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  1. It has been said here that there is no way to drain the 2nd gen water pump with any normal tools without removing or at least loosening the exhaust. I found out otherwise. I REALLY hate disturbing a new, leak-free exhaust system. Even more than I hate vise-grips and cheapo Chinese sockets. With these common items I was able to remove the waterpump drain plug easily. Happy wrenching.
  2. The speedometer needle on my 1983 Venture Royale is sticking. When I purchased the bike the speedometer inner cable had been removed by the owner. He said the last time he rode it the speedometer stuck and his mechanic told him to remove the cable to prevent any internal damage. He bought another bike and put the Venture up for sale and never had the speedometer fixed. I removed the speedometer today and everything appears intact to my untrained eye. I can moved the needle back to zero and it will spring back to 90 mph as soon as I let it go. It is in remarkably good and clean condition on the inside. Hate to just buy a used working speedometer from ebay if there is anything to be done to fix this one. Any ideas on what the problem could be? I hate to just replace a perfectly good looking instrument.http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o196/TSM01/IMAG0134.jpg
  3. Thinking hard about buying Dmnordin's rebuilt carb set, which is from an 86 1300. Anyone know if it is the same setup as on the 85 1200 I have? I think it is, but hate to drop the $$$ and have a nice set of carbs I can't use. Thx to any and all that answer. I do appreciate you guys/gals. Kevin
  4. I hate it but!!!!!!this guy gets even http://www.autoblog.com/2012/07/30/angry-merging-motorist-gets-clever-revenge/?ncid=txtlnkwbauto00000002
  5. The voices make me do it .....
  6. Morning all, long time....... My 01 RSV, 79K, I feel that I have a "Notch" on the front end. if I jack the bike up as if to tighten the steering bearings, it will always hit almost what you could call a "flat" spot. I can feel it when I am riding, it seems notched? I was told a bit back when we were in texas with Eck and Sleeperhawk that I didn't have much left in an adjustment? bottom line, I get a front end shimmy, not good, so I am left to replace the bearings. Stealer wants just over 700.00 for the job, hate to part with that type o dough. From what I've read, it can be done at home, just a bear to pull the races. I do not have a torch, but have a dremel tool. I didn't see any thread on the procedures of r&r'ing the bearings? Anyone close to W. Ga. done this before for some moral support? Thanks, Pick
  7. I was at the grocery store today standing beside my bike. An elderly lady came up to me and said " I hate you bikers, but that sure is a nice bike.":rotf:
  8. kwisor

    i give up

    hello well i have cleaned the jets three times adj pilot screw and the rt rear car still dose not work proberly i may nee to replace the carb that will have to wait i have no extra mony i want to thank v7goose for all his help i hate to juist let it sit but no choice bumble bee
  9. I bought a new laptop and when I go to a thread here it is soooo wide I have to scroll left and right to read it.Never had that problem with my other laptop.I have a COMPAQ Presario CQ 57.I hate having to do that everytime I read a thread.
  10. We made it back safe and sound from our Carribbean cruise, didnt have to stay close to the captain in case he fell in the lifeboat. We had a fantastic time, have almost as many pics as Bobbie would take will take me a while to sort through them. This evening after work I will try to catch up on everything I missed here at VR. Its good to be home, but hate to go back to work. I am posting one pic to show I still had time for St. Jude while on our vacation.
  11. Recently I been getting these pop-ups to upgrade to IE8, and so far I haven't done so. Is anyone using IE8 and is there any changes I should know about before hand? What does change? I'm using the IE6 now and just hate to change.....
  12. I have to agree with Tom , we have our first snow here in n.eastern ky and i hate snow its time for spring, bring on MD steve
  13. Its s***ing outside and sticking..........."I HATE S**W" :bang head:
  14. For some reason my radiator cap ('83) is stuck and i cant get it off. I got as far as turning the cap to line up the notches, then taking a screw driver to pry it up. Still cant get it to budge. Strange, it'll rotate freely but wont come off. I just hate break something and complicate the problem. Any ideas?
  15. Did I happen to mention I HATE SNOW?
  16. Woke up to a dusting of S...... "I HATE S.......":bang head: :bang head:
  17. Hey, Just wanted to give a call out to any of our family here who find themselves in the midst of the flooding in the NE. I grew up in Binghamton myself and have seen some of the pictures and I know its not a pretty sight. Having served in the fire service for over the past 26 years I have seen my share of trouble however find that flooding and the aftermath that goes with it still is fairly close to the top of things I hate the most. Our prayers are with any and all who find themselves in a low spot at the moment. Keep us in the loop and let us know if there are any needs we can address. All the best, Norm
  18. I have a 2005 Tour Deluxe with the original battery (bought Oct, 2004). The bike has a touch over 24,000 miles and is for sale here and in other places. Whether it sells or not, I would hate for the buyer or me to get stranded when the battery dies. I hate to fix something that is not broken, and this original battery works just like it did from day one - but its days have to be over/near over. What is the BEST battery I can replace this OEM battery with? Thanks. Jim
  19. I feel as though I have posted this before, but just read it again. I'm off to Florida this Wednesday to see the last launching of our shuttle this Friday. I remember Sputnik; I hate it but I will find out if I'm too old for this long a ride. Wish me luck..........
  20. After tracing some electrical grimlins associated with the TCI, I am now not able to get any fuel pressure nor any clicking. I checked the fuel pump for conductivity and it has none. I also checked the 85 bike fuel pump for conductivity and it does have conductivity, so it appears my 83 is open. I have even run 12 volts to the fuel pump and it will not do anything. So, does anyone out there have a spare fuel pump laying around? I may take the one off the 85, but my son is currently working thru some carb problems on it and I hate to do that unless I have to. I checked ebay and there are not any "good" deals that are not "Buy it now" and I hate to do that. I appreciate any help. RandyA
  21. I bought this 86 a few months ago for the bigger bags and sold my 84 now I can say I hate the 86. I went to make it tip top so I can make it to Vogel this summer with new tires oil and filter changes and new front springs with a trailer hitch. The things I have to unbolt and take off to do simple maintenance compared to my 84 is killing me I sometimes wish for my 84 back, I need help...lol
  22. Dang! I hate going to the dealer. Took my rear wheel to the dealer to mount a new tire. Went to put the wheel on today only to find out the hub is missing the bearing collar. Dang! I hate going to the dealer. Also noticed a bunch of new weights, 8 of them on the rim to balance the new tire. Hummm... don't suppose they tried to balance the tire without the bearing collar do you? Dang! I hate going to the dealer. The collar is only like $9.00 but I have a 4 day ride planned and I doubt I can get one in time for the ride. Of course the dealer is closed Monday, don't suppose they are smart enough to find it on the floor and say ooops we forgot someones bearing collar. Dang! I hate going to the dealer. Or do they just trash all the "missing parts" left on the shop floor. Dang! I hate going to the dealer, you just can't trust them to do anything right. The reason I brought just the wheel was so I could grease my own splines and NOT strip out my mufflers nor saddlebag bolts like they did the last time. Dang! I hate going to the dealer.
  23. oldgoat


    ok where do i get some good radiator hoses? i found out i blew the hose from radiator to the engine still not sure how the radiator is. looks clean no holes. i went to a stealer to check on the price they said why you still have one of thoes on the road?? gee what a jerk. said all the hoses would be around $200.00 damn them are expensive hoses. saw some on ebay but still where talking 27 year old hoses. hate to put it back together and keep my fingers crossed that old ones from ebay will hold up. i checked napa auto to see if i could match some up but to many bends in that one for the bike to even come close.. the long one on the bike looks like it was replaced at some time still a tag on it from a dealer in MN? cant read the date though? all the other ones are either real hard or weather checking? and i hate them spring type clamps you squeeze them to get them off and they dont look like they have enough tension to hold the hoses when i go to put them back on?? not in a hurry right now its tore down rags over the engine to protect it. as i have a wedding to attend in MN my daughters. then i will get back to the project at hand. also came accross a free bike a friend has up there. an old yamaha radian?? needs a clutch. it moves but slips. something to do next winter??
  24. i have been looking at road kings and softails and I love the way the bars are swept back. i thkn you call these california, or beach bars. there are a few royal stars that i have seen with these bars. is there a certain year that have these bars and does any one have exp with these bars. it looks very comfortable But id hate to spend teh cash for the bars and all the longer cables and wires and find out that it doesnt handle as well.
  25. Here in Wisconsin all the snow was almost gone and then this happened starting last night thru today 14.6" of Snow. I hate it , I hate it. Was thinking of getting the bike out being all the snow was gone and it did rain one day to get the salt off the roads but not anymore. Sad to say but just wondering were Spring is and if anyone can find it Please send it our way. Thanks have a great day Need PLEASE ASAP
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