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Found 23 results

  1. Thank You... To folks that give of themselves freely and without reservation. Who don't look for something in return and genuinely give to their fellow man? As some of you folks know, unbeknownst to Lonna or Myself, y'all decided to secretly raise funds for us. I'm not the kind of person who openly lets my troubles known. Times are a bit tight right now as we have Lonna's son and his family with us. Me having kidney stones doesn't help either with the surgeries, but I wasn't greatly worried as I have walked this walk before. Then I find out this morning of y'all's plan, and was very humbled. Before anything else....Thank You from the bottom of our hearts for thinking of us and wanting to help us. Even though we are the reason for this, and blessed beyond our wildest dreams, it is all of you that prove who is truly blessed, and it is all of you. This time of year we look to give to others, and help those in need. This tells of our character and leading by example, which you folks have. My Grandfathers instilled in me probably the most important things that I know. Both were pay it forward type men, and always told me to do that when I could. I have had many great teachers, my Mother and both Fathers who told me to stick to my guns and accept responsibilities and actions if you screw up. I try very hard to live up to my parents and grandparents lessons. Karma, is a 2 sided sword, good will come back ten fold, bad will come back even worse. God has always provided for me and my family, and this is no exception. All of you should be very proud of yourselves, it's easy to just look the other way. It's helping when you can that defines you. I am very proud to know all of you, you folks let me know that what comes around goes around. We will never forget what you have done for us this year. Y'all are giving our children a great lesson of the season and showing them 1st hand that surrounding yourself with good like minded people is a good thing. Thank you all so much for helping us, as always, the door is open at this house here in Cleveland Texas.
  2. I am a proud member of the Patriot Guard Riders. How do I get the small icon awards thing to show up with/or beside my avatar picture ? I know nothing about the awards program here. I see awards beside some of the members avatars and assume maybe someone takes care of this or nominates someone or something to that affect. Been a member for quite some time now and never did know how that worked or how to nominated or just how it works. I have saw where some have gotten them for helping someone out or dedicating a lot of time to host a gathering. I think I may have nominated Goose one time for helping so many out here. But really can not remember that for sure right now. Fuzzy
  3. Just thought that I would share a few photos of the trees in our yard and our grandson, Nathan helping us move logs. Yama Mama
  4. Setting a world record while helping to feed kids. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/story/2012/10/07/sk-combines-record.html
  5. LOVING IT!!!! I told our sales manager that I'm ALMOST ashamed to take a check for what I do... Notice I said almost...I mean lets face it, to get paid to talk to people about ATV's, utility vehicles, Sea-Doo's, motorcycles & BS with the customers is a great way to make a living, oh the pay so far has been WAY over expectations. Oh the best part is helping ppl get the best deal & seeing the smiles on their face. Meeting ppl and just talking about riding has been awesome.... I hope it doesn't sound like bragging, it's just that I LOVE my job!!!
  6. What a great site. So many top mechanics willing to offer any info to help another Venturerider. For what it's worth, I'm a pretty decent HVAC Tech, although I do commercial / industrial work, there's not much to the residential work, which is where I started. Since I can't profess enough knowledge about these bikes to help in that manner, if any of y'all need help with the home furnace or a/c, right down to a house call if you're within a reasonable distance, please let me know. I've never been shy about helping out when I can. I live in Central Ohio and would be only too happy to help a fellow Venturerider. PM me if you need help. I'll get it on my phone and I'll get back to ya shortly. Pay it forward. Thanks for being there. John:)
  7. Welcome back home Goose. Hope to see you helping everyone out. I know I sure missed you. Fuzzy
  8. Hey All, had to pass up on a very good deal on a bike because I have not sold my 2008 Harley Heritage-105th Anniversary Edition. Have it posted for sale here and elsewhere. So I started thinking, I will Help You by Helping Me. I will give a $1000. discount to anyone from this site who buys my bike. Or if you send someone to me who buys my bike (make sure they mention who sent them, and your from this site) and I will discount it $500 to them and give you $500 for helping me sell it. Thought this is a pretty fair deal, considering I have already discounted it over $6000. http://www.victoryforums.com/images/smilies/smile.gif Thanks in advance everyone, Later-
  9. Awhile back I read a post on a recall for HD baggers. It was a brake light switch. As it turns out mine is one that needs the recall. Along with all the talk on that subject I remembered that somebody mentioned that the goldwings had a similar recall. I called my buddy today and told him about the wing recall. He called me about 15 minutes later after checking on his bike. Turns out his wing needs to be checked over as well. So a BIG thanks to this site for helping others out..........
  10. I need to thank some very dedicated members of this forum for their help in making Vogel V a great success. Many people stepped up and helped out big time when I needed it the most. I may have to edit this post later to add a few names, but that"s what happens when you get old and ............I forgot :doh:!! First and foremost, A very special thanks to my lovely wife, Charlene, for putting up with me when I start getting crazy just before the event starts. I couldn"t do it without her. Thanks to Jamie and Paula for helping with design of shirts and patches and all the help at the event. Thanks to Dana and Missy for stepping up and helping with.......well everything. Thanks to Taz for bringing Susan who helped on Sat morning with last minute sign ins and food set up ...Thank you Susan!! Thanks to Patsy Holloway for making a "Tail of the Dragon" quilt which was auctioned off for an extra $100.00 for the kids at St. Jude Hospital. Thanks to Brian aka Cowboy for taking all the newbies to the area on some fantastic rides. Thanks to Eck for taking folks out for a nice ride on Sat. and also for making sure there is a Vogel in 2013..........thanks Bud, I owe you....... Thanks to everyone who brought all the extra door prizes making it possible for a lot of people to take something home besides memories and new friends. Thanks to my crazy cousins and adopted ones for coming and making me look not so crazy!!!! Thanks to my volunteer ride captains for leading the alternate rides on Thursday. And even though he wasnt there, and he was dearly missed, a big thanks to Freebird for starting this big crazy family of VentureRiders!! And a very big thank you for everyone who showed up to make Vogel V a gigantic success, it just keeps getting better every time. We are looking forward to 2013, when once again I will have to strive harder to surpass this one. As a final note, I am sure everyone now knows that one of our members was injured in an accident on his way home from Vogel. I hope everyone will join in prayer for TuffTom for a swift and speedy recovery........... We love you all and can't wait til the next one!!! Lewis & Charlene
  11. We cannot thank jethroish and Spider and their wives enough for all the help they provided Tues helping unload the moving truck and trailer. They went above and beyond, even helped reload the truck with stuff for storage and then helped load into storage. I honestly dont know what we would have done without them since i wasnt much help other than putting things away. We would probably still be unloading..lol again we are reminded of the awesome people who are members here who constantly go above and beyond for others. still a few things back in missouri to get here yet, and i am slowly getting things put away......have too much stuff to fit in here thats for sure, in a townhouse/ duplex for now with no garage. again thanks so much for helping, sorry it took me so long to post as im anxious to finish and have some r & r time !!
  12. Once again I owe an expression of gratitude to Tom for not only ordering a part for my bike, but actually insisting on installing it for me...guess he has come to realize that I am somewhat of a klutz. This is not the first time he has done this. I don't know what constitutes an award for helping another biker...but Tom sure deserves one as he is always doing this for those of us on this site.. Thank you again, my Friend...hopefully someday I will have the opportunity to return the favor!
  13. Hi All I would just like to extend a happy holiday wish to all of the members of this fine family. One does not have to look very far to see the how great the members are that belong to this group. These are just a few of the fine things that happens on this site. Helping members with fixing there bikes, giving good deals on parts and bkes, helping other members to bring them to the states so they can be with us, giving members a place to stay on the road, Putting up with 250 bikes on there yard for the weekend, I could go on but I guess it comes down to we are just a great family. So everone have a happy safe holiday and thank you for everthing that you do. Bull463 :sleigh: Yes Virgina there is a Santa Clause and hes a member of Venture Riders !
  14. Bubber


    Whats up with Lowell? Is he making the deadline of being out. Anybody helping the guy out? Bubber
  15. We are going with friends to Savannah in October and were wanting to know if there is anywhere reasonable to stay in the Historic District. We would love to be close to the water. Any helpful suggestions on where to stay and what to do and see would be most welcome. The Lady and Sons is a must, that I know. Thanks for helping.
  16. Hey Folks, Dave Pankow can't seem to get a break with his 1st gens. I am helping him work on a no spark issue and it's looking like it's a TCI or in his case being a '90 VR a DCI. It appears that '90 was when they went to the different control system for the spark, so anything before '90 wont work on his bike. MICarl has been helping us with this problem and is of the belief also that this may be the culprit. What I need to know if some of you pack rats out there have a good spare TCI (DCI) that we can test his bike against. This would only be to verify if in fact this is the problem, if anyone can help him out it would be greatly appreciated. You can PM me or Dave (Jus monkeyin around) and let us know...Thanks in advance
  17. Got a package from "Down Under" in the mail today. WoooooHoooooo......Thank You sweetie !!! Boomer........helping US International Relations one woman at a time.
  18. And the winner is............IH Truck Guy with a winning bid of $26.00............thanks for helping the Kids at St. Jude...:clap2:
  19. Just wanted to express my thanks to everyone who is helping support the kids at St. Jude Childrens Hospital. Lewis just posted another auction so just want to let everyone know that I have opened up the bidding with the first bid.................
  20. [ATTACH]25401[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]25402[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]25403[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]25404[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]25405[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]25406[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]25407[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]25408[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]25409[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]25410[/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH] helping to make you smile during the winter
  21. .George, .would you be willing to co-ordinate a meet up with all the riders from your area for the St. Jude/Mean Dog ride to Memphis, Bill Predock is going to head up his area and you have many members in your area who hopefully will be coming...........I am going to start sending out emails to all of the Ga/Al/Fla members that I can and try to get a large group from this area...........Thanks to you and Bobbie for helping out, especially Bobbie for voluntering to go through all the pain of a tat............. Looking forward to seeing you guys Sunday, If you need someplace to stay Sunday nite we have plenty of room here at the Dragons Cave, we would love to have you over.
  22. Helping to fight prostate cancer... http://www.motorcycleridefordad.org/van/ I'm wondering who from this area is going to this ride? Hope to see ya there!
  23. Jeff if there is anything we can do in helping you get Brad's bike back together (First Gen.) let us know money wise or maybe parts from Yammer Dan's extra parts bikes. At times Being in Okla. kinda put us out of reach of helping family members but if there is something please let us know! Buddy
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