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  1. I just noticed the Poll Widget is looking for numbers of rear shocks replaced on Ventures and list from 1 to 5 the numbers to vote. Heck I never replaced mine, but I have so few miles 194,xxx plus. Guess I don't get to vote.
  2. Heck, I just might have to give up my wing ............(NOT). This thing looks like a lot of fun. https://www.google.com/#q=quadski&spell=1
  3. as some of you know I was having some troubles with things about a month or so ago. times where tough. well today my landlord came to me and said we are giving you a Christmas gift? you use to deliver newspapers to us for over 8 years. and we just never really gave much back then when you stopped in. so we thought you might like a nice slightly used gas dryer and washer. about 4 years old in good working condition. as they bought a new set for there place. I have the hook ups here to do this in my place so I said heck ya and thank you so much. they said where not done yet? we are giving you $100 off of next months rent as well. then for a joke they gave me a fruit cake. I think they had for like 15 years LOL I am just so happy that they thought of me in this way. just thought I would spread the good news.
  4. Don't ask,, I just donated another five bucks,,, really wasn't my fault,,, had nothing to do with it,,,, I mean,, all I did was get off the bike at the gas pumps,,, foolishness, who ever thought of putting something on two wheels,,,and then nothing to keep it from tipping over,,,, something automatic I mean,,, should be a good place for an inventor to come up with a new idea,,,,and now it seems I started a new trend,, I hope not, but two rides and two lay-downs doesn't spell good for the near future,,,,,,,,, next ride I'm going to get bubble wrap,, and some foam,,, and spring loaded thingies. No damage this time, not even my pride,,,, it went before the fall,,,, heck it happens, just glad it was me and not somebody who would get all upset about these things. Good thing, this time Marca was already out of harms way, but the kick stand was not exactly where it was supposed to be so flipped back up,,, what it supposed to do,,, and I just let it go,,, what I was supposed to do,,,,, training paid off!!,,, just a little more smoke out of the wires, nothing too serious,, anybody need some lights???
  5. I spent $500 on a course on re-incarnation. I know it's a lot of money but, what the heck, you only live once right?
  6. The strangest thing happened to me today. We are in full throttle mode getting everything ready for maintenance day. Now if it was up to me, I would say "yea, things look good enough". BUT....SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED comes up with these HUGE lists of things that just MUST be done before people start arriving. So..... Today I spent about 5 hours on the weedeater. Now I use a 4 stroke Toro weedeater and it IS a little heavy but I swear it gets heavier every year. So I trimmed for about 5 hours and this thing just beat me to death. Now this is the first time I've used it this year but I've used it many times in the past. I just don't remember it beating me up so bad. So I finally got finished with most of the trimming and was surprised at how tired I was. I went in the house, had a big glass of ice water and then went up to take a shower. It was then that I realized what had happened. I glanced in the mirror and there was an old geezer in there. I don't know where the heck he came from but it about scared me to death. How the heck did he get in my mirror?????? I got over the initial shock and got in the shower. When I was finished and had gotten dressed again, I gathered up my courage and took another look in that mirror and the old fart was gone. Now it still wasn't no youngster staring back at me but things were a little better. The only thing is, that old fart left some aches and pains when he left. What's up with that?
  7. I bid on the motorcycle covers(listed on Flea Bay) shown on the lower portion of the VRO home page. I thought what the heck and bid on all three. Well I won the bid for $0.01 each. Yeah that is a PENNY each, with $49.00 total for shipping the three. Don't know what I'll get, but 3 XXL covers for less than $50.00, what the heck!!!
  8. Was doing some PM on clutch lever and the pin that goes into the cyl to lever came out of the rubber boot. How in the heck do you get it on the rubber boot again and on to that groove in the middle?
  9. duplicate thread posted in error.
  10. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li6KVbyJPtI]YouTube - new type motorcycle trike[/ame]
  11. Went to start the bike this morning, hit the switch, turned over a couple of times, then a loud clunk... like something broke inside. I hit the button again and it started right up, no problem, no sounds. What the heck could that have been? Took it down the street... nothing. It ran fine. Anyone have this happen to them before?
  12. Can anybody tell me what the heck this thing is and what it's for? I've been doing some cleaning out of old junk at my Father-in-law's farm and came across it. Thanks, Bill
  13. Is this what you guys use to change your tires..Harbor Freight Tire Changer that is? If so I may order one....then solicit help figuring out how the heck it works! http://www.harborfreight.com/portable-tire-changer-34542.html
  14. Just got off the phone with Mark, builder of the after-market collector for the VR, and what an awesome guy. It is apparent this guy knows his way around the Yamaha V engines and was a heck of a conversationalist as well. I should have a new collector for my bike within three weeks and then the madness begins bbaaawwaahhahhhaaaa ,,,cough cough cough
  15. in VEGAS or NY city for 9-11-2011 a Decade of Remembrance you will miss out on one heck of an event. Book early from 9-8 2011 to 9-12-2011 More to come.................Ron
  16. With all the luck Whoomp has been having upgrading his ride, got to thinking maybe I should upgrade also. What do you think of this? Not sure it would fit on the trailer, but what the heck......
  17. Ok folks, now I got the high bid on the headsets. NAybody think they can outbid me. What the heck its for the kids and I havent made a donation yet this year. thanks dragonrider for all your hard work David
  18. I just picked up this trailer for my bike it is in good condition but needs tire I thought what the heck for 200$ all the lights work. Now if I can get someone to help get the trailer hitch on the bike...
  19. ok does any one have a cable modem. there not useing. and could sell cheap? mine went out but i got it working but its held together with a prayer &duck tape its a old rca one heck if any one even has one of these laying around that wold be great.
  20. I need to remove the front rotors to work the HF bead breaker I have (without breaking the rotors). What the heck are those screws holding the covers on? Torx maybe? Dave
  21. Here are some photos I took of the event. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Ah heck, it is what it is! Yama Mama
  22. OK so I decided that I wanted a cover to go on my gas cap...for two reasons. One, to eliminate any glare off the purty chrome. And secondly, to have something to set my gas cap onto when I am gassing up the bike. Here's the one I bought. http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/accessories/acscitemdetail/5/4/83/407/all/1/186/0/detail.aspx To make a long story short...this thing SUCKS!!! So, I had a buddy of mine make me one. I thought he did a fine job on this. My name of my website is ArkieBiker and he customized this one for me. Fits like a glove and I don't have to struggle like HECK to get the thing over the cap. Plus, this one will hold up a LOT longer than the Yamaha piece of crap. I just wanted to share it with some of you here. Wally
  23. You have Trip 1 and Trip 2 ..than what heck Trip F is used for
  24. Hauled daughter's boyfriend's VTX1300 over to my "shop" today. Hasn't been run much for a couple years so am going to service it, get it running, clean it all up and make it purr and look purdy. Anyone know where I can get an electonic copy of a maintenance manual for it? Where the heck is the oil filter on these thangs? (I haven't looked too hard...prolly right in front of my eyes) [ATTACH]43612[/ATTACH]
  25. I just purchased some fishtails made by V-Twin mfg. Also known as Tedd's V-Twins I believe. Anybody familiar with them? I didnt have to break the bank to get them so I figured what the heck. Has anybody heard how they sound? Look forward to hearing from anybody who knows of them. If nobody has heard of them, then I guess I'll be the guinea pig.
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