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Found 24 results

  1. The response to the ad I stuck on Craigslist about Olivia has been really interesting.. Lots and lots of inquiry's, some just responding to say - "COOL BIKE", couple comments of "YOU ARE ASKING WAYYYY TO MUCH MONEY" and some along the line of - "cant believe you would sell it so cheaply - gotta be something wrong here".. Typical stuff I guess.. The most intriguing though have been two in particular.. Both of those have been folks who just sent their phone numbers and asked me to call,, which I did.. Interestingly enough, these gentleman, one in California and one in Michigan, seemed a little squeemish about the integrity of Olivia's history... As a result of that, I have been on an internet crusade to discover the real Olivia, trying to accumulate info supporting whether or not her previous owner had the military history as I was told... Being the sort of person who normally looks for the "silver lining" within dark clouds, I wasnt surprised to find myself actually enjoying the process I am going thru in this research.. That silver lining turned to gold and I about spit my coffee all over my puter screen as I read thru the online Obituary that I discovered while researching the deceased owners history... I was humbled and honored as I read thru the accomplishments this gentleman presents.. I gotta admit though,, even though it was only a mere gut feeling that told me that somehow Olivia was gonna show up within George's obit,, I was NOT surprised to find this to be the case!! To know from experience and being around her that to know her is to love her and the soul of that love can run very deeply!! Deeply enough that she could even find her way into the sacred obituary of a WW2 Vet who obviously loved the time he spent with her!! RIP George!! George Flemming Obituary - FRASER, Michigan Its fun swimming in the pool of life where giants have swam,, hope ya enjoy it as much as I do folks!! Puc
  2. Not sure where to put this question on the forum sorry I am wondering if the 2006 TSD I am looking at is a Midnight version have only pictures to go by and don't know what questioins to ask to verify if it is a midnight..all I know is that it is a black 2006 and looking at the history section appears that would mean it is a midnight model...??? Any suggestions on how to pin down the ident.??
  3. Looking for the PO of the 87 Blond Venture traded at Don and Roys Motor Sports Brookfield Wi. Has anyone else did buisness with this place are they honest, I would like to find out the history on this cycle they told me it was a one owner. Thanks Orlin
  4. Couple of links below to the history of our younger cousin, the VMax. http://www.vmaxguru.com/Tech/Gen1/Pages/History/Gen1_History.htm http://www.monstermax.com/Yamaha%20Vmax%20History.html Link to the V-boost page doesn't work in the 2nd one. Gary
  5. 08-16-2006 - this is my join date, 4 years 2 months and some days, It is still the best site on the web. I have been a member longer than that but the "CRASH" deleated that history. I was just wondering how long most folks have been here? And when Don originally started the site? Anybody remember "Dallas" what ever happened to him? ..........I guess i'm just remenissing.
  6. Now that I joined the forum, I was searching through the member lists & found the history of my 84. For those who know her I bought jurob 's Blondie last month. She still needs some TLC but not in the power, engine, & carb setup. Even though I have never met Jeff I want to thank muffinman for the carb sync he did on this bike. THIS THING IS AWESOME! She runs like a dream. The TLC I've done so far is add the trunk, a hidden antenna, a rebuilt slave cylinder, new stainless reservoir screws (thanks again dingy) and a new seat. The only thing left is basically all the plastic welding on the ABS & finding that pesky gas smell . This bike has been a joint effort by many people here. Knowing that I am damn proud to own her! I look forward to meeting other members on ride & meets. Thank you all for all of your help!
  7. The Last Ride of the Year http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f39502%5fAG8Pw0MAAMsmTrx5qQv9aj64bWQ&pid=2.8&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f39502%5fAG8Pw0MAAMsmTrx5qQv9aj64bWQ&pid=2.9&fid=Inbox&inline=1 Stagecoach XV Friday, December 30, 2011 http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f39502%5fAG8Pw0MAAMsmTrx5qQv9aj64bWQ&pid=2.10&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f39502%5fAG8Pw0MAAMsmTrx5qQv9aj64bWQ&pid=2.11&fid=Inbox&inline=1 Stagecoach Cafe 52860 Hwy 59 Stockton, AL 36579 http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f39502%5fAG8Pw0MAAMsmTrx5qQv9aj64bWQ&pid=2.12&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f39502%5fAG8Pw0MAAMsmTrx5qQv9aj64bWQ&pid=2.13&fid=Inbox&inline=1 Click here for a brief history of “The Annual Last Ride of the Year” at the Stagecoach Café in Stockton, Alabama
  8. Just noticed that the colors section under venture history is lacking the last couple of years. It ends at 2009.
  9. I just happened to be looking on ebay and I saw some very familiar parts on there and when I saw the battery cover with the stickers I new it was my bike that the insurance company totaled in Ga. If you see the 86 parts that are tan with stickers on the battery cover that was my bike so if anyone wants to buy the parts I can give a history of them. The engine is for sale also and it does not have 70 something thousand on it because the speedo was in Kilometers so divide that for miles. Tom
  10. I've been at the company resort near Hayward, WI all week at our semi-annual sales meeting. It is finally coming to an end. Tonight I fly home and then I'm taking off next week for a much needed vacation. This has to have been one of the longest weeks in history.
  11. Hey Don, I signed up for the other site over a year ago and just tried to get on it...but my "membershp" has expired. Oh well....I like it here much better anyway. But I looked at the "history page" and they say..... Later in 1997 Don Nelson of Texas (at the time), in a unrelated effort, started a discussion forum based on the Yamaha Venture Royale he had just purchased. The two websites continued to grow independently throughout 1997 into early 1998. In 1998, Jeff Cranfill, of North Carolina, was visiting these two sites that he frequented, looking for information about his Venture Royale when he had an idea...why not join Bob's webpage and Don's forum into a central gathering place for Venture owners? He presented the idea to the gentlemen, who, after a little prodding, agreed to join and become VentureNet, The history never says anything about a split or mentions VR.org So what's the REAL history there? Inquiring minds (ok...nosy minds) want to know!
  12. Yesterday, my wife and I were talking about the International Rally in Cody. It is really a lot sooner than you think. I hope that all of you are thinking about and making plans to attend. We are excited about it because neither of us have ever spent any time in that area and there is so much history to see there. It is going to be a GREAT time and I'm really surprised that more have not already signed up for it. Please start thinking about it and get registered ASAP. You are going to miss a great time if you aren't there.
  13. In my opinion this is the best artist, and song of the century. 100% American "flag with a rattlesnake and a simple statement DONT TREAD ON ME" Old School American History there. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65RjpmfrjPc]YouTube - Aaron Lewis- Country Boy[/ame]
  14. The History Channel just did a story on the Overmountain March that started at Sycamore Shoals in Elizabethton, Tn and ended up At Kings Mountain,NC. Is is said it may have been the turning point in The Revolutionary War. I have been thinking about sometime this spring or summer in loosely taking the same ride, starting in Elizabethton and riding across the mountain, spending the night somewhere and then visiting Kings Mountain State Park in NC. What I have been thinking about, since I only live about ten miles from Elizabethton, is making it kind of an open get together for anyone interested. I have four bedrooms that I am restocking after the divorce, plenty of room for anybody that wants to camp, plus my little camper and a three room tent. We could all chip in a little and grill out, or eat out or what is preferred, kind of like the Asheville Rally, real laid back and fun. We could even look at a bit of time set aside for some maintenance, like carb sync's and maybe Steve Neal (SGN) could bring over his tire changer and we could mount it somewhere, if anyone may want to come a day or two earlier. Anyway, this is just in the dreaming stage and I thought I would throw it out. We also have Jonesborough, TN, which is the oldest town in Tennessee and was the original capital of what would have been the 14th state, which would have been Franklin, but some say that Chattanooga, Franklin just don't come out right. Jonesborough is about seven miles from my house. Anyway, it is going to be about 14 degrees tonight and I am just dreaming and wondering if there is any interest. RandyA A little cut and paste: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sycamore_Shoals http://www.sycamoreshoalstn.org/Where%20Liberty%20Began.htm In The Winning of the West, Theodore Roosevelt wrote of Kings Mountain, "This brilliant victory marked the turning point of the American Revolution." Thomas Jefferson called it, "The turn of the tide of success." Herbert Hoover's address at Kings Mountain said, "This is a place of inspiring memories. Here less than a thousand men, inspired by the urge of freedom, defeated a superior force intrenched in this strategic position. This small band of Patriots turned back a dangerous invasion well designed to separate and dismember the united Colonies. It was a little army and a little battle, but it was of mighty portent. History has done scant justice to its significance, which rightly should place it beside Lexington, Bunker Hill, Trenton and Yorktown." In 1931, the Congress of the United States created the Kings Mountain National Military Park on the site of the battle. The park headquarters is in Blacksburg, South Carolina, and hosts hundreds of thousands of people each year
  15. Tye and I are going to support our Seattle Seahawks, the only NFL team to ever win a division title with a loosing record. Go..... Seahawks Win or Loose History will be made. Seahawks has nothing to loose, just let it all hang out and get a win. Any kind of a win even and ugly win.
  16. http://www.slate.com/id/2262344/slideshow/2145060/ click on the pic to get to the next page
  17. This bike is cleaner than most 2009's! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/YAMAHA-VENTURE-ROYALE-TOURING-MOTORCYCLE-3K-MILES-BIKE_W0QQitemZ290415067710QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item439e16423e
  18. I'm very new to RSV's. I did a search and didn't find what I was looking for. And looked at Venture history. After +/- 2004 did the fuel tank ever change size or shape? Is there somewhere that shows tank emblems and what they indicate?
  19. I ran across this and thought y'all may like a little history and additional uses for SeaFoam. It's a pretty good writeup! SeaFoam Article
  20. It is a fact that yes history does repeat itself. Another great day of friends, food. The first day of the Skid-In 2009 was success. Everyone got plenty to eat and had a great time. Tune in tomorrow for more good food and let the rides begin......
  21. Having recently joined this select group I am finding myself spending more time here than anywhere else and enjoying the company. Though not as interactive as many I find myself constantly amused, informed and sometimes even educated with the interaction. As '08 hits the dusty trail and '09 bursts on the scene I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for your openness, a blessed Christmas to all and of course the absolute best for the New Year. I noticed the thread concerning the recent business closures and issues with our current economic and political situation. A note of encouragement, I recently finished a book entitled "1776" by David McCullogh about the life and times of that special year in our countries history. From it I have been inspired to continue my enlightenment of the conditions and issues that went into that which got us started as an Independent Nation. There seem to be amazing parallels between that which stimulated our need to be free and that which seems to bind us down today. Though never an advocate of violence I often ponder the thought that maybe every couple of hundred years a good revolution is in order, or at least a real close review of that which we revolted from in the first place. The bottom line is that if we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. Stepping off my soapbox I close with the warmest of thoughts for you and yours and of course best wishes for the coming year. May your horizons be clear and the sun always at your back, and of course your rubber side always facing down. Blessings!
  22. Permit me if I may to share some family photos with you - a little bit of history included. What do YOU have to share, if possible? Enjoy these. The first shot is of my Dad in 1946 on his old Harley. Next is me in 1971 on my brother's AJS (with a Matchless 650 twin motor). Then me again in 2004 prior to a weekend away on my 1972 K2 Honda 750/4 with my brothers. Finally - hey! What more can I say?
  23. Guest

    Ontario Members!!

    O.K. Ontario Ventureriders...as you all know, we are hosting the 2008 Venturerider Rally here in our very own backyard. It's in Kitchener, and we will be taking everyone on informative sightseeing rides of our beautiful province....well at least part of it. The pressure is on Ontario.....I am led to believe we have OVER 200 Ontario members!!! Let's show everyone what we can do....let's turnout in numbers....be part of history....it will never be any closer then this so there's little reason why you can't make it! Register now!
  24. This Saturday Nov 17th on CourtTV @ 11am est, 10am cst, 9am mtn, 11am pac (Check your local listings as times can be different from Satellite to Cable) There is going to be a program about services that I use from Prepaid Legal, Inc., explaining their memberships and talking about the history of the company. If anyone would like more information they can go to my daughter's website. It's www.prepaidlegal.com/hub/KLRoy or email her @ KLRoy@prepaidlegal.com FishinJer
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