Anyway it is just so nice that there are so many people, willing to help others here. The help comes in so many ways, Mechanical, opinions, caring words, encouragement, etc.... (this list goes on).
I would like to thank Gary N for helping my wife get my Birthday Present. During our last meet and Eat she asked Gary to help her get a pair of lower wind deflectors. Instantly he said yes and had them shipped to Brad and Lonna's place.
They came in just before Brad and Lonna came up for the Hair trimming, so they were brought to Hals place (thanks also Brad and Lonna). Where Rhonda was able to get them home.
I know I have no pictures that is because Gary told me to put my tools away so they are not mounted yet, untill he comes to help Rhonda put them on:sign20:.
Thanks goes out to all.