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Found 18 results

  1. Just a quick note, Big Mike is selling his 2000 RSV with 30,000 for 6700.00 . I think he will go down a couple hundred. Its on craigslist here in MIchigan . think his number is still here in his profile.
  2. for gas to get back and forth to work ? I consider myself VERY lucky in that I'm retired but it still costs a couple hundred bucks a month for our 2 vehicles. ( 1 car, 1 truck )
  3. my son and i are trying to come up with a covered bridge ride something between 2 and 3 hundred miles , we are in central ohio, any sugestions thanks Lee
  4. How do you guard your scooter from theft? This is my main method. Nearly three hundred pounds and no sense of humor. http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/IMG_0410s.jpg http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/IMG_0399s.jpg
  5. Im in North East Missouri and have a great interest in making some trips to rallys, or whatever that the wife and I can enjoy. Where are these meets located at? How can I keep up with them. Hopeing to find events within a few hundred miles.
  6. I know there are no "dumb questions", only "dumb answers" so I figgure I'll get a few with this "non-dumb" question.... We have 2 ways of expressing time.... AM/PM or "Military" aka 24-hour clock. So my non-dumb question is .... why, when using the 24-hour clock, we say, for example, 13 hundred hours ... or .... 21 hundred hours ... or ... 05 hundred hours ???? If it's 5AM in the morning, I certainly haven't been sleeping for 5 hundred hours...!!! Oh geeeezzzzzzzzz.... I have cabin fever and PMS sooooooooooo BAD!!!!
  7. We had been there for several hours. Kids were getting tired, time to go home and get some dinner. We didn't get to go through it all. If we did, probably would have a couple hundred more pics. password is hotrod enjoy http://s215.photobucket.com/albums/cc121/lylejt/Places/James%20Dean%202010/
  8. Hey Guys I have a 83 VR and on the way back from Dons this yr my left dash vent blew out at about 75. It is still on the highway in about a hundred peices. Woundering if anyone has one they dont need? It would be the left one as you sit on the bike by the speaker. Thanks Bull463
  9. I rode with the PGR group the last leg of the Kitsap (WA) 9-11 Memorial project. This was an escort of two pieces of steel from the twin towers that are to be part of a memorial in Silverdale WA. We escorted the truck from Post Falls, ID to Silverdale yesterday and rode approximately 365 miles. It was an experience. We left Post fall with our group plus other groups (about 400 bikes). Stopped in Moses Lake for fuel and picked up a couple of hundred more bikes. Then on to Elensburg and again picked up a couple of hundred more. On to North Bend where we stopped for dignitaries, a couple of hundred more, more escort vehicles and much to our surprise cops.... Lots and lots of cops. The cops were great because they shut down every road section for our use (approximately 1000 bikes at this point). I-90--closed, 18 closed, I-5 closed, Tacoma Narrows bridge closed. What a feeling riding with all of these bikes with no traffic worries. The best part of this was seeing all of the spectators on almost every overpass waving flags. From North Bend on the crowds on the overpasses grew and most overpasses also had one or two fire engines or rescue vehicle. The arrival to Silverdale was also awsome as we proceeded into the parking area we were greated by two crossed ladder engines with a flag and two rows of military men (Navy and army I think) at attention as we passed. Quite a once in a lifetime experience I am glad I participated. Any others members there? To many bikes to look for anyone in particular.
  10. Check out a few of the Pics in my VbGallery. Had an awesome time even if it was only a couple of hundred miles. Who says we can't ride in the great northwest in March.
  11. Today was one of those days that really makes a body feel great! Had breakfast with a bunch of friends and then hit the road for a couple hundred miles. Temps in the mid sixties and riding with great friends, WOW!!!!!!
  12. barend


    O.K., I've asked Don and he is at a loss on this, which in itself is troublesome for me; but I figure maybe some of you other IT's may have an idea. I am using Security Shield for virus protection etc., yet I'm getting a number of spam e-mails every day with my spam control set to maximum. Each day is a different sender and they all use an addy linked to a domain name(different each day). It's not that there are a couple of hundred but it's annoying nonetheless. So far I've used one to block future mailings and deleted the rest. Anyone have any suggestions on how to stop this permanently let me know! Thanks!!
  13. Hey! Wanted to let everyone know that the Vermont Apple Pie Festival is this Sunday in Dummerston, Vermont. Usually about three hundred or so bikes show up. Great pie!!!!!! Josh
  14. We stayed in las vegas for 2 days sorry no pics. We wandered around lost a couple hundred and had a good time. there are to many people going 90mph for my taste. While walking down the strip with my wife and son there were lines of small brown people shoving business card in my face for other types of slot machines. the side walk was covered with these cards they all had pictures of ladys in their birthday suits. I guess I am just a country hick because I have never seen anything quite like that before. There must be a hundred thousand cars for sale there. There were lots of buildings under construction but nobody was working on them I guess the money just ran out.
  15. I have just purchased one with 15k on it. It has the Jardine pipes. We just went to thunder beach and wow what a time. The bike on acceleration in all gears, until cruising, has a vibration on acceleration. I know it could be a hundred things, but is there a quick and dirty list I could check? I put new plugs in it. Thanks for the help.
  16. Just got back from an afternoon ride with Big Tom and SpankyM and had a great time. Nice sunny day but only about 60 degrees and much colder in the shade. Believe it or not we stopped for ice cream regardless! Put around a hundred miles, give or take. Sure is nice to have a group of friends to ride with!! Not too many weekends left this year around here. Leaves are just starting to be colorful.
  17. I'm trying to find out if anyone else has had the same problem as I am having and if so what they found out. I have an 06 Midnight Venture and have the following weird thing happening. Lately I have been driving my bike to work in the mornings. After the bike has sat for the day when I go out to go home it will fire up with no problem but when I go to drive away it starts out fine but then after a few hundred yards it loses power and feels as if just bogs down. This happens if the choke is on (I tried all positions) or off and only on days that the temperature is above 90 degrees. This has been happening since I bought the bike and I guess now that the riding season is on again I want to get it taken care. It's hard for me to take it to the dealer since they are around 40 miles away and I have no way to get back home. I changed the plugs a few hundred miles ago, synch'd the carbs with a CarbTune, checked the vacuum lines and fuel filter. The bike only has 5K miles on it. If anyone has any ideas I would highly appreciate it. Thanks...
  18. No, this doesn't have to do with the weather in NYC! This is a great gag that involved a couple hundred people. It would have been eerie to see. Click here: Frozen
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