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Found 9 results

  1. OK...now I have your attention I should mention that I am not afraid nor looking for someone to be brave. What I need is a single ball bearing steel ball. I have a "princess auto", air and hydraulic bike table lift with a release pedal. probably made in China The pedal pulls a pin on bottom of the hydraulic bottle which allows a steel ball to open a port, releasing the pressure and allowing the oil to flow thru an outlet port back into the reservoir. I lost that steel ball and you wouldn't believe the problems I have been having trying to find a replacement. Princess Auto themselves were no help....and the manual doesn't specify the size. or where you can order parts One company would only sell me a bag of 100 for $12.95 It is deep inside the base but as near as I can eyeball it with my micrometer it is 0.141" or 3.62 mm. Closest match is 1/8" which is .125" or 3.19 mm If anyone has one single ball bearing or a few different ones around that size and would be willing to throw it in an envelope and mail it to me I would appreciate it!!!!! The lift is useless without it. The shaft that pushes the ball bearing into the port to plug the pressure has a bad o'ring...so it leaks like a sieve. That's why I pulled it apart. That shaft is Spring loaded...I never even saw the ball bearing go flying out.
  2. If the bike isn't ridden for a couple of days one of the valves makes alot of noise, it will clear up after being ridden for awhile, I was told at the KAW shop that this was normal because since they are hydraulic, it leaks down. Would someone please tell me if he is correct. My warranty expires in Mar. and would like to have the problem taken care of, my pockets aren't that deep. Thanks and ride safe Truckin48
  3. We have a 2005 Midnight Venture just purchased and am wondering how you folks lift the bike for routine service without a factory center stand? This is our first motorcycle in 19 years and all prior had factory center stands. I have a hydraulic lift table but would like to have a way to have both tires free of the ground. Thanks, Rob
  4. I recently purchased replacement braided SS hydraulic lines (front brake and clutch) and plan to install them as soon as we get some lousy weather - perhaps this weekend. I was having a look at the stock setup and noticed that the rubber lines run inside a soft rubber sheath for part of the run. Is it necessary to keep this sheath to protect the plastic covered SS lines? Any tricks or things to watch for while making the swap. Any issues or major dis-assembly needed to run the lines (I haven't had a really good look yet). I don't have speed bleeders or a vacuum pump so I am hoping I don't run into trouble getting all of the bubbles out! Thanks Ross
  5. I have a 96 RSTD with a factory hydraulic shock.........with two up, and some gear for the weekend, the rear bottoms out.......I'm 6'4" and 280 wife is 6 foot and 200. So I don't know if anyone makes a performance shock, or I'd be better off with an air shock unit, and have found NO sources for modification other than o.e. replacment......any help?
  6. Hi y'all. I just noticed these today, these round things on the sides of the hydraulic fluid reservoirs for my front brake and for my clutch. It appears as if these may actually be windows designed for easy checking of fluid levels inside the reservoirs. I can't confirm this though because there seems to be 24 years of hardedned road grime on these windows. I haven't attempted to clean them yet for fear of using too much pressure on them and causing breakage. I was wondering what the best way to clean these would be and if it's actually safe to do so.
  7. Anyone have a blown rear shock off a 2nd gen laying around? I'd like to get some measurements off of it. I'm trying to replace the weak rear air shock with a standard spring and hydraulic shock.
  8. My clutch is barely engaging when pulled in completely. Looking in my manual it only tells me to have it looked at by a dealer. It's Saturday, a beautiful day in south Louisiana and I'd like to ride. It's a '03 Midnight Venture. The clutch is hydraulic. Manual suggest that it may need to be bled. Any help on how to go about this? Desperate, Potohead
  9. I am probably going to be buying one of the Harbor Freight lifts. They have a deal now at $200 for the hydraulic unit vs $379 for the air lift unit. I don't mind spending the extra money for a air assist if it is worth it. During the riding season I would probably use the lift 3 or 4 times a month for cleaning and service. I'm sort of thinking that a couple of years from now I would be enjoying the air assist while I have long forgotten about the extra money spent. Those of you with the foot operated hydraulic units, do you regret not having the air assist? After using yours would you pay extra money for the convenience? DT
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