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  1. Well I finally got some good new from the docs. I have been laid up for 12 weeks since falling off a ladder and breaking my hip. I had a fractured hip, sprained ankle and bruised shin. And possible internal bleeding. They bolted the hip back together and told me to stay off it. No weight what so ever. Originally this was to be for four to six weeks. Then it appeared the bolts had backed out a little so no weight indefinitely. Today twelve weeks in the doctor said I can finally start to put some weight on my right side. Yahoo. I am wobbly but at least I can start relearning to walk. And hopefully I can be riding by summer. The other part is shortly after the fall I began to cough up blood. The bleeding stopped but the doctors were still worried. So I also underwent another upper GI today. The exam came back normal no visible internal damage. So I am quite excited about todays outcomes. Mike
  2. Well, I finally did it. Ordered a Roadsmith kit today for my Goldwing! Arthritis and old age are catching up to me I guess and I found myself worrying about my hip when stopping the bike. (Afraid that, especially when I'm two up, the hip will give way and I'll not be able to hold the bike). Anyway, after looking and soul searching I finally decided to spring for three wheels. The Roadsmith's got a lot of features that I really like and is the only trike kit I've found that somebody's not complaining about:)...Anyway, it ships the week of April 9, so middle of next month I'll be "up" on 3!
  3. sposed to go in on monday for surgery on my herneea, and pandecktommy to remove extra skin on my lower stomake.. (from bellybutton down to somwhere down below that????? gonna cut me from hip to hip , i guess.. ( actuly above the hip).. woohoo, down another pant size or 2.. down from 440 to 195 so far.. sure hope to stop soon..:smile11:so i will be away from my puter for 4 days or so i guess.. pray for me and the wife , please..
  4. So ...exactly one month ago I had a bit of a fall on my road bicycle. To make it short, I broke my left hip. Fortunately the break was far enough from the joint that no replacement was necessary. I did however, end up with a titanium shank and 2 bolts, one on the bottom stabilising to the femur and one at top into the joint stabilizing across the break. I was on my feet with a walker the next morning and have since graduated to two ski poles. I figure end of this week I'll be on the home bike-trainer and in another 3 weeks or so I ought to be able to ride. But an uncomfortable thought keeps creeping in; Will I be able to hold up the RSV with that left leg and how long that's likely to take. So on the chance that some of you may have had a similar experience , I thought I would ask - what should I expect?
  5. Now that Charlene is on her way to recovery, its starting all over!!! For the past 2-3 weeks I have been having a pain in my right hip area, at first thought it was a pulled muscle, but its getting to the point that I am not able to sleep in my bed at all, no matter how I lay I am in terrible pain,last night I had to sleep in the recliner with my legs elevated to alleviate the pain. I am having a hard time walking,and numbness in my right leg, these are the same symptons Charlene had when her hip starting acting up on her, but mine was a sudden onset and I cant believe the amount of pain it is causing me. I have an appointment with the orthopedist Monday, I was lucky to get the appt so quick, I guess since Charlene is a regular patient there it helps. This timing of this is lousy......... So if you folks could say a few prayers for me, I would greatly appericate it.............
  6. Have any of you had hip replacement and still ride your Venture? I'm wondering if the 800 lb. Bike with another 400 lbs on it is tough enough now. Should I wait until next winter to avoid screwing up this seasons riding? Craig's
  7. I had my right hip replaced August 2nd. I am doing great. My doc has secured my agreement that I'd wait 3 months before getting back on the bike. He seems to think less time than that would be chancy. So I am waiting and we'll look at riding then. My question is for those who've had a hip replaced ... how long post surgery before you were riding again?
  8. Charlene is out of surgery and back in her room now, they will have her up and walking after lunch. The Dr. said her hip was really bad, and said she should have had this surgery years ago....The doctors here are the best, on top of all the latest techniques, in fact they pioneer much of it at Emory Univ, which this is part of................She is still a little groggy, and has her pump for the pain which I have to keep reminding her to use..........It is unbeleivable how small the incision is for this type of surgery, its only about 4 inches long, and its on the front side of her hip, new technique only done by a couple of surgeons, the recovery time is much shorter and far less restrictions as to what she can do. We will she how well she walks after lunch..................
  9. We have to get up extra early tomorrow, we have to be at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning. Charlene is going back in for a total hip replacement. Hopefully this will be the last surgery she will have, they say there is a fair chance her knee pain may lessen after this surgery, if so it will be the end to all of her problems, I dont know how she has put up with all the pain from her back, hip and knee. along with me the royal pain. She should be out of the hospital by Saturday if all goes well. Recovery will be much faster than her back surgery. She will be up and walking the afternoon of the surgery. Please keep her in your prayers.
  10. Just got back from Charlene's second follow up for her spine surgery, which went very well, she is healing up fine, back pain is gone, at the same office we had an appointment with another surgeon to look at her hip and knee, she will be having her right hip replaced sometime in May, which is just around the corner, she is releived that we are moving on a lot quicker than we expected. I think if it were me I would have contacted Dr. "K" by now....but she has put up with more than I ever could, then if she still needs it the knee will be replaced next. Charlene spoke to the Dr. office today and the date is set for May 19, so in a little over 2 1/2 weeks back to the hospital. Like I have said before, this is her rebuilding year...........
  11. The Perfect Solution to Senior Health Care While discussing the upcoming Universal Health Care Program with my sister-in-law the other day, I think we have found the solution. I am sure you have heard the ideas that if you're a senior you need to suck it up and give up the idea that you need any health care. A new hip? Unheard of. We simply can't afford to take care of you anymore. You don't need any medications for your high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, etc. Let’s take care of the young people. After all, they will be ruling the world very soon. So here is the solution. When you turn 70, you get a gun and 4 bullets. You are allowed to shoot 2 senators and 2 representatives. Of course, you will be sent to prison where you will get 3 meals a day, a roof over your head and all the health care you need!!! New teeth, great!!! Need glasses, no problem. New hip, knee, kidney, lung, heart? Well bring it on. And who will be paying for all of this. The same government that just told you that you are too old for health care. And, since you are a prisoner, you don't have to pay any income tax. I think we have a Perfect Solution!!!
  12. Well 22 years of building Aerial and Underground Cable TV Systems has taken a toll on my hips. My left hip is in the worst shape. After seeing 3 Doctors they they came to the conclusion that I need a Birmingham Hip resurfacing, Not quite a full hip replacement. \ They elected to do this instead of a full replacement because they say Im to young. My question is, has anyone on here had this done and how long was the recovery period.\ From what I have read it is 6 to 12 months. Will have it done sometime between March and May. This means the wife and I will be caging to the International Rally which really sucks since its here right in our back yard. Once the hip is healed then will have my foot done which is another 4 to 6 months recovery. Doc says right hip will probably need to be done also in the next 3 years. So looks like my bike might be sitting for a while John
  13. Charlene is finally getting something done about her problems, knee, back, and hip. The dr. did another mri on her hip and her knee and after her last visit, she is now scheduled for orthoscopic surgery on her knee. She has a torn miniscus, damage to joint and needs to repair a tendon on her left knee. Recovery should be a little over 2 weeks if all goes well. Dont know if she will be able to ride in comfort after that or wait until she has her hip surgery, so keep her in your prayers for an easy go of it. It would be great to have her back on the bike again. The surgery is going to be on the 9/11/2008.
  14. Well its been 2 weeks since my hip replacement and I want to thank all of you that wished me well. ( Thanks !!!! you guys are great ) They took out the staples today and are letting me hobble around with a cane. It is really hard not to head up to the shop and get working again. Sitting around has never been my thing. The hip has healed great and I how have no pain in it at all. The bad thing is I will have to have the right knee replaced in Oct. ( Its a B..... getting old and falling apart ). I'm hoping I get the go back to work word from the Doc. on the 14th of Aug. I can handle a couple more weeks but just resting up and not being able to ride is the pitts. I hope everyone is having a great time out there on the open roads and keeping it safe. Have Fun and keep it between the ditches. Steve
  15. You any good at Hip Shooting? Just curious about the name.
  16. OK Hip where are the pics you took.
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