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  1. I finished replacing the friction disks in about an hour. No small accomplishment for someone who is generally all thumbs. Of course then there was the hour and 1/2 with goo gone and a few scrapers of assorted shapes and sizes to get all the old gasket off. I just wanted to thank everyone who has contributed to first generation tech talk. The picture and tips are great. Also... When putting the cover back on, do I need to coat the new gasket with RTV or other gasket sealer? Thanks, Bob
  2. Who could help me to find a problem with my CC ? When I adjust my CC the speed goes down and the ajustment release.I need to reset all the time. As example, no brake, no clutch, fifth gear 100 klm an hour, I push on the button, the light is green and the speed goes down until 90 klm an hour and the adjustement fail. I need to push on the button to re-arm and the light comes green.. and the speed goes down until 90 klm an hour ..... What could do that ?
  3. Nice to know that I am at least going to get an hour of extra snooze. Don't forget to move back your clocks tonight for 1 hour.
  4. I just changed out the wheel bearings on my 99 RSV (with 50k miles), then took it for a good 3 hour ride today. When I got home I checked around for heat from the bearings when I noticed how hot my final drive gets! I could touch it for say 30 seconds but any longer would start to burn my finger. I replaced the final drive oil with 80W90 gear oil in the spring. How hot are these units supposed to get?? It was a 3 hour ride, so it perhaps should have been rather warm? I noticed when doing the bearing job that theres a bearing visible on the wheel side of the pumpkin. Is this something I should replace? Or are the splines themselves causing too much friction? Are the splines replaceable or is this a matched set and do I buy a complete new pumpkin? Is the stealer going to laugh when he sees me coming?
  5. got home on saturday after almost a month in a care center for my left total knee replacement. things are going good so far. im able to walk with out a walker now and i can walk about a block with the help of the cane. very little pain. untill night time comes? i have pills for that.im able to fully extend the knee. but not able to do so bending it. im at 95% on that and they want more? kind of sore doing that work out the quads are tight. and i still have great pain in the area the drain tube was? i lost 12 pounds and working on a diet. i went from 274 to 262 still more to go. i have pt starting again monday. one hour per day five days a week. and a half hour swimming on saturday afternoon. did any one else have a clicking feeling after a total knee operation? feels funny and sometimes i can hear it? all in all im very happy with the operation. i dont lean to my right any more. standing taller now. and able to put equal weight on both legs and knees feels great. now i need to see if my dues are due? so if the boss sees this let me know ok?
  6. After reinstalling the forks and top triple tree clamp I can't find the harness end of the ignition plug. It's red and should stand out like Santa Claus at the beach but I've spent over an hour poking around in there and could not find it. Where should I look for the harness end?
  7. Headed out bright and early this morning heading to Newport News with a planned stop to see Earl in Greenville NC. Stopped about an hour out to top off and get some breakfast and the bike would not crank. I should have known something was up when the radio went out but I thought it was the connections inside the fairing so I paid no attention to it. Thought maybe it was the just the battery but after push starting it the neutral light did not brighten up any when I reved it. Made it to within 30 mins of home before it just gave up, had my wife bring me a battery and was able to get home. Once home I checked the voltage and 12.07 VDC not matter if it was reved or not. Since I was already 3 hours behind I transferred all my stuff to the car and off I went will troubleshoot when I get home. I guess I will start with the rectifier and hope that fixes it I really don't want to buy a stator.
  8. Tommy Emmanuel ... there are several vids ... see ya in an hour or so! [ame] [/ame]
  9. Guest

    FINALLY: First Ride!

    Having bought the bike on December 27th, I've been waiting a while to get out on the open road. Got the call from the shop yesterday that the bike was ready and safety certificate was in hand. Took off for a one hour ride, mixed country road and highway, with my first stop at Tim Horton's - gotta be Canadian, eh. Later I ran down to a friends house in the country - nice windy roads - to fix a fridge. Today, my wife and I will be heading out to my mom's cottage to open up for the season. That will be about a 4-5 hour ride as we will be taking the back roads and ENJOYING our first "two-up" on this bike. Have a GREAT WEEKEND everyone. Ride safe and may the angels ride with you. My dad used to warn me that my guardian angel left when I went over the speed limit or got stupid somehow... Let's all be SAFE and SMART out there this weekend. Cheers and Blessings,
  10. Got out for a ride with my wife and daughter today. I asked Jeannie what she wanted to do, she said a ride to DQ was all We enjoyed an ice cream then across the street to take in the local car cruise an hour there then a nice ride around the GM proving grounds, ending up at our son's home for pizza with the family. A great day
  11. NOTHING,DIRT !! Been out here for only a week. Im depressed already (might be the 18 hour days working) what dos anyone do out here
  12. Another spring storm (tornados) on the way to Central KY The Lexington mayor asked businesses to close at 3:00 so workers could go home. Schools let out 2 hour early. They told everyone at my work to go home at 2:30. Just going to ride it out. Be safe everyone. Dennis
  13. I found this on ebay for $70, it is installed, looks and works Great. Total of an hour to install. This is real effective in lighting up the back of the bike.
  14. Heading up to New Brunswick when we saw this making a U-turn in the middle of the highway while all traffic was ordered to stop (police escort). I took this while we were doing 60 miles an hour and with my phone but still - kinda neat, huh? http://outdoors.webshots.com/album/580857270XyGoRN?vhost=outdoors
  15. Here is a few pics of how I got two motorcycles to Georgia. I did have a fatality on the way that made for a very long trip at about the 4 hour mark of a 11 hour ride my cigarett lighter decided to eject from the handlebar but the trip went on.I made it to Atlanta without a ticket or other problem so I consider myself lucky.And Yes I will do the same thing again if the need arises. Jeff
  16. We love to go for rides with others but it's not always easy to hook up and arrange things. If anyone would be interested in going for a ride with us this weekend, let me know - phone and email are in my profile or just post here. By the way, I'm 46 and Mike's 43. We like to stop for breaks, have meals, enjoy the scenery. We will NOT be taking the highways. We will NOT be speeding more than 10 km over the posted limit (Mike drives for a living, ticket's not worth it). We go for rides for fun, not a speed race. (Had to say it, so many around here seem to love to ZOOOOM and we don't ) We don't smoke but I generally like to stop every hour to two hours max for at least 20 mins to a half hour. I am a morning person, though, so I like to get going early and be back by suppertime so we can feed our dogs though it's not written in stone!! We're considering leaving here around 8:30 tomorrow morning from Dartmouth then to Windsor to Berwick to Chester Basin and back, cutting through on the Aylesford Road. If anyone wants to come, let us know!!! ALL WELCOME!! WEATHER PERMITTING, of course. Here's the route: Map: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=43+Smallwood+Avenue,+Dartmouth,+Nova+Scotia&daddr=Berwick,+Nova+Scotia+to:Aylesford+Road,+Aylesford,+NS+B0P+1C0+(Fox+Mountain+Camping+Park)+to:44.9354618,-64.7129805+to:Franey+Corner,+Nova+Scotia+to:New+Ross,+Nova+Scotia+to:Chester+Basin,+Nova+Scotia+to:44.63474,-63.66345+to:43+Smallwood+Avenue,+Dartmouth,+Nova+Scotia&geocode=FYQnqgIdix03_CnjnjS7TCRaSzF2q5K2f1ZTfw%3BFf1erwIdMjUk_CklPJOktFxYSzGcsoJT1TCJ4w%3BFQKzrQIduoEk_CFYo0Fa-YNw-Q%3BFSWprQId7I4k_Ck7LDoIO0ZYSzGZQf8JYyFT_w%3BFTR7qgIdVEgl_Ck9_psIvDJYSzHzjpqRfFG1ig%3BFfahqgIdNXgo_CmJmAsG0c5ZSzEVkpLkcUswYw%3BFTsAqAIdLbsq_ClFAxhBj9xZSzG3zNNMOZKJsA%3BFXQSqQIdppI0_Cn3CMW90yFaSzEjMdSGFCgaTg%3BFYQnqgIdix03_CnjnjS7TCRaSzF2q5K2f1ZTfw&hl=en&mra=ls&via=3,7&dirflg=h&sll=44.72332,-64.690247&sspn=1.313325,2.425232&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&ll=44.8325,-64.151917&spn=1.310844,2.425232&z=9
  17. So I'm sitting here listening to the evening traffic report for the Sacramento area, and so far there's been 4 MC related accidents, one a rider and passenger with ambulances, and half a dozen cage fender benders. It a damn war zone out there.... Really makes you think about when to stay in the barn... 4 is sorta unusual, but I can always plan on hearing about at least one in the AM, and one during the PM rush hour...
  18. I just read the post from flyinfool, didn't do any of that! It's been three years and Leslie finally agreed to go for a short ride with a couple of friends of ours. We went out last night, staying on secondary roads, riding for about an hour. I wouldn't say she is a big fan, but said she may go out again. Her friend Ann mentioned taking a trip up island.
  19. I have an 88 VR. Last year the TCI nuked and I replaced it with the ignition from Checkloslovakia. Road for quite a while this spring now I'm having trouble with hot starts. Bike starts first time but won't start after being ridden for awhile. Will turn over once or twice then the starter disengages. Leave it set for an hour and come back to it and it will start. I don't know whats going on but the battery is good and when running charges at 12 volts. Anyone have any ideas?
  20. Hey all Just curious, IS there a Canadian Maintenance Day? If so, where, and If NOT, How can i start one up!!!? I've got a shop fully tooled with hoist, out in the country side, some good prairie runs here in Manitoba. Just seen a dozen bikes go by in the last half hour.
  21. Does anyone have or know where I can get a KPH speedo ? Jim O'D Australia
  22. My commute to work is about 7 miles and usually takes 15 or 20 minutes depending on traffic. This morning was no exception. However, when I left work this evening, it was 67 miles and took an hour and a half. Just can't figure it out... http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n163/coy55boy/Black%20Beauty/Sunset030111.jpg Gotta love a nice sunset!
  23. Here are the pics taken by Sleeperhawk's Mechanic http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic/2010/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%20Tybee%20Island%2020101113/ Not many at all, may be able to get through them in an hour. :rotf:
  24. Anyone got any ideas about what sequence of diagnostic checks I might make for this problem? - I go to start my bike......the battery is close to dead.....might get half a turn on the starter, then just clickety click. (this is after it's been out, running around town several times already this Spring.........I'm in the land of ice and snow, so we're now "in season") - I put the battery on the 4-amp charger for an hour - The bike then fires up fine. Take if for a half hour ride. Stop for coffee, whatever. Starts fine again. Come home and park it. Next day, starts fine. Same routine. - HOWEVER......leave the bike parked for two or three days.....and, bingo, back to line #1. Questions: 1. How do I find out if it's the battery or the charging system? 2. Is there a particular reading I should get off the battery at each point in my scenarios, above? Thanks for any guidance. (Ordinarily, I'd just go out and buy a new battery........but I thought I did that LAST year!! Alzheimer's strikes deep, though......and I'm not really sure!! LOL) Mike
  25. Im 57, woke up 5 times Im so Pumped up with only 4 hour of Sleep "Venture Riding Here We Come" We are Off
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