brian
  5. Six Truths in Life 1. You cannot stick your tongue out and look up at the ceiling at the same time, a physical impossibility. 2. All idiots, after reading #1 will try it. 3. And discover #1 is a lie. 4. You are smiling now because you are an idiot. 5. You soon will forward this to another idiot. 6. There is still a stupid smile on your face . I sincerely apologize about this but I'm an idiot and I needed company.
  6. QUIZ Are You Male or Female ? Have a look further down to find out... NOT IN HERE YOU IDIOT ! I worry about you sometimes!
  7. Ok it’s official! I’m an idiot. So here’s how I discovered this. I’ve got my RSV up on the lift for a maintenance. So today I tackled changing the brake fluid and clutch fluid. I did the rear brake and then the front. Everything went smooth as silk. Then came the clutch fluid ,now keep this in mind I’m doing this the old fashion way, (open the bleeder, squeeze the lever, close the bleeder, release the lever and repeat). So I get the fluid in the clutch changed , it feels good. So I decide to started her up and put her in gear to see how she shifts. While it’s running an I put it in gear it dies. Damn, I’m thinking there must be air in the line so I bleed her again, and again. Start her up, shift in to gear it dies. Well, at this point I come inside and log on to the forum and review the tech section again and do a few searches on bleeding the clutch. Every thing seems right. So back out I go and bleed her again, start her up, it dies. Then all at once it hit me like a BRICK! And I though to myself.. YOU IDIOT THE KICK STAND IS DOWN!!!!. I put it up and alls well. I hope I can get a little smarter when I pull the drive shaft.
  8. www.charlotteobserver.com/2011/02/14/2062567/motorcyclist-killed-in-monroe.html Just what I did not want to read about. The weather is warm and motorcycles are out and about. Another idiot auto driver that doesn't look.
  9. Ok I know there is some kind of trick to getting the bike up on the center stand...so what is it? I feel like such an idiot for not being able to figure out how to get the bike on the center stand. Does the side stand have to be up?
  10. Just wanted to say I love the bug you've got crawling on your posts!! Ya, I flicked at it. :crackup:Felt like an idiot.
  11. Well this is getting interesting. Last year we had a rider tagged at 155 MPH on a Honda out on West Dodge. Yesterday we broke his record. The name has been changed to protect the moron. At 188 MPH, Motorcyclist Can't Elude Police "Idiot Delight" Arrested In Omaha KETV.com August 6, 2009 OMAHA, Neb. -- Police said a motorcyclist, "Idiot Delight" who fled from them Wednesday at almost 200 mph not only put himself in danger but also drivers in cars. "You can check your rear view mirror and not see anyone, and then have someone coming by you at 188 mph," said Iowa State patrol Lt. Mike Miller. "It's a frightening thing for the public." Miller said a driver being passed can react in unpredictable ways and endanger everyone else on the road. The motorcyclist, 36-year-old , "Idiot Delight" accelerated after troopers spotted him on Interstate 29 near Missouri Valley. He sped into Council Bluffs, where he got on Interstate 480 at Broadway Avenue, Miller said. Within minutes, he was speeding west on Interstate 80 in Omaha. He exited at 60th Street and stopped his sports bike at a house near 59th and Fay streets, where he was caught. "Idiot Delight" faces several felony and misdemeanor charges. This was partly in the Interstate through Omaha itself. Heavy traffice most the time. I see enough of these morons almost every day. A group of rocket riders will block off a couple of lanes on the Interstated by slowing down traffic then do their 75 MPH wheelies in the gaps. Seen some pretty close calls by cagers jumping into the open lanes and not seeing what was going on behind them. It's a freak show out there these days. Mike
  12. Maybe! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbvOmqfK2Y8&feature=related]YouTube - best idiot of the world[/ame]
  13. I posted a problem I am having with my 83 Venture awhile back but haven't found a cure. The brake warning light is displaying at times. In the morning when it's cool (40's lately) it usually doesn't come on. In the afternoon after sitting in the sun it comes on within a half a mile. When I hit a bump it sometimes comes on. I have checked the brake fluid, etc. No problem there. I think it is a bad wiring connection or something along that line. So my question is: How do I unhook this so it doesn't come on anymore? P.S. you don't spell "idiot" like I did in the title above. Ronnie
  14. CONFESSION : I feel like a complete idiot ... I just purchased an 83 Venture (first big tourer) after 23+ yrs of owning a number of previous motorcycles, yet I can't find the reserve switch/petcock ! 2nd confession : I just got the bike back from the bike shop today, after getting the safety chck done, and the ownership changed. She's plated and on the road ! Rode it home & thoroughly enjoyed it. But by the time I got home tonight, it was dark and I had to give up after about 5 mins scouring the bike for the petcock in the overcast dusk. I could find it eventually, but I thought I would let the collective wisdom of those on this site be bestowed. Help an idiot... I'll pay it forward. Thanks.
  15. and beating some sense into him??? yesterday , at noon, i was coming home for lunch. driving 55, the posted speed limit. on my left side, a young man in an old ford explorer, blew by me, followed by a young man on a BIG crotch rocket! the explorer pulled over into my lane, and the idiot on the bike jerked it up on one wheel, at about 65-70 miles an hour and rode it that way, for a 1/2 mile or better,accelerating all the time! i thought to myself! what an idiot! on the way into town, about 2 hours later, i saw the SAME blue and white crotch rocket, in pieces, in the back of a pick-up truck, going back into town! the bike had no seat, no handlebars, no windshield no exhaust pipes.pretty well torn up. i don't know about the rider, but i have to assume he ain't in the best of health, today! please be safe, when you ride, and please , if you get a chance, PREACH safety to these young broncs! just jt
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