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Found 16 results

  1. I've been doing some searching, but no luck yet, for a set of master cylinder covers. The only left-side I can find is in a set of Kuryakyn's for a VTX-1800. I have a set of aftermarket lids on both, but am looking for covers to hide the peeling/dull clearcoat on the reservoirs. I know I may have to do some "tweaking" because of the audio control mount. Here is what I've found so far.
  2. Looking for the opinions of the best riders in the world. Best winter riding gloves, electric or others (deer, cow hide, synthetic....etc) THANKS Jim
  3. Folks, I've been making an extra effort to make sure that ANY posts requesting prayers or any other religious content be posted ONLY in the " Inspirational, Motivational, Prayer Requests, Etc." forum. If I see such a thread started in the Watering Hole or anywhere else, I move it immediately upon seeing it. Though I know that the majority of you are not bothered buy such posts, I also know that some of you are. It is not my intention to try and force the religious views of myself or anybody else on you. That being said, there are a number of members here who do appreciate that area and therefore, it is not going away. I want to remind you all that you do not have to read or post in that area. You do not even have to SEE it. You can hide any forum here simply by going to your User Control Panel. Click on "edit options" in the left menu and then scroll down until you see the field that allows you to exclude any forums from your view. It is very easy to do. If you wish to hide the "Prayer Request" forum or any other forum and can't figure out how to do it, send me a PM and I will help. I have closed this thread and deleted all responses. The point was to remind those who have been here a while and inform those who are new here that there is an option to hide any forums that you don't wish to see. This was meant to be an informative post but was starting to turn into a religious debate. Thank you for your understanding.
  4. I found a White 88 1st Gen close to home. Can you hide a 1st Gen??
  5. Eased my bike down on some gravels (dropped it). Dinged the bottom edge of my right saddlebag. Do they make chrome strips for the bottom edge of saddlebags that I could use on both sides to hide the ding. I know I could have someone repair it, but the chrome might look good in my effort to make the bike look retro. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  6. I know I've seen a post before where some one changed their reflectors by the front wheel and the rear crash bar to LED's.The front would be no problem,but I have the saddle bag rails and cannot figure out how to hide the wires with out them being seen. Does any one that has done this give me detailed instructions? Pictures would be even better,if that is possible.
  7. OK, I give up; where the h_ll did they hide the amplifier on this '83 Royale?
  8. :puzzled:Is anyone using the Verticle Hide A Hitch from Diamond R Accessories? If so, are you pleased with the function and looks? It sounds like a great idea. I was just curious about clearance, how visible it is when the receiver is removed, and how the safety chains would clear the fender. It looks like they will be hooked up and under the fender...
  9. I managed to catch the notorious pond monsters on video this year.....ill get that up later. I also got a couple pics....... the first one I THINK is one of the pond monsters who actually came up on land and tried to cleverly disguise itself as a venturerider the second pic is two of them trying to hide in the pond
  10. First I would like to thank everyone for all the help on the few posts I have made. It is really great to have such a wealth of knowledge here.. So Thank you.. Now that I have sucked up a little, has anyone ever mounted an EZ-Pass in the front fairing? If so, did it work? I would like to hide it in the fairing so it is not visible. I look forward to all the great information on this topic.. See a bit more sucking up... I Ok, where ever this little guy came from I just love it!! hehe
  11. I just purchased a Vertical Hide a Hitch from Diamond R Accessories and installed it in 20 minutes flat. This was the slickest installation ever. I was some what nervous because it was being shipped over the border. Everything went as smooth as silk and dealing with Allen & Patti was a treat. I would order again from them in a second. Thank you for the service. Diamond R Accessories
  12. I am needing to find the plug that goes into the hole to hide the bolt for the handle bar adjustment nut. Any suggestions? Thanks
  13. Being an avid deer hunter i was thinking about useing a soft tanned deer hide and was wondering if this would work as well as using a sheepskin. I have a friend who will tan the hide for me for free ( Trade out for some meat) just not sure how this would hold up.. No that holding up is a problem per say, I can always have another made.. I guess the main question is will it work as well as the sheepskn. I just think it would give a col look to the bike. david
  14. OK folks...I had a request that members be allowed to hide certain topic areas from the list of forums. I THINK I finally have a custom modification that allows you to do that. In other words, lets say that you don't want the topic area "Jokes" to show up. You can hide that from the list of forums on the main forum page. To do so, just go to your UserCP and then click on "Edit Options" in the left menu. Scroll down and you should find a box where you can select topic areas to hide and then another box to exclude certain forums from "Get new Posts" and etc.
  15. Guest

    Amarillo riders...

    Amarillo area riders...let me direct your attention to this post: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=175360&postcount=10 And the one I posted right after it: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=175363&postcount=11 Some of my posts are just too good to hide from you guys!!
  16. just got back from the N E fl. meet and eat , after i left dragracer and his wife the rain got me , i found a great place to hide out , harbor freight than 1/2 way back i got it again , i got to wash the bike again . dragracer , hig4s did you make home ok ? thom
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