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Found 9 results

  1. Every Fan Down in Fan-ville Liked Hockey a lot … But the Greed, Who lived just south of Fan-ville, Did NOT! The Greed hated Hockey! The whole Hockey season! Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It could be his game was baseball or basketball. It could be, perhaps, that he was jealous of football. But I think that the most likely reason of all May have been that he thought his wallet was too small. But, Whatever the reason, The sport or no shame, He sat there in September, hating just the same, Clutching his brandy with an evil, Greedy sneer As the Fans toasted the new season with cold beer. For he knew every Fan up in Fan-ville above Cared not for the business, only puck love. "And there will be training camp!" he yelled with a racket. "All will have hope! Even the Jackets!" Then he growled, while his butler got his Bentley running, "I MUST find some way to stop Hockey from coming!" For, As soon as the puck dropped, he knew … All the Fans with great glee Would turn on TVs. They'd rush to the rinks! And he'd hear that "Gangnam Style" song everyone sings! Oh, the Noise! Noise! Noise! Noise! That's one thing he hated! The NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! http://l2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/R3STrNWiKRAcCxC2ezA3sA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTMxMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/388/2012/12/21/Grinch-2-Canucks-jersey-jpg_212423.jpgAnd THEN They'd do something He liked least of all! Every Fan up in Fan-ville, of the Canucks to the 'Hawks, Would gather in great flocks, the floor to the ceiling. They’d stand side-by-side. And the Fans would start cheering! They'd cheer! And they'd cheer! AND they'd CHEER! CHEER! CHEER! CHEER! And the more the Greed thought of this Fan-cheering-thing, The more the Greed thought, "I'd rather hear 'Cha-ching!' "These fools don't follow important things like the Dow. "They follow the standings and guys like that Gordie … "Uhh … Howe?" Then he got an idea! A new idea! THE GREED GOT A NEW, OLD IDEA! "I know just what to do!" The Greed said like a snoot. "I'll have a lockout! And I'll file lawsuits!" And he laughed and he snorted, "Won't that be funny? "Somehow, I figure, I'll make even more money!" * * * * * http://l3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/WJMWZCHrvwaxSM620IqBsQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTMxMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/388/2012/12/21/Grinch-3-face-jpg_212428.jpgTHEN He canceled training camps And the first weeks of the sked And the Winter Classic and more. Each time, a kick in the head. The owners and players, he'd make them fight … Fight so long, few would care who was right. "What's this about?" The Fans once wanted to know. Is it revenue sharing or HRR? Or contract rights? Or escrow? "What's this about?" The Fans didn't bother anymore. Disclaimer of interest? Decertification? Everyone is bored. We need a vacation. After months of pointing fingers and trading proposals, The sides came to New York, the biggest star at their disposal. The Greed seemed in trouble, for who could it be? Not Cindy-Lou Who – but Sidney Crosby! But even with the help of his owners and agent, Crosby could not keep it from blowing a gasket. He went back to Pittsburgh asked the big question: "Why? "Why aren't they even talking now? Why?" But, you know, that old Greed was so smart and so slick He thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick! "Why, we aren't close at all!" the evil Greed lied. "When you hear that we're close, that's only one side. "So there's nothing to talk about. We'll go to the brink. "Maybe we'll cancel the season, or someone will blink." And as if the Fans needed more reason to hate, That dastardly old Greed would not give a drop-dead date. Forget the openers. The Fans wanted closure. It was all they could do to keep their composure. And the one speck of hope That was left in the league Was a glimmer even too dim for Milbury. * * * * * http://l2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/.CBQv3j69Qvg.uj4MbRggw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTMxMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/388/2012/12/21/Grinch-4-Canes-sign-jpg_212417.jpgIt was now halfway into the season … Eighty-two games, impossible, Fifty-six, too, When the Greed looked at the schedule. "Down to 48? Woo-hoo!" So much crossed out! No banner in L.A.! No new arrivals to tout! No Nash, no Suter, no Parise! "Pooh-pooh to the Fans!" the Greed greedily hummed. "How do they feel that Hockey has not come? "It's finally sinking in! I know just what they'll do! "Their mouths will hang open for a minute or two "Then the Fans down in Fan-ville will all cry BOO-HOO!" "That's a noise," grinned the Greed, "That I simply MUST hear!" So he paused. And the Greed put his hand to his ear. And he did hear a sound rising over the snow. It started in low. Then it started to grow … But the sound wasn't sad! Why, this sound sounded merry! It couldn't be so! But it WAS merry! VERY! He stared up at Fan-ville! The Greed popped his eyes! Then he shook! http://l1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/DtrMorBuX6kTfo1nSFlCVw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTMxMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/388/2012/12/21/Grinch-6-end-jpg_212435.jpgWhat he saw was a shocking surprise! The Fans up in Fan-ville, of the Canucks to the 'Hawks, Were cheering! Right out of their socks! Oh, there was emotion over the lockout, no doubt. But you know what? The NHL isn't all it's about! Some Fans cheered for junior and college, the other levels of Hockey, all. Other Fans just cheered for – gulp! – baseball and basketball and football. Then the Greed thought of something he should have before. "Maybe," he thought, "they cheer first and then spend. "Maybe, perhaps, they'll just spend elsewhere instead!" And what happened then … ? Well … in Fan-ville they say That the Greed's feeble brain Finally got it that day! And as soon as he realized how to really grow his wallet, He dropped the lawsuits, and he lifted the lockout. And he brought back Hockey! And he sold lots of beers! And he … … HE HIMSELF … ! The Greed led the cheers!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/embed/GhnvKzA-6WY Yeah.....Right!
  3. I was in Hinshaw's today picked up a quart of BelRay fork oil and found this flyer. Hot Winter Nights Casino Night at Hinshaw's * See the Hottest New Bikes from Yamaha and Star M/C. Join us for Food, Fun and Prizes. March 23rd 6pm - 9pm Come on in and bring your friends! We'll have Black Jack, Roulette, Craps, and Texas Hold'em Foos-ball and Air -Hockey too' Movie and Refreshments! and ... Dave's new England Coneys!! ************************************ I do not know anymore than this. I'm pretty sure they will be using play money. Get a chance to gamble without loosing anything. I hope!!!
  4. Sailor


    GO CANUCKS !!!!
  5. Heard a lot about it this time and we can't say it enough. HATS OFF TO OUR CANADIAN FRIENDS FOR HOSTING THE GAMES!!! A really class act. More Gold than Mt T can wear!!! Also heard they had a Hockey Team up there!! Just wanted to say THANKS!!! Most of North America is pretty solid if we could just do something about South of our border...
  6. Nice job in the Olympics Canada. What a great hockey game. You guys did great all around with the most Gold medals also. Good Job
  7. In 1885 in Kingston; there was a group of British soldiers that were bored and decided to play a sort of hockey that we use today. That's how hockey was invented. Hockey wasn't invented by on specific person or group. hockey is played with a stick. for hockey However, it is generally accepted that Scottish settlers were the first to play it in Nova Scotia in the late 1700s. At this time there was mass emmigration into Canada of people from the Highlands of Scotland who imported many of their traditions, culture and pastimes. Ice Hockey became a Winter version of a game known as Shinty which has been played in the Highlands of Scotland for centuries. There are many similarities, most notably the stick or caman. The word 'puck' is also derived from old Scots, meaning to hit. There is also an unofficial game still played in Canada which is known as Shinny, a name derived from Shinty. There is also a claim that Hockey is a relation of Hurling which started in Ireland as the sport of Hurley. However, the conncetions are tenuous as mass emigration to Canada form Ireland did not occur until the mid to late nineteenth century. The equipment also differs considerably. Of course, there are other stories.Some say the MicMac indians played a form of hockey in Nova Scotia when the Europeans arrived. In Windsor, Nova Scotia, there is a school called Kings View Academy. A teacher there supposedly took his students out to the pond behind their school and asked them to make up a sport. The game they played became hockey.Another interesting story says that ice hockey was first played in 1885 by British soldiers stationed in Canada. Guards who were guarding the Parliament building in Canada used to sneak off to a nearby field and play ice hockey. Some say they started by whacking rocks with a stick to stay warm. Two towns claim that the first game of hockey was played there. The first is Kingston, Ontario, and the second is a small town in New Brunswick, both of which are in Canada. It is generally accepted that the current rules for hockey evolved from students at McGill University in Montreal ("the McGill Rules") in 1875. Around 1920 the NHL was formed by Canada. It grew. Rules evolved. For example in the 1920's you were aloud to pass forward.
  8. Anyone here besides me? The reason I ask is because I have a ton of autographed hockey stuff that I think Im finally going to turn loose of. Rocket Richard, Gretzky, Roy, Sakic, Forsberg, Bobby Hull ect.....hit me up if interested.
  9. Hi there! Some months ago I posted on Kuryakyn handles for the 1st gen. Then there was the fact that the left one was too loose, so someone here suggested I put hockey tape around the handle. So I set them aside. Now I went to install them a few days ago. Did the hockey tape thing on the left, it's nice and tight. For throttle however, I can't put the housing back on. The shaft seems a little too big. If i put it next to the old one it looks identical but it really is just the housing. If I force a side on, there is no more play for the accelerator to come back in it's position. How on earth is anyone install these? On the package it's written 6235. If I remember correctly from my previous thread, that this was the correct one to get...so I'm certainly not the only one with this problem...unless I got the wrong ones in the pack...in that case nice waste of :mo money:they cost me almost $100! Can anyone help. The old left one is cut up and in the garbage already long gone and new one is glued. Thanks in advance for the help!
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