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  1. I’d like to make a headphone adapter that will allow me to plug a 1/8 stereo into the factory headset plug on a 2nd Gen for music listening. I’ve got a noise reduction headset that I’d like to install in my helmet and plug directly into the bike. My thoughts are that if I get a male adapter and the 2nd Gen and the wiring diagram for the headset plug that I could make an adapter to a 1/8 female stereo plug. This (I hope) would allow me to plug in the noise reduction headset. Can it be done and do you think it will work??? Secondly, does anyone have the wiring or schematic diagram for the headset plug that shows what each pin is for?? Charlie
  2. I came into a set of JM headsets today and have a question. When I plug them in and switch them on the front works fine, but the rear h/s does not work and there is still sound coming from the REAR speakers, but at the same volume as the front headset. There is a mic mute installed, and the p.o. did have all the audio stuff apart when he changed out the original trunk that was cracked. I've tried everything that I can remember from my other Venture and nothing works or changes. Both headsets work in the front too, so I know they are both good. HELP!!
  3. Sena SMH10B-10 Review This is a review of my new Sena SMH10 Bluetooth Headset and how well it functions for my particular application. Spoiler alert! It works extremely well! The Sena is a replacement for a three year old Scala Cardo Q2 headset. I considered a new Scala 4 but the reviews were not stellar. I have tried several different wired systems over the years but have a need to go wireless for some of my activities. I have used starcom, kenedy, rider and a couple others. Basically I need connectivity between the headset and the following items: 2 GPSs, phone, MP3, intercom, ham/wx band radio. Why so much stuff? I have only one motorcycle and it needs to meet all the requirements for its intended duties; pleasure rides, long distance endurance rides (IBA), touring, bicycle charity ride escort (Motorcycle Marshal), and anything else that comes to mind. The idea is to throw my leg over the FJR1300, turn on the headset and go. No fuss, no hassle, just go. I will not discuss the installation and set up of all this equipment here. Only the bluetooth connectivity and headset operation. Here are the general equipment specs: Headset - Sena SMH10B-10 FW V4.1, BT V3.0 GPSs - Garmin Zumo 550 Ham/WX Radio - Yeasu FTM10R Transceiver, AM/FM/VHF/UHF, Dual channel Bluetooth Phone - Apple iPhone 4 The Sena SMH10 allows several connection profiles including Headset Profile, Hands-free Profile (HFP), Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP), Audio Video Remote control Profile (AVRCP). I have yet to try all the possible profile combinations but have already found that by simply using HFP and A2DP everything works as I need. With the multiple connects and the availability of the SM10 Dual Stream Stereo Transmitter (dongle), which allows wired audio connections, the connectivity is nearly limitless. The basic helmet mount comes with a single stereo 3.5mm input. My particular needs have been met without having to acquire the SM10 dongle. The old Scala Q2 worked pretty well but two major problems were the short battery life (3-4hrs) when connected to the ham radio, and the fact that it could not be paired to anything else when the ham radio was in use. When not using the ham radio, it was paired to another headset (intercom) and the GPS which also paired to the phone and those worked well also. Battery life was then extended to a more realistic 6 hours or so. The Sena allows for multiple connections via HFP profile and allows me to connect to the ham radio, GPS, and intercom at the same time. I use A2DP profile for the GPS to allow stereo MP3 streaming. Another plus for the Sena is the available volume is 3x that of the Scala. Instead of straining to hear, I am able to run it at about 75% volume at highway speeds. The audio is clearer and has more bass than the Scala even though the speakers are only slightly thicker. With the helmet on, I can fill up with gas at the pump, walk inside the store while still hearing and talking on the radio or phone. While assisting a down or injured rider, I can stay in contact via the ham radio with out having to carry a separate hand held radio on my belt. Audio reports from the phone and ham radio have been very positive. Audio prompts from the menu system are nice. I found this SMH10 on ebay for about $160. Not bad when comparing to other available units.
  4. Had hooked up headset to go for a ride. Once hooking plug in from Helmet to the bike we recevied a very high pitch squeal. The radio works just fine without the helmet being pluged into bike. It does it with two sperate helmets and front seat and back seat get the same noise. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks, Hal
  5. I have engine noise in headset when intercom is on, the noise will go away if rpms are low enough. any thoughts? I've asked around town here but know one knows a thing including the dealers.
  6. Without searching through 1000's of threads, does anyone offer a good headset for a half helmet? Or even just a hand mic at a reasonable price?
  7. I found this little marine radio when looking for something to replace my stock radio in the VR. The radio is the Prospec Electronics MIL-PRV15. It is a compact all aluminum watertight housing that fits in a 3" round hole and is held in place by a U-shaped bracket from the back. The amp is 40W x 4 and has plenty of power to light up the stock speakers. You also have the ability to plug in a USB flash drive with your favorite MP3's as a source or use the AUX in jacks. Prospec also makes a moisture proof USB-AUX jack that I opted for to bring the USB and AUX jacks to the radio panel. I grabbed the radio for $99.95 at overtons.com. I got the remote jack at the company's website for another $20 plus shipping. http://www.prospecelectronics.com/product_info.php?products_id=136 The LED switch in the lower right is connected to a DPDT relay that routes the output to either the speakers or to the headset cable. I also added a 20dB pad (diagram on request) to the headset output to limit the volume to the headset.
  8. I bought a Scala Rider Teamset Pro kit for my wife & me to use on trips. I love these & got them new for $130 which was GREAT. Now my son got his MC license & I want to buy him a headset so that we can all communicate when riding together. So which Scala headset link to Teamset Pro Kit? Scala has a many different ones scala rider G9 scala rider G4 scala rider Q2 scala rider FM scala rider SOLO but the manuals don't say anything about linking to other units. Is the scala rider SOLO the same units as the teamset pro?
  9. I'm in the market for a Bluetooth headset. I just ordered a zumo 665 and docks for all the scooters and I need a Bluetooth headset to connect all the gadgets. Any suggestions?
  10. Well we pulled the trigger and bought a Scala Q2 Pro Multi-Set to replace the wired intercomm/audio system on the '91 VR, and at this point I'm not so sure it was a good idea. Strike 1: Contrary to what I've read or was lead to believe, you cannot stream stereo audio from your A2DP MP3 player to BOTH headsets. Strike 1. Strike 2: Streaming audio to one headset does work, but when you talk, or make/answer a phone call (We have iPhones....), audio streaming stops and does not restart until you unpair and then pair the phone to the headset. This is WAY wrong..... Strike 3: Apparently you cannot pair an iPhone and an iPod to a headset at the same time. I've tried and it doesn't work. This just doesn't sound right because the manual says I can pair a GPS, a phone, AND an A2DP MP3 player, AT THE SAME TIME!!!! The only thing I can think of is the iPod and the iPhone "look the same" to the Scala, so if I pair the iPod first, and then pair my iPhone, the iPod gets dropped.... Our original plan was my GF would pair her iPhone to her headset and I would pair my iPod to my headset. According to what I was lead to believe, we could listen to the iPod, and when a call came in she could answer it and I could keep listening to music. Well, that ain't gonna happen. Did we just make a $250.00 mistake, is the manual inaccurate about the pairing process (I'd think there would be different procedures for different devices.....), or am I doing something wrong? TIA.. And Y'All ride safe...
  11. I'm having some trouble with the driver headset on my '91 VR. At first I thought the problem was in the cable from the headset, but I put a new cable on today, and the problem persists. I had assumed this cable was the problem because my passenger was having issues, so we swapped headset cables and the problem went away. The about a week ago my headset left speaker started cutting out, so I assumed the cable was bad. As it turns out, my problem is the cable from the amp for the driver's headset has an intermittent near the strain relief. I traced it back to the amp, and I believe the last/bottom/4th cable is the one I need to replace. However, other than evilBay, I have no idea where to get one. I could tear into the connector and resolder the wires, but doing so would runing the strain relief and the shroud arounc the female connector.... What's a guy to do? Any input will be greatly appreciated...
  12. When I finally got a headset for my RSV, I was told it transmitted a buzzing noise over my voice. I attributed it to the cheap Motocom headset. I have since up graded to J&M headsets. This afternoon, the neighbor across the street asked me to listen for a radio check from his Wing. He came in loud and clear, but he said he could hear me ok, too, but there was a buzzing when I hit the transmit button. The buzzing is the same engine running or not running. Any suggestions???
  13. I have a question I hope somebody here can answer. Having just purchased a 2011 FJR, I plan to mount a Garmin 550 on an aftermarket helibar triple tree clamp. My question is: Is the Garmin Zumo 550 bluetooth feature capable to send (via bluetooth) to a bluetooth capable helmet headset? If not, will the audio out be sufficient to power a regular headset? I know the bluetooth works with making and receiving calls, just not sure about the MPG3 player? Thanks
  14. I have a J&M headset for my 700 as it doesn't use a boom mic but no headset for the 900 I just bought today. What do you have for your EXO900?
  15. Trying to make an adapter to use Harley Headsets on my bike but I need to know what the voltage is for the mic preamp in the Harley headset. Anyone know this or willing to check pins one and four on their late model Harley for me?
  16. Anyone out there have a five pin headset they want to part with. I have a 2004 Venture R/S and too many helmets and not enough headsets. My newest helmet is a full face. Give me a price. Thanks.
  17. I haven't specifically found this information on here yet so I figure I would share it to make it easier for anyone looking to use a Garmin GPS & pair it with a bluetooth headset. According to Garmin, the only Garmin Devices that support pairing with a Bluetooth headset are the nuvi 765, 775 , 785, StreetPilot 2820, zumo 220*, 550, 660 and 665. When a headset is paired with these devices the listener will be able to hear phone calls, navigation prompts, or MP3 music (if the device has a MP3/Media Player). All other Garmin Bluetooth-enabled devices are only capable of pairing with a Bluetooth cell phone. The exception is the zumo 220. It will only pair to a Bluetooth headset or helmet and does not have the ability to pair to a Bluetooth-enabled phone.
  18. can anyone give me the pinouts for headsets I want to make my ownor can some one tell me where i can get a helment headset for less than 80.00:080402gudl_prv:
  19. Has anybody replaced the passenger headset connection? I bought the Bike used so don't know but it looks like it got caught in the rear wheel and was pulled off. I Generally work on my own stuff but this time I took it to the Stealer for repair. After taking it to them I think I know more than they do. OK here is my question.... To replace this cord do you have to replace the passenger volume control and CB talk button or does it unplug before or at the button controls? I unpluged the connection on top of the rear fender and it works to that point. thanks in advance for any help.
  20. time for a new headset. been using J & M for years, works good for cb and intercomb but my $10.00 pair i wear when walking sounds better for music. anything out there that has quality sound for music. I will admit my J M are about 15 years old. they may have improved much since then. thanks in advanced.
  21. My headset cord is bad, the cord that is on the gas tank. How do you and how hard is it to change or maybe have a new end put on by soldering?? I see that I can get a used one at Pinwall. Any help will be appreciated. thanks , maddog:fingers-crossed-emo
  22. I have an immediate need for my 90 model XVZ13DAC Venture. It has OEM CB and Intercom, but I need to obtain a headset and mike to use them. I was hoping someone who has a similar bike or who is familiar with this setup, can give me some information on where I could best find these items. I have just bought this bike, and it is cherry! Everything works, but it does not have a headset / mike. Any help would be most appreciated.
  23. So I have cleaned all the contacts and connectors on the audio system on my 1st gen and the radio plays only from the left speaker. Since the tape player is non-functional I'm not able to isolate this to just the tuner. What is strange is that when you power on the radio you can hear a "thump" from the right speaker. Because of this, I am suspecting either a bad right channel on the tuner or perhaps a bad wire from the tuner to the amp. I don't have a headset so I have not been able to test that circut to see if the problem is isolated to the speaker. Has anyone else experienced this and did you find a resolution? Can anyone offer me more advice on troubleshooting?
  24. OK...just a question here regarding the use of the fairing speakers for sound, but wanting to use a headset to be able to transmit. In other words, is there a way to use the external speakers for ALL SOUND, but add a mic to my helmet so that I can use the transmit function of the audio system. Wally
  25. Im just kicking around the idea of removing the radio and tape deck on my 91 vr. Is it possible to replace these and still keep the cb. I use my cb regularly and am not currently happy with the sound from my stock radio, It is good with the headset but without not so much. i have replaced the stock speakers and tis made a bit of a difference but not too much. any idea will be apreciated David
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