I just received the following email. I very much appreciated being contacted and I have called Kat and told her that I am very interested and would post the email in case any of the rest of our members may be close to this area and wish to participate. I will post more in regard to dates, meeting places and etc. when I receive her email with that information.
"I am the program assistant with the Holmes and Wayne Counties Safe Communities programs in Northeastern Ohio. I just want to send my sincere sympathy in regard to your friends. Through the Safe Communities coaltion we try to reduce traffic fatalties by educating drivers to become more aware of things around them. Unfortunately, for as much as we try to do to prevent crashes from happening, it takes a tragedy to really get peoples attention.
As part of this years program we will be working more on motorcycle education. Are you a local group? If so, would you be interested and willing to attend a Safe Communities coalition meeting? Any involvement we can get with organized riding clubs would be so helpful. I can be reached by email or at the Holmes County Health Dept (Millersburg, Ohio) at 1-877-674-5035 ext 258. Thank You!!"