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  1. I happened to stumble across a Venture Touring Society (VTS) pin this weekend; kinda unique pin and organzation. I am curious, was this organization once VTS or what? If not, whatever happened to VTS? Anyone know?
  2. Some of you who have been around since the early days will remember Dan Lowery. Dan was one of the original officers when I started the "Venturers" site. I honestly don't remember if he ever joined this site or not but he and I did remain friends over the years. We rode together a couple of times when I lived in Dallas. I got word today that Dan passed away on January 9th which also happened to be his birthday. Dan was a good man and will be missed by those who knew him. Please say a prayer for his family and friends.
  3. My top menu shows the Member Map, but nothing for the list....
  4. I bought my 99 RSV in 2011 and the cb has not worked since I got it. When I push the cb button nothing happens. The rest of the system worked just fine until today when I went out to see if I could figure out what was wrong with it. I removed the CD player from the bracket and left it connected then I removed the trunk mounting screws, lifted the trunk and tilted it forward to get to the cb. Then I removed the cover and then unplugged and reconnected all of the connectors to the cb. Then I turned on the key and tried the cb button. The FM radio just kept on playing just like before. Then I pushed the channel up button and nothing happened, then I pushed the audio button and nothing happened. I tried all of the buttons and nothing happend. It just kept playing the same radio station that it was on when i first turned it on. The only thing that works is the volume and the display was showing the station it was on. Then I turned off the ignition the display went dark but continued to display the radio station for several seconds before it went blank. I turned on the ignition and the display lit up and it continued to play the same radio station as before only now the display is blank. There is still no response from any of the buttons but the volume still works. At least it is my favorite radio station. Can anyone tell me what the heck happened and how I can fix it.
  5. I got a neat clutch tool from ebay today. It locks inner and outer clutch hub/basket together when working on motor. Nice heavy tool made by EBC. Ebay sellers name is worldwide_motorcycle_equipment. Current auction at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&vxp=mtr&item=310498062254 Few pictures attached. I destroyed a crankshaft last winter when removing flywheel, wouldn't have happened if I had this. About $32 with shipping. I got it in 4 days priority mail. Gary
  6. Hey Carbon One.....is this how it REALLY happened????
  7. Ok guys (n gals too) I have a CB that is now staying on 09 all the time. It was working fine up until a couple of days ago. Acts like the red button is pushed or stuck but I checked that and does not appear to be the case. I know that there is a fuse that keeps the memory working so when the fuse is gone the CD reverts to 09 and that has happened before but this time I can't get it off 09 at all... I also noticed in the top right corner of the glass is another small 09 which occassionally disappears. Any ideas?
  8. I heard it was loaded and on it's way to Big Tom's house... so sad..
  9. Jamie aka Wingman, Gene aka K Rider and I just returned from a day of riding, we went down to Warm Springs, Ga, rode over Pine Mt. and had lunch in Pine Mtn at a great little BBQ stand, Three Little Pigs, we hit some back roads, a lot of back roads on the way back home and about 25 miles from home it happened, we were riding down this 2 lane local road when out of nowhere the deer, don't know if it was a buck or a doe, it happened so fast, I didn't have tome to react, I couldn't have missed it by more than 2 inches. One second clear road ahead, next second this fury blur goes right in front of me, no time to react, which probably saved me from hitting him or swerving to avoid, all I could do was stop, get of the bike and compose myself. Gene said he saw it come over the fence heading my way, but couldn't say anything on the CB fast enough. If I had been going just a fraction faster I would have t-boned it and that would have smarted.........I wasn't wearing ATGATT .......shame on me. I am supposed to be getting a new Mesh Jacket for Fathers Day........ It would of really have pissed me off :crying:to have destroyed the Venture after getting it back to almost like new.
  10. I consider myself very good with these carbs but I have a problem that has me a little stumped. I was out of town for a week, came home, started the bike as usual, a little choke and she fired right up and sang like a bull gator. After she warmed up, choke off, sitting idling while on the side-stand, the idle started decreasing and fuel barely trickled out of the overflow and the engine died. The fuel stopped. Restarted and once at idle, same thing happened, smooth perfect throttle response, no other symptoms. Stood the bike upright, started it again and same thing happened at idle. With any throttle at all it is fine. I think you can rule out floats and needles as the fuel stopped when the engine died. I suspect it may be a pinhole in the #1 carb diaphragm but I am guessing that would not normally kill the engine. With extra fuel, I didn't have any rough engine run like I would have expected. This one has me guessing! I think I will order a new set of DS-1s as I have never replaced all of the diaphragms at the same time, only as needed and I am thinking that they stiffen with age and one could be stronger than another. All inputs are welcome!
  11. To any GM Tech's, I have noticed occasionally when I activate either turn signal, nothing happens. No green indicators or front or back outside lights. The 1st time it happened, I thought fuse! not knowing if the 4-way flashers are on the same fuse, I pushed the 4-way button, they worked. When I turned them off I noticed that the left turn signal was now working properly. Yes the lever was still pulled down to activate the left signal. When I moved the lever up to activate the right signal it too was working, again. Tonight it happened again. Again I activated the 4-ways and the problem was again corrected. Has anyone seen this happen? Is it common? This is a 2004 Impala 4-door sedan, with the 3400EFI engine. We have only had it a little less than a year. It has 178,000 miles on it.
  12. Well folks, you try your best to raise your children right but what do you do when they finally do something that is a complete embarrassment to you. From the time they are born. You try to set a good example. Yea, we often fall short but we do our best and hope that they learn the important things that they need to know to get through this life. Now those of you who have sons can surely relate. Things are much different today than they were when I was a kid. Back then, those of us with a bit of a wild streak would drive our fathers crazy by sneaking out and riding our motorcycles all night, getting in fights in the smoking area at school, having a good pocket knife taken away by a teacher. Heck...I've even had the local police call my dad to tell him that they caught, but let me go, for having a couple of cold ones in my car. All things things and a lot more that I know caused some premature gray hair for my dad. In spite of doing my best though, I still always had that little bit of fear nagging deep inside. It got worse when Dylan started driving. Though I know that he is basically a very good kid and has never caused me any real trouble, I also know that we as parents certainly don't know everything. You worry that he will end up having a few beers with friends and the police will call late one night....luckily that never happened. You worry that you find out that they were busted drag racing on some deserted road. That never happened. The biggest fear of all is that they come home one day and tell you that they have gotten a girl in trouble. Always a big fear...hasn't happened. So just when I thought that we had made it past most of these things....tonight Dylan calls me with news that I never thought I would have to hear. Though he had alluded to it in passing a couple of times...I had simply told him to NOT become an embarrassment to me and I thought he had listened. I guess not.......................so......... I may as well say it...my son is....well....he has admitted to being an APPLE fan and as of today was notified that he has been hired by APPLE. Now he is in college and it is a part time job at a local Apple retail store but still....APPLE. I guess I should blame myself. We should have never moved to Ohio. I could have stayed in Texas...maybe moved to the Austin area so that he could be near Dell. I still tried though....he has been raised on Dell computers. I just assumed that he would grow up to be a PC man. But APPLE??????? To add insult to injury....he threw it in my face that he would be able to get me a discount on a new Apple computer. Oh why couldn't he have just gotten a girl in trouble.
  13. I have not been able to access this site for 30+ minutes. What happened? I was almost in rehab.
  14. 08-16-2006 - this is my join date, 4 years 2 months and some days, It is still the best site on the web. I have been a member longer than that but the "CRASH" deleated that history. I was just wondering how long most folks have been here? And when Don originally started the site? Anybody remember "Dallas" what ever happened to him? ..........I guess i'm just remenissing.
  15. Hey! Any one know what happened to ScaryLarry? Last time he was on, was October.
  16. I am no longer able to send pm's, I get kicked off the site every time I try. Anyone else, or is it just me? Wonder how that happened.
  17. I ran across this video recently, of a group of crotch rocket riders on a narrow winding road with somewhat blind turns. Can you guess what happened based on that description? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2y6WVOiKhE]MOTORCYCLE CRASH 6 motorcycle accident - YouTube[/ame] Timing, as they say, is everything! Andy
  18. Squeeze hasn't posted here since June ... what's happened to him???
  19. Yesterday evening, Jacque's father (my ex) had a motorcycle accident near Athens, Alabama. He has a concussion, short term memory loss, two broken ribs, and a lot of deep gashes. He was transported from Athens hospital to Huntsville Hospital to get am MRI and be examined by a neurologist. He could not remember what happened nor any personal information. Jacque said he thought he rode his bike to the emergency room. According to witnesses of a road crew picking up trash on a two lane road, he passed a van and then laid down the bike. Not sure why this happened, if he hit some gravel or something else. He was wearing a helmet, jacket and gloves. My son Ben, was going to the scene to try to find his cell phone and was going to look and see if he could notice anything about the causation. Thank you Painterman, for the telephone call. It just shows how our VR family is. We were planning on going to Alabama this weekend as Brock has a football game so we can check on Vic's condition then. Please keep him in your prayers, as well as Ben and Jacque. Please ride safe, Bobbie
  20. I for one would really like to Thank Gary for all the work he has put into getting these Ingitech units for us. I know he has invested a LOT of time and work into this. I couldn't do it. Without him we would be stuck with those old crusty units that worked sometimes and sometimes didn't. Really a major embarassment if it happened about the time you started to put that Hardley in its place!! MUCH THANKS GARY!!! Err you are going to make mine run just a little better than.......you know:whistling:
  21. Hi All, I bought an 83 with twenty thousand miles on it. I am experienceing a problem with the engine makeing burp noises and emitting smoke around the tank filler area. The smoke is blueish, like it prolly is crankcase blowby or would be similar to the exhaust of a car that is burning large amounts of oil. This bike does NOT emit blue smoke from the tailpipes at all. The burp sound, and this emission of smoke, typically happens at low rpm, maybe no more than 2500, under mostly very light to no throttle. The first times I heard it, there was just a burp noise and the emission, but the last time it happened, it was substantially louder, and there was a hiss at the end, along with a larger amount of smoke. I was travelling about fifteen mph in second gear, and it just happened. My impression is that this must be a build up of crankcase pressure, that somehow gets forced out thru the cc vent, into the air cleaner, then perhaps the air cleaner assembly has a rubber seal that is disturbed enough to make the burp sound, and separates releasing the built up crankcase pressure, or at least this is what I think. What think ye all, please.
  22. Had a hard time finding the 16/90/150. I was going to order them online but couldn't find any so I ordered it from the shop down the road from me. He could only find 7 left from all their tire sorces. I didn't need it yet but ordered it and got it and paid for it so it is ready to go on when I do need it. I wonder if they are not going to sell that size anymore? The same thing happened with the Comanders I liked so much.
  23. A certain fellow left his key/headlight on while we where stuffing our self's with fish. Man that fish was good .... And so was the big laugh we all had afterwards, it was not so much as what happened, but at what was said in the crowd that was willing to help push and give jumps from a Harley Road King... Sorry, but can not help it. [ATTACH]58144[/ATTACH]
  24. Just discovered this in my backyard today,,,,, anybody know what could cause this?
  25. Anybody have one of the cylinder side covers layin around? I just need one. Don't ask what happened...
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