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  1. Okay all your Venture Rider dudes, here is the latest from the big island down under................ WE IS COMING !! Went into the Travel agent and booked the flights and the car rental Woo Hoo!! Arrive LAX on the 17th July 2015..... So see you at the International Rally folks. :cool10:
  2. Last day at work, I be retired now!!!!! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
  3. Okay folks....... Went to the travel agent today and started the ball rolling for our return to the states Here is the plan so far: Arrive New York Thursday 6th June....... Hire a car Will tour, or head for Ohio-- depending on M/Day date Then touring and visiting more of the East coast July 5th fly New York to Portland. 8th July pick up trike and take to H-D for servicing etc. (possibly getting small trailer) Be in SLC,Utah to pick up Alan's bike by Friday 12th Attend International Rally, Galena IL More touring August we hope to attend Vogel Then we want to head to Texas if possible to catch up with VR members there 9th September-- need to be back in Utah (drop off bike) 13th September--back in Portland to get trike ready to ship home 16th deliver trike 17th September fly home. Some of the touring time is flexible.....
  4. While killing some time at a local Harley shop before the Pig roast Saturday I saw what I believe is the perfect 200 mile and under bike for me. It's the 2010 Harley Fat Boy Black Corduroy Wooo Hoo what a sweeeeeeeeeeeet bike only thing I'd change is the chrome handlebars and headlight ring Yup... flat black and brushed aluminum ... ZERO CHROME!
  5. Always check your bike when your "Friends" have been around it! I have no idea when it happened but a "friend" (AKA KEN) was showing me his NEW chrome tail light frame and I thought it was like COOL! Well that was a week ago at the IA, IL, WI, MO, MN M&E. And I have walked past MY bike in the garage at least 20 times since then. I can spot a dust bunny or a hair on it (thinking it's a scratch) at 50 feet! Well then today I was heading out to grill, looked down at my tail light and said "WHAT THE #$LL" is that? Looked closer and low and behold my "friend's" chrome piece is on MY bike!!! How cool is that to have such good friends? And what do you want to bet they are all LAUGHING at me cause I never noticed! :banana:YA, you all know who you are, Ken (920shrek1), Mike (Eusa1 + Cheri) And last but not least Rick (Rick Haywood + Shirley), even my wife Lisa never said anything!. You all did good not letting on! Sorry it took so long for me to OPEN my eyes!! Thank you! It's good to have friends! Bryan
  6. Longest day of the year. "Yes we know but work, you know". Day one for me to go to Manitowoc Wisconsin from Oskaloosa, Iowa 560 miles. Stopped at JP cycles and bought goodies. Took scenic route. Heading west soon as the sun comes up. "See how for we can get before it goes down. Ken took me out for some GREAT pizza!!! More later "after my sore butt lets me". Bryan
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY oldschool.
  8. I just found out that Big Bob just took delivery of his new Venture/Hannigan trike, but help me convince him to upload some pics so we can all see it too! If we dont see pics it didnt happen!!!! Woo hoo Bob! Looking forward to riding to Nelson with you and that fancy rig!!! Brian
  9. Took the bike in and had it serviced and a new Dun-lop E-3 put on the rear. It was done and, well, it was sunny, and hardly any wind, and, well I called in and took a day of vacation, and well, went riding! I went through 2 tanks of gas for a total of 452 miles. (Most I was able to get in was 4.87 gal at 231 miles, hit reserve at 201, I think, darn gauge resets and does it's count down.) Went no particular place, for no particular reason. Just me and the bike........... WOW, WHAT FUN I HAD!!! :sign woo hoo: :sign woo hoo: Sorry had to,,, rub it in,,, I mean ,, um ,, vent. Yeah that's it, VENT! Bryan
  10. YOU GUYS ARE GREAT...you keep sending me electronics and parts for my bike...man, I can't believe all the gifts I'm getting from you guys...YA HOO !!! Hey, I could use a rear tire and more lighting (never enough lights) or how about a new rain suit size 3x....Thanks for all the toys guys and girls...Ya Hoo..!! ps... Annie, I LOVE THE ELECTRONICS...Ya Hoo !!!!!!
  11. OK, OK, first I haven't got to ride since last part of October 2010 due to weather, work, funerals etc. Well today even with bronchitis I have had for the past lousy week now, coughing, hard breathing and all. Turned the key on and off three times till it quit clicking and I am not sure it even turned over 2 revolutions and VAROOOOM!!!!!! Yah, Yah I checked all the fluids, air, wheels and all the little stuff before hand. Took it to the car wash to get all the winter dust off her. (Note to self, find out why there is even dust in a closed garage.) Anyway I got home and Lisa had her boots on with a big smile on her face. What do I do? :lightbulb:Well I can't disappoint her so Lisa & I went for a ride!!!! Been driving the truck to work and hunting and about everywhere else and the roads around here did not winter well. We took off and I swear the roads were like glass! It was so smooooooooth we both couldn't believe it! (Smile) She says I done good getting this bike, she loves it! Got home about dark grilled some steak and life is good again! WARM WEATHER, WELCOME BACK!!!! :sign woo hoo: Oh and did I mention :sign woo hoo: !!! Bryan
  12. Just found this on the web. Must have been taken in KY.
  13. Ice build up tore my gutter down along with some siding ,soffet and facia boards........on the way down it hit 2 of my air conditioners.... If thats not bad enough my sliding glass doors are leaking this morning and my toilet ball rod just snapped off..........HAPPY NEW YEAR.........:bawling:I hope this is not the way the rest of my year is going to be...on the other hand , Bongobob invited me over for LASAGNA..YA HOO!!!..maybe I take that BAD juju over to his house and leave it there.....50 degrees and rain this morning....I love living in BUFFALO...!!!!!!!!!!
  14. to you to you :Crazy_139: to you have a great day Bill
  15. None other that Driver Dan!!! (IH Truck Guy) Seems that Dan had a load that was heading to Beaumont TEXAS for a Monday delivery. He texted me on Friday and we ended up meeting him in Liberty for supper at Chili's and were able to gab and eat for about 3 hours. He showed up in his Barney Mobile, nice Freightliner funny color Now let me tell you folks that haven't met Dan, or his wife Shari something. If you get the opportunity to meet them both or even just Dan....do so. We had them over to the house in Michigan for a M&E and laughed until 3am about some of their misadventures. Anyone that was at the '09 Freebird maintenance Day or the '08 Kitchener Rally will attest to this. It was awesome being able to see Dan again, unfortunately Shari was still up in Wisconsin, but we did get to talk with her on the phone after Dan took our pic and texted it to her. 1st words on her text back was "You Suck!" you get to see them and I dont It was great spend a little time with Dan and I'm glad we got the opportunity to do so. Thanks for meeting us for supper Buddy, we'll have to try and do it again soon
  16. Got a PM from Rick that he was passing though the area on Friday night. So what better place to take him for dinner... Leatherbee's Ice Cream....
  17. Couldn't help myself---2009 Ultra Classic--$2000.00 under book from PO---5500 miles. Will still have my 86 VR though.
  18. I got cool stuff sat. and today ! Sat. i got the new V4 m/c covers from Renne , could not turn off the flash on camera so the pic's are not that good but the covers look great ! today i also got the Hooti Bootis from Black Owl pic is a lot better , Black Owl , your rite ! just what it needed ! also got my new VR bell today ! today was just like Xmas !
  20. http://www.westauction.com/auction/item/id/307/num/12463
  21. Had the left carpal done this morning. The right was done last year about this time. Looking forward to hands on riding this summer. No more dead fingers. But.... the nurse says I have an irregular heart beat, need to see my primary care Dr.....
  22. http://www.icq.com/img/friendship/static/card_16961_rs.swf
  23. I'll be in Cody Wy!!!
  24. :ice_awesome-vi46644:You_Rock_Emoticon::clap2: Margaret, Just checked the mail (Mon. 12noon) and the T-shirts have arrived Thank You
  25. Have to thank a lot of you for this little gem! My bloke, Alan, likes a drop of whisky as his favourite tipple,or a good red wine. So-o-o I came up with this idea (prompted by you guys) :thumbsup2: and told him "you drink--I buy safety chrome!!" :rotf::rotf::rotf: Think I'm gonna have lots'
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