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Found 16 results

  1. Last night after riding my '83 VR about 8 miles and watching my gas gage go from 3 bars to empty, I thought I better investigate. I pulled the cover off of the breather box so I could see the carbs. I noticed that when I rev the engine up that the slides are not moving very much. I can also see a lot of gas on top of the butterflies. I guess my question is, how much should the slides move? It seems to run very well out on the road but now I wonder how much better is should run. When I first crank it up after setting over night, it takes a few minutes for it to start hitting on all cylinders. This may be due to flooding. It starts very easy with no choke. I have checked the diaphragms and don't see any pin holes but they are very wrinkled looking. I really need help. Thanks in advance.
  2. Following Freebird's Tech section instructions, I have the fork springs out (Plastic spacer - did Yamaha use a plastic spacer?) and the bottom bolts out. I tried to remove the lower tubes as instructed, but while they broke loose from the "pressure hold", I seem to be hitting something solid and metallic right at the bottom before they come apart. Anyone know what I'm hitting? I don't want to keep slamming the lower tubes against this without knowing what's happening. Thanks Andy __________________
  3. Following Freebird's Tech section instructions, I have the fork springs out (Plastic spacer - did Yamaha use a plastic spacer?) and the bottom bolts out. I tried to remove the lower tubes as instructed, but while they broke loose from the "pressure hold", I seem to be hitting something solid and metallic right at the bottom before they come apart. Anyone know what I'm hitting? I don't want to keep slamming the lower tubes against this without knowing what's happening. Thanks Andy
  4. My wife and i were riding to work this morning about 5:30. We were crusing about 50 mph through a curve when 4 deer suddenly jumped out of the ditch in front of us. I hit the brakes and managed to thread our way through the deer without hitting any. There was only about a bike length between the deer. I had to stop and wait until I quit shaking so we could continue the trip. The car behind us stopped and stated that he did not believe we made it through without hitting any deer.
  5. It never seems to fail that this time of year when it warms up a little, bad things happen to people on motorcycles. A couple of weeks ago with a little bit of a warm up, we had two motorcycle fatalities. One was a man and the other biker was a woman. It both cases, it appears to have been due to losing control and hitting something. I always hate to see this and I know that I am always a little apprehensive when I first get the bike out. I also like to get some seat time before I take on a passenger. Anyway, be careful out there and watch out for others no watching out for you and there always seems to be more stuff on the road. RandyA
  6. Well I'm hitting the road. Ok in my car. Anyway heading up to my folks for a few days. Trip was a little iffy thanks to bill out there in the atlantic, but they say he won't hit us. I'll get to check on the site everyday since my folks have internet. Just thought I'd let you all know I was gonna be gone in case ya missed me. Heading out in the morning for the 8 hr trip. OK now for the smart butt responses. :rotf::rotf: Margaret
  7. Cindi and I got back from Gatlinburg a couple of hours ago. It was a blast! Rode the Dragon (at a fairly slow speed and STILL managed to scrape a peg!). We were supposed to stay another day, but since Leadwolf and Tinkerbell left early we were just sitting around moping and said @$^# it and left for home. Caught a pretty heavy rain storm just after hitting the highway and had to sit under a viaduct for a bit, but it eased up and we booked out. Spent the night in Lexington then home this morning. Not gonna be able to make the rally (again!), but hope to see a few of y'all at a meet and eat before the snows come again.
  8. Hi Everyone, My 06 RSTD with 2,000 miles on it now has developed a noise which sounds like the fan is hitting the radiator. It's a metal sound like the fan hitting the radiator but I'm sure it's not. I hear so much about the chirp but this does not sound like a chirp and I only get it at a low rpm. 20 mph in second, 30 mph in third and 40 in 4th. It's only for about a 5 mph range that it does it. So like 3rd is the most noticeable and only from about 29 to 34 mph. Don't know if maybe it's the clutch basket hitting a little at the low rpm. It drives me CRAZY!!!!! Any thoughts???Thanks, Shortrider
  9. i need to hook up with someone in the st. louis area to ride with to dons maintenance day. was planning on riding with lowel and road kill, but they are going early and hitting michigan first. anyone around st. charles heading that way? bill
  10. I had to change my "signature" from "never" to "one" accident! Locked up rear wheel in panic on my 01 RSV. Slid about 250' on the asphalt per accident report. Not sure if it would have been better to have ABS or linked brakes which might have prevented the lock up & the lay down. Otherwise I might have hit the bastur* who pulled out in front of me and ended up hitting the car instead and sending over the bars & into the sob! My RSV has about $8K damages and I ended up with road rash and busted up ankle. Thank God I had enough sense to wear my helmet, leather jacket and gloves (which are all trashed!) or else I might not even be able to type this!
  11. I, as some of the others here, have bought and mounted the Wal-Mart Optronics driving lights on their bike. And like everyone else mounted them in the front fender bolt area. However with the air deflectors hitting on the back of the lights I added some extenders in stainless. While it worked to a degree I still hit occasionally when hard braking so today I moved em once again. This time I bought a set of the Kuryakyn "P" clamps in 1" size #4018. Mounted them just below the footrests on the front crash bars. Really lights up the road surface now. Only real drawback here was cost of the "P" clamps. At $20 each they sure aren't cheap but look great and fit perfect for the job at hand. I must make one other note here in that one reason why my air deflectors were hitting is due to me having the light bar extension which of course moves them right near the Optronics lights. If it wasn't for that then the fork light location works very well indeed. Larry
  12. Everyone stay safe down there in TX. Ike isn't gonna be a nice storm at all. They said it's pushing water up into FL, AL, MS, and LA which can't be much fun. Hope it does something they aren't calling for and weaken some before hitting you. Margaret
  13. I am trying to remove the swingarm assembly to change bushing etc. However, please refer to attached pic, I cannot remove item #25 (where the pointer is). This is a "T" shaped bolt that goes through the lower shock mounting. The other side has a bolt (#26) also and a clamp that holds a drain hose. I have tried just about everything I can think of. I used penetrating fluid, tried heating it up with propane torch and hitting or using penetrating fluid. I cannot move this one. I have screwed the bolt back in from the other side and tried hitting it....managed to damage head of this bolt. Removed it again and put in a narrow punch to bottom out in the threaded area. Hit this quite hard but cannot shake this loose. Is there a trick here? Or am I going about this the wrong way? If I can't get it out, I will have to put bike on a lift of some sort, and then remove the center stand to get the #14 area to swing down to replace bushings etc. I will not be able to put in grease zerks unless I can get it off the bike. Thanks all.
  14. Hey everyone I have a question. I pulled the bike out yesterday (87 Venture) as I hadnt had it out in 2 weeks. I washed it and then went for a little scoot. When I rolled it out of the garage I had a little trouble hitting neutral to fire it up. It was stiff and hard and and just kept going from first to second without hitting neutral. Finally found neutral and down the road I go. The gears were stiff and hard to shift, almost like the clutch wasnt in all the way. Had a problem shifting from 2nd to 3rd and then to 4th, almost had to do it a few times to get into the other gears. Downshifting was the same thing had to shift pretty hard and a few times to get it to want to downshift. The bike ran fine other than that and when it was out last 2 weeks ago it was perfect, and I did nothing to it other than wash it before I went for a ride yesterday. It was dark when I got home so I didnt even look at it I just pulled it in the garage and and parked it (the penguin game was on). I figured I would look at it today. Has anyone had this problem or does anyone know where I should look first? Thanks, Paul
  15. http://www.dedge.com/flash/christmas/ For all of you who have hit a deer, here's your revenge. You might even have fun hitting those little pesky elves. Margaret
  16. Actually, this is more like murder. This is just terrible. "Because of your recklessness, which was passing another vehicle in a no-passing zone, Todd had no choice but to run off the road to avoid hitting you head-on. You caused the crash that resulted in his death and the injury to his wife. You didn't even care enough to stop and help them." http://www.newarkadvocate.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071020/OPINION03/710200325/1014/OPINION
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