A new member went down today. Highlander1ga (James) and his wife Angie were on their way to a family gathering when around 2 pm today the car in front of them stopped for no apparent reason and Highlander1ga could not stop and tried to go around the right side but there was not enough shoulder. Highlander1ga went over the embankment and noticed Angie was not on the bike. Highlander1ga put the Venture into the bank jumped off and ran to the aid of his wife Angie. The left side of the Venture is pretty messed up. Highlander1ga is not hurt other than a pulled leg mussel.
I visited Angie in the hospital and she is in great spirits. She has a broken wrist, a fractured ankle, and one of her knees is about double the size it should be. She is at home tonight recovering from the accident and is still in great spirits. Lets all wish her a speedy recovery.