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  1. Well last sunday was a beautiful day, it was hot, windy and there were all sorts of clouds in the sky. I put on about 140 miles and decided it was time to head home. I'd been listening to a tape all day so i turned on the radio to hear a severe weather outbreak warning for my area. Actually, not my area, more like about 30 counties surrounding me. They warned of torrential winds and baseball sized hail, so i decided to book it home. I got to a town that was 16 miles away from home and a big black wall cloud was the only thing stopping me from being in a cage, actually able to run into the thing. I decided if i go real fast i might get through it before it gets bad. Do things really turn out like that in life? I should be the one to say hell no. It was a downpour, which didnt bother me (what are the fairings for anyways right?), but then i noticed everything around me getting louder, and the bike getting pushed off the road. I then heard a slight *chink sound, and then another and another. I managed to pull over, do a quick U-Turn and gunned it straight back into the town i was just in. I managed to get out of the storm, which was predominately moving north, as i was moving east and this sort of caught my eye. The part on the right of the picture was on the ground, pushing winds at well past 70 and indeed throwing hail sideways. I was lucky i didnt get in the middle of it. But i put the bike under a lean-to and also watched to funnel clouds rotating from the ground up across the road from me. Needless to say it was a wet and wild ride
  2. Yesterday as I left work, I looked to the east where home is & saw very dark clouds. I thought, "Guess I'll be in quite the downpour by the time I get home." I also noticed it was quite cold. (My Gerbing's heated gloves are a joy.) So, as I reach the plateau (where I live), it's hailing. No big deal. Well, about a half-mile ahead it decides to dump with an accumulation of about a half-inch. Whoa! Tires a-slippin' & a slidin'. I'm down to a crawl between 5-10 mph, as are all the cagers. OK, I'm thinking I should just pull into the high school parking lot & park, call my wife at home & tell her she needs to pick me up there. Can't. No one will let me get into the right lane to turn into the lot. OK, maybe I can make it down the hill without an incident & go kind of the long way around to get home. Yeah, it's a flatter route once I get down that hill. I'm trying to stay in the tire tracks of the cagers while I'm thinking that everyone must think, "What is that guy doing? He must be an idiot riding a motorcycle in this kind of weather." All is well, so far. Now I'm at the light ready to turn left with the green arrow & this turn is about a 120 degree turn, with hail covering the ground, with wide wet painted lines for the crosswalk that I can hardly even see. "OK. I can do this. I hope." Going about 2-3 mph through this turn. Ah, made it. I'm puttin' along in 2nd gear (usually do this road in 4th). Half a mile later I must go through a round-about & make my exit at the 3rd right (270 degrees, 3/4 of the way around). Again, I'm only going walking speed through this round-about. OK, almost home. Only a 1/4 mile to go. I've got to start going uphill & then turn left into my driveway. Oh man, not looking forward to this. Driveway totally covered in hail. Successfully turn into driveway, tap my brakes twice to open the garage door, paddle through a 3 point turn so I can back into the garage. Yippee! Home safe. Sheesh! Talk about pucker power. Still icy this morning. Took the 4wd truck to work.
  3. and it don't rain in Indianapolis--- HAH, WANNA BET??? Lightning, thunder, rain, rain, hail, lightning, thunder, rain, lightning, thunder, hail, and then repeat. It's just plain nasty, and probably headed for Ohio (just in case there's anyone from Ohio active on this forum:stickinouttounge:) We're inside and dry, but it's been at this for around 2 or 2 1/2 hours now and no let-up in sight. P.S. forum name WATERING HOLE???
  4. Saw on the news that you guys had some baseball sized hail in North Carolina. Hope everyone is ok. Get your roofs checked out.
  5. ... as I'm noticing less and less new threads and/or posts showing up. Looks like we're finally shedding the crappy weather we've been having. Today, tomorrow, and Sunday all sunny and warm ... it is a welcome change from rain, cold, high winds, hail, etc that has been going on for weeks. I just "might" take the scoot out...after I clean it of all the cobwebs!!
  6. Really bad super cell thunderstorms moved through the northern part of Ga. last nite, no confirmed tornados reported as yet, have some wind damage in some areas, plenty of pea sized to baseball sized hail everywhere, but we dodged the bullet, got pretty nasty here with wind, lightning, small hail, but we are good, will see how the rest of town faired on my way to work.......hope everyone else made it through ok. Some areas got hammered real good with very large hail, bet the insurance adjusters are going to be super busy for a while.
  7. Below are videos of the damage hitting around Dave38x, but when I talked to him last night he and his family are okay, and not much damage. This is about 8 miles from the Texas Roadhouse that we have our M&E at. +Moore+reports%2E&d1=149567&redirUrl=www.wistv.com&activePane=info&Launc hPageAdTag=homepage&clipFormat=flv'>http://www.wistv.com/global/video/popup/pop_playerLaunch.asp?clipId1=2294052&at1=News&vt1=v&h1=Destruction%27s+clear+to+see+in+Elgin%2E+Stewart +Moore+reports%2E&d1=149567&redirUrl=www.wistv.com&activePane=info&Launc hPageAdTag=homepage&clipFormat=flv> This other link is shows the hail piled up south west of us and one of the tornadoes. http://www.wistv.com/Global/story.asp?S=8021749 Where Mechanic and I live, we got lucky, just some mild rain.
  8. Just as I was leaving work tonight we had a very massive and major storm roll in to town. Of course when the first rain drops hit to road all the stupid cagers hit the breaks and stopped traffic on the highway. If they had just drove normally I would have stayed in front of the storm. I got hit with massive amounts of rain and then the hail. I caught a weather warning on the radio about 2 inch hail and a tornado warning and a few spotted funnel clouds. Rain I can handle, small hail is fine since I have my riding gear and helmet, but 2" hail and tornado's!! I pulled off the highway and under a gas station canopy. I had left downtown along side a guy on a scooter and was talking to him as we were stuck in traffic. We both stopped at that gas station. The guys at the gas station were nice enough to open the garage doors to the service bays and let us pull in there for protection. (BTW, he rides a Maxi Scooter and he is like Don in that he has started a website and forums for these scooters. (http://www.scootermaxi.com ) We had horizontal rain and very strong winds. I got to talking with this guy and it turns out he lives a few blocks from me and works a few blocks from where I work. Go figure. Anyways the larger hail never made it to where we were and the rain let up after about an hour. We drove the rest of the way in light rain and soaked to the skin. Now I am finally dry and warming up. My wallet's contents are strewn all over my desk drying and my gear is drying in the basement.
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