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  1. Looks like it is getting close to time to replace the hot water heater. It is still heating just fine but apparently is full of mineral deposits, rust, etc. My wife notice last weekend that the hot water was muddy looking. I've lost count of how many times I've drained and flushed and drained and flushed and drained and flushed. It take forever even though I replace the drain valve with a straight through ball valve. Even with the ball valve installed and the vent opened, it takes a long time to flush. I've actually got it running fairly clear now but still no perfect and I think I will need to replace it soon. It is about 17 years old. This is an 80 gallon AO Smith electric heater. I've been looking around and have somewhat narrowed it down to a Whirlpool 80 gallon and a GE 80 gallon. The Whirlpool has dual 4500 watt elements and a 12 year warranty. Top and bottom elements are stainless steel. The GE has dual 5500 watt elements but only the top one is stainless steel for some reason. They both have 12 year warranties. All that I have looked at have 4500 watt elements except for the GE. The Whirlpool is $619.00 and the GE is $729.00. I'm leaning towards the Whirlpool even though the GE has higher wattage elements. I've never had a problem with running out of hot water so really don't know that the bigger elements are a big deal. They both have high energy factors, about 92 I think. A tankless heater is not an option for me. There just aren't any electric tankless heaters that are equivalent to an 80 gallon tank. The closest I have found was rated about the same as a 40 gallon tank. So, I KNOW we have people here who are experts in just about anything that we have questions about. What say you?
  2. Does anyone have a louver from a broken Heater Vent Grill they could spare?
  3. My Tarus is acting up again. Don't want to warm up takes it forever for heater to get warm never gets hot. Driving down the road it will cool down at times til it is blowing cold air. Running at Interstate speeds it will stay barely warm. Thermostat junk?? Always just stuck on me when they went bad and cause thing to overheat. I guess this is better if it has to act up but a heater would be nice......
  4. I am looking to get a direct vent type gas hot water heater. Most likely a 50 gallon. Does anyone here know what brands or features I should look for, or steer clear of? This is kind of what I am looking for. My house needs a new roof and the 30 year old gas hot water heater is the only thing using the chimney, so if I get a direct vent water heater then I can have the crumbling chimney taken down to below the roof line at the time they do the roof and save the cost of rebuilding the chimney or later patching the new roof. I am wide open for comments, suggestions or even snide remarks.
  5. Has anyone used the "blue flame" vent free wall mount heaters? Just insulated the garage, and have the drywall up (thanks IH Truck Guy), and just need to mud it yet. Wasn't quite ready to worry about which heater yet, but my two choices are both on sale right now, and I need to decide today. I have Natural Gas available to heat a 24x26x9.5 foot garage. I'm leaning for the vent free 30,000 btu over the ceiling mount vent outside 45,000 btu unit. It's less than 1/2 the $ and I don't need to cut a hole in the wall and spend another $100 to vent it. I'm looking at the ProCom vent free thermostat with fan added. Mr heater has had a similar unit in the past as well. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Later, Scooter Bob
  6. 8 inches of snow turning to ice as the temp last night was 9 degrees but that's all right I got a 4x4x with new tires right? Wrong! 4x4 went out so now it is only two wheel but that's all right as long as I'm careful then everything else is good...WRONG!!! the heater blower quit. I might as well ride the BIKE!!! NO MO Winter!!! please:225:
  7. Latest add-on to my 05 midnight venture. Here is my write up on the install with some pics. Installed grip heaters made by Symtec (www.symtec-inc.com) (pic 1). Purchased from http://phatperformaceparts.com for $39.95. After I removed the throttle grip and seen the ribs under the rubber grip (pic 2) had to carve of the ribs off the plastic throttle sleeve in order to attach the heater. Used a box cutter to cut them off, they came off pretty easy. Once I had them removed, attached the heater with the wires at the right position, did not glue the heater as the instructions called for (pic 3). I re-installed the grip over the heater very carefully. The Clutch grip (pic 3a) was a little easier, did have to trim some off the chrome plastic end (pic 3b) to allow the wired end of the heater to fit on the bar. Attached the heater to the bar and slipped the grip over the heater and bar. Wires were long enough to route down the handlebar to the sides of the under the tank. Left some slack on the throttle side(pic 4) to allow movement of the throttle. I removed the tank and seat in order to finish wiring, I installed a relay at the battery area in order to connect to my switch control accessory switch (pic 5) wire which is mounted on left handlebar. I installed this a year ago, purchased from http://www.cruisercustomizing.com It has two push locking switches Top- my red LED lights under bike, Lower- grip heaters, they have a red LED to indicate that they are on. The switches are on an un-switched 12v from the battery. I installed a three position switch on the tank chrome cover(pic 6) for the HI/OFF/LO control, wired the three wire switch to a three pin plug in order so it can removed (pic 7). The three pin connector has 12v from relay, HI & LO wires from heaters. I connected the ground wires from the heaters to a bolt on the frame. I also installed a fuse holder on the 12v from the battery to the relay. They recommend a 3 or 4 amp fuse. I have a 3 amp so far works good. From the first I turned the heaters on, they warmed up pretty fast. Have used them on the cool mornings we have had lately. Wish I would have had them installed before the cold weather hit. I have used them with my regular summer groves and the winter leather groves, great so far. The temperature here is going back up, so LO has been good for now. Time will tell how long these heaters will last; one point for failure will be the wires where they connect to the heaters, especially the throttle side. Luckily we don’t need them very much down here. But since I ride all year round, hope it will make the cold ride into town and back home nicer when I am on the late shift this time of year. My hands were the only parts that were feeling the cold. Hope this write up shows enough. It was fairly easy, about an hour and a half to complete.
  8. Does anyone use an electric heater to keep the chill off their garage when you want to work? Just curious what some of you may use. I used a propane heater several times last year however I didn't really care for the odor of the propane burning mixing with the other chemicals in the garage. Thanks. Spotsy
  9. Need some help with the heater on my daughter 1996 Sebring. The car has about 160,000 mile on it and the heater is not working the way it should. This started last year. When it at idle it will not blow any heat, only cool air, but when you rev it or drive it the the cool air changes to hot and then back to cool when you stop. I changed the thermastate and the coolant level is good. I thought it may be the heater core so I flushed it with the garden hose, but still no heat. I know there has to be a few members good with a wrench that can suggest things to try.
  10. It was 14 degrees F this morning and I had to get an electric heater out and heat the engine up on the SS bike to get it started.Does anyone know of a block heater that can be used on a bike? I am hoping that I can get one to fit the oil pan on the Venture with the cooling fins intact. Jeff
  11. I was cleaning the garage floor Sunday after church. I had the squeegee pushing out all the water left over from the wifes car and got the torpedo heater going to dry up the floor. Got the garage up to 60. I put the DRZ400 in line with the heater to warm up the oil and than took it for a short ride. It felt good to have the wind in my face. The first time in a long time the temp was above freezing Spring is coming:sun:
  12. Do you have a backup heat source? Our furnace run most of the night keeping the house at 70 degrees. It was -5F here this morning. I'm going to buy a vent less NG space heater as a backup source of heat. 99.9% efficiency is not bad. Several of my neighbors run them as a main source of heat and there very popular as a garage heater. I just got to keep the batteries up in my carbon monoxide detector but not sure how much of a problem cm will be. Lowes just dropped the price on them again. $209 is not bad for a 30Kbtu unit. I might get a LP model for the camp to.Our old furnace is 30 years old.Nothing like working on one in the middle of winter. I had the blower go out one winter,lost the gas valve,and the 24 volt transformer that activates it. Also the termal coupler seems to go out when the local hardware store is closed.The wind blows the pilot light out about once a week.I might have to replace that furnace before long.
  13. I'm in the process of upgrading my garage and have found this garage heater on sale. I was wondering if anyone has used this, or know if the brand is good? The reviews seem to be good fromwhat I've read. I have a 2.5 car garage that I'm insulating/heating. Link to garage heater info: http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_6970_200307959_200307959 Thanks.
  14. No, not in my bike. I'm smarter than that. Okay, this is way off the topic of bikes & ridin', but the roads are icy, it's the middle of winter and I'm trying to get caught-up on my "to do" list, and I'm looking for a little advice. Last winter, I pulled-out a really old kerosene heater to see if I could warm up my garage enough to putter around with my bike (okay, I guess this is bike related). This heater hasn't been fired-up in probably twenty years. But, it's still in great shape and operates just fine. So, I went out and bought a few gallons of K1 kerosene and filled up the heater. Well, it actually did work well. However, when it was time to turn the wick down, it would not lower enough to extinguish the flame. That was a challenge. I finally ended up smothering it with a tin-foil cap. Anyway, someone recently suggested that my problem with the wick not lowering was probably because the wick was really old and needed to be replaced. So, I got on-line and ordered a new wick. I have my new wick all ready, to put in the heater, but a new concern has been raised. I read somewhere on-line that Kerosene doesn't store well and the quality degrades after a while. Well, I still have about four gallons of the kerosene which I purchased last winter, plus the remainder of what has been sitting in the heater since filling it last winter. The four gallons has been stored inside the garage in a sealed fuel container and I don't expect that any moisture has been able to get in to either that container or in to the heater. If we were talking about fuel for my bike and I had any question about putting anything questionable in it, I wouldn't. It's just too much potential trouble for the little money I could save by buying a few gallons of gas. But, since the mechanics of the heater are so much different than that of an engine, is it all right to try to use this kerosene I bought last year. Or, has it probably broken down or degraded to where it won't provide acceptable performance? I don't want old fuel to cause me any further problems. But, if I can use one year old kerosene, then I won't have to figure out how to dispose of what I have left - I'll just use it. I will wait to do anything with it until I receive some feedback. Your suggestions are appreciated. Thanks! Pete.
  15. Hey Guys & Gals! First thing . . . I love this forum! All of you are awesome! However, during the warm weather I am typically either out riding or puttering around outside during my free time, rather than sitting in front of my computer. Yesterday, we reached a record high (for this time of the year), it was 69 degrees. So, I took advantage of the nice day and got all of the remaining leaves raked up, mowed the lawn and trimed the edges and I'm now prepared for the snow and winter weather which is supposed to arrive tonight. he highs are supposed to be in the 40s today! Of course, I will still do a little riding over the next few months now and then (I've got my Gerbing jacket liner & gloves this year), but for the most part my bike will be seeing a lot of garage time from now until spring. The good part, is that I will be able to visit with everyone here more. During these next several cold months, I would like to be able to tinker in my garage a bit making upgrades to the bike, etc. But, typically my garage is too cold to spend much time in during the winter. So, I have been thinking about a propane heater. I have an old Kerosene space heater, but it doesn't quite do the job well enough. At Autozone (an autoparts store here) I saw that they had a propane torpedo-style heater which looked like it might work all right. My garage is an attached, two-car size with a few insulated windows and a regular-sze back door. It's not insulated but can be mostly draft-free and would be considered pretty well ventilated. Ideally, it would be nice to have a full-size industrial garage heater, but I'm not quite up to that point yet. So, I'm looking for a a smaller alternative. I have also tried a couple of smaller space heaters like a dish-style and a box-type, but I found that they didn't work as well in a garage as the do inside the house. I don't want to spend a lot (I know that's relative sorry), but I would like to find out what my choices might be. Has anyone found something which works well for them and can offer some suggestions? Have a Happy & Safe Thanksgiving! Pete.
  16. Guest

    carburetor heater

    I have a question that is puzzeling me and maybe one of the great mechanics can answer it for me. What is the purpose of the carburetor heater? Do these things go bad? If one were to go bad,or if the relay were to go bad, how would you know it?
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