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  1. Been xmas shopping at the HD shops. My wife really likes their cloths. High quality at a high price I tell her. She really came around with this new bike and has taken an interest in my riding. Im glad after 30 years on the road. Did you guys know that some Harleys have four wheels ? After a month of bickering with my salesperson at my local Ford dealer and a counrty search I bought a new truck. First time they were offered in white.
  2. Yesterday I pulled up beside a group of Harley's at a stop light. One guy was yelling and gesturing to the bike in front of him. (beside me) The guy beside me bent over and picked up a chrome plug that fell off the end of his handle bar. And here I thought you guys were just joking about Harley's losing parts.
  3. Ok I have always wondered if I made the best choice when I bought my Venture. My Harley friends are pretty adamant on the superiority of the Harley experience. So I have always had this nagging question. Would I have been happier with a Harly Ultra Glide Classic or some such thing? Do the Harleys really handle much better at parking lot speeds? For sure more accessories are available for Harleys. And the Harley is fuel injected. Well yesterday I spent some time riding an Ultra Classic and all I can say is WOW. There is no way I would trade my Venture for a Harley. I like the handling on my Venture better than the Harley at any speed. So the question for me has been asked and answered. The Venture was and still is my best choice. Mike
  4. Just for grins, how many own Harleys here? I do!
  5. I don't know how many of you cruise Craig's List but have you noticed all the Harleys for sale. No this is not ment to bash Harleys, it is just an observation I made. They are still asking an arm and a leg for them too. Everthing from Ultras to the old Toppers from the 50's. I assume that they all bought them and found out they couldn't afford them or they really don't ride and the fad is over. A 5 year old bike with 5K for miles... whats wrong with that picture? I'll stick with my Midnight thank you!
  6. I know this is an odd question to be asking but: Does anyone have pictures of how and where they hooked their straps to the Venture when hauling it on a trailer. :rotf: Yes I know it ain't no stinking Harley. LOL Just kidding guys, I have owned Harleys too. Any way I would like to see, so I can put some I-bolts in the appropriate places on my trailer. Bubber
  7. I'm thinking pretty hard about putting different handlebars on the RSV, but Venture specific bars are pretty limited in selection. Doesn't some of the bars from Harley's fit our bikes? If so, which models (I think someone mentioned Road Glide in another thread)? Figured since so many more accessories are available for Harleys, it might make bars easier to find if I search for them instead of Venture bars.
  8. Hi guys, I have read lots about road king pipes on the forum, but as I am in the UK, there are not anywhere near the same quantity of harley pipes for sale, i have seen a few sets from other harleys though, can anyone have a look at this ebay auction for me and advise if these modded straight through pipes would fit on my RSTD ?. [ame=http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Harley-Davidson-Exhausts-/280657121551?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item415877d10f]Harley Davidson Exhausts | eBay UK[/ame] Cheers
  9. This one cracked me up.... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuUQfBZJtJg]YouTube - Shake me Harley[/ame]
  10. Don't mean to bash Harleys, I've ridden many, but this was too funny
  11. Bill W.


    Just got done reading an article on a website http://www.Blackfive.com. The writer is part of an American Legion Legacy ride to Milwaukee. He has been blogging about the ride for a few days now. The part that caught my eye was this: -Some of the 'non-American bike' riders made a request to be able to start their bikes before the Harley's do. Seems they can't tell when their bikes are running after the Harley's kick in... What a hoot!! At a gas or food stop, it must be like a NASCAR race when all the Harleys are running!!
  12. The new motor in my lowly lst Edition 86 is totally complete; and all the bugs have been worked out. This is one heck of a strong runner. I am again ridin around looking for a challenge. That eliminates all Harleys and all 2d Editions. I still miss my 88 though. And I most likely won't be ridin my Harley Ultra for a while. Besides she likes just sittin in the garage covered up waiting; just waiting.
  13. I took a car trip about 350 miles yesterday, south on I-5 about 80 miles, then over to the coast to Raymond Wa. then N to Westport Wa. then back to Seattle. Testing my new Ham Radio setup in the Blazer. Anyway, Bikes on the Road !!!! Unbelievable how many groups of riders were out. First Warm Sunny day in a few weeks here. And the Bikers were out in force, Groups of 5 to 20 bikes, one after another !!! I've been rideing in Wa State for about 25 years now, and never seen so many bikes on the road in one day !!! I guess the folks who do still have a job are takeing advantage of Fire Sales, on new Harleys, and whatever !!! Never saw so many new Harleys on the road !!! And!! old ladies in their 70's, rideing Harleys !!!! I must have seen 20 of them !!! Whats Grandma been drinking ????
  14. It seems that many of my friends have changed over to a Harley in the past year or 2. Two of them even traded their 1800 Goldwings for Ultras. They all say how much they like them. I have to admit that the Harley looks great and sounds fantastic. So I figured WTF, I'll go test ride. There's a shop in Columbia that sells nothing but used Harleys so off I went. I rode 2 Ultra Classics, one Road King, and one Softtail Heritage....none older than a 2004. Man, I wanted so much to like the Ultra...what a great looking bike with all the amenities. I couldn't get past all the shaking at idle and slow speeds. How does someone ride these things all day long? The only one that I really enjoyed riding was the Softtail. It was a really nice ride...very smooth. Now if I could get an Ultra Classic with the balanced Softtail engine, I'd be all over it. The salesman said to just get the Heritage Softtail but I pointed out that it was a "stripped" bike. I'd be giving up my fairing, hard bags, radio, CB, and most of all my cassette player if I bought it. I came home on the RSV still not seeing what my friends see in their new Harleys. My quest for my perfect motorcycle continues. I may have to go back to a Valkyrie in order to be happy. I have owned 3 of them and they are still by far my favorite bike. Maybe it's time to put the RSV on Ebay and look for a Valk Interstate. Anyway, just wanted to tell about my experience with the Harley.
  15. Awesome day for riding yesterday... left home around 9:30, tripped around the lower mainland/Fraser Valley, got back home around 5:30. Smoked a couple Harleys but when I tried to take on a PORSCHE ..... :crying: I always wondered how quick those thing were ... now I know!
  16. The other day while riding my 85 back from work i noticed a group of about 15 harley's about to pull up to the same intersetion as me. If you're going to take a right turn on that intersection there is actually a lane that lets you go about 30mph through it. I was following them and i guess the whole group decided to kick her in the rear so i though, yeah, i'll catch up with these big boys! Well i started taking off, and brought her about 6K RPMs and shifted into 2nd. Then up to third and as i was accelerating up the clutch slipped. We recently had the clutch cylinder fixed so i thought that it wouldn't do it anymore. Well in 3rd the bike jumped from about 3K to 6K without even accelorating. We have decided i need new clutch plates, but you know its always embarrasing to say you couldn't keep up with harley riders. Well, does anyone know how much it would take to buy some of those? Just wonderin, because i hope their not expensive
  17. It was great seeing Big Tom and Ken today at the D&R Depot, we missed you Taters. That reminds me we didn't see our newest member but hey I guess it's true what they say about them Harley's................... right Tom. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next outting. Tom how are you after that "Cardiac Burger" it's not on the menu just ask for the "BIG TOM BURGER" if you forget.
  18. I was riding south out of Bella Glades (FL) this afternoon, On Route 27 and passed a black venture, riding with two harleys, who were heading north anyone from here, we both waved at each other...
  19. In the 80's we had a great choice when it came to tour bikes. Every maker had one and the powertrains were all different. Now all we have is Harleys and Harley clones. I like the 1st Gen because of the luxuries with sport-tour handling. I didn't think there was really a replacement. I stand corrected.
  20. The 2010 harleys were announced today on thier web site. No big changes, nothing water cooled. Same old thing, with some different names. I sure hope Yamaha makes more changes then HD did.
  21. The 2010 harleys are supposed to be on the web site saturday at noon. The annual dealer show is saturday. Will be interesting to see what they have for 2010. Will also be interesting to see what yamaha has for 2010 in september.
  22. I can take the fact my driveway is iced up and still takes a 4x4 to get out. I can take the fact it's Feb 1 and the creek is running high. I can take the fact I got called out to work a few hours today but? What was that group of 4 Harley's doing out on the interstate? Acting like it was the fourth of July and I didn't feel like waving.
  23. http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/image00111.jpg http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/image00222.jpg http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/image00333.jpg http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/image00444.jpg
  24. Jeff was looking for a tire for the sidecar and found this site. Figured maybe someone might like this car. Here's the site. Not too bad looking has a trunk too. It's made for Harleys but should look good on the second gens. http://www.spaldingside.com/index.html Margaret
  25. The Pirate Ship pulls out another one. First place in Touring over a bunch of Harleys and Wings. She's 2 for 2 now.
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