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  1. Yo, does anyone know of any VR meets, MD's, or gatherings of anykind, anywhere in the next few weeks or month????? I am tired of sitting around, and want to go out riding a distance. Rather than simply going riding in my local area for the day, I always need a purpose and a destination. Otherwise I just sit home...typing on this forum. So, the best way to shut me up...typing wise...is to tell me there is a ride happening, a maintenance day happening, a nice dinner happening, and it is...1000 or more miles away. I leave in about 7 weeks to ride down to Bolivia, but I need something before then. Help?????
  2. To all of y'all here in Texas. I am back and looking for some rides and good times. So chime in and let me know what's happening. Thanks
  3. If any of the members here received a bogus email from me, I apologize. I had nothing to do with it and I do not know how it is happening, so if you get an email that says Peggy Yerger, DO NOT OPEN IT! I did not send it. Yama Mama
  4. I got a new neighbor that wants to be freindly. Must not have talked to others yet. Or maybe he isn't a Doper. I can only hope. Any way he asked how to keep Corrosion from happening between Steel and aluminum. I know this was discussed at length on here but brain don't want to pull that file!!
  5. I'm kinda a weather nut so I'm always interested in things having to do with earth changes. Some of you may have heard of the happenings in Turkey, but I've never seen anything like what's happening right now. Check out http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/ A couple of 7+'s and a bunch of 5's in the last couple of hours. Wonder what's going on???
  6. The last few days, my '99 RSV has experienced a total loss of engine power within minutes of getting underway. No loss of electrical power, but the bike just literally "dies" for no apparent reason, and then starts right back up again. In both cases, after I fire it back up, it repeats the process - dies, starts up, goes for a minute and dies, then fires back up. Then, in both cases, after about 10 or 15 minutes of riding, everything seems fine. This happened about 2 weeks ago as well, but then not again until yesterday morning and again this morning. I took it to my mechanic today (the original owner as well) and he can't find anything definitive other then the rubber vacuum plugs below the carbs on both sides of the bike have a small age-related split in them, so they are getting replaced as soon as they come in (I ordered them from the dealer today). The service manager at the dealership has no idea why this is happening unless he tears the carbs apart, which ain't going to happen - at least not there. But he is calling the Yami Tech Center in the morning to describe the symptoms to see if they have any intel or ideas on this from their database of issues and will call me. So, anyone have any suggestions as to why this might be happening? Could it be ignition related and not a fuel issue? I will be taking it out in the morning to see if I can get it to repeat this issue. Thanks.
  7. Friend took his new to him RSV in to get an oil leak checked out and was told that the shifter shaft had play in it and oil was leaking from the "wallowed" out area of the crankcase around the shifter shaft. I have never heard of this nor can I find any info on such a thing happening. Shop says it will be $6000 to fix because you have to replace the ENTIRE crankcase and basically rebuild it all. Assuming they are right, is there any repair for this? The bike shifts fine and is excellent otherwise.
  8. So....if you remove the insert from the wheel can the needle bearings fall out or are they caged to prevent this happening? Thanks...............
  9. With all the swings in temperature lately I have been getting condensation covering the bike. It is stored in an unheated garage on a concrete floor. What can I do to prevent this from happening?
  10. Ok folks I might be losing my marbles so I have come here to validate either I am crazy, going deaf (selectively) or this really is happening. Ok my bike has modified mufflers; the ends and first baffle have been removed. I think it sounds awesome (although not sure Skydoc has embraced the sound). Anyways, once the bike gets warmed up nicely I swear it gets quieter (not sure that is a word) My thoughts on this is either I am going deaf in direct relation to the bike warming up. Which could be nice when the wife comes along and wants to discuss meaning of life or other sundry details not pertinent to enjoyong the ride. This scenario is not likely. I am crazy and this isn't happening at all. Quite possible as I shot a stump once because I swear it looked like a deer staring at me. Now before PETA fanatics start blasting me for wanton destruction of Bambys let me state I do not hunt for sport but rather to supplement my grocery bill and besides I love venison. This really is happening; maybe due to thermal expansion or something else. Thoughts? And yes I have tried to treat the symptom with SeaFoam and now my ears are on fire
  11. Really an amazing sight..... This is not a"Mud Slide" but a "Land Slide" You may have all heard about the recent landslides in Italy . But up to now I have never seen one as it was happening. Use the link below and you will see a whole hillside in an Italian residential neighborhood slowly slide away taking grown trees with it..... Click here >>>>>> http://sorisomail.com/email/42722/ja-viram-desmoronar-uma-montanha.html
  12. We had the radio on at work. After the first plane hit, I thought "what a freak accident", then the second one hit and I was thinking it's impossible, this can't be happening...
  13. I am starting to get a bit concerned about the changes happening in here Avatars are going all weird with the likes of kregadoodle, and cupcake Some folks' posting in pink What is happening to the tone of this place???
  14. I called my local dealer yesterday to ask about a problem I'm having on the bike. When I get up to cruising speed is when it is most noticeable, 70 mph, set cruise it feels like it has a miss or is trying to flood. Thought it might be a plug not firing but all pipes are hot. The dealer told me they have been having alot of this happening. It stems from the ethanol enhanced gasoline we now have to use. The gas is eating up the gaskets and rubbers in the carbs. Will have to have carbs rebuilt 5000 miles. At least its under warranty:bang head:. Big brother sure knows how to stick to the people.The ethanol dries out rubber and cracks and comes apart screwing everything up. Asked him what can we do to prevent this from happening again, he said he wasn't sure, have to add something with lubricity every now and then might help.Just thought everyone might want to know.
  15. '07 Venture with 25k on it...output shaft was coming out and it broke gears. Anyone heard of this happening before? It is covered under warranty, but I am concerned and wondered if it had happened to others.
  16. Did some searches came up empty handed. Other than Dons MD does anything ever go on in the Ohio area. You know any rides or meet and eats, that I see happening all over the world on this sight. Just seems strange that the sight originates right around the corner and nothing else happens around here.:think:
  17. Ain't this the truth, Just watch this music video and tell me this isn't happening all over!! Click here: They're Shutting Detroit Down Ian Hope the link works!
  18. i just put an 09 rally schedule update under rides and rallies. for those that want to find out what dates things are happening. check it out. bill
  19. Lately I can believe some of the stuff sellers are listing on Ebay. Dirty, rusted, looks like they drug the bike out of Freebird's pond, and they expect a venture rider to bid on it??? It's happening more and more. Are they that hard up... or dumb??? I'da tossed it in the dumpster. EXAMPLE
  20. Anybody else getting wet inside their front turn signal/running lamp housings? If so, any good fix? Yesterday a friend pointed out that I had a burnt out bulb. Opened it up to change it and it is all corroded. Screws were rusted, inner receptacle was rusted. Never noticed it upon inspection in the past, but it was rusted enough to have been happening for a while. The rubber gasket appeared in tact. Think this is covered under the 5 year? Thanks in advance, TTW
  21. I'm trying to find out if anyone else has had the same problem as I am having and if so what they found out. I have an 06 Midnight Venture and have the following weird thing happening. Lately I have been driving my bike to work in the mornings. After the bike has sat for the day when I go out to go home it will fire up with no problem but when I go to drive away it starts out fine but then after a few hundred yards it loses power and feels as if just bogs down. This happens if the choke is on (I tried all positions) or off and only on days that the temperature is above 90 degrees. This has been happening since I bought the bike and I guess now that the riding season is on again I want to get it taken care. It's hard for me to take it to the dealer since they are around 40 miles away and I have no way to get back home. I changed the plugs a few hundred miles ago, synch'd the carbs with a CarbTune, checked the vacuum lines and fuel filter. The bike only has 5K miles on it. If anyone has any ideas I would highly appreciate it. Thanks...
  22. Hey y'all ! I was hoping someone could give me info on what is happening (who why what where when) in Leesburg Fl next weekend. I appreciate the help SKy Pilot
  23. There will be a motorcycle ride to support the troops at Fort Benning, Georgia on the 17th of November. Lots of other things happening there at the same time. More info is here: http://www.godblessfortbenning.com/schedule.php
  24. You know the last couple of days have brought out all kinds of opinions and idea's about modulars headlites ...was the young girl on a cell phone ..this and that and you know ...and I'm guilty of it myself ...but do we read all the facts ...find out what is really happening ...or see something and have to gave an opinion before we go though everything ..are we being sensitive enough when we post ....Jeff ..Gary's son ..is a very mature man ...he stated that the young lady wasn't on a cell ...she made a judgement error that was terrible ...but yet I read post of how she was on a cell ....How many even noticed his post ...how many realize that the young men are even looking at the site and reading what's happening here ...Hmmm do we need to be doing this at this time? I just have so many things going though my little brain right now ...I had to write this ...right or wrong it's just an opinion ...doesn't count for squat I guess ...but I had to write it ...
  25. I have been waiting an hour for it to load with no luck; and it is not the first time....
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