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Found 24 results

  1. Just got back from Texas Hunting Exotics. I took an Armenian Mouflon and Barasingha. Hopefully the upload works. Going with a European mount for the mouflon.
  2. as the post say"s, went deer hunting with the bike 12-2-12 , going in for surgury this morn'n at 9:30 to fix left wrist which is broken,and left big toe that's dislocated and socket is broken, both at same place ,one fixed and then the other, same knockout juice. tak':fingers-crossed-emon big man up...
  3. Hey all my Canadian friends, I have some questions for you folks about Calgary. I work for a company called Tenaris down here in Texas. We have 4 plants and a corporate office in and around Houston. One of our Manager/Supervisors of our weld mill is going to travel up to another one of our facili...
  4. Found just what we were looking for,,, still some work to be done,,,,,OH crap!!! it's sold!!!
  5. I am looking at getting a trail camera used for deer hunting to use it as a security cam for a remote location with no power, internet or anything else. The hunting type trail cams is all I can think of. Small, Camo colored to hide in a tree, made to be outdoors, runs on batteries. motion activa...
  6. Safety not Saftey. True story on MLive today; A 42-year-old Grand Blanc Township man may do well with a refresher course on gun safety. The man was hunting small game in Grand Blanc Township on Sunday when he tied his shotgun on a rope so he could carry it up a tree. Nothing coul...
  7. Well for all those interested. The Kentucky Town Hall Meetings with the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife will be starting up this coming Monday evening, February 13th. Please attend and please speak on behalf of allowing the crossbow for the entire archery season here in KY. I will add the link to the mee...
  8. I have just took on the quest to get the crossbow recognized here in Kentucky. I feel as if we need to include the crossbow in our archery deer season. If anyone can help with this issue, I would be very grateful. Especially members from Kentucky. So far in Kentucky we can only use the crossbow...
  9. http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2011/12/01/the-700-wtf-for-hunting-dinosaurs/
  10. Just thought I'd try a Hail Mary here -who knows when you might connect - We have been looking for the perfect retirement home/property in the Texas Hill Country for the past year - found lots of interesting places, but nothing just right yet. Want 10+ acres for privacy and hunting, plus a dece...
  11. I don't know what to say about this: www.myholysmoke.com
  12. ROTFLMAO http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHMNkrD2SOU
  13. After 11 years of hunting with a bow I fanally got a deer today. Not much to talk about in size as it was a button head buck , but I was on cloud nine. Just doing my part here to help keep these pesky critters off the road. David
  14. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs065.snc4/34607_136611646359171_100000310102974_277907_6607114_n.jpg Yours Truely http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs162.snc4/37440_136612093025793_100000310102974_277910_3374733_n.jpg The Falls, about 60ft tall http://sphotos.ak....
  15. Well I did my part to try to make the roads safer for all of us. I filled all 3 of my deer tags 3 total. How did everyone else do in the hunting season this year?
  16. I've decided to start deer hunting again after a 3 year layoff during which time I lost my lease rights to private land nearby. But I'm right on the edge of several large tracts of Federal and Georgia state public lands. Some open and some which require checkin/signin (wildlife management areas)....
  17. If this rifle don't meet your shooting needs you had better hide like a bunny from whatever you are hunting. You suppose they make this in a semi-auto?
  18. Actually his name is Benelli. He will be DkKnight's hunting partner hopefully by next duck hunting season. Tom was retrieving his own ducks. One time he was hunting with a friend who has a Lab and Tom was out of the blind to retrieve the duck as fast as the dog. So they started calling him "Milk...
  19. Well, things have been crazy around here. Work is swamped. Xmas shopping till I drop. Weddings on the weekends...tons of night meetings.....and the fun is just begining. Deer Hunting starts this weekend, so all our son's will be home at noon today. Tonights request...Pioneer stew...and chicken tort...
  20. Guest

    gone hunting

    pulling the pin at 6 am, so won't be seeing you, till next monday night, i like your weather forcast; Friesman, just don't like that thin ice, ends up that you have to take more hunting suits than underware, trying to get a quad back ontop of thin ice one is bound to get wet. and guys if y...
  21. I have called about 6 places that have the Hopnel Tuxedo Trunk Bib advertised on their web site to see if they had them in stock or if they could call their supplier and see if they could still get them. Negative I'm sorry to say. So if anyone finds an avenue for them please advise others here. I'm...
  22. What do you guys think? http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd103/keesh47/OT/messican.gif
  23. Glade to be back home didnt think I could get tried of hunting but I did lots of work guideing (BABBY SITTING )all those hunters but it was fun got some big bulls . now dose anyone know of mapsend and how to get it cheep?
  24. Guest

    HD announcement

    Tonight in the news they announced that the Harley Davidson plant here in York PA is closing for 4 days around thanksgiving - 4 unpaid days for the workers. Slow sales was the reason given. I hated to hear that. They said a lot of the people would be off hunting ---
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