As a general rule I seldom do much posting on bulletin boards. It's not from lack of things to say or desire to share what little knowledge I have. Mostly it's because there is usually someone too willing and too quick to pass judgment and proclaim their superiority. If I've learned nothing in the past many years it not to poke a hornet's nest with a stick.....:whistling:
All that being said I have to put my heart on my sleeve just once and tell you good people how wonderful it is to see so many willing to offer words of support, condolences, encouragement, advise, and yes an occasional good hearted jab. :thumbsup2:
I've been a member here for only a short time but have witnessed countless occasions when folks have stepped up and given of themselves when they could just as easily ignored the person in need. The most obvious of these is this most recent tragedy. I know Gary and Leslie. Not because we have ever met; but because of the words I've read here this afternoon...
God Bless You!!!!!! :smile5: