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Moved this thread from the Watering Hole... Profiessional Input Please: I have read most of the threads regarding wiring of a Stebel Horn. I ordered one today so it will be on for a trip I am taking the end of May to Dragon/Cherohala area. I have decided to go with the "in cowling" mounting option. After reading Freebirds Tech article and others here on the forum I would like "confirmation" that I will be wiring it up correctly. 1. Mount horn vertically in cowling to frame. (Using pipe insulation to cushion per a suggestion on a thread and tie wraps) 2. Splice into hot wire from acc. plug and run wire to relay. ( Per Freebirds Tech article) (Increase size of fuse in lower fuse panel) 3. Wire from relay to horn positive. (Tech article) 4. Ground wire from horn to frame. ?????? 5. Splice into pink wire horn button and run wire to relay. (Threads tech article) What am I missing...anything. NOTE: I restored a 110 year old house here in Lynchburg. I did all restoration work "EXCEPT" electrical....Just not my thing..... Since I am under the cowling and want to keep the OEM horns active, do I need to deal with the "brown" wire everyone refers to in the mounting option on the lower right side of the bike?.... Long Tall in Lynchburg, VA
So I sent my 02 to a local independent small shop to have him do my clutch. He calls me and says the starter now runs as soon as he turns on the key. I have never heard this before. The only "non stock" item on my bike is the Wallo Horn install. He said the ground wire is connected at the point where the horn is mounted. He forgot to connect it at first... went back and connected it now starter running. Ideas? Help please. Did he fry the starter some how?
I am looking to replace the horns on my scoot,but I'm not intersted in anything like the steebles. does anyone know of an electric horn that works better than stock and still looks good. the horn on my wifes honda is loud as h*** and chrome to boot,but when I took hers to the Honda shop they said it was not stock. Just wondering cause like I said not interested in a steeble set yet. Thanks for the info in advance David
From a saved tech install article... unknown contributor who will probably announce him/herself... With all this talk about adding better horns to our ride I found these and mounted them to my ride in the stock location. Right side just forward and below the passenger foot. These are the one's I used from here: CT_CHROME&Category_Code=Stebel_Air_Horns Included are a couple of pic's on how they look on the bike. For mounting the horn I used an "L" bracket Bolted to where the Grounding strap mounts onto the engine. and mounted the relay under the cover just beside the right foot of the passanger. I also have an easy wiring instructions. A. Pink horn wire goes to RELAY POST 85. B. Brown horn wire goes to Relay Post 86. C. Connect one end of a wire to Relay Post 30 and the other end to the Hot side,+, of the compressor D. Connect end of your 20 amp Fused line to Relay Post 87 and the other end to the Hot Post,+, of your Battery. E. Connect the negative,-, on compressor to ground or neg,-, post on battery By using your wiring instructions, does this disconnect the OEM horns? I like your set up and God only knows that the RSV horns leave a lot to be desired. If it is as easy as you say -- then even I can install this thing. At 139dB these horns are extremely loud and provide that "rock concert" ringing in your ear if you are too close when it goes off. I've been told that it can be heard almost 3 city blocks away! YEEEOOOWWW! Dimensions The Compact Nautilus chrome horns are 4 3/4" tall, 2 3/4" wide, and 4 1/4" deep. Yes I only had to remove the OEM horn from it's place and then add the new horn where the old one was. The other horn under the faring is still there and still connected and working. As for wiring just follow those instructions and everything will work like it should. The plug on the OEM horn I just cut into 2, their was a small V shaped plastic piece holding the 2 wires together. Once the V piece is cut you can then plug them into the relay directly. I mounted the relay under the battery cover on the side.
Got my cheapo air horn from Ebay and because red was cheaper than chrome, and I am cheap, I had no choice but to mount it in the fairing. I was worried about it being muffled, but after I installed it I tried it before and after I put the shell back on and saw no difference. I may be crazy but the shell seems to act like a soundboard and actually enhance the sound. BTW a special thanks to Freebird for the heads up on the color of the horn switchwire (pink). This particular horn pulls alot of amps so I went ahead and ran the power wire straight from the battery with a 30 amp fuse in line.
installed awolo airhorn sunday morn, did everything accordingto what i"ve found in here,wired according to paper with horn,and what i"ve read in here! turned key on and horn beepedshort and sweetly without metouching the horn button,when i did pressthe horn button it worked fine! every time i turn the key on the horn beep"s.still have front one hooked up itchurp"s too. What did I miss or screw up:confused24::
I will try to add pics, if I can't get it done you should be able to see my installed horns in my gallery. You may want to take a look there anyway. AFI (Marinco) electric compact twin horns. A marine product, very resistant to adverse weather conditions. Maybe not quite as loud (109 dbA) as Stebel air, but IMO more reliable and from where I mounted 'em they are very effective in projecting the sound forward. I used 20 amp in-line fuse and 30 amp relay. I disconnected the factory horn hidden in the left lower cowling (it was barely audible from there anyway), and kept the stock factory horn on the right side near the exhaust. Results in three horns, two right out front, and MUCH better than stock. They are available from many vendors, here is one of the better ones. [ame=] Marinco Mini Twin Electric Horn: Sports & Outdoors@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame] Well, I gotta work on learnin' how to upload pics from my files to here. Sorry. I'll try to post 'em later if I get smart enuff.
After our near-death experience last night while driving home in the Silverado 4X4, there will be no more feet-dragging on getting a very loud air horn installed on the RSV. As we rounded a country road curve heading toward our subdivision at about 6:30pm, a small white car came screaming at us at what had to be 55+ mph in a 35 zone, heading right at us - in our lane! How we avoided the head-on collision is a miracle, but it involved some intuitive accident-avoidance techniques and a damn loud horn. That little car and the idiot driving (who I'm guessing was on their phone) just missed us, ran off the road back on their side, found their way back on to the blacktop and disappeared in the darkness. My wife and I just sat there and couldn't believe what had just happened. I have to admit that I've been in some close calls before, but that one really shook me up. I've been meaning to install the Stebel air horn for some time now, but never got the bracket to get the job done. That will be rectified this weekend! There are just too many cell phone addicts out there who can't stop texting or Tweeting while driving, and it's gotten too dangerous to not do everything possible to get their attention when they cross the line. My riding and driving skills are good, but they aren't enough sometimes, and my wimpy-a$$ horn is just useless in that regard. Be safe out there, and if you don't have a very loud ear piercing horn on your bike, you need to get one.
Ok Guys, I know the plans or dimensions for this horn bracket are our here somewhere, but I'll be damned if I can find it. I've built several and even have one one the left side of my bike for Dual Stebels. And I thought I had made patterns, but I can't find them either. So can anyone point me to the post that first showed this bracket? Thanks, Rick
As you know' I'm not much of a writer; but I sure do read alot on the site. Any way I wanted to get the new stebel horn, as there as so many people who decide that they want to share the same blacktop as me so often. Well I did not want to wait to order one, so I went to the local harbor freight and bought a "BAD BOY" horn. HOLY s@#%, that sucker is loud! It was a simple add on and it looks exactly like the stebel horn. I'm not sure if the stebel is louder but I really don't think that I need it. Btw I used the little bracket off the original horn to install the new one. I simply enlarge the lower hole and mounted the horn sideways and used the upper hole to mount the relay. I also was able to get the horn at the on line add price of $34.99.
Has anyone tried one of these "knock off" stebel or bad boy looking horn that are on e-bay? I had a tire blow out on my truck and when it did it took the inner fenderwell with it and my air horns. So I needed a horn and saw these on e-bay for around $28 each shipped. Comes with a relay & harness. I got 2, one for truck and the second to add to my stebel thats already on the bike.$(KGrHqZ,!jgE6lm2KJ5WBO16h9,JVw~~60_35.JPG
I've got a pair of Wolo Bad Boy air horns on my 89. The left one is newer because it was replaced after a crash. The design of the left is a bit different than the right, it does not have that apparent intake hole like the right one and the Stebel horn has. The left horn started sounding pretty weak. I tore into it expecting to find a nest of some sort in the intake hole, which I never found. In my search I noticed that there are a pair of holes in the bottom which are apparently used to hold the brushes back during installation (at least that's what I used them for on reassembly). Since I had the armature out I lubed the bearings. That solved the problem. My guess is some dirty water got in through the bottom holes which put some drag on the shaft. The last couple rides before it acted up were wet and sloppy. The older horn has the same holes and I suspect is vulnerable to the same problem. **EDIT** Didn't mention: The armature can be removed by removing the brush plate at the bottom. There are a pair of phillips screws near the electrical terminals. Putting screws back is not fun because magnets pull them out of alignment with the holes. I stuck the ends of a paper clip through the holes to hold the brushes back during assembly.
I was riding through town when a blond in a big black SUV pulled out of a side road. She turned left and I thought she would pull in behind me. Instead she came across the road directly at me, she was still looking left. She would have hit me if I hadn't leaned on the horn. Instead of stopping or going behind me she drove all the way down the block beside me on the wrong side of the road. New one on me.
Just found a neat ccmbo horn and modulator. The banshee air horn is loud, the relay modulates your head light, and it also let,s you keep the stock horn in play for a friendly "beep beep" at the neighbor. The required relay is optional. The horn can be wired normally. You can choose not to modulate the headlight and the air horn has selectable 1/4 or 1/2 second delay between the beep or the blast. Going to own one as soon as I have a spare $100.
I had my Stebel horn mounted on the right side in the stock location for over a year. Now that I have a sidecar, I would like my sons hearing to stay better than mine, so I removed the horn. Has anyone found a good mounting location on the left side of the motorcycle?
I want to know what the most travel I need between my front fender and anything above it?? I was working on a mount for my air horn under the light extension bracket.
I read the instructions for my steibel horn, it has a plastic L that pushes in from underneath and suggests some hose to a protected place. My question is, without getting too personal, has anyone who mounted one of these run a hose and if so where is your "protected place" ??
I cracked open my faring today and removed the cassette player. Anyway I dropped the spacer for the light bar. I thought it went into the front cowling. so I took them both off. I found what looked Like a horn under the shifter side. Hit the button and sure enough it is a horn. I thought the horn was on the break side with the chrome cover circled in the picture. Hit the button & nothing happened there. So is this a horn or what?
OK, here is an odd request. On the 1st gen where the horn mounts to the bracket on the frame there are sets of thin metal strips between the horn and the bracket. I suppose the sets of thin strips are to counter act the virbration. When I upgraded my horns and driving light brackets I tossed those OEM strips. Why keep 'em right? Well I have changed my light brackets again to a different type and I find the need of those strips to hang the horns. I made a couple of hangers from aluminum flat stock but they are showing signs of weakening already this year. Too much vibration. Anybody that has done a horn upgrade that might still have those strips laying around that would be willing to part with them? I think each side had 3 or 4 strips for each mount. Thanks Mike
The PO wired up air horns but they are wired to a different button on the handle bars that is not easily reached. Sort of defeats the purpose if I have to go hunting for the button every time. So, I want to use the original horn button. The compressor is mounted just under the passenger back rest, with the horns under the saddlebags. I have print outs and directions on wiring the relay into the horn switch. My questions are..... The instructions say "20 amp fused from batt to post 87". Is this an extra inline fuse direct to batt post or do I just come off the fuse block using that fuse? Can I hook into the pink and brown wires right down beside the OEM horn and run the 2 wires to the back or does it have to be hooked in up near the button for any reason? Can I remove both OEM horns or is there any reason I would have to leave leave one on. If I decide to add a steibel horn as well, (which I am thinking of doing) do I need to run a 2nd relay or can I just tap into the same circuit as the existing air horns. When I add running lights, do I use the same fuse as in question #1 , run another inline fuse or what?
Took the bike to get it inspected. I had worked the horn button a few times and got it working. But at the dealer I couldn't get it to work. I leave the dealer and I can get it to work when the bike is running. I decide to take the bike home and clean the contact points in hopes to get the horn working better. I take the switch control apart and find a lot of dirt in it I clean it with Q tips sprayed with a like windex. I try working the control trying to make the contacts touch but still can't get the switch to . I finish the cleaning and put it all back together all the other controls work fine but the Horn button. I know theres no fuse in the system are there any suggestions as to what i can do next. I can"t figure out why its not working . I know that its a constant feed to the switch and the button simply closes the circuit, If the contacts are touching why wouldn't it be working?
Hello It has been awhile since I've been here but I have a problem! My 01 RSV has no horn working. I installed a stebel horn last year and it has been working fine today I noticed I had no horn. Anyone that can help please reply. Thanks
I am sure there is a thread on this - I want to mount a serious horn on my 1st Gen - any instructions on this? Ken
Does anyone have a "working" side horn for a 01 venture they would like to part with? Of course, I would reimburse or pay for shipping. Please PM me:) Jakbag