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  2. Just kinda looking around for a set of carbs to fit my 87. If anyone has an extra set from a parted out bike and does not want half the farm for them let me know. Mike:fingers-crossed-emo
  3. Took a really nice trip to "The Pennsylvania Wilds" last weekend with the wife in the cage. My brother and I have a cabin near Sinnemahoning and the wife wanted to go up to see the leaves and do some local antique shopping. This was my first time stopping for a look see in Bellefonte. What a great town. We talked about retiring up in that area someday. Anyhoo, I noticed that I've two bulbs burnt out in the dash. One for half of the tach and another for the gas gauge on my 08 Taurus. I couldn't see if I need to go at this from under the dash or if I'll need to remove the part of the dash above the gauges. Anybody been into one of these before?
  4. Hello Gents I had an accident with my mercury filled carb sticks ( I spilled the mercury on my driveway ) My question is Does anybody know where I can find just an ounce or two of mercury...I spilled about half what was in there. Thanks for any ideas Ken
  5. Sorry we missed you the other day when we passed thru. Had a great vacation in your part of the country and got out just as the big rally began. We did make it to the 'Wonderful House' () but that was all the time we had in Scottsbluff. We also colored in the states of S.Dakota Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. The cabins in Hemingford are great, I would highly recommend them, the only draw back was the half mile dirt road from the hwy. Here is a couple pics of our cabin, the name is Patriot Inn, just at edge of town. thanks for your info----yammer'less [ATTACH]70625[/ATTACH][ATTACH]70626[/ATTACH][ATTACH]70627[/ATTACH]
  6. I have a 2006 RSV. Yesterday, when I went to downshift for the toll booth, I found I had no shifter. It was laying on the foot board. I stopped and slipped it back on to its pivot shaft and got home fine. My question is... What holds it on the shaft? The shaft has a groove machined in it all the around about half way on its length. But I see nothing on the shift lever that indicates how it is held on???? Thank you in advance CG
  7. Don’t' Trust PO mods Had a very interesting start to my day today, I did my normal routine checked tires, lights, etc fired the bike up and headed off to work. I was got about half a mile away and my bike just went dark and I could smell something burning scary thing at 55 miles an hour in heavy traffic. After sitting on the side of the road for a few minuets the bike came back to life and I was able to start it and get back home. When I got home I pulled the seat to find out the fuse block the PO but in had shorted against the frame and had melted the positive wire. After I finished removing the battery leads and made sure nothing was on fire I hopped on my other bike and headed to work. Firts Aid Kit You would think that this would have been enough for one day but no about half a mile from work I came upon a motorcyclist down he was scuffed up but nothing apparently serious. I stopped helped him out, did not have to use my first aid kit but I was sure glad I had it. Seems like a car ran him off the road and took off, I just could not believe nobody had stopped before I got there.
  8. Finally went on my 1st Patriot Guard mission today. Got rained on too, but it was worth it. It felt great to honor a Brother, and his family. Glad we could be there for them. Been a member for over a year and a half, but between working swing shifts, and all the short notices, I haven't made one until today.
  9. I was wondering if anyone knows of a replacement or some way to replace the top half of the CB antenna. I have 2 friends missing the top piece above the black part. Is it possible to make up something that will work or find a place that sells just that part?
  10. 4 to 4 Nasty boys not perfect need good cleaning a LX Star half helmet.
  11. Ever been called a dumb a$$, and known it was true? Finally had a chance to work on my carbs last night. All the screws that hold the carbs together are rounded off, so its time to break out the dremel. I get half the head of the first screw cut off, and the screw is still tight. So I do the obvious: grab the hammer and screwdriver to chisel the other half of the screw head off. Not sure why that seemed a viable solution. So now I need a carb body. And according to my wife, some common sense. Oh well, we all make mistakes, some just cost more than others. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
  12. I need some advice. About a year and a half ago, I got my 1st tattoo. It of course has meaning to me. Its my kids initials linked together chiseled out of stone. Anyway the other day I added to it. A stone circle seperated into 3 pieces, with the kids names written in each section. The names dont overpower the whole thing. I like the way it turned out, but cant make up my mind if I need to add some color, or just shade some of the middle some how. Maybe just leave it alone, as it is. Since it took me a year and a half to add to it, I'm just not gonna jump in and add a bunch of color etc. So I'll probly just let it go and not get into a hurry I guess What do you think.......
  13. I'm looking for a comfortable helmet insert so I can utilize the RSV's intercom, radio & CB. I have a full-face Hawk helmet, my wife wears a half helmet. Thoughts? First Venture ever owned. 2001 Royal Star Venture, purchased on 30 January 2012. -Dave
  14. Ok guys, so when do we have our first good ride planned? I'm getting antsy sitting here all couped up. It doesn't help that my better half decided to give be a really nice birthday gift and told me she doesn't wanna be by better half anymore. I figure a good ride with some of my friends here should help me get my mind of that and back to where it belongs. Ridin' is great therapy. Bill
  15. well i been haveing terrible knee pain in both knees. my left knee has been operated on over 17 times in just about as many years. there is now bone on bone. last night it tried to lock up? never had that before? heard a loud pop? now lots of pain. im going in for some injections. some xrays. and a possible MRI. i have been trying to get the doctor to replace this bad left knee. ever since the workers comp accident to it. im still fighting that case. of coure the doctor says your too young im 53 to have a total knee replacement? lets just keep doing the injections. well i got news for him. its my body my insurance company pays the bill. so lets get er done. no one should have to suffer if there is a better fix out there. granted a total knee replacement scares the crap out of me. like can i ride again? should i sell the venture and find a smaller bike?. it,s been over a year and a half and i have not taken the venture out for no more then 100 miles in that year and a half. im frustrated broke and just want to feel good again. get a bike i can handle. and maybe make that last run? well thanks for letting me get this out. off to see the doctor.
  16. FYI I went to Wally World and bought a bottle holder for a bycycle with a handle bar mount and put on the hand rail my better half is thrilled. Very simple and cost me $9.99 for the material.
  17. I put one full can of Seafoam in a full tank about every three to four thousand miles. Is there such a thing as too much or too often when it comes to using Seafoam. For example...would it be alright to use maybe half a can every fill up???
  18. I dismantled the starter switch and housing to clean all the internals of the switches. I'm in the process of putting it back together. There is a wide half circle clip that I forgot where it went. Any suggestions please. See picture. Please ignore the other 2 parts.
  19. HI all. A buddy i ride with has an 07 V Star Classic 1100 and is having a problem. After about 90 - 100 miles of riding or when it gets to about a half tank of fuel the bike loses power like its starving for fuel. If he stops and fuels up the problem goes away that is until the fuel runs down to about half tank. So what do you think?? I had him try seafoam because seafoam cures all but with no luck. Thanks. Bill
  20. I picked up a bottle of Sea Foam at Wally World. It says auto and marine, gas and diesel. Is the right stuff? It's a 20oz metal "bottle" do I use a full half or should I use less on my 09 RSV? Thanks everyone!
  21. I'm only half viking.............
  22. First condolences to the Women's friends and family but how fast do you have to be going to flip a pick up truck. On the news they said the bike was torn in half. Just can't understand why some people have to ride so fast and especially in urban streets. http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2011/06/burton_woman_killed_in_flint_c.html
  23. Hey all Just curious, IS there a Canadian Maintenance Day? If so, where, and If NOT, How can i start one up!!!? I've got a shop fully tooled with hoist, out in the country side, some good prairie runs here in Manitoba. Just seen a dozen bikes go by in the last half hour.
  24. Hey there VentureWingers. I've got two different types of risers for passenger floorboards for the wing for sale. We tried a number of combinations before we found what worked best for my wife. Both items are in "as new" condition and are considerably less than new cost. They are listed in the "Accessories for all bikes" category (Maybe we need a GW accessories section?). Anyway, if you're looking for something to help make your better half more comfortable, here's a couple options for you! If nobody here is interested in a few days I'll post 'em on a GW site, but thought I'd give my Venturerider buddies first shot. Dwayne
  25. My wife just got me (us?) the REI Half Dome 2 for my birthday. $134.99 is hard to beat for a tent this size. Looking forward to using it this summer. Practiced a couple times putting it up. Takes maybe 10 minutes to set it up: footprint, tent, rain fly. Less time if you are fast & don't need the rain fly. Can't wait.
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