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  1. 83 Rat chopper Venture. Manual Vmax boost. Homemade pipes, forward controls, and everything else. VTX radiator. Misc. lighting. Well I guess you get the idea. Finally out of the basement and down the road. I can now tie my shoes without bending over. Zag
  2. This forum is for those of who have decided to run a car tire on the back of their Ventures, or for those who may be interested in trying it and looking for some information. PLEASE READ: By participating in this area you AGREE to the following. 1. Installing and running a car tire on the back of the Venture or any other motorcycle is NOT endorsed by nor recommended by VentureRider.org. 2. In this group you will mostly find posts from people who are using these tires and are sold on the idea. It is important that you understand that there are negative opinions also. Some of these include possible rubber compounds that are not optimized for motorcycles, some insurance companies may not pay for accidents if they know that you are using a car tire, possible problems with the bead profile of the motorcycle rim not correct for a car tire, profile of tire is possibly not optimized for motorcycle use. These are just a few of the reasons cited for NOT running a car tire on a motorcycle. These issues have been agreed to by some and disputed by others but you need to be aware that the use of a car tire on a motorcycle is NOT universally agreed upon to be a good idea. 3. The bottom line is, do your research and come to your own conclusion. Do not take my word or that of anybody else that this is a good or a bad idea. Do your research and come to your own conclusion but remember, should you decide to proceed with a car tire on your motorcycle, you do so at your own risk and you agree to NOT hold VentureRider.org or any moderator, administrator or member here responsible for any negative consequences of your decision. 4. There are people who have strong feelings on both sides of this issue. It this can be discussed in a mature way then that will be great. Please remember, this forum is NOT solely for the purpose of hearing from those who think that a car tire on a motorcycle is a great idea. There will likely be some posts from those who think it is a dangerous idea. There is likely to be discussion and debate. That is why this is called a DISCUSSION FORUM. If those who participate in this forum cannot do so without resorting to personal attacks and sarcastic comments then this area will be removed IMMEDIATELY. Don "Freebird" Nelson
  3. I got a surprise in class last night,I was called to the front to be presented with an instructors license.I could now open my own Tae Kwon Do ( Chung Do Kwan) school.I had no idea it was coming.
  4. When I was in India recently, I saw a sign that said, 'English speaking taxi driver'. I thought to myself, "What a brilliant idea. Why don't we have them in Canada?"
  5. I have no idea how the he|| I'm going to get this tupperware back on but at least I have 5 months to do it LOL [ATTACH]72801[/ATTACH]
  6. Next weekend I'm puttin the bike away for her long winter's nap. It's going to be staying in a pole bar at my Uncle's place. I figure it would probably be a good idea to invest in a cover to keep dust off of it. I've got the 1300 RSTD, not sure if that's going to require a "Large" bike cover or an "XL" bike cover. Suggestions? Thanks
  7. As many of you are aware, I have a 1986 Venture Royale. I use it for personal daily transport (yeah, it goes to Walmart), for pleasure rides with my wife on the back, and for Long Distance Riding. I am not alone in this, not even on this Forum where there are several contributors who do the same or similar. It occurred to me that there must also be many who think "Mad sods! Catch me doing that!", and others who actually like the idea but are not sure what is involved. LD Riding is not for everyone but there may be some wondering what it is like, and how they can dip their toes in the water. If there is any interest I would be very happy to write a series of articles describing what is involved .... the bike, the planning, the execution and other stuff folk are interested in. If that would be welcomed, please reply below and if the articles are to be useful, then some idea of the concerns that need to be addressed would be helpful. LD Riding isn't just about Certificates and Rallies, sometimes it is just that two-week vacation you are planning, and want to acheive in an enjoyable way rather that a painful one.
  8. thinking of putting a voyger kit on my 03 venture is this a good idea or not thanks
  9. A guy I know is selling this '82 Wing Interstate, and I thought some of you more knowledgeable 1st gen guys would like to see it. It's a sweet little ride, but I have no idea if it's worth what he's asking. Just curious. http://atlanta.craigslist.org/wat/mcy/3220528461.html
  10. Need a second gen seat. Don't need the foam or the cover just the frame.... Experimenting with an idea I had .
  11. I have a small tree growing up through the deck attached to my house. This deck is only a little bit above the ground, so I can't get underneath it to get to it. The only way I see to get anywhere near it is to remove some of the deck boards and reach down. Anybody have any idea how I can get rid of it? Frank D.
  12. I was wondring if anyone has looked into or even tried one of these batteries. I was talking to someone today and their son bought one. He was saying we can't get them in Canada. From what I've read they seem like a god idea. http://sepbatteries.com/super-b-2600-lithium-battery
  13. I need a waterproof bag idea that will cover one of those over-head, carry-on airline luggage bags. It is about 21" by 14" by 10". I will be carrying it on my cooler rack off my hitch on my 91 VR. Any idea would be appreciated. I though of just 55 gallon black garbage liner and duct tape it so the plastic does not flot in the wind. It isn't much for looks tho.
  14. Check out this new idea for a motorcycle ! http://www.latimes.com/business/autos/la-fi-motorcycle-car-20120526,0,4147294.story tew47
  15. Any simple way to remove the needle valve seats for replacement? Or is it a better idea to inspect and clean the ones currently installed?
  16. Can you tell me how often to change the oil on the Midnight Venture 2008? Also are the tappets (valves) manually adjusted or automatically? Thanks, just trying to get an idea of the maintenence, ie if I can do it myself.
  17. I found these in the rear case of one of the carcases that I bought yesterday. There are two of them, each one is very heavy for it's size. They have a rubber cap/stop on each end and two o-rings in the middle. Anybody have any idea what they are ?
  18. Okay guys, I come here during my coffee break and frustration break. I have the top bolt out, I have the bike on jack stands and all the weight off the rear shock. I cannot get the bottom bolt/pin to turn. I have liquid wrenched the entire area, short of getting the heat on it, does anyone have an idea before I get out the BFH and start swinging? Which isn't always a bad idea, but hopefully there is a better way.
  19. Maybe this has been around for a long time? ( the bolt on the bottom of the filter) [ame=http://www.amazon.com/KN-204-Motorcycle-Powersports-Performance-Filter/dp/B000E2CVI8/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_i]Amazon.com: K&N KN-204 Motorcycle/Powersports High Performance Oil Filter: Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Q8P2EBL7L.@@AMEPARAM@@41Q8P2EBL7L[/ame] I just think it is a great idea.. this above link might not be the correct filter for your bike.. I just had to show these K&N's Jeff
  20. Need to remove old gas from a 1984 Venture is there an easy way to do this or do I need to get a Sifen pump of some sort, was told that just putting hi test new gas in was not a good idea.
  21. I have a motorcycle friend who just made a custom tool so that I can grease my speedometer bearing. He has a milling machine and lathe. He will be making 20 of these for the ordes I've received so far. Were were talking and I asked him if he would be interesed in ideas that members might have a need for tools, brackets, or other creative ideas. He is willing to intertain these ideas with possible solutions. He can make all sorts of things made out of various material and also anodize them if needed. One of his local customers is the Boeing Company so his machines has a lot of capabilities. His cost bases are very reasonable. Let me know if anyone has an idea and we can present them to the group to see if there might enough interest to move forward. He has a couple older Goldwings he is restoring and it really fun and interesting sharing stories of ideas. He is working on another idea of mine and as soon as I get a working prototype I'll share it with the group.
  22. Anyone tried one of these yet? I'm thinking of ordering one just to see if it works as he says. I am sure with some type of motion switch it could be done and it is a good idea. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Motorcycle-taillight-downshift-activator-only-99-cents-/120759940263?hash=item1c1dda74a7&item=120759940263&pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr
  23. mraf


    Has anybody ever had a new idea on this site!! I've been watching from the sidelines for months now and haven't even seen not so much of a wimper of a idea to beat back old man winter!!! WHY???? :rotfl:
  24. I was getting some stuff from my right (throttle side) saddle bag and noticed the black plastic cover over the internal mechanism was missing. You would think I would notice that falling off, but have no idea when or where it fell off (it wasn't in the bag). Does anybody have a trashed (or a good one) saddle bag that might have this cover available? RR
  25. Not the kind of cruising I am used to, we are finally going on a Caribbean cruise, well not exactly the cruise I wanted, which was an Alaskan cruise, but a cruise to test the waters to see if we like it. We are booked on the Carnival Conquest for a 7 day cruise. Many thanks to Eck and the members that contributed to the cause (cruise) at Vogel. It didnt quite cover all of it, but it helped. Thanks again to all, and especially Eck. In doing so he also assured that there will be more Vogel's to come, I don't know what ever gave him the idea that there wouldn't be................:think:. We will be leaving out of New Orleans Feb 12, and when we get back it will be Mardi Gras, we might even extend our vacation by a couple of days for that.
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