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  1. "Good Looks" catch the eye! But a "Good Personality" catches the Heart! Many people walk in and out of your life, but only "True Friends" will leave footprints in your Heart!
  2. Found this poem on Facebook, thought everyone would enjoy it......... When an old man died in the geriatric ward of a nursing home in an Australian country town, it was believed that he had nothing left of any value. Later, when the nurses were going through his meagre possessions, They found th...
  3. Started riding again 2yrs ago at 53 after a heart attack (figured if i was going to die it was not going to be walking down the hall at 3 am ). Smoked 12 cigars aday , 50lbs over weight , and diabetic ( 3 strikes your out ) . Quit smoking the day of my heart attack , now manage my diabeties , lost 5...
  4. :Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday: THE BIG 60 Happy Birthday Bobbie, love you with all my heart and soul :wow::wow: :group cheers::group cheers::group cheers: :Crazy_139::Crazy_139::Crazy_139:
  5. I had my annual heart check up today at the Columbia Heart Clinic, when the Mechanic came and said there was a 07 Blue and Black venture on a trailer in the parking lot with Florida tags. Don't know if it was someone here, but I can see why he was at the heart clinic if he is tailoring a venture....
  6. has followed threads & said a prayer or wished me luck.... I got the job!!! I start on the 30th at the latest... Thank each & everyone , your prayers & support made the difference!! From the bottom of my heart I thank each of you. ps No I didn't have to install a cassette player to get...
  7. I have only popped in every once in awhile. It all started back in Aug when I finally got a clean bill of health from my Doc on my Bi-femurial Aorta bypass and was released to pursue all activities. My Mom calls and informs me she has stage 4 lung cancer and will not take any treatments to extend he...
  8. I have a close friend that is having open heart surgery this Thursday, they are going to remove his heart, repair the aorta and replace it. Please keep my friend in your thoughts and prayers.
  9. sad news today. davey jones age 66 of the monkeys passed away from a heart attack. RIP davey
  10. Merry Christmas To All ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are you ready for Christmas?” “Ready for Christmas,” she said with a sigh As she gave a last touch to the gifts piled high… Then wearily sat for a moment and read, Til soon,...
  11. :Happy Birthday: Honey, I love you with all my heart. Happy Birthday :Crazy_139:
  12. I don't post here to often lately, but I need your help! Lat night I received a call from my 93 year old Mom. She lives alone in northern Wisconsin and got a call from her doctor saying she needs a bypass. I live in georgia and can't be there all the time, but she called in a panic. When I talked to...
  13. [ame=http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=172_1314706263]http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=172_1314706263[/ame] Yikes, think I would have to pull over to try and get my heart started again..
  14. well its not for me this time. but kind of. early today my daughter Amber had to rush her husband my son in law to the hospitial. he woke her up screamming for help. he was on the bathroom floor verry sick and verry weak. i will give you some info on justin. justing is 29 years old and suffer...
  15. Went for my last ride for about 3 months today. Went down to Mountain Home AR. to hospital for pre-op tests. Thurs morning I will be going in for what is considered a very delicate operation. According to My Doc is more serious than open heart surgury. http://www.health.com/health/library/mdp/0,,zm2...
  16. Well, I now have my bike up in Massachusetts, going to be here till September, looking forward to riding here in the North-East, Trailered the bike up here from Fla, two trucks and two u-hauls, left on Fri, couldn't stand it today, let my deckhand drive my vehicle, so took it off the trailer and rod...
  17. I ran a cross this today. The Ladys has a heart. http://www.militarytimes.com/multimedia/video/?bcrefid=866157386#/Portraits+of++the+Fallen/51748824001
  18. My wife was diagnosed with thyroid cancer yesterday - we will be seeing her surgeon next week and hope to have the surgery done asap. We are believers and trust that God will be merciful. i would like to request the faith community here to lift her up, her name is Claire. Thanks to all and know i ap...
  19. I love this Doctor! Q: Doctor, I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true? A: Your heart only good for so many beats, and that it... Don't waste on exercise. Everything wear out eventually.. Speeding up heart not make you live longer; it like saying y...
  20. It is not the easiest thing I have ever done. Hopefully will be the first and last time. On Monday evening I responded to a very well known address, CPR in progress, possibly heart attack. With all the effort, all the meds, all we had in us we poured into this code patient. Now with a deeply hurting...
  21. 1st Lady: Hi, I'm Wanda! 2nd Lady: Hi, I'm Sylvia, how'd you die? Wanda: I froze to death. Sylvia: How horrible! Wanda: It wasn't too bad. After I quit shaking from the cold, I began to get warm and sleepy and finally died a peaceful death. What about you? Sylvia: I died...
  22. Doing the left eye first! And of course with the oily environment at work, I'm forced to take the next 2 weeks off on DB! Breaks my heart...
  23. A warning it,s grafic , not for the weak at heart http://thechive.com/2011/01/11/the-luckest-moments-in-all-of-2010-video/
  24. To all of you, Haylie and I want to say Merry Christmas and thank you! So many of you sent me notes and helped us out I just couldn’t answer everyone and thank everyone. You all brought a smile to my face along with tears and I will never forget! My brother does a lot of traveling and he used s...
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