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  1. My handlebars don't seem to be quite right. Seems like I have to reach a little farther than is really comfortable. I don't really notice it until a longer ride. It seems like the handlebars are *just* far enough away that I end up tensing up my arms, shoulders and neck. Once I realize I'm doing it, I can try to relax a little but usually by the time I've noticed I'm already in pain and it's too late. I ran across these for the RSV [ame=http://www.ebay.com/itm/200603911792?_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649&viewitem==&item=200603911792=&vxp=mtr#ht_500wt_1413]Yamaha Royal Star 1.5" Handlebar Risers Venture | eBay[/ame] and I'm wondering if they have something similar (or if these ones fit) for a RSTD. I don't think I need a whole lot, just need to move the handle bars about an inch closer to me. Thanks folks!
  2. Without going into details....... The handlebar mounted radio/CB control box got broken off. Does anyone have an extra they would consider parting with?
  3. A while back (2 mos) someone posted a thread showing how you push on the handlebar in a turn. Been looking awhile but can't seem to find it...
  4. I've been playing with this for a while and finally got it worked out. We old Maytag 1st genners are seriously short of handlebar space for mounting all those lil dodads and gizmos. Got that handled without drilling into the bodywork or fabbing up something to bolt onto the bike. I had to farm out a bit of work to our friend Dano to get the holes drilled square into the round stock as I had no luck with the hand tools I had available so, thanks again Dan. I first got the idea from Dingy when he welded up a nut to go on there to make his GPS mount. Pretty simple idea. Remove the nut recessed into the risers that retains the hand controls and remove it. Replace it with the stud extension to add the space needed. Roll an o-ring into the recess to keep out the grit and water and it's done except to mount on the handlebar clamps for the needed mounts. So from this day forward these shall be called "Snagglestuds". I made a pair for both sides so now to buy more stuff to mount......... Mike
  5. does anyone know what size the screw is that goes to the throttle box on the handlebar, part# 98504-05025-00 pan head screw??
  6. Found a time saver here is a list of most bikes handlebar sizes in one place... Comes in handy if you want to replace master cylinders or even the handlebars from one bike to another. Has all the measures distances including pullback, rise and such.
  7. When she goes online and orders you a brand spankin new 5", direct sunlight view, GPS with a weatherproof case & handlebar mount...exclusively for the bike! http://www.gpstraveler.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/-574721906406500690.jpg
  8. My searching ability must really be lacking because I usually have a hard time finding past threads, etc on here when I try to search for a specific topic. Anyway, is there a write up or instructions on removing the inner faring? I have split mine many times, but I need to be able to move the inner faring forward a couple of inches to install new handlebar risers. I've got one that the threads are almost stripped out and I want to replace that sucker ASAP. As always, I really appreciate any help I can get.
  9. I am looking for a set of Handlebar risers for my RSV. I really only want 1 inch ones but will take what I can find. Anybody out there got any they are willing to sell?
  10. That is the question! This all started with buying a set of handlebar grip heaters. I decided why not change the grips to a set of Kuryakan ISO's and then started considering new handlebars as well. Sooo, my question is how much of a difference is there? I want the controls closer to me and am wondering how much they actually come back, and is there any clearance issues?? Will I gain any extra handlebar area for mounting stuff?? Opinions, please!
  11. Not sure that I would like them but it looks like they should work pretty well. http://www.webbikeworld.com/r4/tucano-urbano-handlebar-muffs/
  12. I'm getting really frustrated trying to add a cup holder on my '83 Royale. There just isn't any handlebar real estate sufficient to the task. I saw where someone had screwed one into the lower fairing, but I'm reluctant to go that route. Does anyone know of an alternate solution?
  13. I was out browsing at my local Yamaha dealership this morning and they had a 2002 or 2003 Venture sitting there, I opened the door for the cassette player and noticed that there's a small hole on the right hand side, probably where you'd plug in your iPod? Once your iPod is plugged in, can you operate your volume up and down from the handlebar controller? How about skipping over to next song, is that something else that is possible using the handlebar controller? Also, how would you rate the sound quality that's on the Venture's stereo? And is it loud enough to keep up with wind noise at higher speeds? It must sound pretty good I would think, especially since there's even a pair of speakers located at the back of the bike too.
  14. What is the handlebar diameter on a 2nd gen? Thanks
  15. My new to me 2009 RSV has Kuryakin iso grips. When the previous owner installed them he didn't put the original or any replacement handlebar weights back on. Does anyone have a set that they are no longer using? I understand that it's necessary to modify the isogrips a bit (thanks Al) to get them to fit. Thanks
  16. For those of you who have installed an aftermarket tach. Which one are you using? Is it handlebar mounted or mounted in some other fashion?
  17. I did a thread a couple of weeks ago on my bike not wanting to go straight.I changed the steering bearings and it made a world of difference. Thanks for the input and help. Now that I did that when i left the handlebar lay I got air in the clutch line. Hope that should be an easy fix. Again thanks for the help.
  18. I have a Garmin Streetpilot 2820 on the left handlebar. I also have a Sirius Stiletto 2 satellite radio on the right handlebar. I've noticed in the streetpilot literature that with the right antenna, it can receive XM (for traffic, weather and music). Since I already have a Sirius subscription, I've been trying to figure out if the Garmin can receive a Sirius signal (if so I would consider putting the Sirius radio in my car and using the Garmin as the satellite receiver on the 2Gen). Web research is leading me to think the answer is no, something about XM and Sirius having different reception constraints. Are there any experts here that can definitively say either way what the capability is between Garmin and Sirius? David
  19. It's back! I installed the heavy brace which reduced the wobble, changed the front tire and it was basically gone Except for one small instance where I felt it ever so lightly. Now it's back. I've made some adjustments on the sidecar and need to correct the tracking but other then that No changes were made structurally. While out riding yesterday i had the great idea to give a quick tug on the handlebar, which immediately set off a brief wobble, but it also felt like there was a click when I tugged. Probably should have tugged on the right side too to see if the result was the same but didn't. Steering head??
  20. Any tips on replacing bars to a more comfortable style? What works - what don't Bull
  21. Does anyone have any personal experience with one of these? Right now I'm using an mp3 player, but it's kinda hard to ride and change songs with the player, but if I understand this right, this will play and be controlled through the handlebar controls. Wonder could it be adapted to the RSV? I thought it would be kinda cool! http://www.jmcorp.com/ProductDetail.asp?ProductID=JMDM-GL18&PF=32
  22. For those of you who have installed the shiny handlebar risers from eBay, did you use the bolts that came with them? They're a bit shorter than the stock bolts plus the riser length, meaning they'll have less threads engaged than the stock bolts. I'm wondering if they're fine, or if I need to order longer bolts from somewhere. Or for anyone with Barons risers, do you know what length bolts ship with those? The ones from eBay are 60mm (thread length). The risers are beautiful, btw. wowza.
  23. I must have had a worse day...just cannot remember it now. As I was winching the 87 VR up on the Volvo semi for the trip to the Rio Grande Valley for the winter I slipped on the ramp and lost my balance which resulted in a drop test from about 2.5 feet. It landed on the right handlebar which bent severely and main fairing which cracked in several places. I guess my stupidity will cost me 5$? Not to mention much more than that in plastic repairs. Does the stupid fund accept Paypal? I have a spare handlebar but need another right fairing and the parts that hold the speaker and a right front turn signal. I'll be monitoring ebay but wondered if any here had spares for sale. Thanks. Larry
  24. So who all out there has them what brand, do you like them and any other info you can give me. Thanks
  25. I am looking for a set of handlebar speakers. Was looking at some of the cheaper one on ebay. Just cannot justify 400-500 for the name brands, for that price i will just do a fairing. Anyone have any feedback on the ebay speakers. I am looking at this one. I already have my Siruis Radio installed and use my headphones. http://cgi.ebay.com/motorcycle-Ipod-audio-system-100-w-amp-2-speakers_W0QQitemZ250396165856QQihZ015QQcategoryZ18795QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
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