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Found 10 results

  1. Why do I get duplicate new post notices emailed to me every once in a while?? Sometimes there's a bunch and sometimes only a couple, and then nothing for sometimes months. I don't think it's my ISP, or Website host, as it only happens with the new post notices??? It doesn't cause any issues... just wondering..
  2. just got a personal invite to the vogel meet from my good buddy lewis. this will be my third vogel, and it looks like we may be able to make it. lewis is always a great host.
  3. Just some pic's hope they turned out OK. Special thanks to Freebird for opening his home to all of us, Great host.... Thanks Don & Family
  4. I really like the maintenance day. Learned a lot and had a good time. Thanks to our host Kreg!!
  5. If we (my wife and I) wanted to host a meet and eat at our house what would I need to do other than the obvious. (let everyone know when and were) Any info would be great. Thanks Rick
  6. I received the following notification from the host of our chat rooms. We are planning to switch your chat host DNS(host8/host718) tomorrow. The whole process has been scheduled as described below: SCHEDULE DNS switch Time(CST):11:00 pm, 11th, Jan.,2010 PURPOSE Due to the instability of servers from the current ISP, we have decided to change our ISP to enhance the chat performance. IMPACT to you It usually takes up to 24 hours before all the DNS servers worldwide take effect and during this period, some of your chatters may resolve to our old server and some may use the new one.So there may exist some communication problems during this time.
  7. Ive been dragging my feet on this for a long time, but people want to be able to see your company's web page. Ive in the past been a rider on other peoples sites but think its time for me to have my own. Im curious on the cost to build and host one per year. Where is the best place to trust someone to build one for you. I know Don can probably answer most of these questions for me but would like to hear from all who can help.
  8. starting to get to work on my annual st. charles meet may 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2oo9. i have added an extra day this year to make it worth the ride for people who have to come a long way. i have 2 great rides planned for each day with a big barbeque at my house the last day after the ride. lots of historic sights to see, on both rides. we have casino's near the host motel for those who like to play the slots, and harrahs is near by. as soon as i get the host motel info i will fill in the details. hope to see the old faces and a bunch of new ones this year. see you there. bill :clap2:
  9. As most of you know, the VentureRider site was down for several hours last night. There was no problem with our actual site but with our server host. I contacted them and was informed that the server had been hit with a "denial of service attack". You can search google to find out exactly what that means but basically it means that somebody was sending a LOT of bogus validation requests and simply overwhelmed the server so that it could not respond. We are on a shared host so that does not mean that we were specifically attacked, just the server that we are on. That being said, this morning I had an email from our host telling me that our specific site had been disabled due to very high resource usage. I don't know if that was related to the other or if it was because so many people were trying to connect at the same time or what. It was followed about a hour later with an email telling me that service had been restored and no further information. I am trying to play it safe until I know a bit more about what is going on. This morning I disabled several features that were nice but that we can do without for now. You may notice that the box that shows "who has read a thread" and also who is browsing a thread is missing. Those things are fairly server resource heavy so I have turned them off for now. I have also decreased the "cookie" time back to the default of 15 minutes. This will be an inconvenience for some of you. What it means is that you will be automatically logged out after 15 minutes of inactivity. I had previously increased that number due to requests from a few members but it too increases the load on the server and though I truly want to accommodate all the requests that I can, I have to do what I can for now to reduce our server load. I've made a few other small changes also that will probably not be noticed by anybody. If you see something working differently and are wondering why, just ask and I'll check on it and see if it is something that I did. My worry here is that we the growth of our club, we are outgrowing our shared hosting. This worries me because the only solution then would be to move to a dedicated host where we would be on our own server. That means MONEY MONEY MONEY. A dedicated host is a LOT more money than being on a shared host. On a shared host, there could be a hundred or more sites and all those sites share the cost of the server, bandwidth, etc. I truly hope that it doesn't come to that because I honestly will not be able to afford it without your help. I'm still looking into it but a dedicated host will likely run in the $200.00 per month range. I'm not asking for anything at this time. I have always been committed to keeping this site free and that is still my intention. It may reach the point though that they only way I can do that is if some of you truly help out. All I am asking at this time is that you give it some thought and help me to come up with some solutions and the best way to proceed if a dedicated host becomes a requirement. Thanks, Don
  10. I have ordered some samples and the DVD information concerning the products. I also ordered the training videos. In addition I am getting the information on the Emergency Pressure Dressing also known as an Israeli Dressing. I will have all of this available in a few weeks. I have space available for a website that I have never used. I think I will host some of this stuff there. If there is interest, I can try and put together an emergency first aid for motorcyclists type thing. I can also demonstrate some of these things at M&E's or rallies. JB
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