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  1. The wife and I set out on a ride this afternoon on our 2013 RSV. Beautiful day, lots of sun and a temperature around 79F. As were heading down the interstate at 75MPH I start noticing that I'm feeling more hot air around my legs than normal and at about the same time my wife asks if I've changed anything on the bike since our last ride because her left leg is a lot hotter then usual. Everything sounds fine and the tach is still at 3500rpm as normal for that speed. We've only gone about 12 miles from the house at this point so with both of us noticing a difference I pull over into a weigh station and take a cursory look at the bike. I don't see anything out of the ordinary but the engine is much hotter than I've ever felt before so I decided to head back home. Got home and turned the bike off and then turned the key back on but didn't start the bike. I was startled to hear the fan came on as I've never heard it before in the 2 years we've owned the bike. Even after an 1100 mile ride through Kentucky last month not once did I hear this fan come on when at a stop. Anyone have an idea as to why my bike was running so hot after less than 25 miles? As I said it wasn't an especially hot day and I'm a little concerned about this. The oil level is fine and was actually just changed 6 weeks ago prior to our SS1K to Mobile 1 synthetic 10W40. I did notice a small bit of oil on the garage floor, maybe the size of a 50 cent piece, after it had sat for about an hour. It looks like it came out of the middle of the 3 drain lines under the bike (see pic). I've never had oil under the bike so again I'm concerned with all this. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. The temp has been 102 the last couple days. I've got a 45 min commute to work (mostly interstate). The last 2 days, when I pull up in the parking lot, I can smell antifreeze. These are the times when I wish I could see the engine temp like I could on my last 5 motorcycles. The bike is not leaking any coolant that I can see. It's not smoking. I don't feel any change in performance. Is there any way I can find out if the motor is running too hot? What would y'all do if you smelled antifreeze after a long, hot ride??
  3. when I push the start button down the lights draw down and it blows the ignition fuse . The main wire going to ignition switch on side of bike gets very hot when key in on position. Any ideas ? I have replace the starter relay and the starter cut out relay Please help...
  4. I have a '99 venture with the standard smooth seats. I have ridden up to 400 miles with minimal discomfort. I bought a set of pillow seats and installed along with pillow backrest. I want the Mrs. as comfortable as possible. Are these as comfortable as they look and are they hot in the summer? I weigh around 150lbs. Thanks to all and have a Merry CHRISTmas!!
  5. Hi. This is a question mainly for those of you who live in hot areas, like 90 plus, regarding engine temp. Now I know the gage catches alot of flak for inaccuracy, but what I've noticed is consistent. If I'm riding at any kind of steady speed in cool weather, my 87's temp runs at about 1/3, where there's a little gap in the green line on the gage. I'm assuming this gap indicates "normal" which I think is 180, right? As the weather warms, it doesn't hold there. When the weather gets over 90 or 95 temp tends to run more like 2/3 or 3/4, right about where the fan kicks on. At mellow speeds, like 55, it might go a little lower like 1/2 plus, but on the Interstate the increased wind drag loading causes the temp to go up. In fact, it may be kicking the fan on and off, but it's hard to tell at those speeds. It does generally hold at that temp, not continuing to climb into the red. One time, in extended riding at 107 deg and 90 mph (we wanted to get it over with) the temp was getting close enough to the red to make me a little nervous. I know there's limits to everything, but if the cooling system and thermostat are effective, it really should be more steady regardless of the weather, methinks. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure I see a correllation between hotter temps and reduced gas mileage, by maybe 2 or 3 mpg. The one trip mentioned above was horrible, 26 mpg or so. I also notice a little ping here and there in hot temps, so I run higher octane gas in those times. Is my bike just like everyone else's, or should I look for trouble? I've flushed the cooling system but never replaced the t-stat or anything else cooling, for that matter. Jeremy
  6. Hi! New to the forum and relatively new to MC maintenance so appreciate the help and patience. Searched the forum and did not find anything already here that helped. I am 2nd owner (I think) of a 96 RSTD with about 45K miles I have owned for about 1 year. Previous owner made a lot of stupid mods I am still discovering and fixing. It is my commuter bike and drive about 60 miles round trip daily. For the last week I am having trouble restarting when it is hot. The lights on the speedo fade out when trying to start and I have to open the throttle all the way for it to start. Also starts a little easier when the brights are turned off. No temp gauge but feels like it is running hotter in town but okay on hiway. Also, noticing a rythmic and rapid "flashing" of the speedo lights but this is inconsistent and only occurs at hiway speeds. Cant say whether these two issues are related since this started before the starting problem.
  7. KIC

    Funny video

    Thought I would pass this video along: OK.. I had to add this one too .. hot wheels for big boys: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06Q6berM0j0&feature=player_embedded]Chris Burden - YouTube[/ame]
  8. Just messing around on eBay and decided to look at the Honda Rune. Couple 2004's out there for $16k & $17k. I think they are smoking something. Guess they forgot they weren't hot sellers to begin with. Take off the 1 at the beginning of that # is more like it. I like the looks of them personally.
  9. Hopefully someone can advise me on this issue. I just installed new oem pads on the rear of my 05 RSTD . I noticed some drag when I pushed the bike back and the rotor is hot after a 2 mile test ride. Did I do something wrong? Will the pads wear in?
  10. I just changed out the wheel bearings on my 99 RSV (with 50k miles), then took it for a good 3 hour ride today. When I got home I checked around for heat from the bearings when I noticed how hot my final drive gets! I could touch it for say 30 seconds but any longer would start to burn my finger. I replaced the final drive oil with 80W90 gear oil in the spring. How hot are these units supposed to get?? It was a 3 hour ride, so it perhaps should have been rather warm? I noticed when doing the bearing job that theres a bearing visible on the wheel side of the pumpkin. Is this something I should replace? Or are the splines themselves causing too much friction? Are the splines replaceable or is this a matched set and do I buy a complete new pumpkin? Is the stealer going to laugh when he sees me coming?
  11. Put a new starter (V-Max 1200 4 brush) on my 84VR. Using silicone as a gasket material on sidecover however when I tighten the sidecover the starter drags really bad to where the wires want to get hot. It seems when I tighten the top screws on the left it starts to drag. Any ides?
  12. Sailor

    Toy run

    Had a great toy run here yesterday. We started with 40 bikes two years ago, got 80 last year and 120 this year. Hoping for 150 next year. Not bad for a small island. Last year we raised $2000 and a truck load of toys for underprivileged kids. I know we did better this year. Got to get a lighter Santa suit though. The one I borrow is heavy duty and it is hot, hot, hot in August.
  13. It is VERY Hot around HERE in Missouri IT'S SO HOT ..... REALLY - HOW HOT IS IT ??? .....the birds have to use potholders to pull the worms out of the ground. .....the trees are whistling for the dogs. .....the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance .....hot water comes from both taps. .....you can make sun tea instantly. .....you learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron. .....the temperature drops below 90 F and you feel a little chilly. .....you discover that in July it only takes two fingers to steer your car. .....you discover that you can get sunburned through your car window. .....you actually burn your hand opening the car door. .....you break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 A.M. .....your biggest motorcycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death"? .....you realize that asphalt has a liquid stage. .....the potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter. .....the cows are giving evaporated milk. .....farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs. IT'S SO DRY that the Baptists are starting to baptize by sprinkling, the Methodists are using wet-wipes, the Presbyterians are giving rain checks, and the Catholics are praying for the wine to turn back into water!
  14. Successfully kickoff to international. 65 people showed up for pre mixer with more to come. Now sitting around campfire having Hot Sex and enjoying good company..
  15. anybody have a windshield laying around that they want to get rid of. i'm looking for one to cut down to make a shorty for hot weather riding. it may even get painted so scratches aren't a big problem either. let me know. thanks
  16. Last weekend, in temperatures too hot to describe http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/07/11/1108494/--Hopeless-to-Hope Enjoy Steve
  17. Well, you don't need the weatherman to know it's HOT outside!!! Today I did a complete brake job on the wife's Monte Carlo to include new pads, rotors, and hardware in 90+ degree heat. Thank God for air tools!!! Took a break after each wheel by coming inside and enjoying the air conditioning, we have it set for 70 degrees inside. I also have ice cold water, soda pop and iced tea and of course beer!! We are spending our evenings outdoors and put a fan inside the gazebo and watch TV ouit there! So, the questuion is, what are you doing on these hot days and how are you keeping cool??
  18. two weeks ago I had a problem i know others have had. It was a hot night and the idle on my bike started to go up. I could not get it down so headed home . there i lubed all my throttle cables and choke linkages then finally readjusted my idle getting it down to around 1000 rpms. i latter realized this may have been a vacuum leak problem and have seen that suggested here by others as well. What I'm looking for here is a previous thread from someone that may have had this problem and hunted down the offending vacuum line so i know where to look and how to fix it to prevent it from happening again. oddly this only happens when its hot. So if anyone knows of a thread like this could you point me in that direction?? Thanks a lot. I like the 86 a lot I have headset for the com system and love the whole set up the bike still has a few bugs to work out from sitting for 5 years but She runs great and I'm enjoying every minute. While working on the radio i did find a cozy mouse nest under the cassette player unit. Luckily not residents at the time.
  19. “When your dish goes out, you can’t study game film. When you can’t study game film, you lose to Alabama. When you lose to Alabama, you get depressed. When you get depressed, you buy a Harley. When you buy a Harley, you meet hot, young ex-volleyball players. When you meet hot, young ex-volleyball players, you go on joy rides. When you go on joy rides, you end up in a roadside ditch. Don’t end up in a roadside ditch.”
  20. Guest

    BMW bikes being sued?

    Better than McD's hot coffee lawsuit http://now.msn.com/now/0428-bmw-lasting-erection.aspx
  21. Good Morning everyone, Here is my story, I have been chasing an electrical problem for awhile now concerning my headlight. I knew it was loose connection somewhere cause the fuse wasen't blown and the headlight would work off and on. I checked all the connectors to a point where i was about to run my own hot wire to the high and low switch. Never did i think about the factory instructions on how to install the driving lights. I'm thinking this is the factory who is telling me to tap into the hot from the headlights so they must know what their doing. (WRONG)!! Believe me, dont use their instructions! Listen to the people who have installed their driving lights with a relay. You'll save youself a huge headache. I traced the the wiring to that connector and sure enough... the connector was smoked! After cutting and resoldering, the headlights work perfect! I installed a relay for the driving lights and they work perfect also. So please.......heed this warning, and be smart from the start and use a relay for the driving lights!!!! Thanks for listening! Frank
  22. Hi guys, i have a 1300 from 1990 and when i try to start it, it won't turn over. i have checkt the battery and need to by replaced (broken). when i try to jump start it whit an external battery the cables come very hot and smoking, but still the starter will only turn once or twice and very havy and slow. any ideas before i go shopping? thnx, Ice
  23. I've been thinking about installing a large Home backup Generators one of these years. Probably 20 KW or larger. Anyone have one or have installed one. Like to get myself educated on the pros and cons, also open to suggestions if there might be a better idea. I currently have two propane furnaces (1 for main floor and one for basement apt -rental) and a propane hot water tank all supplied by a 500 gal propane tank. When I upgrade appliances I would consider going to propane ranges and dryers. Need enough power for the following: Main floor home Basement Apt (Complete Set of appliance) Hot Tub Heat Pump(Heat and Air Conditioner) Detached garage/shop (No Welder just normal electricity needs)
  24. Looks like it is getting close to time to replace the hot water heater. It is still heating just fine but apparently is full of mineral deposits, rust, etc. My wife notice last weekend that the hot water was muddy looking. I've lost count of how many times I've drained and flushed and drained and flushed and drained and flushed. It take forever even though I replace the drain valve with a straight through ball valve. Even with the ball valve installed and the vent opened, it takes a long time to flush. I've actually got it running fairly clear now but still no perfect and I think I will need to replace it soon. It is about 17 years old. This is an 80 gallon AO Smith electric heater. I've been looking around and have somewhat narrowed it down to a Whirlpool 80 gallon and a GE 80 gallon. The Whirlpool has dual 4500 watt elements and a 12 year warranty. Top and bottom elements are stainless steel. The GE has dual 5500 watt elements but only the top one is stainless steel for some reason. They both have 12 year warranties. All that I have looked at have 4500 watt elements except for the GE. The Whirlpool is $619.00 and the GE is $729.00. I'm leaning towards the Whirlpool even though the GE has higher wattage elements. I've never had a problem with running out of hot water so really don't know that the bigger elements are a big deal. They both have high energy factors, about 92 I think. A tankless heater is not an option for me. There just aren't any electric tankless heaters that are equivalent to an 80 gallon tank. The closest I have found was rated about the same as a 40 gallon tank. So, I KNOW we have people here who are experts in just about anything that we have questions about. What say you?
  25. I picked up a spare rear rim to try a CT. Went searching today for a tire and it seems that the Kumhos have all dried up. What's the current "hot topic" tire that's available these days? About all I have seen would be the BFG in the right size. TIA, Iz
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