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  1. Now first I want to make it very clear that my knowledge when it comes to electircity is pretty much limited with the fact that I know it hurts to touch it and it takes a plus and a minus to make the light come on. But my Royal Star Tour Classic 1998 in Iceland has started to flicker the headlights. They don´t go off completely, they just kind of go low and high when riding the bike. When idling they are quite o.k. I don´t know if it has anything to do with it but last night (yes, there is still riding season in Iceland) I pulled into a gas station and filled the bike up, and when I tried to start it up again the batteri was almost dead and did not manage to turn the motor over enough to start it. The battery is four years old so that is shot for sure. Could any of the following be the reason: Maybe some loose connections ? Switch to be cleaned ? Stator going bad? If any of you guys have experienced this or have any idea what could cause this then please chime in. Jonas - who is scared sh#*!#ess of electricity after peeing on an electric fence in his youth - NO !!! I don´t wanna talk about it)
  2. Greetings all fellow Venturers ! Since I am not able to attend this year due to work and a planned trip to Spain with the family this year I thought that I would get somebody from Iceland to attend on my behalf. Had problem getting my mother to attend so my final option was to send Mr. Black Death instead of Momma. Big Tom has received two bottles of that dreadful drink and i hope he will put them in the freezer and serve to those who would like a taste on Saturday evening:group cheers:. Keep an eye on him for me - he got hooked on Black Death and urinated shark when he and Vicky visited us in Iceland last summer. Sorry I could not send the shark - Don´t want the US custom to get pissed at me. Wish you all the happiest time at Freebirds the coming weekend. Warmest regards to you all from, Jonas and Greta (we will see you in 2013 rain or shine).
  3. It seems that Canada's reputation as being "The Great White North" is gonna get a boost. It appears that Iceland in considering adopting the Canadian Looney as it's new currency. Awesome! Next...Timmies and the "Double, Double". http://www.cbc.ca/thecurrent/episode/2011/12/09/icelandic-economists-urge-their-country-to-adopt-canadas-currency/
  4. Taters and I made it back home last night around midnight...It was a very long day with a lay over in Boston of 9 hours(enough time for a lobster dinner).....Nice to be home, but the heat here is nuts .......over 100 degrees...we're not used to that around here...Our trip was absolutely FANTASTIC........Thank you Jonas and Greta for being our host and tour guides...We love the both of you ....your family is terrific and made two strangers feel so welcome....loved the bakery, never saw a bakery the size of 4 football fields....WOW...............Jonas, I had no problem with the salmon and customs, and I picked up the special green bottle at the airport for the cook.......I really don't know how to put into words what Iceland is like except "ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC...." everyone will speak english for us foreigners so communicating was easy...(sometimes the tour guides will mess with your heads though) ..... so next year when you plan your vacation, keep Iceland in mind you won't be dissapointed.....ps...and the police are friendly too ! :rotf: Again, thank you Jonas and Greta for a wonderful week....... :bowdown:
  5. Greetings again fellow Venturers ! In 2009 I met a very nice couple at „Freebirds Maintenance Day“ and we started talking. They asked if I was taking the bike back to Iceland and I told them no, but it was getting a little bit to expensive to store it in Woddstock/Bearsville NY at a repair shop (600 US$ + a year ) so I would have to figure out another way. This nice couple then told me that they lived in East Pensylvania about two hours from JFK and that they could possiblie store the bike for me if I wanted. I did write down their name but when I got home from the trip I had lost the note. So,,,I am hoping that they will read this and get in contact with me. It is prettty far fetched but I am hoping that they will stumble upon this. The only description I have is that they were both around 40 to 50 years old and very pleasant. If anybody in the club knows this couple by this detailed (hmmm,,,) description above or have any suggestions then please let me know. Apart from the bike storage I would very much want to get in touch with them again. Friendly regards from Iceland, StarFan Jonas Th. Lilliendahl and Margret S. Bjornsdottir jonaslill@istak.is
  6. Been in touch with Starfan....For the newer members...he is a member from Iceland who traveled here to the states last year to ride with the NY gang to Freebirds maintenance day and stayed and visited a few of our members in NY, Penn., and Ohio...what a wonderful GENTLEMAN to get to know (and yes, he keeps a bike here in the US to ride)...He still refers to my guest room as HIS room...lol..well..........TATERS and I have been talking to Starfan and after numerous invatations from him , have decided to plan a trip in 2011 to go to Iceland and visit Jonas.... Where else but right here can you make friends like this...Jonas has been working in Norway since he returned home and will be there for at least one more year.....he doesn't make it home very often and tells me how he misses his family...Comunication is difficult as he is up in the mountains and doesnt get off the mountain that often....he is boring and building a tunnel thru it....He tells me Norway would be a wonderful place to ride with all the twisties .....He tries to pop on the site as often as he can ...Says he misses everyone and wants to wish everyone a happy holiday....he will be comming home for Christmas.......he also can't see comming to MD this year as he wants to finish his tunnel...He did promise to bring his wife to NEW YORK CITY along with his sons this year...Hope we can hook up then.........BLACK DEATH ANYONE???????
  7. Dear friends. I would like to thank all of you that attended "Maintenance Day" for your warmth and welcome you represented to me when I was in your beautiful country last June. Like I have said none of you could ever imagine how much this meant to me and how comfortable you all made me feel. I had no doubts that this club had great people but I have to say that you guys are simply the greatest ever. Everbody were so friendly and I have made so many good friends and am just overwhelmed. I lack words to explain how thankful I am and I thank God that he guided me to this club and all of you people. May you all ride safe and I hope that I will have the oppurtunity to meet you all again in the coming years. Warmest greetings from Iceland (Greenland at the moment). Jonas - StarFan
  8. For those of you that weren't able to make it to maintenance day....here is Jonas from Iceland, and with his bottle of Black Death
  9. Do we have any VR members from New Zealand? Don, would it be possible to update the Members List in order to identify by location those members from outside the US and Canada? Unless I'm missing something, the only way of finding them is by clicking on the Full List or Yukon which brings up everyone. I know we've got members in Australia, Iceland and Britain but not sure if there's an easy way of locating them. Heading to NZ next spring and would be nice to meet up with a fellow VR member if anyone's down there. Thanks.....Doug
  10. :sign09:Boy am I in serious trouble now. Have been searching high and low for a trunk, trunk mounting bracket, grab rails and passenger trunk backrest to add to my Royal star Tour Classic II 1998. Have finally found most of these parts but the bottom part of the trunk is badly broken. Found another bottom that is intact and now I need to sort this out. Need to exchange the bottom part, dismantle the trunk and put the parts in the trunk itself to save space and so forth. O.K. what is my problem? I live in Iceland and need someone to help me with this. Need someone that is willing to have all the items shipped to his place and is willing to sort things out, dismantle, pack and ship to Iceland. This is quite a lot of work but I am surely willing to pay for the assistance by any reasonable rate. Is there anybody out there who has the time, skills and the kindness to help one little eskimo pulling this through? I have not yet bought the items since I don´t want to do it until I see through the dismantle and shipping issue, but the parts are available. Like I said to my wife - Just got to have it !!!!!!!!
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