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  1. Just got back from Texas Hunting Exotics. I took an Armenian Mouflon and Barasingha. Hopefully the upload works. Going with a European mount for the mouflon.
  2. as the post say"s, went deer hunting with the bike 12-2-12 , going in for surgury this morn'n at 9:30 to fix left wrist which is broken,and left big toe that's dislocated and socket is broken, both at same place ,one fixed and then the other, same knockout juice. tak':fingers-crossed-emon big man upstairs with me, he's got me still hang'n round for some reason!!!!!!!
  3. Hey all my Canadian friends, I have some questions for you folks about Calgary. I work for a company called Tenaris down here in Texas. We have 4 plants and a corporate office in and around Houston. One of our Manager/Supervisors of our weld mill is going to travel up to another one of our facilities in Calgary Alberta. I mentioned to him that I would talk with some of my Canadian friends and get the lowdown about Calgary. If y'all can help me out with good places to eat, or fishing and hunting areas, or just cool places to go and see, I would really appreciate it. I have heard of the Calgary Stampede, I'm not even sure what thats all about other than Rodeo and such. I notice it's July 6th thru the 15th. I'm not sure about what it would take for him to get a Canadian fishing license and if there is any kind of hunting he can do up there during July and August. Give me some ideas here so I can pass it on to him....Thanks
  4. Found just what we were looking for,,, still some work to be done,,,,,OH crap!!! it's sold!!!
  5. I am looking at getting a trail camera used for deer hunting to use it as a security cam for a remote location with no power, internet or anything else. The hunting type trail cams is all I can think of. Small, Camo colored to hide in a tree, made to be outdoors, runs on batteries. motion activated, IR flash for night time. Does anyone have any experience with which ones actually work decent without costing a fortune. If they spot the cam I am sure it will either get shot or stolen or both. Twice in the last 2 weeks bullets have been put thru the shed, took out a front tire and a fuel jug, one just missed the engine. it is deliberate since shell casings have been found right next to the shed. About a dozen shots so far. Would love to be able to hand the police a pic of whom they need to pick up.
  6. Safety not Saftey. True story on MLive today; A 42-year-old Grand Blanc Township man may do well with a refresher course on gun safety. The man was hunting small game in Grand Blanc Township on Sunday when he tied his shotgun on a rope so he could carry it up a tree. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan, right? As he was making his way up the tree, the hunter dropped the gun and it went off. Repeatedly. The first shot his left leg, followed by another shot that hit his right leg. Ouch. He was able to crawl out to a nearby road where a relative came to his aid. He was taken to the hospital where he was listed in stable condition. He later told police he thought the shotgun's safety was on. Officers then informed him it's probably not the best idea to tie the rope around the trigger. On the bright side, the Department of Natural Resources came out and ruled it a hunting accident and that the man had not broken any laws. http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2012/02/offbeat_unsafe_gun_use.html
  7. Well for all those interested. The Kentucky Town Hall Meetings with the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife will be starting up this coming Monday evening, February 13th. Please attend and please speak on behalf of allowing the crossbow for the entire archery season here in KY. I will add the link to the meeting dates and also copy and paste some notes you can print and use for help when speaking your opinion. This is the only way we will be heard. So bring all your family and tell everyone and go. I would really appreciate it. If you attend, please send me a PM and let me know how things went. I also copied and posted a message I added earlier. I wanted everyone to know how and why I feel this way. Fuzzy [ATTACH]63961[/ATTACH] I have just took on the quest to get the crossbow recognized here in Kentucky. I feel as if we need to include the crossbow in our archery deer season. If anyone can help with this issue, I would be very grateful. Especially members from Kentucky. So far in Kentucky we can only use the crossbow for a very short period of the archery season, unless you are disabled. I think the crossbow should be considered for full inclusion of the archery season. The crossbow uses an arrow with fletching and a broadhead, just as the vertical bow. A bolt was the term used in history when there was a steel or wooden shaft used with out any vanes or fletching. The crossbow is so much fun to shoot and allows those that do not have the time to dedicate to verticle bow hunting the time to hunt. Yes the crossbow can be used with out so much of the dedicated time that it takes to shoot a deer with the verticle bow and still show respect for the animal. I did not say easier, for if anything a crossbow is harder to hunt with when compared to a vertical bow because I can usually get a second shot off with my vertical bow. I would have to be very lucky to get a second shot with the crossbow. It is slower to load and louder at the shot. I have bowhunted with vertical bows for the past 30 years. I own two Mathews MQ-1s. I have hunted with the a crossbow once or twice in in the last 10 years. I recently purchased a Horton Summit and then sold it and bought my self a Parker Cyclone Express crosbow. I have been bitten by the crossbow bug. I really love this new way of hunting with an arrow. It is so much fun. I have been doing some research and reading a lot. Seventeen states allow crossbows for all archery deer hunters; Kentucky only allows them for a short part of the archery deer season and for those with disabilities. Crossbow use has increasingly been allowed across the nation. In the last two years, eight states, including traditional whitetail hunting states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Texas, have changed regulations to allow crossbows during the archery deer seasons. Crossbows not only help recruit young hunters but help retain older hunters, too. As our hunter population continues to age, the crossbow will continue to play a vital role in our deer program, both in our rural and urban areas. The state of Ohio has full inclusion of the crossbow during deer archery seasons since 1976. Now 45% to 50% of the state's archery hunters use crossbows. The state's deer population hasn't suffered and is at or near an all-time record. I would like to know what the Kentucky hunting members think of this proposal I am making. I will be promoting not only the crossbow, but all hunting methods here in our state. I respect those whom hunt with every available means, and would not want to give any anti hunting groups an opportunity to say we disagree or are separated in our goals to keep our rights to hunt. I would like to see the crossbow become full inclusive in our state of Kentucky. James Darrell Fultz Home > 606-286-2078 Cell > 606-356-7797 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crossbows: Myths & Facts As hunters who pay hunting license fees and game managers whose programs come from those licenses, we are blessed by the ability of the whitetail deer to adjust to the continued encroachment on its habitat by man and still multiply. If it I were not for the far sighted sportsmen who preceded us and insisted upon scientific management practices, most modern deer hunting today would be very costly and conducted on preserves, behind high-fences. However, this magnificent animal’s ability to multiply, coupled with conservative management practices, have resulted in whitetail populations at an all-time high. In some areas deer populations are so high that property damage as well as safety and health concerns have arisen. The game manager’s job today is rapidly becoming more sociological than biological. Heaped in the middle comes the issue of creating a new opportunity with a new and misunderstood hunting tool – the crossbow. MYTH: Crossbows are a poacher’s tool. FACT: Crossbows, like vertical bows, have short range capabilities, are too cumbersome to discharge from a vehicle, and kill by hemorrhage, not shock. Where legal, violations are minimal. If crossbows were efficient poaching tools their use would be wide-spread by game thieves. The poachers weapon of choice is still the .22 caliber rifle. MYTH: Crossbows are unsafe. FACT: Based on thirty years of statistical data, accident rates involving crossbows are identical to those of vertical bows. Both, considering hunting hours involved and numbers of hunters, are considered among the safest forms of hunting. MYTH: Crossbows are too easy to shoot. FACT: Experienced rifle shooters can expect to quickly achieve tight arrow groups on targets up to forty yards (the effective hunting range of a crossbow). Is that bad? Isn’t accurate shot placement the goal of all ethical hunting? Does the difficulty of shooting a bow accurately deter people from participating in bowhunting? However, to be successful, a crossbow hunter must master all skills and tactics common to bowhunting. MYTH: Crossbow hunting will squeeze other hunters out. FACT: In states where lengthy crossbow seasons, crossbow hunting is popular. However, no other season or bag limit has ever been reduced as a result of crossbow hunting being permitted. Where permitted, the crossbow does not discriminate in favor of the physically strong. It enables a wider range of sportsmen (women, professionals, youth, and older hunters) to enjoy the challenges of bowhunting. MYTH: Crossbow hunting will wipe out the deer herd FACT: In states with generous crossbow seasons, the success rate of crossbow hunters and vertical bow hunters are virtually the same and the deer populations continue to flourish. MYTH: A crossbow is much more efficient than a vertical bow. FACT: A modern 150# draw weight compound crossbow delivers the same speed and stored energy as a 65-70 pound compound vertical bow. The crossbow requires twice the amount of draw weight because the power stroke (draw length) is half as long as that of the compound bow. If both types of bows launch the same weight arrow at the same speed, how can a crossbow be more efficient and does the deer really care? MYTH: The crossbow controversy creates division amongst sportsmen, and the public image of crossbows makes proposed hunting with them counter to the sportsmen’s interests. FACT: Where permitted, crossbow hunting creates NO controversy except that created by a few individuals who deem themselves and their chosen method of hunting as superior to all others. The public image of crossbows stems from the lack of knowledge of a crossbow’s limited capabilities, as well as the myths touted by those who oppose their use. The TRUE controversy and tragedy of the crossbow issue stems from the time, effort and money spent by so called conservation-minded bowhunting organizations to deny others the opportunity to hunt rather than promoting the virtues of bowhunting to the public. MYTH: There is an independent study which dramatically shows the superior capability of the crossbow (and its development) over the vertical bow. FACT: This study is about as independent as a study on the need for sport hunting by P.E.T.A.. The study was commissioned by the Anti-Crossbow Committee of a national bowhunting group. Its author is a member of that group. Much of the hypothetical development of hunting crossbows and the limiting physical factors which prevent such development in vertical bows within the study have already been proven erroneous. It is the purpose of the game regulations by the state to control what advances in technology are suitable for sporting use. No state permits the use of machine guns and handheld rockets during deer rifle season! MYTH: Because it is not hand-drawn and released, the crossbow is more closely compared to a firearm than a vertical bow. FACT: Opponents to the crossbow often quote an apples and oranges comparison when voicing this smokescreen. The vertical archer, if they are a sportsman/bowhunter, prior to ever going into the field hunting spends hours and hours working on the physical conditioning required by drawing, aiming and shooting their chosen tool – nothing mystical, just physical work. Once the season starts, the act of drawing, aiming and shooting (especially with high let-off compounds utilizing a triggered release aid) is no more difficult for a vertical bowhunter than a crossbow hunter. Movement is required by both (one to draw back the other to raise the crossbow into a shooting position) to obtain the target at an average of less than twenty yards. Both hunters must be accomplished woodsmen to get that close to a whitetail and still mask those necessary movements. MYTH: Nobody wants crossbow hunting except the crossbow manufacturers. FACT: In Ohio, crossbow hunting has been permitted for thirty years and the Ohio Division of Wildlife endorses crossbow hunting and the opportunity it creates enthusiastically. Currently there are more hunters participating in the archery season using a crossbow that are using a hand-held bow. These licensed, legal, law-abiding sportsmen in Ohio are commonly the target of slanderous, erroneous and often untruthful attacks from bowhunting groups opposed to crossbow hunting. Many Ohio crossbow hunters also enjoy shooting with vertical archery tackle. MYTH: Just because crossbow hunting has been a success story in many states like Ohio, Arkansas and Wyoming we don’t want it in ours. All the bowhunters of “our” state and all of “our” enforcement officers are opposed to it. FACT: The crossbow is a challenging but effective short-range, single-shot hunting tool which offers additional hunting opportunity and recruitment to hunting ranks. If such an option in not considered advantageous by the sportsmen and game management agencies within the state, then the huntable wildlife resources of that state are not being managed to maximize opportunity for MOST citizens. The sportsmen’s cause and the future of hunting in that state are therefore at risk. Recruitment to hunting ranks should be the goal of ALL game managers and sportsmen. As long as the hunting tool falls within logical parameters of safe, capable and humane harvest capabilities, such recruitment should not be based upon, “do it my way or you can’t do it at all.” How can any organization which represents such a small percentile of the total number of archery tag purchasers in a state be so presumptuous to speak for all bowhunters and deny others? Does not their small total membership compared to the large number of archery hunters suggest perhaps they do not represent the views of the majority? FACT: It is a fact confirmed by agency statistical data in crossbow hunting states that there are vastly more hunters (or potential hunters) who choose or would choose to hunt with a crossbow than those who oppose them. FACT: Crossbow hunting is documented as safe, responsible and popular where permitted, and has no ill effect on wildlife resources or any other group of sportsmen – other than self-perceived. Ohio ranks the crossbow as a major recruitment tool for women, youth and professionals. The crossbow hunting opportunity does not create division amongst sportsmen – quite the opposite, it gives the firearms hunter a hands-on perspective of the challenges of archery hunting. The REAL concerns surrounding the crossbow hunting opportunity is the concept that there’s no room for recruitment to hunting ranks unless the tool used is one based upon the emotional, purism standards of a few. Wildlife resources should be managed for the most opportunity for most citizens/sportsmen, not for a select few. Facts, not emotion, document the crossbow hunting opportunity as positive for sportsmen and game management programs everywhere it is available for use.
  8. I have just took on the quest to get the crossbow recognized here in Kentucky. I feel as if we need to include the crossbow in our archery deer season. If anyone can help with this issue, I would be very grateful. Especially members from Kentucky. So far in Kentucky we can only use the crossbow for a very short period of the archery season, unless you are disabled. I think the crossbow should be considered for full inclusion of the archery season. The crossbow uses an arrow with fletching and a broadhead, just as the vertical bow. A bolt was the term used in history when there was a steel or wooden shaft used with out any vanes or fletching. The crossbow is so much fun to shoot and allows those that do not have the time to dedicate to verticle bow hunting the time to hunt. Yes the crossbow can be used with out so much of the dedicated time that it takes to shoot a deer with the verticle bow and still show respect for the animal. I did not say easier, for if anything a crossbow is harder to hunt with when compared to a vertical bow because I can usually get a second shot off with my vertical bow. I would have to be very lucky to get a second shot with the crossbow. It is slower to load and louder at the shot. I have bowhunted with vertical bows for the past 30 years. I own two Mathews MQ-1s. I have hunted with the a crossbow once or twice in in the last 10 years. I recently purchased a Horton Summit and then sold it and bought my self a Parker Cyclone Express crosbow. I have been bitten by the crossbow bug. I really love this new way of hunting with an arrow. It is so much fun. I have been doing some research and reading a lot. Seventeen states allow crossbows for all archery deer hunters; Kentucky only allows them for a short part of the archery deer season and for those with disabilities. Crossbow use has increasingly been allowed across the nation. In the last two years, eight states, including traditional whitetail hunting states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Texas, have changed regulations to allow crossbows during the archery deer seasons. Crossbows not only help recruit young hunters but help retain older hunters, too. As our hunter population continues to age, the crossbow will continue to play a vital role in our deer program, both in our rural and urban areas. The state of Ohio has full inclusion of the crossbow during deer archery seasons since 1976. Now 45% to 50% of the state's archery hunters use crossbows. The state's deer population hasn't suffered and is at or near an all-time record. I would like to know what the Kentucky hunting members think of this proposal I am making. I have been invited to join in on a pro crossbow Kentucky Afield Radio talk show here in Kentucky. I will be promoting not only the crossbow, but all hunting methods here in our state. I respect those whom hunt with every available means, and would not want to give any anti hunting groups an opportunity to say we disagree or are separated in our goals to keep our rights to hunt. I would like to see the crossbow become full inclusive in our state of Kentucky. James Darrell Fultz Home > 606-286-2078 Cell > 606-356-7797
  9. http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2011/12/01/the-700-wtf-for-hunting-dinosaurs/
  10. Just thought I'd try a Hail Mary here -who knows when you might connect - We have been looking for the perfect retirement home/property in the Texas Hill Country for the past year - found lots of interesting places, but nothing just right yet. Want 10+ acres for privacy and hunting, plus a decent home Privacy and seclusion a must, live water a HUGE plus. Willing to buy separate hunting property if we find the right home site on too small acreage Our favorite areas are Bandera, Wimberly, and Llano, but anywhere in the Hill Country is possible. On the very slight chance anyone out there has a lead on Hill Country property, give me a shout! Goose
  11. I don't know what to say about this: www.myholysmoke.com
  12. ROTFLMAO http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHMNkrD2SOU
  13. After 11 years of hunting with a bow I fanally got a deer today. Not much to talk about in size as it was a button head buck , but I was on cloud nine. Just doing my part here to help keep these pesky critters off the road. David
  14. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs065.snc4/34607_136611646359171_100000310102974_277907_6607114_n.jpg Yours Truely http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs162.snc4/37440_136612093025793_100000310102974_277910_3374733_n.jpg The Falls, about 60ft tall http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs120.snc4/36362_136612146359121_100000310102974_277911_6761336_n.jpg Somebody camping in a cave across the river. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs020.ash2/34358_136611239692545_100000310102974_277903_5464912_n.jpg Sign explaining the significance of these particular falls. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs077.snc4/35206_136611716359164_100000310102974_277908_763321_n.jpg Hunting opportunity while walking the trails!! ;D
  15. Well I did my part to try to make the roads safer for all of us. I filled all 3 of my deer tags 3 total. How did everyone else do in the hunting season this year?
  16. I've decided to start deer hunting again after a 3 year layoff during which time I lost my lease rights to private land nearby. But I'm right on the edge of several large tracts of Federal and Georgia state public lands. Some open and some which require checkin/signin (wildlife management areas). Georgia offers a free hunting/fishing license to those over 65, and for those like myself in the over-60 group a $90 lifetime license which includes eveything hunting/fishing except Federal bird stamps. So I bought the over-60 lifetime license yesterday, and ordered a Barnett crossbow via the internet to use. I think my right arm is too weak to hold a bow for any length of time since I broke the arm & shoulder 3 years ago. Bow season starts Sept 12th, muzzle loader Oct-10, and firearms on Oct 16 - Jan 1. I'm thinking I want to buy a TC Contender .22rf pistol to squirrel hunt prior to deer hunting from the Suzuki trail bike I have , so I can get some early scouting in.
  17. If this rifle don't meet your shooting needs you had better hide like a bunny from whatever you are hunting. You suppose they make this in a semi-auto?
  18. Actually his name is Benelli. He will be DkKnight's hunting partner hopefully by next duck hunting season. Tom was retrieving his own ducks. One time he was hunting with a friend who has a Lab and Tom was out of the blind to retrieve the duck as fast as the dog. So they started calling him "Milkbone". Hopefully Benelli will be a great retriever and Tom won't have to be "Milkbone" anymore. [ATTACH]24865[/ATTACH]
  19. Well, things have been crazy around here. Work is swamped. Xmas shopping till I drop. Weddings on the weekends...tons of night meetings.....and the fun is just begining. Deer Hunting starts this weekend, so all our son's will be home at noon today. Tonights request...Pioneer stew...and chicken tortilla soup tomorrow night. Beer, wine and gallons of milk. Home made buns. Cinnammon rolls every day for breakfast. By noon today...our house will be strewn with ammo, guns, cammo, everyones hunting license will be misplaced so the 5:00 a.m. panic will set in. Any girlfriends that show up will be helping me finish up xmas shopping till the guys come home for the night to talk smart, brag, tease each other......By Sunday night, we will all be exhausted from late nights and really early mornings. Let the holidays begin!!!! I love it!!! Nothing beats having all your men home together for a few days. Healthy, happy, full of mom's cooking. Life doesn't get any better than that does it?
  20. Guest

    gone hunting

    pulling the pin at 6 am, so won't be seeing you, till next monday night, i like your weather forcast; Friesman, just don't like that thin ice, ends up that you have to take more hunting suits than underware, trying to get a quad back ontop of thin ice one is bound to get wet. and guys if you are going to poke someone with a stick, make sure it is a sharp one, at least give him an excuss to howl. It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye, then it gets halarious. pete:thumbsup2:
  21. I have called about 6 places that have the Hopnel Tuxedo Trunk Bib advertised on their web site to see if they had them in stock or if they could call their supplier and see if they could still get them. Negative I'm sorry to say. So if anyone finds an avenue for them please advise others here. I'm still looking and if I run across a source I will let you all know. Good hunting!
  22. What do you guys think? http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd103/keesh47/OT/messican.gif
  23. Glade to be back home didnt think I could get tried of hunting but I did lots of work guideing (BABBY SITTING )all those hunters but it was fun got some big bulls . now dose anyone know of mapsend and how to get it cheep?
  24. Guest

    HD announcement

    Tonight in the news they announced that the Harley Davidson plant here in York PA is closing for 4 days around thanksgiving - 4 unpaid days for the workers. Slow sales was the reason given. I hated to hear that. They said a lot of the people would be off hunting ---
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