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  1. I know that a lot of people swap the RSTD bars to the RSV for wider bars and more pullback. So does that mean that I can throw a set of RSV bars directly on my RSTD? I am pretty tall and actually liked the RSV bars. Just sitting on the RSTD, the reach and angles feel funny to me for some reason. I am thinking I could put the RSV bars on pretty quickly without having to change any control wires or hoses. So has anyone done this? I would actually like mini apes eventually, but with Xmas close, I am trying to keep costs down for now.
  2. I just picked up an 85 with carbs removed. I am not sure if i have all the hoses correctly routed and the book is no help. I also need some help on how to best press the carb bodies back onto the boots by myself in 40 degree weather. I see only 3 hoses on the upper section coming from under the seat that i believe should connect to the 4 carb air vents on the carb bowls that are on a 45 degree angle. I do have the 4 little drain hoses on the bottom. I also have the canister on the left side that is not completely connected. Any help with all these hoses would be appreciated I have worked many bikes but do not see how i can easily press these carbs back into place. Any suggestions besides brute force?
  3. Good afternoon everyone. Went for a little ride today and noticed my kickstand had a bit of oil on it when I stopped. For whatever reason, when I first seen it I didn't think much of it. (Not sure why it didn't register right away.) Anyway, when I came back to the bike there was a couple of drips under the overflow hoses pictured here. It seems the leak was coming from the second hose from the left. I checked my oil and it seemed to be OK. I had the same issue happen last summer - only one time. It was fine after that. This is the first time this year it's happened. There's been no oil change done recently, however it's just about due. The only time it happened last year it was about 1000 miles into the most recent oil change. Then nothing for a long time. Now again. I guess I don't understand what's causing it. Also, can anyone tell me what each of those hoses is the overflow for. I'm assuming gas, oil, antifreeze, and ???. I'm not sure which is which - other than that second one, based on the oil coming from it. Any assistance would be great.
  4. Linking the Vacuum Ports Taken from various posts on the VentureNet Forum http://www.venturers.org/NextGenTech/2ndGen/images/ais_tee.jpg This is a simple and near zero cost modification that improves low end throttle response and is claimed to increase gas mileage. (yet to be verified) The only drawback is that it causes a slightly irregular idle. Step 1 - Remove the rubber plugs from the vacuum ports of cylinders 2 and 4 and the AIS hoses from cylinders 1 and 3. Step 2 - If you have already disabled the AIS by plugging the hoses going to the exhaust ports, then the small rubber hoses attached to the vacuum ports of cylinders 1 and 3 can be left disconnected. For protection, they should be plugged. (a spent .22 shell fits very nicely) Step 3 - If you plugged the hoses in step 2, then connect a piece of 3/16" fuel line between the vacuum ports of cylinders 1 and 2. Connect another piece of line between cylinders 3 and 4. Skip to step 5. Step 4 - To leave the AIS vacuum control enabled, connect the control hose to a small T fitting with the other 2 ports of the fitting to the vacuum ports of cylinders 1 and 2. Repeat for the other side. (A suitably sized brass T is available from aquarium supply stores.) Step 5 - Ride your bike and enjoy the increased performance and mileage!
  5. -Good morning to all, I need the measurements of all the brake hoses for a 1984 VR? There is a manufacturer That is on E-BAY today but I need to give them the information so they can build me a set in stainless steel. I also need the clutch hose length. Thanks for the help I know is coming as always. Just want to say that I am overwhelmed when I think of all the knowledge that I have access to because of all the good work running this site.
  6. I want to remove the carb from my 83 because the jets are plugged. I cant get the lines loose on it because its cold out, and i dont want to ruin any of the rubber hoses. Whats a good way to get the hoses off without tearing them? I was thinking about some penetrating oil, WD 40, or a hair drier. What are some suggestions that you guys have that could possibly help me. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!! -CJ
  7. so i have been trying to put the bike back together for about 8 months now and I want to make the bike the priority now but i have come to a stand still. I can't seem to figure out where all the radiator hoses go? and if i can put the radiator on first? or so the hoses have to be on place first? pics would be great.. thanks in advance. mike:225:
  8. I noticed that the rubber hoses that connects the YICS to the engine are quite soft! They really flexes a lot on idle. Is it a good idea to replace then with stiffer new hoses?
  9. Two questions, anyone know the dimensions for the fuel hoses? Nice to have bought the right stuff before I ripp it apart...5, 6mm or something really odd? the two breath hoses connected under the airbox, is there a mod that doesn't upset anything that makes things a bit easier regarding assemble? Wouldn't it be possible to connect it differently? 80% of the time of working off the airbox, playing with the carbs and reconnect everything is that airbox hose... regards
  10. I have been looking and can not find this anywhere on the forum or online. so I will ask. Is there any difference in the cables and hoses on the venture vs the tour deluxe? Other than the deluxe are longer to accomadate the taller and more pullback the bars have compared to the venture. Just curious.
  11. I Know I have seen custom harleys and choppers with all the controls and hoses hidden inside the bars . Does anyone know how that works or how involved that is. is it possible. Even if its only throttle and electrical and leave the hoses alone.I want to see more of the bar and less clutter.
  12. I did the search and looked on the venture classifieds . I cant find anything on longer brake and clutch hoses. I think i remember someone on here selling steel lines. Wonder if they can be made longer? I want to rasie my bars . And the risers I like are 6 inch. I hope it will fit without the extended hoses but I like to be prepared.
  13. oldgoat


    ok where do i get some good radiator hoses? i found out i blew the hose from radiator to the engine still not sure how the radiator is. looks clean no holes. i went to a stealer to check on the price they said why you still have one of thoes on the road?? gee what a jerk. said all the hoses would be around $200.00 damn them are expensive hoses. saw some on ebay but still where talking 27 year old hoses. hate to put it back together and keep my fingers crossed that old ones from ebay will hold up. i checked napa auto to see if i could match some up but to many bends in that one for the bike to even come close.. the long one on the bike looks like it was replaced at some time still a tag on it from a dealer in MN? cant read the date though? all the other ones are either real hard or weather checking? and i hate them spring type clamps you squeeze them to get them off and they dont look like they have enough tension to hold the hoses when i go to put them back on?? not in a hurry right now its tore down rags over the engine to protect it. as i have a wedding to attend in MN my daughters. then i will get back to the project at hand. also came accross a free bike a friend has up there. an old yamaha radian?? needs a clutch. it moves but slips. something to do next winter??
  14. I have a 2006 RSV with just over 12,000 miles. Purchased this last year and I'm the 3rd owner. Seems to run great and I don't have any complaints. I will admit that I'm not a gear head but can tell when something sounds different or is not right. Got the bike out 2 weeks ago and ran with no issues. Was able to get it out yesterday for a quick run. Noticed this morning that I have 2 drips from the bike. 1 from the first ride and 1 from yesterday. I looked under the bike and I see 4 hoses and I believe they are the carberator air intake. 2 of the hoses are dirty; 1 more so than the other. Have not tore into it yet as I'm hoping to get some help.
  15. My 07 RSMV develped leak(s) about mid point on inner portion of carbs. slow drips off of the screws that hold the "bottom plate with brass piece" on. Pretty sure its a sticking float although I didn't notice any comming out overflow tubes? Just about have carbs out. Will also check the petcock hoses and fuel pump return hoses while I'm at it. At Freebirds MD while attempting a carb tune the bike wouldn't immediately come down off of the revs. We checked air passages and all were clear. we drained carbs and filled with carb cleaner. then 1/2 can of sea foam for 2 tanks. Ran good ever since. This bike basically sat for 3 years, it's an 07 with only 482 origional miles and the owner told me he had to tap the carbs one time because they stuck. Since then Ive put 5000 miles on it... Referenced: Freebirds Removing carbs 3/21/07 V7goose Float levels 6/27/08 ? Syncing carbs 8/18/06 Only thing I need is a sync tool after I get er done? Anyone close that has one? I know, I know. I could have taken to shop and got fixed free. But would it have really ended up being fixed???????? I think not......Plus it really isn't costing me any :mo money:just my time and I like working on her.
  16. Well I'm in the process of checking the sync of my carbs. I have vacume dial type gauges. 1) First I got her warmed up good to the point the fans kicks on 2) next I removed the rubbers tips from the intake. 3) hooked up the hoses from the gauges to the intakes. Here's where I'm lost. The needle on the gauges will not settle they flop back and forth like a hummimg bird in flight. What should I do of look for!!
  17. I just finished synching the carbs on my '09 RSTD. It only has 400 or so miles on it. I wanted to do it to learn as well as the fact that people on the board stated that it can be off from the factory. I used the Carbtune to do it. Unfortunately I bought it from a place in California before I noticed some posts about buying it from the manufacturer to take advantage of the exchange rate. Just goes to show what a wealth of knowledge the board is and maybe post a question before making a purchase. In any case I want to thank Freebird for posting the instructions and pics on how to do this. For those that are reticent about doing something like this don't be it is so simple it is not even funny. A pox and shake of the fist to the dealers that charge $85 for this. If the Stealers were smart they would give away something like this to get you into the store to buy more farkle. Literally the hardest part of this job was getting the hose off because it was kind of stuck and it is hard to get your fingers in the small space to get a good grip. I ended up using a screwdriver blade to push the end of the hose while pulling at the same time. I think i will put a dab of boy butter (silicone grease) on the nipples to make it easier next time. The other hard part was figuring out exactly where to put the Carbtune. I have my bike in a wheel chock to keep it upright so the handle bars are straight putting near the grips made it too far away for the hoses to reach the opposite side. I happened to have the seat off so I put it in that area. I was also worried about the hoses melting if they contact the pipes but that did not seem to be an issue. Another thing about the Carbtune, at least the one I have, is that one of the rods will stick if it is not mostly vertical. That is an important check the rods will bounce when the engine is running so make sure all 4 are bouncing. I ended not taking a before shot because I am bad like that. But I did get an after. The pairs were close to each other but the sides were off a bit. Get knee pads when you do this to save your knees. The first thing I did was get my long screw driver to make sure I could reach the screws. Even though I knew where to look it was kind of hard to pick them out at first. The one that does the one side to the other was like trying to find Waldo. Anyway here is an after pic. Thanks to the guys that post info to make things like this easy to figure out. David.
  18. I'm hoping someoene has an opinion. I have my 2007 venture in my garage and have been going over it so it is ready when the snow finally goes away. There are 4 hoses which appear to be vent hoses exiting just left of the rear shock pointing to the ground. The two that are cut at an angle have an oily residue coming out of them. Is this normal???. I followed the one hose up and it goes under the gas tank. I can take off the tank and follow it but wondered if the residue is in fact normal. The bike ran fine when I put it away. As always any opinions or help is always appreciated. Thanks Jim
  19. Any ides on alternate cooling hose sections (there sure are a lot of em!) while I have my scoot apart vs buying expensive OEM parts. How many have had problems with coolant hoses or am I Just being anal. They look fine but are over 20 years old now.
  20. Just got back from Sturgis after 4,000 miles on my 2007 Venture. I noticed oil on the floor under the left side of my bike. It appears to be coming out of 1 of 4 drain hoses. Anyone know what causes this? I plan on calling the dealer tomorrow to schedule an oil change. Could it be a problem that might be covered under the warranty?
  21. does anyone know off hand what order the vent/vacuum hoses are on a 1300 carb?? i bought a motor without a carb and the vent hoses did not come with it and im lost. thanks for any help! Steve
  22. I've been meaning to remove the YICS chamber on my 83 before it becomes a problem. I bought some caps to plug the ports with, but got reined-in very quickly when I tried to get a good look at the inner YICS cylinder ports : the outer hoses are no issue, but I can't even see the inner ones. So my question is this : is it possible to remove the YICS hoses & cap off the ports without having to pull the whole carb rack ? It looks way too tight in there for my hands. I do have a 4-yr old, but she isn't all that handy with a pair of pliers (yet). Just wondering...
  23. Hello Everyone. New memeber here! I've got a problem with my 83' Venture. I put it to bed last season and the back brake worked fine. When I got it out this past weekend I found that I have nothing...nada...no brake pressure nothing. I've tried everything. I've read over the forum, but I'm still puzzled. I've added DOT3 brake fluid to all the master cylinders. I've tried bleeding the rear with a MightyVac and I can get fluid out (along with bubles) but still not brakes. I've taken everything appart. I've blown through all the hoses. They all seem solid, no leaks. The only place that I think might be a problem is the piston on the pump. (if that's what its called.) It makes a strange "sucking" noise. I'm just not sure if that's what its supposed to do. LOL Any help or advice would be great! Thanks, Jack H. in Akron Ohio
  24. Could someone steer me to the post on refreshing the cannister? I get the gist of it I wanna know if I can unscrew the hoses off the ends to get it out and work on it? The bike is an 89 VR
  25. I posted yesterday about a fuel drip from my carbs. Today I went out to run the bike and possibly check out the fuel leak. The bike was running for a couple of minutes when all of a sudden I am getting antifreeze coming from everywhere. It is dripping from the upper and lower hoses as well as the petcock and from behind some of the covers as well as the breather assembly under the carbs. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.
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