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Found 12 results

  1. Hello this is steve , I have a 2008 royalstar venture and have been looking for passenger armrest. The only thing I have found are for goldwings or hds. does anyone know where i could find them?
  2. Took a ride over to the local HD.dealer yesterday to look at the progressive air pumps for my venture. Looked at several ultra's. Really like them, ask the salesman if I could sit on one, he said sure. I couldn't believe how light it was coming off the side stand, and the rider position was better than my venture, lower seat height, hate to say it but it, but sitting on it made me fell more comfortable. The salesman stated he has a stratoliner now and has had 3 ventures before that, so we talked a little. He said he likes the Yamaha's and still has one. He said the one reason he eventually sold his ventures was the top heavyness, still has a cassette deck, and carbs, basically and outdated bike and also didn't like the shaft drive with the jerking ect. and said the belt drive is smootheron the HD'S. He wants me to come over and take it for a test ride this week, but just I'm afraid I'll like it, and all points he made I had to agree. The ultra was nice, had fuel inj. cd player and over all fit and finish was nice. This wasn't a new bike, an 03. I know HD's have their issues as anything mechanical will, but I'll tell ya, I've been seriously thinking about putting the midnight up for sale, but the wife isn't real thrilled about it yet, as she likes the venture. So those of you on here that have had HD's in the past or now have one, give me your opinions, ect. would like to know before I decide on the future. I've had V twins before and like the torque, sound ect. the venture is the first multi cyl. bike I've owned and it is smoooth ect. but I can't seem to get to really like the bike, you know when it feels right, and I've had this bike 4 years now, and had no issues with it, I just can't seem to get all warm and fuzzy about it.
  3. A friend told me last night that 86% of the HD's manufactured since 1991 are still on the road. I thought that was amazing.
  4. Anyone have any experience with the Barron's Big Air kit. Just bought a 05 RSTD and would like to blow the doors off the neighbors HD's. Six neighbors, three have custom upgrade HD's. But nothing touches my RSTD. Any infor helps Viragofan.
  5. had a 150+ mile day. Lunch with an old friend and her hubby. She rides her own Virgo, while hubby and new friends ride HDs. http://www.motorcycleroads.com/routes/SouthEast/MS/MS_5.shtml
  6. I went last summer without having a ride parked in my garage (1st time in about 20 yrs) I worked hard a focused on getting another RSV. Had a few set back, wife laid off, my part time jobs hours cut, daughter needed a new car, getting her ready for college and so on... we all know how that goes, save a dollar and spent two. Anyhow things are looking up. I'll still go another summer with out a bike, but should be able to save a nice bit of change. Now lately I've been having thoughts about going back to an HD Ultra and I"m not really sure why. I know the RSV is more comfy and more roomy then the ultra, I know the RSV is water cooled and can go three time the miles over HD'S air cooled motor. i know the RSV is shaft drive vs HD's belt drive. I know a new RSV has a five year warranty over HD's one year, and I know I can pick up a two or three year old venture with low miles for around $10,000 to $12,000. What I don't know is why I'm having these bad thoughs of going back to HD!!! Maybe it's because the wife thinks HD is the way to go.?Mabey it's because Yamaha refuses to update? Or maybe it HD's six speed trans, or thier cd player? I just know I need help before the powers of the darkside take over! '
  7. I recently bought an '05 RSTD and had the dealer install OEM passing lamps. I'd like to add visors to them and have read here that some have opted for HD visors over OEM. From what I've seen, the HD's look like the visor is just part of the front ring, which I like better than the "add-on" look. My questions is what HD part number fits our OEM housing? Thanks.
  8. I just completed the muffler swap, Bub's to HD's, and the right side is popping now as soon as I decellerate. I was used to the Bub's crackling and popping during decel, but this is worse now, and almost exclusively on the right side. I am going to change the plugs, still running the factories @ 15k. I did notice the right side seemed to be running richer as there was some faint black smoke when I started it up and ran it after the muffler install. I did knock the plugs out of the HD's, but the Bub's were running with no packing in them. It doesn't "feel" like there is as much exhaust coming out of the HD's as there was the Bub's though. I even checked all the exhaust clamps just to be sure I didn't have any leaks. Just kind of stumped as to what has changed. My AIS is still operational too. Thanks in advance,,,,.
  9. Have any of you seen these? http://landingear.com/ [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOhP1HTZQwY]YouTube - Honda Gold Wing[/ame] They show them for wings & HDs but I wonder if they can be made for the Venture. I am going to have to do something one day, as my hips are getting worse and the Venture is alot to hold up - especially riding 2 up. I looked at Trikes this morning at a local trike shop. All they had were Wings & HDs. They said one of the kits do fit a Star Tour Deluxe but nothing for the Venture. I thought about ordering one someplace else and paying this shop to install it. But I am still looking at a lot of money! With this Landing Gear thing, I would still get to keep the leaning in the corners. I Just hate to give that up if I don't have to. What do ya think? Craigr
  10. I know I can't be the only guy walking around like a cowboy after a nice warm ride on the sled. Somedays can be brutal. Dam global warming. And if I don't have the wife with me to ask, I'm paranoid it looks liked I've P'd myself! Anyways I disgress........ A buddy of mine riding a '08 Ultra has these very neat looking devices called saddle shileds, and they work! But of course, they only come available for HD's ... but different models. http://www.kuryakyn.com/index.cfm/go/Home.ProductDetail/catID/0/scID/0/IMID/835 The above is a link to the Kuryalyn website where the saddle shields reside. My question: Would anyone know if the '05 RSV frame just in front of the seat, where these doohickies (technical lingo) connect is the same size or (can I dream - configuration) as any known HD's? I figure if anyone can help it would be some Super Venturer. Thanks either way.
  11. anyone know where i can get shorter antenna's for my 07 rsv ? i know they make them for HD's didnt know if they were the same or not..
  12. First Annual Mobile Car and Bike show was held today. Guess what? I won 1st place!!!!! I was the only Yamaha entered in my class and alot of HDs. This is the first time I have ever won a bike show!!!! Go blue Ventures. tew47
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