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  1. Help!! First off,....excuse my ignorance....But I need help and fast! I have a '86 venture royal.....great bike....but recently....after a long down-time (almost a year) of not running I bought a new battery and got it fired up. Naturally, I wasn't to suprised when It wasn't running perfectly....figured old gas....so....sea-foamed,....and later tried techtron that I have had very good results with also. Ran it for a quick and although shot road test.....loaded it up with myself ,.wife and camping stuff and headed out. got about 35 or forty miles and it prgressively got worse so turned around and headed home. By the time we got back....hitting on only the front two cylinders....and burnt about half a tank in that short distance...naturally. So,....checking it out....sure enough....back two not firing....so quick went and bought some new plugs and put them in.....ran like a sewing machine....for about 1.5 miles.....same mis-firing came back. Now,....have read a little on here about something called a TCI.....but what is it and where is it. suspect it is a major ignition componet??? Also read about some memebers experiances with connector problems....a 6 pin? Again...where is it. I don't own a service manual for it sadly.....never had any real problems with it since I have owned it. Help! appreciate a point in the right direction
  2. I get off work at 3, and wife is suppose to have everything ready. headed to NE Alabama (Sand Mountain area) then Sunday headed up to Lookout Mountain, Tn & down through NW Ga (Lookout Mountain Parkway) then Monday headed home but gonna take the long way & scenic route through Bankhead Forrest ... all in all 485 miles of Mountains 3 state parks couple BIG water falls & some covered bridges... hope to have lots of pics...
  3. Friday 8-3-12 around 5:30 pm. Caledonia WI Blue 1st gen. Headed south on HY 31 at the 4way stop on 6 mile road. I was headed north. Driver with a bald head....... Anyone we know?
  4. I am leaving the Peoria, Illinois area on Tuesday August 7th headed to Asheville, NC I am going to stop in Indianapolis and drop off Dano's trailer to him then head southeast on the 2 lane roads and wiggle my way through Kentucky's hill country down through Tennessee arriving sometime Wednesday afternoon. If anyone is headed that way and wants to ride let me know. Rick
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/lifeguard-fired-leaving-post-beach-hallandale-florida-135238189.html What is our society coming to? Has anybody here seen the movie Idiocracy? Could our world as we know it possibly be headed in that direction? Sad, but I fear is may very well be true. Bill
  6. Headed to door county wi on 6/13/12 if anyone is interested in meeting up and going for a ride.
  7. Barb and I got home Friday night from a 15 day, 3500 miles long trip. We rode down to the southern tip of Illinois and visited friends, then the 4 of us rode to Nashville. Our friends left for home, and we continued to our daughter's house near Mufreesboro TN. A couple of days with the grandsons, and also took our son-in-laws new Concours for a ride---but it started to rain pretty hard right after I left, so I headed back home. Nice bike though, sure is fast. We left our daughter's house and headed to Cleveland TN, where he jumped on some of the back roads. When we were enjoying the Cherohala Skyway when we came up on an old motorcycle doing all it could to climb the grade. We passed him and noticed that it was a 2 cylinder flathead V, but that's all I could tell for sure. We pulled off on the next overlook, and the other rider did also. It turned out that the bike was a 1919 Indian Scout, and the guy was touring on it!!! We continued on the skyway and turned onto North Carolina 129 just a bit south of where it becomes the Dragon. When we got to the Dragon, there were very few bikes (it was almost 6PM on a Tuesday), and that the police were running hand held radar further north near the straight section by the lake. There was one Venturerider.org member on a red 2006 Venture (I've forgoten his name...sorry). We still enjoyed another trip down the Dragon, or at least as much as you can with an 89 Venture 2 up and the bags packed to capacity. We never saw the cops, but because of the time of day probably they probably gave it up. We had dinner at a neat restaurant called "Hearth and Kettle Restaurant" (great food and prices and a sign by the register that reads "You never see a motorcycle parked in a Psychiatrists parking lot"). Then we rode through Pidgeon Forge and spent the night in Gatlinburg. It started to rain lightly just as we got to town, but we didn't get too wet. In the morning we walked around Galtlinburg and also rode the loop north of town---beautiful. Then we headed south to Cherokee N.C. and then southward on back roads to Hendersonville N.C. and then south into S. Carolina to meet up with Barb's cousin and his wife. They ride a new BMW 1600 GTL. We rode around with them on his favorite back roads, and then loaded both bikes back up and headed for Charleston S.C. On the way to Charleston, his legs started cramping on the BMW and he wanted to try our Venture, so we swapped for a bit. This was our 2nd ride on a BMW, we test rode one last year. The one last year had the short seat on it and it was terrible. This one had the tall seat, but actually it was only a little better. After 50 miles, I my butt was telling me that it wanted the good old Venture back. As I said last year, the BMW has tons of power, great brakes, and handling. The throttle by wire makes it a bit awkward to start without slipping the clutch too much or killing the engine. Something I noticed on this ride is that there is a lot of drive-line lash that makes itself known with a big "CLUNK" whenever you back off the throttle or roll it back on---way more than the Yammie. We got to Charleston ok, and the 4 of us plus Barb's other cousin and his wife (who live in Charleston) had a great visit with lots of laughs. Barb and I rode up to Myrtle Beach for the bike show on Saturday---it was mostly Harleys with a couple of Gold Wings and some crotch rockets thrown in for good measure. The only Venture I saw there was mine. On Sunday morning, we headed down to Hilton Head to see how the rich folks live and then south into Georgia. On Monday morning we rode south and touched Florida just east of the Okefenokee swamp. Then we headed up to Atlanta and visited other family for a couple of days. My cousin told me about Georgia route 52 between Elijah and Chatsworth. A beautiful road to ride if you are in the area. We headed up into TN. and spent a couple of days at our daughters again and headed home Friday. It was a great vacation and trip. We saw a lot of beautiful scenery, rode a lot of curvy roads, and the bike ran great. Even with a tropical depression off the coast near Charleston the most rain we had to deal with was a few drops on the windshield and then it was gone. Now it rained a couple of times hard, but we were stopped for the night already or we were at our daughter's house. Many times on this trip I looked up and gave thanks. Frank D.
  8. Gas is headed to a buck a gallon in Kansas. Down 30 cents in three weeks. $3.459 yesterday.
  9. It all started Friday before last I bought a toy hauler in southern FL and we started a 1700 mile trip to go get it. We planed to take the long way home so I loaded the Harley on my carrier loaded the bed with pots pans bedding ect loaded 3 dogs and headed out. At every fuel stop the motorcycle on the carrier gathered a crowd. We picked up the toy hauler and loaded our thing in it then headed to homestead FL and set up in an rv park. We spent the next couple of days going to key wesy and the everglades, I even got to take the Harley gator hunting. We moved north and spent a couple of days south of Orlando then headed north again. Today we set up in Clayton GA we are going to spend a week here roaming and riding. I think I may like retirement. Not sure if the pics will load or not.
  10. Had a great time with Amy and Tom we started the day off at 7:00am headed out of Angelica to meet Tom and Amy in Arcade then off to breakfast at Kipps in South Wales a nice little biker joint and the breakfast was fantastic. From there we headed to Ellicottville for coffee, Kinzue Damn and the Allegeny Nation Forest for some sight seeing then over to Spragues for dinner. Oh did I mention it's Amy's Birthday tomorrow ..................... Happy Birthday Amy Thank you both for a great time today....... we saw some beautiful country and had a blast.
  11. Hello we are headed to Boyne Falls, Mi and will be doing some riding on Friday May 4th and Saturday May 5th would be interested in meeting up with some members. Let us know!! Norr3mi@aol.com Mike and Di
  12. I have heard about setting up a relay, I am in the process of making a deal on a bushtec trailer in Las Vegas, I am of course in Illinois was wondering if This could actually work to do a trailer relay. or if someone is headed this direction and would bring it with them!!! it does have the bushtec Hiam hitch so that would be a consideration for whomever would consider doing this.
  13. I saw a maroon 2nd gen headed east on Layton Ave headed into Cudahy tonight. It was a 2nd gen running side by side with a 2 up Harley, so I had no problem catching up, but there was to much other traffic to get next to then to see who it was. Was it anyone from here?
  14. Caveman bought the wind wings I had for sale and twisted my arm so hard, I just had to deliver them!!! So, got up this morning and with Wes as my navigator we headed south on US49 to the coast. Met Caveman to deliver the wings. Then he and I rode over to Ocean springs to show off a friend of mine's "museum" of old motorcycles. Simplex-es, Mopeds, an Allstate Cruizaire and a Zundap just to name a few. Had a fantastic catfish lunch (you really missed out Carl!!!) and headed home. All in all about a 350 mile day.
  15. Passed a 2000 Millennium model about 1:30 PM , he was headed west on County road 442 while I was headed east. Anybody here? If you ae local I would like to meet you maybe for a ride.
  16. Anyone going to Daytona this weekend...now it's 4 official days....lots of bikers in town and alot more headed this way....supposed to be great weather..anyone?
  17. I passed a Venture on the Red River Gorge Road Saturday in Kentucky. I believe it was a Red and Silver 03 but not 100% sure. Was wondering if it was anyone from the board. It was in a group of 6 or 7 headed south.
  18. Little Buddy have you been out shopping ? have you been looking ? Was you test driving ? A new Scoot ? kind of looked like you !!! all packed up and now where ya headed eh? Dray
  19. Just got back in from a 130 mile run up north of Huntsville to meet up with Kbran and Bethy Boo! There headed back to Louzianner and are spending the night with us! We may not have went to Cody, but I started the trip with Ponch and Kathy 10 days ago as they headed north out of Texas and now Kenny and Beth here as they are headed back home Life is good when you have buddies on VRO!
  20. Great ride with the group going to Yellowstone. Most of the group went to Old Faithful. We headed north to Mammoth Hot Springs. Others did both! http://s470.photobucket.com/albums/rr70/utadventure/VR%20org%20Rally%20-%20Day%202/
  21. On Sunday, Doreen and I went for a ride. It was a beautiful day, sun shining, slight breeze and not very hot. As we were Westbound on SD HWY 34 about 10 miles from home, we were passed by a soft-top Jeep. I had been watching it catch up to us for a bit as we were only cruising about 55-60 MPH in a 65 MPH Zone. After the Jeep went by, I got a great surprise. A great looking MK II (in BLUE!) went by us. They must have had a strict time table to keep as they were going about 70-75. I was able to keep them in sight until they turned North on SD HWY 25. We were headed to DeSmet, SD and headed up the same highway. I thought that we might see them in DeSmet but no luck there. They must not have been members here. They by-passed a perfectly good Dairy Queen!! If it was anyone here, I hope you had a great ride and if you get back in the area, feel free to contact me. Madison has a fantastic DQ! Stay Safe, Dave
  22. I just had to ride yesterday. I started out visiting my Yamaha Dealer in Gastonia (no I don't use the one in Charlotte) for a clutch side switch and screw replacement to help fix my cruise kick off problem. In short order, they had me ready to go. I sent AKRefugee a text of my NEED TO RIDE and he responded ME TOO. So we met at a Subway for a quick "samich" (local for sandwich). Then it was GO West Young Man for both of us. HOT- We headed toward Lake Lure. At one point AK said his thermometer read 100 something. All I knew was that it was hot and while at the dealer having the cruise switch installed they had apparently done something to make my air conditioner stop working. We arrived in Lake Lure where we did a little twisty road close to some golf courses that I knew. Good little road. Crazy- From Lake Lure, we headed toward Black Mountain with the intentions of gaining some altitude and cooler temps. I then received a bee in the helmet. Two stops later he was out. This is where it got a little crazy. While driving through the quiet little town of Black Mtn, I realized there was a truck beside me. The driver was kinda looking at me funny. It appears that after AK and I had delivered a certain someone back to his area a few days ago, this guys wife felt it prudent to let him out of the cage again. [ATTACH]58956[/ATTACH] I'm just glad it was him and I did not have to recall my previous days target practice to get out of there. All kidding aside. Good to see you again Warrior. Cool- After leaving Black Mtn, we proceeded up the Blue Ridge parkway headed toward Highway 80. Along this portion of the ride, temps fell to the 70's. Wow, WAY COOL. Temps were great, views were great, road just repaved and great. Very enjoyable and a welcome reward for the hot ride up. [ATTACH]58957[/ATTACH] AKRefugee going through one of the tunnels. [ATTACH]58958[/ATTACH] One of the panoramic views we passed on the ride. Brakeless- We continued on up the Parkway enjoying the ride and all it had to offer until we reached Highway 80. Now this is what AK lives for. He loves the twistys and throwing sparks. So down 80 we go. AK takes the lead. (he is a better rider on the twistys and I did not want to slow him down). But you know how we all want to get better:big-grin-emoticon: I was doing a pretty good job of keeping up with him but in the process obviously heated up my rear brake fluid to the point my back brakes went away. Yes, I got stopped. Pried my butt off the seat, went to a tree to relieve myself and came back to the bike to figure out what the heck happened, lower my heart rate, catch my breath and to wait on AK to come looking for me. After some chuckles and some time for the fluid to cool, off we go to finish the ride down 80 and then home. Yes the ride down the rest of the mountain was much slower and smarter for me. Over all, great ride and a great day. Morals of the story...... 1) Riding can fix just about anything. 2) Riding with friends makes it even better. 3) Aways be aware of guys staring at you out their truck window. 4, 5 and 6) Don't ride the brakes.... Did I say, don't ride the brakes.:buttkick:
  23. Ok, I know we don't have a lot of members from the Norfok, NE area but maybe someone has better access to weather information than I do. Weather channel says severe thunderstorms and high winds in that area tonight. So here's my issue. My daughter in working at a fireworks stand with friends in Norfolk, NE this weekend. We have been texting back forth over the weekend and staying in touch. She was supposed to be headed home this evening. A while ago she sent a text that the wind was coming up real bad and hail was beating the hell out of the tent. She said people had talked about a tornado. The next text was the tent had gone down and everthing was gone. That was the last text I got and no response since. Anybody able to find any info on the situation there? I'm packing up to head that way shorty if I don't hear from her soon but it's a couple hours ride up there in nasty weather. Like to know what I'm headed into. The reason I'm asking here is I am deaf and not able to jump on the phone. Thanks. Mike
  24. Finally got a warm, sunny, weekend day so out we went on the scoot, headed for Harrison Lake for a picnic. pics ---> http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150278578082394.376333.705412393&saved - OR ---> http://s393.photobucket.com/albums/pp16/SilvrT/First%20Warm%20Day%20of%202011/
  25. Headed to Maine on Friday 3 June until Thursday the 9th. Unfortunately I'm flying from Seattle to Portland and not taking the Royal Star. If ANYONE is near Richmond Maine on Sunday the 5th of June meet me at the Richmond Grange Hall and help us celebrate my parents 55th wedding anniversary. My Dad has already invited the entire state so I'm inviting the rest of the nation.
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