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  1. I lost one of my seat hold down nuts awhile ago and figured if I replaced it with an original I would lose it again eventually. I picked up a couple of drawer pull knobs for .99 ea. They are all plastic and are not threaded. I just happen to have a 6mm tap so after drilling them(5mm or 13/64") I tapped the hole in the knob. It has been on there quite awhile.It makes removing the seat a breeze and are easy to check and give them a quick twist if needed. Keith
  2. Folks I need some help here. Rode today 2 up for the first time on my RSV and it killed me. Not the handling so much. My problem is when she mounts and dis-mounts. I cant hold the bike up. We made one stop and come home. It took everything I had to not drop it twice and by then I was used up. Her getting on first makes it very hard to stand the bike up, but easier on me a little. However when needing to have her get off in order to get into a park spot or for whatever reason i simply cannot hold the bike up. Im not so sure I did not pull something in my wrist saving the bike. Her short legs dont allow much for her to anything any different, but someting has to change or I am going to be totally spent before we leave for a ride.
  3. Hello to all, I am a new member on Venture Rider but already have a tough question. I am riding a 2009 RSV and want to get hold of some engine chrome does anyone have any ideas were to find these very items. Thank Ghostrider7:bobby:
  4. I am finally insulating and drywalling my garage, all hung and all I have is a little mud and taping to do. The wife wants to finish the garage floor, I stopped by a friends yesterday and he said don't do it. I do work on things in my garage and use a jack. . . He tells me the painted and epoxy floor surfaces won't hold up to jacks and turning tires. The question is has anyone put some finish on their garage floors, what type and how does it hold up to moving jacks, shop tools on rollers or wheels . . .
  5. has anybody replaced the stem (top and bottom) bearings on an 1800 GoldWing. I understand that is being done to Trikes because the factory bearings don't hold up to the triple tree revision. Is this a job for a real mechanic ? me being just a play mechanic
  6. Is the ignition system vacuum sensor on my '88 VR supposed to hold a steady vacuum? I checked all the related hoses for vacuum leaks and found none, but the sensor itself will not hold a steady vacuum as the vacuum bleeds off moderately. Is this a problem, or is this the way it was designed? -Pete, in Tacoma WA USA
  7. whats up with the venture... I know I"ve read others who have issues with batteries... I've had my bike 11 months & already gone thru my 2nd battery... yes i have a maintainer but if it wont hold a charge when am I going to be out riding and it quits? is there something I can do ? or something I should be doing?
  8. For the last week I've been on vacation and have done quite a bit of riding and I have been observing the water temperature guage that I recently installed. The temperature doesn't seem to be very stable. Sometimes when cruising 60 mph it will hold at 185 and a while later it will be at 200, cruise on a while longer and it will drop back to 190. At first I just thought it was the thermostat cycling but it may hold the temperatures for 30 minutes or more. In the cars and trucks that I have owned the temperature is always very stable at cruising speeds. Have any of you with guages noticed this type of temperature swings? My guage is an electrical guage. Dennis
  9. Drove 110klm in the rain to Toronto this morning after work to deliver rad for you(Taz) to Kevin Black.Had no phone number so couldn't get a hold of him so I paid $15 and mailed it too him.Should get it next week sometime.
  10. I just found this trunk crack on my 91 VR. It is hard to see. It looks like a stress crack from age and hardening of the plastic, for there is nothing around it that indicates it got hit. And I have not loaded it much at all. I may have purchased it that way, only at that time I may have missed it. The crack does definately stop my fingernail from going over the crack. I dont know what those white spots are for they are not on the turnk. The paint on the trunk looks like the day it came off the show room floor The crack is also felt on the inside. Also the crack starts right dead center on one of the screws that hold the trim on. My options are 1) Just ignore it and hope the crack does not travel father 2) Take it to a body shop for an estimate 3) Buy a used trunk and have it professionally painted to match. 4) Your suggestions
  11. I am thinking of buying a Kawi Voyager on flebay and it is in Helen GA can someone pick it up and hold it until I can get it. Tom
  12. Of the little guys that hold these bags to the trunk? I just won these of ebay to put on my 84. I put the MKII trunk on my MKI about 1.5 years ago so I have the clips that hold the bags onto one side, and I took the intercom controls off the other side. So I need a couple clips to put the second bag on that side. Thanks Bill
  13. I have a 2006 RSV with 42,000 miles. Bike is in great shape and only problem I am having is my choke lever no longer stays on its own. I have to hold the lever out until engine is warmed up. Any suggestions on how to fix this would be appreciated!
  14. One of the local kids playing with the log truck again. Looks like another hold my beer and watch this moment. This was taken about 1/2 mile from my house. Looks like Jamie almost made her out on the highway. Had her chained down good to. I live on the No License No Insurance side of the County. Anything goes here least my insurance is paid up. http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m580/ggrabose/Falls%20Mill/LocalLoggers.jpg
  15. Well we have a grandaughter now. She weighed 8lbs 5.6 ounces. I have no idea how long she is and they haven't settled on a name yet. Just got the call and called Jeff at work to let him know. We'll be heading out tomorrow they live on the other side of Charlotte. Hopefully they'll have a name for her by then. OH and don't worry grandma will have plenty of pics once I get a hold of her. Margaret
  16. Got to love this Rome 1953 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzyGZoFIGvs]Rome Police Hold Anniversary-1953 - YouTube[/ame]
  17. I bought a Last of the breed Pontiac early this year. 4 door G6 pretty well equipped. What is this thing going to do. Will it hold value pretty well or bottom drop out because they aren't around any more. I thought it would hold pretty well. Some dumba** tried to tell me yesterday it is worthless because they don't make them any more. I couldn't get Blue book to work this morning.Pretty sure its not worthless.
  18. I would ask two questions up front before I took a job. #1- Have you ever worked on your bike? #2- How much can you bench press? I just replaced my front tire and the bolts holding the calipers were so tight that three only have part of the threads left and one is there(maybe) forever. I had to fish the rotor into the pads on one side and thats harder than it sounds. The crazy part about it is they only have to hold themselves in. Zero pressure on the bolts. I'm open for suggestions on how to get it out without breaking off the ear. It is soaking in penetrating oil but I don't give it much hope. Thanks Richard
  19. Texans Gabriel went to the Lord and said, "I have to talk to you. We have some Texans up here who are causing some real problems.. They're swinging on the Pearly Gates, my horn is missing, and they are wearing T-shirts instead of their robes; there's barbecue and picante sauce all over everything, especially their T-shirts; their dogs are riding in the chariots and chasing the sheep. They are wearing baseball caps and cowboy hats instead of their halos. They refuse to keep the stairway to Heaven clean, and their boots are marking and scuffing up the halls of Wisdom. There are watermelon seeds and tortilla chip crumbs all over the place. Some of them are walking around with just one wing; and they insist on bringing their darn horses with them." The Lord said, "Texans are Texans, Gabriel. Heaven is home to all of my children. If you want to know about real problems, call the Devil.." So Gabriel calls the Devil who answers the phone and says, "Hello -- hold on a minute." When he returns to the phone the Devil says, "O.K., I'm back. What can I do for you?" Gabriel replied, "I just want to know what kinds of problems you are having down there with the Texans." The Devil said, "Hold on again. I need to check on something." After about 5 minutes the Devil returned to the phone and said. "I'm back. Now what was the question?" Gabriel said, "What kind of problems are you having down there with the Texans?" The Devil said, "Man, I don't believe this...hold on!!!!" This time the Devil was gone 15 minutes and when he returns he says, "I'm sorry Gabriel -- I can't talk right now!! Red Adair has put out the fire here and now Brown & Root is installing air conditioning!!!!" Always remember .... TEXANS SURVIVE .... despite the odds against them!!!
  20. hold on to your handle bars,for this one The dog's name is Buck! http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=cqxTUxzOceE&feature=youtube_gdata_plaJ lowell:cool10:
  21. I am looking at buying some cobra pipes for my bike, but would like to know if anyone in the area may be able to look at them for me, and possibly hold them if I buy them until I get there??
  22. Traded the 2003 for a 2009 hold over. The Venture is still one of the best bikes for the price.
  23. hey yall, im new to all this, where can i find body parts to replace the bad parts of my 86 venture?is there a pdf with the part # for all this plastic and the clips,plugs,and grommets that hold the plastic fairings ? i would really appreciate all the help i can get,so i can ride like the wind.
  24. Got her CLASS working, but the rear will not hold air. The CLASS pumps it up ok, but just a few miles down the road, the rear is floating like a worn out cadillac. Is there a simple fix, or does it need a new rear shock?
  25. So I was riding my 2002 RSV home from work and pushed the up arrow on the radio to change the station. Instead of tuning in to the next station the radio stock flopped forward. The two screws that are supposed to hold it to the mount must have got lose from vibration and came out. Does anyone know what size replacement screws I need? For now I've got the radio attached to the mount with tie wraps. Thanks, Dan
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