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  1. Just stumbled upon this youtube video of a Venture and a couple of Goldwings drag racing. Running in the low 14's I thought the Venture held up very well to the Goldwing. [ame] [/ame] Dennis
  2. The only bit of my bike I don't really like is the Yamaha badge on the trunk. I'd like to remove it & perhaps fit a chrome handle. Has anyone done this? Wondering if it's easy to do, is it held on with lugs, stuck on, will it leave a mark, etc. cheers if you can help.
  3. Does anyone here have a rear brake reservoir for an "83 VR. Mine broke a while back when I tried to loosen the bolt to add fluid. I repaired it using JB Weld and it held for a while but today it broke again. I either need another reservoir or if someone can tell me something that I can repair it with.
  4. if you like country,blue grass, old timey country or gospel, we're going to athen, Al tomorrow to hear some. they also have arts &crafts there also. hope tp be there around 10am. so if you are close to there come on out and enjoy it, we will. it around 10 or 15 dollars to get in for all day. they stanp your hand so you can leave and come back. we're spending the night and going home on sunday. it's held at athen's state community college right in the middle of town, just ask anybody there and they'll tell you how to get there.
  5. Yammy


    I mentioned I was having a problem with my cruise control, when at the meet and eat in talbot ville last saturday (24th). Great bunch. Sorry, I'm bad with names they will come later. They mentioned the clutch lever. Right on, the second switch was still ingaged. Thanks. Weather held, even got in a small ride. Thanks again Mark
  6. I have an '89 VR and I've seen many posts telling me to move the TCI from it's mounted location to the top of the air filter box. Well, I've spent the last three days working on this and other mods to come to the conclusion that the TCI won't let the faux cover fit. It's being held off by at least a half inch. I'm wondering if I should cut the TCI mounting tabs off to provide a little more clearance. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Found this on The web Clubs Venture clubs abound with big meetings every year in the US and Europe with most countries having national clubs. The web brought about many online clubs. VentureRider.org http://www.venturerider.org is the largest and most active of these clubs with members worldwide and regular meetings (VentureIns) and more informal get-togethers throughout North America and Europe. It also has a great technical resource for all model years as well as a classifieds area for those looking to buy and/or sell. Other online clubs have strong followings. Venturers, http://www.venturers.org has regular meetings (Rallies) and informal get-togethers Meets The 2007 VentureRider International Rally was held July 9th - 13th in Fort Collins Colorado. The 2008 VentureRider International Rally was held July 7th - 10th in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. http://www.venturerider.org/irally/ The 2009 VentureRider International Rally was held August 3rd - 6th at The Hub in Marble Falls, Arkansas. The Pork in the Pines pig roast is a VentureRider.org rally held annually over Labor Day weekend near La Porte, MN http://www.porkinthepines.com
  8. Relatives found me a nice 1 bedroom Apartment. After numerous shopping trips the place is now completely furnished and good to go and I have moved in. Hooked up with some great bike riders at 2 well known biker-friendly places. They went ape for my Midnight Venture and so far I have not seen ONE Venture in all my travels around heah. Eating a lot of good home-cooked Cajun food and this Saturday a whole passel of us are riding up to Mamou La. for the big Mardi Gras held there annually. The weather-guessers are calling for sunshine and temps in the mid-50's which equates to fine riding weather for me. Take care and be well all!! Boomer.....who's riding hard in de flatlands of Loozeeanner now and durn happy about it too.
  9. Monty

    Ft Sill

    We just returned from Ft Sill, where my youngest just graduated from his Basic Training. He has moved on to Ft Leonard Wood now. It was a 10 hour drive for us, but well worth it. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/IMG_0235.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/Benji1.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/IMG_0242.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/IMG_0272.jpg My oldest, (the one who rides the GS850), is in week 2 of his Basic at Ft Sill, so we didn't get to see him while we were there. They were supposed to go at the same time, but he had to get his tattoos approved first, so that held him up. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/1120090437.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/Jared2.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/Jared1.jpg
  10. I have friend with an '83 standard that has come up with a Markland backrest in pretty good shape. The problem is that he does not have the mounts. I seem to remember from mine that the Markland mounts actually provided a small "ledge" that the rest sat and pivoted forward on, and it was held on by a center screw on each side, unlike the Ventureline that has clips or clevis pins. If anyone has the old mounts that they can part with please PM me with details and I'll get with him... Thanks! Don
  11. Just curious - how many has plugged your flat tire on your car or truck ? I've been doing it for years without a failure and decided to plug my Kumho after I found that miniscule needle in it yesterday. It held 55# of pressure overnight so I have no doubt it will run it's life on my Venture. That is unless I manage to find another nail in the same tire.
  12. latchkey

    cb mic

    can someone tell me if there`s a mic hand held made for the cb on the ventures???
  13. Don't think I've seen this anywhere, and inquiring minds want to know. Literature says we have a 6 gallon tank. So I went to the gas station with a short piece of fuel hose and a gas can. When I got there, held the bike vertical and drained the tank from the petcock. Refilled it from the gas pump. 5.5 gallons. Now I (we) know.
  14. I was wondering If anyone knows how to get the electronic cruise on a 86 venture to stop kicking off when ever I hit a bump? It seems like the clutch lever has a little play and if not held all the way out while riding it kicks it off???
  15. Is there a loosley held schedule for getting together for chatting? If not what times seem to hold more interest Thanks, Jim
  16. I've been wondering about the voltages we all get from our sensors (and a possible effect on different mileages?) I took 3 sensors... #1 held good vacuum... #2 held vacuum for about 90 seconds and #3 only held about 3 seconds... highly scientifically sucking the brass tube and sealing it with my tongue. All are standard PS8-02 with suffix: #1 7X20, #2 5Z17, #3 5Y11 (all "reportedly" off an 86-88 Venture Royale). key-on battery V = 12.2v battery at 1k rpm = 14v status #1 #2 #3 delta from 1k #1 #2 #3 key on 2.23 2.24 2.25 1K rpm 1.66 1.58 1.56 1.5k 1.58 1.57 1.54 .08 .01 .02 2k 1.52 1.48 1.44 .14 .10 .12 3k 1.50 1.44 1.41 .16 .14 .15 4k 1.49 1.45 1.45 .17 .13 .11 And yeah, I could see #2 and #3 appear to CLIMB in voltage from 3k to 4k rather than a steady drop and I didn't run her higher than 4k... I was already making enough racket. All tests were under no load, just on the sidestand in the garage. The sensor vacuum hoses are new and the tiny "restrictor" installed per factory original. I haven't run mileage checks among the three and probably won't in the near future... you would really have to travel the same road in the same traffic at the same speed. But I thought I would toss the raw data out and maybe a few of you might compare it to yours. #3 was in my bike originally and I wanted to replace it ONLY for the leak-down test... on the road the bike felt strong and smooth and the new one (#1) shows no detectable difference... but I haven't run her enough to confirm mileage changes but since I ALSO pulled and overhauled the carbs and changed the fine fuel jet to a 42.5 (from the 37.5 original) any relational results are useless... but she was consistently getting about 38 mpg before, and no, I wasn't impressed. For those that don't think it affects timing at idle... set the idle at 1k and then pull the sensor and cap the pipe...
  17. tonight after a short ride downtown I noticed my right exhaust tip was turned off to one side. I turned it back and when I got home I couldnt see how its held on, didnt see a clamp to tighten it was a bit dark under there in the garage
  18. OK folks, I know that I'm WAY late in finally getting this contest started but it's just been very busy lately. So I am going to keep it simple. I REALLY need your input as to where you would like to see the 2009 International Rally held. So, all you have to do is reply to this thread as to WHERE the rally should be held and WHY you would like to see it held there. Now I know that some of you will agree on certain places and that is fine, your recommendation does not need to be unique but you DO need to at least briefly explain your reason. Now this does not mean that the rally will be held at any particular place. Even if many of you agree on a location, we still need folks from any given area to step up and take charge of it and if nobody does, then we have to look elsewhere. So, this contest will run for 1 week. The winner will be randomly selected from all of you who post your recommendations to this thread. The winner will receive a $100.00 gift certificate from New Enough. http://www.newenough.com/
  19. I was just wondering if anyone knew of a hand held mic that could plug into our socket base on the RSMV tank. I didn't want to go to the helmet sets yet but was wanting to be able to talk on the CB while riding. We can hear the external speakers just fine. Any ideas???? Moakster
  20. So I called a couple local Yamaha Dealers about getting a Yamaha handhelp air pump for the front and rear shocks. They didn't have any. One dealer asked it that was supplied when the bike was bought. He couldn't find any part # either? So does one come w/ a brand new bike? Is one available from Yamaha, if so what is the part #. From people I have talked to in the STAR group, it sounded like Yamaha should have one. Thanks.
  21. Ok 2nd gen guys, get ready, something fell off a 1st gen. Well, it appears that when I towed Brad's bike to meet him, I may have lost both side panels. They were very snug when snapped in place, but due to having the seat off and the top tab not being held in place by the seat, they must have blown off, because when he got home, they were gone. It also appears that the way he put his straps on that it would have held the side panels in place if they were on when he strapped it down. I have offered him a spare set I have that are painted purple, but I would like to see if we can find some black ones first. So, let us go on a treasure hunt and see if we can find some black ones for him. Thanks, RandyA
  22. Since I finally got out to try my new headset, I'm convinced I no longer need the hand held Mic I have been using. Several folks have mentioned they want one, so I just decided to set it up on Auction, Starting Bid $25.00, 15 day Auction. I need to go back and add some pictures and the $10.00 for shipping in the continental US. If you are from Canada we will work something out. Happy Bidding Jay
  23. I am fairly new to the club and just got back into touring bikes, so bear with me. I'm driving the 07 black & blue, love it, but want to use a hand held mic and the external speakers for CB communication. Does anyone know how to wire the mic into the 2gen 5pin intercom? I realize I am opening myself up to the safety comments. But I have seen that some have either bought one or made them up. I've read all the threads and looked at the diagrams posted, but just can't figure it out. How about a simple diagram, or web site to buy one from.
  24. Rest easy, sleep well my brothers. Know the line has held, your job is done. Rest easy, sleep well. Others have taken up where you fell, the line has held. Peace, peace, and farewell... Readers may be interested to know that these wreaths -- some 5,000 -- are donated by the Worcester Wreath Co. of Harrington, Maine. The owner, Merrill Worcester, not only provides the wreaths, but covers the trucking expense as well. He's done this since 1992. A wonderful guy. Also, most years, groups of Maine school kids combine an educational trip to DC with this event to help out. Making this even more remarkable is the fact that Harrington is in one the poorest parts of the state.
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