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  1. Hey VR family I recently bought a 1985 venture royale. The problem is I have a freshly charged battery but when I turn the ignition to the on position I get nothing no dash lights no radio no headlights. When I turn it to acc only the radio and compressor display come on . HELP
  2. Tried the HID's on my 08 F150 oem headlights. The dims are fine but the brights leave a dark spot right in the middle. So back to Incandescent. The SilverStar just don't last long enough and the PIAA's are over a hundred a pair. Anybody tried these ? [ame=http://www.amazon.com/CIPA-93451-Formance-Maximum-Intensity/dp/B00393VBLW/ref=sr_1_1?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1328740492&sr=1-1]Amazon.com: CIPA 93451 EVO Formance Alfas Maximum Intensity H13 Ultra White Halogen Bulbs - Twin Pack: Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/313kwJ6cIOL.@@AMEPARAM@@313kwJ6cIOL[/ame] http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/313kwJ6cIOL._AA115_.jpg
  3. Yesterday, right after pulling out into traffic, I glanced down and noticed that I had no speedometer reading or odometer visible on the dash of my '03 RSMV. I reached down and wiggled the key and everything came back on. The trip home was around 120 miles and this happened a couple more times. Each time I was moving on down the road and do not know if the headlights and such were working, just that speedometer area was not. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so what can be done to fix it? Thanks! Don
  4. Went for a ride on Sat, and shut the bike down when I got home to the driveway. Opened the garage door and started the bike to pull it in. Got the bike in place, shut it down and then immediately tried to re-start it. I got a series of clicks and then all the electical shut down. No headlights, no spedo display, nothing. Waited ~20 seconds trying to think what the issue was, and then, all the electrical (including headlights) came back on. Trying to start it at that point, once again gave me the clicking noises and an electrical shut down. Waited another 20 seconds and once again, all the electrical returned (including headlights). I have passing lamps on the bikes and a Stebel air horn with a relay. No other electrical mods. Any ideas on what the issue may be? The dealer replaced the battery when I bought it the bike used in 2009. Claims he put a new battery in it, which would make this the 3rd season on the battery. I run ~10k miles a year, mostly in 1hr rides. I searched the forum for similar posts, but didn't find anything relating these specific symptoms. I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions. Heading to Americade in 2 weeks, would like to get this issue resolved ASAP. Bob
  5. TRUCKER'S BREAKFAST A trucker came into a Truck Stop Cafe' and placed his order. He said I want three flat tires, a pair of headlights and a pair of running boards.' The brand new blonde waitress, not wanting to appear stupid, went to the kitchen and said to the cook, 'This guy out there just ordered three flat tires, a pair of headlights and a pair of running boards.... What does he think this place is, an auto parts store?' 'No,' the cook said. 'Three flat tires ... mean three pancakes; a pair of headlights.. is two eggs sunny side up; and a pair of running boards... Are 2 slices of crisp bacon ! 'Oh... OK!' said the blonde. She thought about it for a moment and then spooned up a bowl of beans and gave it to the customer. The trucker asked, 'What are the beans for, Blondie?' I LOVE THIS ONE......... 'She replied, 'I thought while you were waiting for the flat tires, headlights and running boards, you might as well gas up! FOR ONCE THE BLONDE GETS EVEN!!!!!
  6. Anyone ever order from Accessories4bikes.com They seem to have pretty good prices for visors for headlights, passing lights and turn signals. That's about the only dress-up items left for my '05.
  7. Anybody got a pic of the front of a MKII they can post real quick? I need to compare the areas around the headlights. Something about like this pic... Thanks Mike
  8. I wanna upgrade the headlights on my Ram Pickup. (01) I figure the members may have some good advice on what the brightest / best headlamp upgrade would be. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks a bunch.
  9. I have been on the fence about modulating headlights for some time now. Obviously from a motorcycle safety perspective this seems like a good option. But after coming across a couple GL1800 trikes today that have them, I am leaning to support the side that would see them be made illegal. It was somewhat confusing as they were headed towards as to whether they were an emergency vehicle or not till they we close enough to identify as trikes. I also noticed that people in cars were pulling over until they realized that it was motorcycles and not emergency vehicles. I have heard several talk about how cute it is to have cars pull over,but this could turn out to be very hazardous to everyone. So I guess what you will here me say is I am no longer on the fence. Put Sylvannia Silverstars on, use passing lamps, bright vest, ride with Caution, and number of different things. As for me if I were asked to vote the fate of the modulating headlight I would have to say NO! Disclaimer: This is an opinion and an opinion only, no animals were hurt while this opinion was formed, If you have an educated response I would love to hear it. P.S. the folks riding with the modulating headlights were wearing shorts and the passenger was wearing sandels.
  10. Sorry if this has been discussed before but I did search and couldn't find anything. Anyway, I was driving to work this morning when I came up on a very new looking Honda ST1300. As I passed him I noticed he was flashing his headlights at me. I couldn't figure out what I had done to tick him off so I just kept going. He must have sped up some because I noticed him again behind me a mile or so later and his headlights were still pulsing on and off. It became apparent that he was not doing this manually but must have installed something on his bike to do this constantly. It was extremely distracting. So my question is, has anybody heard about this and is it legal? While it may have made him more visible it was at the expense of taking my attention away from other things on the road, so I personally think it is dangerous and should not be legal, especially on the freeway where you may be riding long distances following the same vehicles. Also, I think it's just going to tick off most cagers and the last thing we need is something else to turn cagers against us. Any other thoughts?
  11. Anyone have these on their bike? I was with a friend over the weekend and he had them installed on his Ford Ranger and I was very impressed with the lighting. Haven't found one for my 2006 RSTD but plan on getting them for my Silverado. Bob
  12. Pretty high output at very low amperage but at $500.00. I'm OK with what I have. For driving lights and headlights though, there is no doubt in my mind that LEDs are the future. http://www.webbikeworld.com/lights/motorcycle-led-driving-lights/
  13. Think I might have the Whine/Chirp ..... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtYxINUdEBo]YouTube - 3 headlights[/ame]
  14. Received my new Clearview XXL windshield for my RSV and there might be a problem. For some reason at night I am getting a LOT of refraction (not reflection) from oncoming headlights causing them to appear double. It's like there's two sets of headlights, a second "ghost" set appearing about 3 to 6 feet below the real ones. It's really annoying because the lights are being refracted all the way across the shield in my vision. If I lower my head several inches I can make the refracted lights go up until they are on top of the actual headlights. I noticed earlier in the day that I could see a bit of distortion through the shield's sweep about 4" below the top when I moved my head up or down so maybe that's the problem. Or I was wondering if it's the extra thickness of the plastic that causing the refraction. I have a Clearview on another bike but don't have any refraction like I do on the new shield. Anybody else run into this problem? I just emailed Clearview and waiting for a reply. David
  15. Well friday night I was heading home from work about 9pm and I had a scare. I was going down the local freeway and almost home so I was moving from left inside lane to the next lane over due to lane ending. I had just topped the overpass when I started to straddle the white line on the r side when I spotted it. Someone had dropped a 5 gal paint bucket in the road and it was no more than a few feet away with me going 70-75mph. I was so close to it when I saw it in the dark that I didn't even have time to try to avoid it but I was able to get off center on it. I caught the bucket dead on with the r side crash guard. Luckily, the bucket must have been empty as it disappeared as fast as it appeared and all I heard was one "bang". I didn't bother trying to look back to see where it went as I was more intent on making sure I kept the bike up and going forward. Situations like this is why I don't participate in some of the local "night" rides. Just too many possible road hazards that can appear quicker than you can react. I think I might slow down more at night now or try to get better headlights. Moral I guess is dont outride your headlights at night.
  16. Thank you for taking my question. Are the headlights on a Venture "remotely adjusted" while setting on the bike from somewhere on the fairing or done somewhere else on the front of the bike? This option is listed on the features page of the bike on the Star website but I can`t find any knob or electric switch to make this work. Excuse my ignorance and any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  17. I've been looking for a small bike I can ride 1-12 miles to work & not have to worry about lack of shade, rain, sun-baked seals & seat, etc. Saw this new 250cc street legal, dual front disc brakes, full body, dual headlights, warranty, choice of colors, etc., for $1400. & FREE DELIVERY. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BRANDNEW-2007-200cc-SPORTBIKE-FREE-SHIP-MORE-DISCOUNT_W0QQitemZ220214605360QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item220214605360 Cheaper if you pick it up.
  18. Well I took a rock in the headlight today while I was out enjoying my ride on my 2006 midnight venture, I know Yamaha wants a small fortune to replace our headlights, is there a cheaper alternative and what is involved in replacing it? Patrick.
  19. A long time ago, in the days of B.C. (before crash), there was a thread with this title. I had bookmarked it, but post crash now it's gone. IIRC the information, someone had described how he put regular headlights in the passing lamps housings that had both high and low beams to them. I would really like to find this information again, especially what lamps were used and where to find them. Anybody have any information on this?
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